Keit - to develop ability to sense words - what books to read?


Jedi Council Member
Hi everybody!
I was reading Mareiki thread (Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea by Neutron) on questions for editors section and found Keit's post
he/she was writing about possibility of developing ability to "sense" person you are interacting virtually.
Keit wrote:
I am working on developing ability to sense energy behind the words. To "interpretate" and understand it's "source", intent or meaning. Communications such as forums and internet, lack the "physical proximity" where, if you are sensitive enough, you can feel the energy of a person you are talking to, and not be decieved by "smart talk". So this is crucial to learn how to see beyond the words and sense the person behind them. This is also deffinetly doable.
[...] For now my abilities in this area (sensing words) are limited, but I still can "catch the flow" so to say. I can "tune"/resonate with person's frequency, and examine the thoughtforms that come to my mind. This is of course, not the optimal method, becouse the goal is - to understand the flow without becoming part of it, because there is always danger that I won't be able to recognise what is "mine" and what is imposed on me by this "foreign energy flow". But, as I said - I am only at the beginning. [...] Maybe we should learn to develop another aspect of "discernment", connection with our inner/higher self, learning to understand our "gut feeling" in order to spot those who came to disrupt, and also to avoid misunderstandings between forum participants.
First I thought to write @-mail to Keit to ask whether he/she could recommend any books to train such ability. May somebody else would be interested in developing such abilities so it's better to put question here.
What books would you recommend to train ability "to catch the flow" of words and to discern the agenda behind one's words (it may be well confusion and misunderstanding and not intentional agenda in many cases)?
Personally, I don't know of such books or even if the topic has ever been addressed. Perhaps Keit will have to write the definitive work on the subject :).

I do believe, however, that discerning the energy of words is simply a natural outcome of learning to discern the energy of people and situations. With words, you just don't have the luxury of telling yourself the you are reading someone's body language, or other subconsciously transmitted queues.

Actually, the idea is similar to the concept of molecular memory in homeopathy. That hypothesis basically says that a very small amount of any chemical dissolved transmits its signature to the water solvent. Consider that our neural patterns can be transmitted through the electronic medium, and the words we express therein.

Similarly, if we are in consistent contact with an object, a sensitive person can feel our basic neural patterns through contact with that object. This is called psychometry in psychic lingo. Allegedly psychometrists can touch an ancient coin or other artifact and gain knowledge of it's history and the people coming into contact with it. It's really nothing more but a kind of memory storage, although a precise proven scientific explanation is not available (as with all psychic abilities).

I think, however, that we shortchange ourselves when we always have to wait for something to be explained according to collectively accepted paradigms before we use it. Especially if experience has shown that indeed it does work. And just because we don't know the precise mechanism of psychometric dynamics (whether they involved direct or indirect contact with a target object), doesn't mean these are "occult" or mysterious.

Sometimes it helps to tack on a fancy word to at least provide a literary reference to the phenomenon. Regarding what you may call "graphometry" (the reading of energy patterns in words), we actually do it all the time, although we tend to explain it away as "reading between the lines".

There is reading between the lines, there is discerning visible patterns, there is assessing a text as a whole or at a glance, and within those easily explainable dynamics there is also a dose of graphometric insight. Because it is interweaved with these other dynamics that are explainable it is easily bypassed.

When developed to a greater degree, however, graphometric insights are those that are difficult to explain in any other way. It is that insight that we find hard to justify, except for the sense that we "know that we know". Because they are hard to justify, there is little positive reinforcement unless or until other factors prove us right.

And even that is often not enough because the insight needs to be reinforced when it appears. The more you acknowledge any psychic stimulus the more you encourage it. In the beginning it's a fine line to walk, because you need to encourage the effect, but make sure you do not start making up stories at the same time.

What one needs to do is isolate those portions of general intuitive insight that cannot be explained logically, and ponder them. To accelerate or magnify the effect it helps to develope tactile reading. This means to literally feel the words absorbed by the retinas of the eyes and the whole of the body exposed to them. It involves allowing oneself to sense the words or the light from the words touching the retina without imposing thoughts upon the perception.

What the brain then assesses is not a visual pattern and its meaning, but something embedded in that pattern. We are most likely using different portions of the brain to assess the words than through normal reading. These portions very likely access the information embedded either in the light or in the field radiated by the computer screen.

Anyway, speculative as it is, my hypothesis is simply to show that this is just a form of perception and nothing magical. It needs practice similar to the development of any psychic sense, which basically builds on a pre-existing potential or subtle version of the sense.

That's my assessment, in a nutshell. I also think that graphometry is one of the easiest forms of what you might call "psychic perception" to develop. And as Keit said, it is certainly worth the effort.
Marshall McLuhan. and his son, have written some really interesting material about the development of language, not so much from a purely scientific viewpoint as the resonance of it.
He mentions in one book for instance (will try to find it tomorrow where I work) that English is referred to as the Language of Serpents by Arabic people.Because of the sound of it rather than any direct reference to Orion or Ayrans or Celts.
There is a temperamental connection between the language a person or people use, and a preference for certain sounds and constructs. For example Latin is a very structured precise language and very useful for legalistic thinking -many law terms are still Latin rather than in the vernacular language.Greek, as far as I can tell, is also a very structured language and lends itself to philosophical enquiry -witness Esoquest's recent analysis of empathy/sympathy for instance.Gaelic has three different tonal states but is also very consistent grammatically.Coincidence, that it has three? And so on.A person's usage will be coloured by their cultural background, with it's ingrained belief systems which are internalised by the individual. For instance in English to say " Jesus" to someone will push a Jesus button, whereas to say "s***" will push quite another.
.So to 'read' someone who is not present, on the net, for instance, recquires working out their native language background first of all.
Then there is their personal vocabulary.How do they structure their sentences-for clarity or obfuscation? (giggles).Big words or small? Hitler was notorious for inventing new terms, and I've read Main Kampf, which is the one of most tangled confused pieces of rubbish I've ever read. His words were desgned to impress and confuse.
"He must be a philosopher because he uses such bigs words".
Well philosophers do so,ponerology, for example, but big words like that are very precise.
Then there a few-more than a few, actually-"tells", a term that poker players use to describe unconscious gestures or expressions that a person emits while trying to cover up.
One example is a recent one on other threads-Dimitris.
One of his tells was the phrase Devil's Advocate, which ws originally the role assumed by a cleric who would find all the reasons a candidate for sainthood was not to be made a saint. This has devolved in common usage into the concept of being a rebel angel, or trouble maker just for the sake of it, which is the core of philosophic satanism-"we are needed as a balancing force in spiritual evolution."
There is also his usage of "magisterial",twice, i.e a magus, a judge.Projected at Laura and Ark but actually his attitude about himself.
So, look for the jarring effects of unexpected or unusual words, and if you have sensitivity you'll feel what I've heard described as a 'clunk'.
Something simply doesn't sound right.
it seems psychopaths just have to let you know, while they are trying to hypnotise you what exactly it is they're doing... it's an Ego thing.
For actual research I'd suggest closely listening to those you come into contact with, registering voice tones, speech patterns without necesarily paying too much attention to content. Most human communication is ,after all, phatic communion,, a shared emotional trance state, so content and meaning is not that important as such.
Maybe a conversation in a pub, or on a bus
.Then when you read online try to replicate the writer's Voice and cadences.
I'd also suggest looking at the roots of words, for example the Indo European roots for English words. You can do this with online dictionaries.This is especially helpful if you know or are studying another language, because it gives you the sense of interelatedness between various languages and the subtle diffences in thought processes, and often too, the basic simplicity and poetry of language at it's core.
Come to that it helps to read poetry.Poets are artisans with words.
I hope this helps and if I think of anything else will let you know.
Hmm...this is a little bit a problem, because I don't know and haven't read any of such books.
Everything I know up until now, is a combination of reading on several forums, listening and learning from those who already understood lot of things about this reality, and of course - personal experience and ideas.

I can recommend reading Castaneda, because he is the only one I know (and who is printed in English) who explain about so called Nagual or energy world. And sensing words, is sensing energy of those words.
The Toltecs look at creation as consisting of the Nagual and the tonal. The Nagual is all that is. It is unstructured. The Nagual condenses and the tonal is formed. The tonal is structured energy. The average person only perceive the tonal. As we move into the world of energy we enter, what is referred to by the Toltecs as the Second Attention.

The Second Attention is the world of energy. As all form comes from energy there are many benefits gained from the ability to negotiate and maneuver in the Second Attention. The Second attention is not bound by space and time. When in the Second Attention we are able to "see" events before they come into manifestation. We can "see" patterns of energy before they manifest into form.
But in my opinion, even if his books are very insightful, most of the people can't use the described technics, simply because they work in a very specific environment (read frequency envelope) that "allow" such things to occur. Also because not all of the seekers wish or should be "warriors". In my opinion, his material can be good "introduction", but the real practice technics or approaches should be developed by the seeker himself, because learning how to feel or "see" energy, is an art and not science. Like a person who wish to learn how to paint: he can know all the available technics, but he won't become an "artist" unless he will feel and know how to access and express his own intuition and imagination. Feel it with a heart and not only by mind.

I can offer several tips, though.

I would recommend to start with sensing energy of "real" people, or words that come from "real" mouths.
Simply because it easier, and because sensing written words is an "extention" of the same idea, also because we already know how to do it, just didn't know that it has a name ;) The key is to learn how to listen to our intuition and use our imagination. To make a whisper of our inner self to sound like a loud and clear voice.

But first some basics.
We are all made of stars! (well, it's a joke ;) ) The fact is, everything in this world have it's frequency. Everyone of us have our own FRV (frequency resonance vibration). And the goal of this forum is help us to rise this FRV. But what doest it mean actually? Cass said that genetics marry with soul if present. Development of our higher self depends on development of a soul. And body provides it's own lessons and progression on a short cycle, adding broader properties to something that can be called "frequency profile" or FRV. By developing ourselfs, we broaden our awareness and perception. And we do it by creating new thought pathways with something we call outside reality. Imagine a vast and most complicated neuron net. Each person have a specific portion of neuron connection on this net. Those who have higher awareness, have more connections, allowing them to percept and "see" something that is "far away" from others. With each new or additional connection, soul increases it's own potential, therefore can not only to perceive but also DO (infuence). This kind of FRV profile carry more "weight", and sometimes can "bend" the reality around it. Here take a look at this transcript:

Perception is bonded by awareness. Others are bonded to their awareness of you and all else.
Q: (V) Well, while this was happening to me, was this also happening to others in my general area?
A: No. Not likely. You do not yet realize how rare higher awareness is.
Q: (JN) What triggered it?
A: Frequency envelope thinning due to patterning imprint repetition of Violette in her environment.
Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking
Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is
something like that.
A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there
are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding
of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.

We all have our own FRV (our connections) but we all part of the vast system called 3d reality, therefore there are connections where our profiles intercept and allow us to experience common reality. So when we learn to think outside of the box, we actually learning how to rearrange our connections with this reality and to grow a new ones. And such change create an immidiate dissonance in the System. So it tries to return to status quo, to low a growing potential because it's creating a turbulence, effecting other connections. And sometimes it can result in a curios effect I call "thinking out loud". People around us (or those who are connected to us through "thought net", those who resonate with us) get a similar ideas to ours, or even can suddenly tell something that just went through our mind. It's also can effect electronic devices like computers, especially if the turbulence was created by conficting thoughts.

(R) Okay, that makes sense. (L) It does? (V) Okay then tell me. (R) Okay. It's like resonance. If the
environment has a particular frequency...hmm... (V) We were asking about the frequency envelope and
what it is. (R) And it's Violette. And violet is high energy, right? The color spectrum right? [The group
reviews the previous C's answer...] (R) Exactly, so it's a quantum jump. GROUP: Yeah. (R) Because you're
at one level and unless something strange happens that's where you're at. (L) In other words--you
emanate energy, the other person emanates energy, and the energy exchange is between you and the
environment, and between you and the person and the environment, and your environment is maintained,
and the envelope of energy is maintained around you. But if there is...what? Fluctuations? (R) Ah! "Your
awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment." Hence, if your
environment has a frequency that allows for a higher frequency, I mean, it always has the lower, but in
some cases it can allow for higher. (L) They're talking about it being fluctuations in the environment. If
somebody or something in you're environment is... (A) But the question is--which properties of environment
that we can describe in terms of...(L) Well they're saying that the fluctuations are in Violette. (R) In
concert with the environment. (L) And in concert with people who are in the environment. In other words,
something is breaking up and you are no longer frequency bonded to the people in the environment in the
same way; there is a fluctuation there. What is it called when you add too much energy to something? It
becomes unstable. Your reality construct is unstable. That's what I would say. (R) You have a bigger
marble that you can fit in a bigger hole if the hole happens to be there. (L) Right.
A: Rejoice! You are growing out of your shoes.

So when we interact with people, we interact with their perception, with their connections to outer reality.
Those who resonate with us, have similar frequency - create a comfortable feelings, those who are very different, create discomfort. And by different I do not mean "interests, hobbies or points of view, but energy potentials and their thoughts. Most of the people do not understand the source of this discomfort. They may be even feel it on a subconscious level, but it will effect their thoughts and subtle attitude toward a person in question. For example, an OP will feel a subtle aggression toward a "souled" one, especially if it's "awaken".
They will lie to themselfs or even won't be aware, but their energy will carry the message nevertheless. And this message will be "imprinted" on them. And it is possible to feel it, or to "smell" it. Maybe you'll find it funny, but thoughts "smell" :) It also possible to feel sudden aggression toward some person without any reason. Those thoughts can be analysed, and if there is no basis from you "side", you perceive what he (on subconscious level) thinks of you or about the one he is talking about.

There is a french animated movie "Time masters". I highly recommend it. In this film, there were two funny empathic creatures who could hear or "smell" the thoughts.
And they were saying about one of the evil characters that his thoughts stinked. Well, we can't read thoughts, but we still can smell them. :) We just need to listen to our intuition and use our imagination. And also here, is all about a first impression. Our natural tendency is to ignore our gut feeling and relay too much on actual words that come out from a persons mouth, or his attitude or cloth. It can be all a big lie. What can't be a big lie, is his frequency and smell emination of his thoughts. So what we need to do, is to catch this first impression, hold it, extend it and then analyze it.

Make a little exersise at work or at any other place you meet or talk to people.
Next time you talk to a person, try to understand what kind of feeling he gives you. What kind of energy eminating from him. Imagine that everyone have an energy cacoon around them, and when those cacoons meet or intercept, it's possible to feel the other person. Imagine that you touch his energy with invisible hand. Examine your thoughts. Try to put your feeling into images or forms. For example: there is a person at my work that everytime he just walking by, I have a need to make a shower. His energy stinks so much, I can barely stand when he opens his mouth. He is very manipulative and a coward. I perceive him as a hyena (it's even insolting to an animal). There are others that sticky like fishes, that maybe don't stink, but you still don't want them to "touch" you. There are those of "vampiric" type, them you can feel in your solar plexus. Even listening to them sucks energy, because attention creates a link. There is also another vampiric type, more sophisticated and mostly aware. They buff the mind of another person using complex words, creating a so called raport, then feed on the energy. This leak can be sensed in a throat area. But not everyone so black and negative. There are wonderful people who give a soft and warm feeling, like breeze. There are also those that maybe they are not a conscious seekers, but it possible to feel a resonance with them. It's like a connection of a heart, there is no discomfort. But the start is: use your imagination and ignore rationalisation (at first) that based on your prior familiarity with a person. See where it takes you.

Actually, kids and animals are not fooled by appearance. I wont recommend it to try on a strange dog, but you can try it on some familiar kid. Smile at him, but feel anger toward him inside. And observe his face. Maybe at first he will smile back, but quickly he will spot the deception.

Several tips on sensing words.

Everyone of us heard ones some foreign language we are not familiar with. And we always can spot some specific impression this language creates. For exampe, when I first came to Israel and heard Hebrew, I thought that everyone was singing, because this language have soft, wavy flow, like theeey aaaall siiing, up and down, up and down. So the Spanish. On the other hand, Israelis said that Russian sounds like language that contain only curses :) Very strict and dry. German was sound like barking, and Dutch was sound like a language without vowels, only with stop signs. :) And Americans sounded like they have a never-ending chewing gum in their mouth. (please don't be insulted. I just try to make an example of impression).
After we learn the language, we lose this "objective" ability to sense it from outside. So if this is possible, listen to completely foreign language (but without watching a person) and try to feel a meaning, emotion, anything behind it. Just listen to a flow without trying to understand it. It can be done with familial language as well, but foreign is much easier at first.

And then listen to a familiar language, also without watching a person. Use the same imagination as in the case of sensing the energy. When you do, try to imagine the words as the tiny waves of patterns that coming toward you. What kind of structure do they have, color, sound?

In order to "tune into the flow", imagine that your energy is flowing back and forth like a wave, touching the flow of words, mixing with it and bringing it back to you. Feel like it coming back to you and going forth again and again. The same thing can be done with a written word.

It's only so structural at first. Then it's just become additional sense or natural ability. Nothing magical.

Hope it's clear enough...
Keit said:
I can recommend reading Castaneda, because he is the only one I know (and who is printed in English) who explain about so called Nagual or energy world. And sensing words, is sensing energy of those words.
The Toltecs look at creation as consisting of the Nagual and the tonal. The Nagual is all that is. It is unstructured. The Nagual condenses and the tonal is formed. The tonal is structured energy. The average person only perceive the tonal. As we move into the world of energy we enter, what is referred to by the Toltecs as the Second Attention.

The Second Attention is the world of energy. As all form comes from energy there are many benefits gained from the ability to negotiate and maneuver in the Second Attention. The Second attention is not bound by space and time. When in the Second Attention we are able to "see" events before they come into manifestation. We can "see" patterns of energy before they manifest into form.
Here's a little more on the term 'nagual' that I found in the Cassiopaea Glossary:


The word 'nagual' belongs to the Nahuatl language. Also known as Mexican language, Nahuatl was the language spoken by the people now known as Aztecs and their predecessors (the Colhua, Tecpanec, Acolhua, and the Toltecs).

Nagual is the counterpart of tonal. Together, tonal and nagual are the two sides of the duality always present in the vision of the world of many indigenous peoples of Mexico.

In Aztec mythology, a Nagual was a totemic or tutelary spirit in the shape of an animal or a plant. Every god and human had his personal Nagual with whom he shared his fate until death.

The term was used by Carlos Castaneda in his books to describe a person who is able to lead people to new areas of perception. Currently, the term nagual is being used to describe a shaman or one who follows a path of knowledge such as the Toltec Path of Don Miguel Ruiz.

In Castaneda's works, nagual is the title or epithet of Don Juan and later Castaneda himself. Besides being a title or function of a person, nagual refers to the idea of the unknown and unknowable. Naguall in this sense is the sea of possibility that surrounds all forms. It is intrinsically beyond form. If something can be named,. It is not the nagual, it is a part of the tonal. Nagual is beyond description. We could compare it to the Eastern Tao in the sense that anything that can be described is not it. We could also compare it to the ungrund of Jacob Boehme. In more modern terms, we could compare the nagual to the zero point field. All form, whether of thought or of matter is tonal, whether it be known to or knowable by man. Only the absolutely unbounded is the nagual.

Red Elk, an Inter-Tribal Medicine Man, who is a self-described half-breed Native American/white, of both the BlackFeet and Shoshoni Nations, sees the human totality as consisting of three aspects -- body, soul, and spirit. The first, second and third attentions that Carlos Castaneda talks about in his writings may also correspond to these three aspects of the human totality. The first attention may refer to the attention governing the physical body, the second attention may refer to that attention which relates to the human soul and the third attention may refer to that attention that relates to the human spirit.

According to Red Elk, modern day Christianity erroneously equates spirit with soul. Spirit, says Red Elk, is the true Nagual and the Nagual is distinct from the soul. The Nagual, according to Red Elk, is what Christians call the spirit.

The Nagual most likely corresponds to the Sanskrit term Purusha or "pure consciousness." However, direct correspondences between similar terms in different systems of thought can never really be exact.

If the Nagual can be considered the spirit, then it is the Nagual that connects the human totality with that creative power that endows man with that proud title "Made in the image of God."

According to Red Elk, The Nagual is that part of the human totality which reincarnates and it is not the soul that reincarnates. He views the soul as something that must be formed anew within each life. He sees the soul as a mind that has organized itself into a fully functioning independent unit. A fully formed soul would correspond to a fully transformed mind. In other words, a fully formed soul is a mind which has been transformed into an organized and balanced unit so as to be able to "receive the spirit" and become a functional instrument of the Nagual.

Another way to say it is that the soul is a stable energetic structure that evolves out of mind, which reconciles the world of spirit with the world of matter, and is able to channel energies of a higher order into our present moment of experience.

The Nagual may correspond to the word "Geist" as used by Hegal, which gives Man that "latent potential" to form a human soul which would allow him to recieve the Great Spirit, which makes him truly "in the image of God." The Nagual is the uncreated in the created, the impossible latent in the possible that gives Man his soul potential to form a living soul and receive the Great Spirit allowing him to spiritualize the existing world while simultaneously allowing him the possibility of realizing his own essential nature as a human being.

Thus, from Red Elk's particular perspective, it is the Nagual, our "soul potential," which really reincarnates from life to life and the actual soul must be formed anew in each separate life.

Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book 'Tales Of Power' speaks of the nagual as:

"The nagual is the part of us which we do not deal with at all. The nagual is the part of us for which there is no description--no words, no names, no feelings, no knowledge. It is not mind, it is not soul, it is not the thoughts of men, it is not a state of grace or Heaven or pure intellect, or psyche, or energy, or vital force, or immortality, or life principle, or the Supreme Being, the Almighty, God--all of these are items on the island of the tonal" [End Quote]
Goodot said:
So to 'read' someone who is not present, on the net, for instance, recquires working out their native language background first of all... Then there is their personal vocabulary.
Today I received a email from a woman that I do not personally know. As I was reading the exposittions on this tread, I was trying to understand the ideas (I totally failed on reading anyone of you guys-except Keit, I sence is a she, and i senced happyness on her soul), when this quote I made on Godot ringed a bell on me: He is right. The email I have got from this woman, is in spanish and she is mexican too. I have little email activity in spanish. Most is in english. But what stricked me almost like a slap on my face (and I cannot do this on english), was her "load" of energy: A imposittion of her personality, as if the plan she courrently has for her life were the priority, beyond the message she was trying to convey. As if she had too much "intencity" on her purpose, so this "intencity" started to pour-out from her message, despite her efforts to try to maintain focus (she failed anyway).
I do not know if this relates to what has been exposed so far, but only on the example I am giving, I have sensed something more than the mere understanding of someone's angerness when, by instance, writes while being angry: I think everybody can tell about this. So the catch is to pick-up something else in the writting of a person who is writting in a angry or happy or whatever state. And this something seems to be more prevalescent that the actual, literal, conceptual message, and to that, one needs to master the languaje in question.
And I gather from all the participations the thing is to try it.

Keit said:
By developing ourselfs, we broaden our awareness and perception. And we do it by creating new thought pathways with something we call outside reality.
Keit has offered very interesting analisis on FRV and how this integrates the tissue of reality.
See, my problem has been my lack of belief (on reincarnation, on the C's, on... on my self!), thats why, as a first step, the perceptions beyond the norm have been difficult to understand for me. This has been modificating little by little since some time ago (producing extraordinary effects in my life), and I came to understand that, without a belief or a disposittion to consider new stuff, the access is guarantee to be sealed.
Without a exposittion of the self to this atmosphere (to open one's self to the "winds"), no search gives any results.
This is the second step on developing our selfs, as Keit writes: To broad our awareness. And that broads our perception.
With this "gate open" on one, something outside reality has then a way to step in, and this produces new thought pathways --->This is what I meant when I said "to try it".
One then has the work to build all this into sence, by maybe manufacturing our own personal methodology as to get to sence, or to interpret perceptions.
I think this is a more concrete avenue than the one about Tonalk and Nagual, which I find rather... er... autoctonous and ideosincratic -and not as universal as to "create new thought pathways".
Uuuuuhhh! Just speechless! Thank you, Keit, Godon, Esoquest, the Gardener, Kenlee for your insights and advices.
There is no other place on the net where questing for truth and "reality check" go to the very bottom of abyss clouded by interminable layers of lies. Well maybe somewhere forum(s) like sott do exist, but I'm not going to spend the rest of life looking for the second forum like sott! Where else I could study "what is inside" myself, observe myself and others (the right word would be trying to ...) and share insights and experiences? I don't mean to say this as compliment but as words that resonate deep inside. I need to digest what you wrote but it seems you rounded the problem from different angles.
Working with other languages to see the pattern of words:
Kei wrote:
Everyone of us heard ones some foreign language we are not familiar with. And we always can spot some specific impression this language creates.[...] After we learn the language, we lose this "objective" ability to sense it from outside. So if this is possible, listen to completely foreign language (but without watching a person) and try to feel a meaning, emotion, anything behind it. Just listen to a flow without trying to understand it. It can be done with familial language as well, but foreign is much easier at first.
I can't but add a bit of personal experience here. First Castaneda book I ever read was in English, second one I picked up was in Spanish. That sounded really terrific: to practice spanish and to read about Toltecs path - sounded like "all in one package". So, i bought a book, and noticed that spanish text really had a "gut feeling" as Keit put it. It had that authenticity of experience i didn't feel in english version. So, i started looking for Castaneda's books in spanish intentionally and all other books i read were in spanish. Here to omit that i definitely passed more time embracing Larousse than Castaneda's text but it was ok until I read a series of books on Toltecs path and analysis of Castaneda paradigm by russian Alexei Ksendzyuk. And there i heard micro splash of "worls in collision". It was (and still is) quite a challenge to me to meet the ends of Castaneda in 3 languages (sott forum - Castaneda's books i read in spanish and Ksendzyuk analysis in russian). There is a path of Fool, but if there were a path of a stupid idiot, I would follow that one! One of Ksendzyuk's books is "Seeing Nagual". Actually you can't see (feel study smell ...) nagual as you can't Do anything about tao. If there is any description that isn't nagual. Ksendzyuk wrote in foreword: " The title of the book isn't advisable to percieve literally. It is self-evident that it's impossible to see nagual - neither with common means nor with toltec seeing. In all instances we can only imply maximal approximation of our perceptions to true Reality of nagual. But in the case of Toltec path of knowledge "break" into nagual is so overhelming that author decided to permit such poetic "voluntarism" in giving this book a title." Book analyses lucid dreaming and "seeing" and proposed special methods and techniques practised by Ksendzyuk. I don't know if any of his books on Castaneda and toltec path were translated in english, I read only Florinda Donner book and didn't get it. If my spanish were any better may be it would be not so time consuming as it takes quite a bit to clear mind and meet ends. Last week I bought Castaneda in russian and will re-read both series.
Learning to perceive message behing words will be a challenge to me. I noticed when it comes to speak or write about myself words very often become like clouded and i can't see myself beyond that clouds. Long way to perspire, and I'm really happy (it' not the right word again!) to be here to listen and learn. Thank you for suggestions, I have to perspire them now!!
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