Koltsov plates as information storages

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member

I searched the forum and didn't find references to this subject.

Sergei Koltsov is said to be a who even participated to rocket programs, who developed functional corrector plates destined for many uses: human health by restructuring the body water and harmonizing the human body to the natural rhythm and radiation of the Earth of the , better energy performance of fuels or devices, protection against harmful radiations, etc (sorry, most of info is in Hungarian).

Basically it consist of programming the information retrieved from water, homeopathic potions or other substances onto plates destined for correction of disturbed functional patterns:


It would be interesting to know whether this approach is also a valid and trustworthy one :huh:

To me it was rather hard to find information which was not copied from somewhere else. Not much info in English.

I found a book in German which I can't read: _http://www.amazon.de/Functional-Correctors-Sergej-Koltsov-Arbeitshandbuch/dp/3842369700

But there's a whole network of selling these plates, at a pretty high price. So it makes me wonder whether is a workable solution or merely money making.

I apologize in advance if this turns about to be just noise!
All input appreciated as I wish to be able to advise my friends who seem attracted by the offer, before they jump to it.

I was gifted with one of those some years ago. I tried it for a long time and didn't notice a single improvement that could be related to it.
Thank you Laura,

I was not aware of them until now, but I haven't been able to find reliable information so far. I was suspicious, though.
Hi all,
I discovered these products today and spent a good couple of hours searching on the topic.
At least, 4y after (discussion is from early 2016), this business is still on-going.

Hard to summarize, let's try :

The main scientific test which is referenced is about a test done by a german institute named "life-test institute", at least they still exist but haven't updated the site since 2018. Here's the website : _Welcome at LIFE - TESTinstitute - this is not what I call a nice one and I have this sensation that this institude was created by people who are already convinced they'll find something positive in anything. But it's just a personal feeling.

The 2 tests they made on these products can be found on the following pages, in german :

What has the most impressed me is the number of positive testimonies on the 2 official french websites, it's a lot ... whether it's a well-established scam with a mix of real testimonies + fake ones + delete of any negative one, or not !? At least, if I would decide to resell any product that could (really) help people, the first thing I would setup is a discussion forum, which is not the case here.

Here are the 2 pages of these testimonies, it's french :

Some other testimonies, quite less, but from another french reseller :

In a public radio show, they laughed about this, and it's true that it's difficult to believe : the fact that if you fill your car's tank with one of these plate near the filling pistol, this results in less fuel consumption. Well, why not, some testimonies acknowledge this, but we come back to the question if these testimonies are real or fake ones, and even if real, many factors can influence a car consumption.
Here's the link to this YT video, in french : Link to fr radio show

I also searched for external website testimonies, but wasn't much reassured about. These are usually some energetic healers who say these products help them in their work.
At least I searched on the russian network, but hard with (still) no knowledge of this tongue, found a reseller, here's the link of the site :
Russian reseller

This made me thought about what the C's answered regarding the power of the stones, at least crystals (in session of 4th march 1995), they said that what they bring is "small potatoes" in term of effect. Thus I wonder if it's the same here, or maybe a bit bigger potatoes in final, more noticable effects ? One of the testimonies on an external website, from an energetic practitioner, tends to be credible, insisting on the fact that you'll not see/experience any effect if you do not have a problem for which the plate is to be used for, but this seems an obvious/logical advice.

Well, did I lost my day on this ? Dunno. I hesitate to order some of them.
I came on the forum early today but did not search on the good keyword and found nothing at this moment, I searched again and finally found this small thread about. So I wrote this post in response, in order to avoid a potential complete loss of the hours spent today to dig on the subject if it's finally a scum, and thus to help any other to avoid doing the same in the future. The args that push me to test these products are the number of positive testimonies and the fact that this business is still "on-going" after so many years. But is any of these 2 arguments/facts solid ? I'll post back if I finally buy & test some, or ask some people of my entourage to test them.

Cheers to all
Hi all,

I did not plan to post back here now, but looking at the actuality at this moment, I write here a quick first feedback on these Koltsov plates :

Sorry if I do not enter in much details, but there are many things to do at this moment.

I bought 14 of these plates from my company, it's for testing, I consider the eventuality to re-sell them later in my region
I lent 8 of them, for testing purposes.
For myself, nothing special to say (yet), but im (I hope) in correct/good health condition, nothing bad or illnes since I use them at least.
But it's mainly regarding my uncle that there's a lot to say :

First, it's important that I describe my uncle Alain :
He's 75​
He's a kind of mentor for me​
It's him who made me discover Laura and the C's early 2000​
Former scientist bio/chemistry fully open​
Hard reader & searcher (read all wave books and many more)​
Self-medicate since a very long time​
He applied rigorously during a certain time the gurdjieff method of self-recall (maybe still now ?)​
He started and he's still doing the iodine cure​
He got Parkinson's disease and is fighting it using a method from a south-african guy, since now +/- 2y, he seems stabilized.​
It's the person who have an incredible rigor when he decides something.​
And he's doing daily meditations since 25y​

FWIW : In the second time in my life, he phoned me during February of this year to tell me a first sentence which started with "Thank you" (for having make me discover this)
First one was around 2012, when I "discovered" the colloidal silver and informed him about. And the second one is about these plates. So as said, it's FWIW, but for me, it means a lot, I trust him.

If i described him so much is just to make understand that he's not a common person, he knows as much as all of us here regarding our world. He decided since a few year to position as observer ... in a few words.

After less than 1 month of having one CEF i lent him, he ordered and get 4 of them.
He keeps writing one "Journal de bord", writing it as neutral observer (like a scientist is normally used to do).
He told me less than 1 week before that he observes many positive changes, and not only physical. You can, for instance, rebalance your chakras with them, he said that it works, I don't well remember the term he used, but something, traduced in english, like burning, tickling ... strong effect on them. About dreaming : he wasn't remembering them since 20y, et now he starts again to dream.
He gave me other details, but i dont remember all and I wanted to write the most important ones.

I plan to make them test by a friend living near me and who organize group meditations since a few years. He didn't want to test them 2m before because he's on another thing and prefer to do one thing at a time, but I plan to talk to him soon, explain him what my uncle told me and I think he'll be interrested to test them.

At least, I found a private website from a Russian, living in Moscow :
FSC — Functional State Corrector
He used auto-traduction, so it's not a good one, but if you go in the article section, you see that it's much discussed in Russia. they make conferences, various testings ... up to now, I only browse a few articles and was rapidly attracted by a (transcripted) conference of 4h with the main theme "Why FSCs are not working with me?!"
Here's the link : Why FSCs are not working with me?! - - FSC — Functional State Corrector - A good part of this conference is about the role of the man and the role of the woman (I know it's discussed in The Work but it's all). And even if traduction is crap, It seems that what they say,at least in this conference, is pretty ... good stuff !? I read it completely but as i'm not really expert of this subject I can much make a critic, I just felt they were saying something true. It's not possible to summarize ... and you are warned, it's long and badly traduced but this could be of interest, and maybe other conferences/articles, there are many.

Here's the russian original transcript : Почему КФС не работают со мной? Мерзлякова Е. М. - Статьи о КФС - Корректор функционального состояния Кольцова купить пластины. Отзывы, форум. Применение кфс Кольцова
I wrote to the owner of the site, Dmitri, and answered me fast (and i have to answer him since more than 1m now :-[), he seems a very a nice guy and he already invited me to meet him if I travel to Moscow.

I didn't want to post back yet about on the forum, but considering that this technology seems to give something, and as it serves a lot for healing/harmonizing/protecting, looking at the actual situation, asking for an ACK to the C's could be a good idea.

End of report :-)
Hi dredger!
Interesting info you bring here! I don't know anything about these plates, neither I have about Q-link that was discussed in this thread
Do you think if it"s the same principle?
Hi Nature,

A first quick response with new information :

Interesting info you bring here! I don't know anything about these plates, neither I have about Q-link that was discussed in this thread
Do you think if it"s the same principle?
I don't know, I would need to read the thread seriously, just read a few posts. If it' based on scalar theories (mention once in a post of the thread), as it's what they say for the Koltsov plates, then yes,or at least on this base aspect.

Here with these FSC plates, they apparently made 10y of researches (roughly 2000 to 2010) before launching a first product. They are still researching nowodays for what i understood, doing many tests and experiments.

I thought i posted it but no. I only found it in french, and at least for me, the auto-traduction to english does not work(?). But for any french-speaking person, it's the key introduction video to look at. It's 55m :

Note: this story about preventing the milk to curdle too fast is astonishing, i did not test, i never buy milk. I'm testing about fuel consumption, but it's slow, i do not much used my car these last weeks :huh:

What i can summarize at this moment, with all the imprecisions that it may bring (I give direct links to some specific pages) :
- French reseller seems well active, name is Quant'Essence, website link
- Apparently, the business is actually well developed only in Russia and France, some 3rd party resellers but not as developed in thee 2 countries. To any reader interrested : should be maybe interesting to look about in your own country
- public french website which is hosted by, I think, the owner of the product ( Correcteur d'etat fonctionnel - Plaque de Koltsov )
- it's based on scalar waves theories on N. Tesla (french - english)
- my uncle's (homeopath) doctor visibly used them since 2 years, he seems convinced and bought 12 of them. From what my uncle told me about one testimony he made : he had usual small/mild hearth "stress" (it's the best i can summarize, don't even remember the exact name in french ...), he tried many things to arrange this , and visibly the CEF worked well for him : his (mild) hearth problems disappeared. I think he used one of which i ordered and which i wear on me 16h/day and 24h by day since a few days. I 'm testing it because i started to suffer such strange physical misconfort in my hearth since now 3 years, after a difficult period in regards to the job area. At least, i can state that since I wear it (FSC 9 - french link / english one), i did not experience these "feelings" anymore. This is not really a pain what I felt, or a very mild one, it's more "toc toc - there's something wrong" - it's also a too short delay test right now, need more time. Note that i'll try to enter into contact with my uncle's doctor to try to "grab" him a few testimonies :lol:
- FWIW but I wear permanently (or sleep with) at least 2 plates, usually 2 or 3, since January. Did not experience any real "downtime" during these 3,5 months, and I kept all my good spirit during this (fake) corona worlwide theatre (at least until now) - No idea if the plates played a role, I just suspect that yes but i'm not used to be in bad mood or without energy. When it happens just wait, my machine is restarting, it takes one day of "grumpfff &/or zzzzZZZZzzzzz" :lol:
- my friend (see previous post) finally tested them 2w before, he made a "ré-equilibrage energétique" (energetic rebalancing) with 4 of them. One week after, he asekd me if I could lend it at least 1, I gave him 2, since them he's using them. He'll come back to me when he'll have a clear picture about - all i can say at this stage is that "it triggered something within him" and he wants to investigate.

More personal thougths / feelings / "ideas" about :

- There seems to be a nice community in Russia behind this, the energetic medicine scene. They seems well organized as they regularly schedule large meetings/conference of many people - this can be seen here on the site of the sympathic Dmitri.

- I was wondering about such communities, supposing they are well advanced on the STO path. I think, or i sense, that they share similare values, and that they could represent another community of SDA candidates ? I can't help thinking about the C's responding that they are in contact with some (many) other on earth (whichever manner). Actually, we are well aware or at least noticed that due to the actual events, it seems it triggered a "call to arms" of many people here. We are gathering, in mind I mean :-D - and what's the logicial next step once the people here will be .. more homegenous ? Could it be (also) finding other communities worldwide to achieve the same kind of grouping/networking/merging under a final common and earth-wide FRV ? Just 2 cent's thoughts ...

- Maybe that Dmitri would be a valuable contact for some here. I felt something, at least for me, since i browsed on his website, as said above, i did not hesitate to write him a first email and he answered the day after, this happened 2x rapidly. He reacted how i "imagined", it was like kind of a certitude he would be like he's. And yes, whiiiiz, it's very nice person, who is passionnated by these plates, by this technology and by what the does.
He's also a techies like @Scottie, studying the effects of scalar waves and is much on the topics of the "healing" and/or "protecting" sides of the subject.
Last about him, he wrote a small book in which he presents himself, made a summary on the FSC technology used and list all (or a part) of the different plates + some other information. It seems that he updates it, it's the 2020 version now - here's link to his book in english.

Could say more of course, i do not have the sufficient time to dig more on this subject at this moment, or slowly - and i'm still anyway in "test period" of these tools.

Last note : I plan since years to add new kind of business to the activity of my company, many ideas of what to re-sell, and also products to create. If these FSC work, i may concretise this long awaited project. And i have already new ideas poping about, let's see if they vanish or solidify during the coming weeks/months.
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