James Fetzer on The O'Reilly Factor

Lisa Guliani

The Living Force
James Fetzer on The O'Reilly Factor - Video clip


Here we go again. O'Reilly hogs up all the time attacking Fetzer and affords him little opportunity to even speak. Instead, Fetzer has to sit there and be abused by poison-spitting, kool-aid carrying "Loofah Bill". At least the professor didn't go on TV this time talking about Barbara Olson's mythical "arrest" or how "Dick Cheney" did 9-11 - although this is likely where he WOULD have gone if permitted the time to respond - and we certainly don't need more of the same ole "Bush-Cheney, Bush-Cheney-Cheney-Cheney-Cheney did it" looping on TV.
Seems to me like the only reason why he got to be on there at all was so Bill O'Really could use him as a verbal punching bag and publicly affix the label of "America-hating loons" to the 9-11 truth effort once again.

Fetzer was pretty passive in this interview, not his typical style.

omfg i couldn't even watch more then the first two minutes.

O'Reilly is such an obvious mouthpiece for the administration, its revolting. He gave Mr. Fetzer about 30 seconds to voice his opening argument/position, and then proceeded labelling him "a nut". He then goes on to talk about how the professor in question at the university of wisconsin has a position where he is dealing with "impressionable youngsters" well what the F does he think his job is? He's on TV! He has more viewers then this one professor ever will, and he's worried about the impression this guy is making? Gimme a break...

Here's one for you mr o'reilly. You've been lied to, or programmed, or both by a government that isn't actually "our government". Mr Bush is not the "mastermind" of 9-11, and that is a obvious distration from what 9-11 researchers are saying. He is a tool, like yourself, and both of you are blind to your said status as tools. Who is pulling the strings? Likely Rabbical Psychopathes as discussed in Douglas Reed's Controversy of Zion, this claim does have evidence, mountains of it, that have been buried or distorted or hidden by the shield of "anti-semitism". Anyone who has the courage, intellect, open mind and time to study this evidence finds his case compelling. But like so many others you find this possibility so disgusting, so remote, that you do not even admit it into your cognative framework, keeping you, your viewers, and an entire generation of "wishful thinkers" vunerable to the machinations of a state run by twisted psychological deviants bent on the destruction of our entire way of life.

::wipes sweat:: phew.... lil POd, sorry for the rant.

I put the above in my blog, and threw it up on shoutwire, the link is here: http://www.shoutwire.com/viewstory/33980/Bill_O_Reilly_Blind_Deaf_And_Certainly_Dumb_

please shout me! :-)
Cyre2067 (and others)

Does O'Reiley have a website/blog so that you can post
your comments to him? Seriously. If all of us here at
the forum can send him our thoughts, then he just might
have to shut down his site and taste his own medicine?

Sing along chorus: "A spoonful full of sugar helps the medicine
go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down...."


Ah.. with you bro!
Isn't it absolutely amazing how COINTELPRO works when looking at it from hindsight? It is basically known by all that Fetzer is COINTELPRO, and to watch his rise and abrupt fall in the 911 truth movement just leaves me shaking my head at how fooled I remember being. He makes himself look like the victim of the bullshit artist maniac O'Liely, but we now realize that his getting face-time was all being used to let him get as much credibility as possible in the movement until his orders to destroy himself and those with him were carried out with his friend Morgan Reynolds.

Come to think about it...

almost the EXACT same thing happened during the Sam Danner nonsense wherein Bollyn and Hufschmid, and even Michael Colling Piper whom I GENUINELY respect, went so high on a limb that all their credibility was essentially destroyed by the Danner Hoax. The real guys are very few and far between, it seems, on all levels.

The 9/11 truth movement has gone as far as it is going to go, mainly because no one therein was able to see through the divide and conquer tactics that they should have expected to be used against them. Many, some apparently enthusiastically, engaged and still engage in "infighting". While the tactics of Cointelpro are pretty insidious, what is really depressing is the realisation how easy it is for them to sow discord. They just start the ball rolling and the self-interest of the truth seekers will do the rest. To me that is the really amazing thing; that a group of people allegedly interested in the truth were so easily baited into thwarting their own aims.

Joe said:
The 9/11 truth movement has gone as far as it is going to go, mainly because no one therein was able to see through the divide and conquer tactics that they should have expected to be used against them. Many, some apparently enthusiastically, engaged and still engage in "infighting". While the tactics of Cointelpro are pretty insidious, what is really depressing is the realisation how easy it is for them to sow discord. They just start the ball rolling and the self-interest of the truth seekers will do the rest. To me that is the really amazing thing; that a group of people allegedly interested in the truth were so easily baited into thwarting their own aims.

Boy, you can say that again. And it didn't matter how many times we tried to help these people to see that they were being used, duped, led around by the nose, how pathology works in groups, and so on, nothing was to be allowed to get in the way of their egos and their egotistical investment in their theories.

No one wanted to admit that they could, just possibly, be driven by emotional programs, beliefs, wishful thinking, faulty thinking. They all figure that if they thought it, it must be right. Again and again we point out that until you have dealt with cleaning your machine, with adjusting your reading instrument, and most of all, you must have a network!!!

A group is needed, a tight group, and one that can spot and eliminate pathology.

But they don't want to hear that.

In a way, what is happening is kind of like evolution. Most people, upon seeing the Truth about this world, fall apart; they can't go on; it's too horrible and they must retreat into their illusions to stop the pain of realization. But those who can face the Truth - even the truth about themselves - can then go on to create, to do, to make a new world.
Laura said:
Boy, you can say that again. And it didn't matter how many times we tried to help these people to see that they were being used, duped, led around by the nose, how pathology works in groups, and so on, nothing was to be allowed to get in the way of their egos and their egotistical investment in their theories.

No one wanted to admit that they could, just possibly, be driven by emotional programs, beliefs, wishful thinking, faulty thinking. They all figure that if they thought it, it must be right. Again and again we point out that until you have dealt with cleaning your machine, with adjusting your reading instrument, and most of all, you must have a network!!!

A group is needed, a tight group, and one that can spot and eliminate pathology.

But they don't want to hear that.

In a way, what is happening is kind of like evolution. Most people, upon seeing the Truth about this world, fall apart; they can't go on; it's too horrible and they must retreat into their illusions to stop the pain of realization. But those who can face the Truth - even the truth about themselves - can then go on to create, to do, to make a new world.
Boy, does that bear repeating......

(thus this post)
I made the mistake once that since I was tired of being a monkey, everybody else must be too.

I've been paying for that mistake for a long time, or rather the REALIZATION of what it means that most people aren't tired of it.

Welcome to Monkey Island.

There are those that are making their way out of the jungle onto the shores, to find those that are building boats to leave, or building lighthouses for those who seek a way out, metaphorically.

SOTT is such an endeavour.

Regrets of what could be, are rampant. It is what it is, but that won't stop the seekers and builders among us.


"You shall not pass!"
Azur said:
"You shall not pass!"
Funny. Last week I refused to allow my new boss to degrade and bully me. There was simply no reason for doing so. When I took a stance and pointed it out, and he kept on doing it with a lot of but, but, but, I said it out loud : “No Pasaran!” and this while drawing an imaginary line through the air.

He stopped. I hope he learned something so that we will be able to cooperate in the future. It is also possible that he stopped to sort of regroup "his forces". I will know tomorrow as we will have a talk about the incident. Either way, I will learn from it.

All I'm asking is a bit of respect. No that's stated too weak. I demand it, I've had it, enough is enough.

More on “La Pasionaria”. _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolores_Ib%C3%A1rruri
Charles said:
I demand it, I've had it, enough is enough.
Well, he already doesn't respect you. In other words, his criterea for treating someone as a human being is not just because someone else is a human being. If you fight it and show that you won't tolerate it he *might* stop, but only because you don't allow it, not because he "changed". You know he'd do it to you and to anyone who doesn't stand up for themselves if given the opportunity.

I personally find that an interesting thing that happens in general too. You know how people have all kinds of advice for how you should "act" in a relationship to prevent the other person from "walking all over you", and many people also feel nervous when their partner is around an attractive member of the opposite sex and would prefer to minimize such situations, etc. But why? Why not let your partner walk all over you? Why not give your partner every opportunity to cheat on you? Why not give htem the perfect opportunity to do all the things you'd not want your partner doing? Otherwise how do you know they won't if you're the one struggling to make sure they never get the opportunity?

Most people have this illusion that their partner "loves" and "respects" them and would never do "bad" things to them or behind their backs - and then do everything in their power to make sure the partner never gets the opportunity! In other words, "keeping them in check". How is that anything but a back and forth STS feeding struggle? If one is too "weak" to resist, the other becomes the dominator and just feeds on the submissive partner.

Why would anyone even want a relationship where you have to constantly struggle against being fed on and disrespected? Of course if someone is not feeding, it's only because they are too busy being fed on by others. So basically all relationships I've ever known are: eat or be eaten. Depressing.

It seems the only solution that makes any sense is to not feed - but at the same time not to allow your energy to be eaten. But hey good luck finding someone in this world that does that. Subconsciously everyone knows this is happening, and some people are more conscious of it than others. Anyone who doesn't like this dynamic is most likely depressed to some degree - because we're surrounded by it every day. And people wonder why there are so many depressed people in the world.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
So basically all relationships I've ever known are: eat or be eaten.
I remember when I came to that shocking realization many years ago, when I reached my 30s, even though I used a different vocabulary to talk about it then. I used to say how much it depressed me that in almost any new relationship I encountered (boss, lover, friend, co-worker, etc) the first order of business always seem to be establishing who was going to be "TOP" and who was going to be "BOTTOM", and that most people felt confused/upset/angry when I refused to take EITHER of those roles, and simply wanted to relate to them as an EQUAL. I often felt FORCED to adopt one role or the other, even though I didn't want to, and ended up feeling deeply resentful; the only alternative was to end the relationship.

Then there are those relationships where the participants agree to TAKE TURNS being TOP/EATER and BOTTOM/EATEN. It's not even about who plays which role, as long as the DYNAMIC remains the same.

Depressing indeed. I came to a point where I refused to accept anything other than what I considered "equal and cooperative" relationships in my life, and as a result, for a period of time, I had no close relationships at all. That eventually changed, but I am still very careful about who I allow into my life, and I have had to learn to keep relationships with bosses, co-workers, etc at arm's length.

It is enormously difficult trying to live in a predatory world, but not be OF it. It takes constant vigilance and self-awareness.
Back to the subject at hand.............................

For those who haven't seen Outfoxed, you'll see how O'Reilly operates.


And this from the NY Times

These methods are analyzed by an array of media critics and activists, and also exposed by former employees of Fox News Channel and its parent, the News Corporation, some of them speaking anonymously, with their voices disguised. The story they tell is of the systematic and deliberate dismantling of journalistic norms, and of an outfit that has become not merely a voice of conservatism but a cheerleader for the Republican Party. Sean Hannity, co-host of a popular public-affairs yelling match, uses part of each broadcast to count off the days until "the re-election of George Bush," and daily memos from headquarters set an agenda of slanted priorities.

Some clever editing shows how the newscasters use repetition to hammer home their positions: joining the name of Senator John Kerry to variations on the word "flip-flop" as if it were his very own Homeric epithet; floating the disconcerting idea that the likely Democratic nominee is, somehow, "French"; and implying that he is the favored candidate of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Il. There is also an amusing, appalling dissection of the way Fox uses the phrase "some say," as in "some say Senator Kerry has a tendency to flip-flop," not to cloak a source but to camouflage a statement of opinion.
Scio wrote:
Well, he already doesn't respect you. In other words, his criterea for treating someone as a human being is not just because someone else is a human being. If you fight it and show that you won't tolerate it he *might* stop, but only because you don't allow it, not because he "changed". You know he'd do it to you and to anyone who doesn't stand up for themselves if given the opportunity.
I'm not sure about him, but 4D STS will certainly take every opportunity to exploit any and all programs to feed on whoever is vulnerable whenever possible.

Most people have this illusion that their partner "loves" and "respects" them and would never do "bad" things to them or behind their backs - and then do everything in their power to make sure the partner never gets the opportunity! In other words, "keeping them in check". How is that anything but a back and forth STS feeding struggle? If one is too "weak" to resist, the other becomes the dominator and just feeds on the submissive partner.
This gets down to whether you can trust your partner or not. I don't think blanket trust is the answer, because it's important to acknowledge your partner's weaknesses in order to avoid becoming a victim of them yourself. At the same time, trying to control your partner's behavior isn't going to have a positive outcome.

If it's a question of something so fundamental as fidelity in an intimate relationship, I agree with you - Why bother? If you have a faithful partner, whose psychological problems/character weaknesses sometimes get in the way of a largely harmonious relationship, it makes sense to set boundries. In my experience, some people actually do change when their significant others defend their boundries for a period of time. The fact is, that sometimes when a person isn't allowed to overrun other people's boundries anymore, they discover that it's actually an improvement. What I'm saying is that what may not initially be a choice to respect their partner, but rather the lack of opportunity to disrespect their partner, actually turns in to a willingness to be more respectful after discovering the benefits of it - long lasting, deep intimacy.

Isn't it just as important to learn how to respect ourselves by setting boundries as it is to respect others by allowing them to choose? If they choose to continue with hurtful behavior indefinitely without showing any signs of improvement, the intimacy just ends. It doesn't matter if the couple stays together or not, in terms of intimacy. It's just not possible anymore.

It's no easy task becoming aware of exactly how we, ourselves, prey on other people's weaknesses. We all do it sometimes, often unconsciously. It makes it easier if we are working on it, AND the people around us learn how to set limits and avoid being prey osit.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Why not give your partner every opportunity to cheat on you? Why not give them the perfect opportunity to do all the things you'd not want your partner doing? Otherwise how do you know they won't if you're the one struggling to make sure they never get the opportunity?
That's covered in "Evolution from Monkey: 101". Might also be recognized as "How to escape your bio-machine once you notice it".

It's not widely published.

Except here.
can't but hope we are reading the same book - The One that is not widely published, neither it is on qfs reading list. Except when it rainfalls from above.
The passage i was reading yesterday is this:
It is possible, now, to propel yourself forward towards the you that you will become, and have already become elsewhere and receive knowledge, lovingly imparted, by a you in greater wholeness, more practical completeness, to you now - even more loved then. This is conceivable and therefore possible. With sustained desire and choosing, possible transcends to available. There can be, if you wish it, great joy here. Be heartened, and stop now.
Rest. Critical mass is near.
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