Is there something about us the Lizzies/grays are jealous of?

Arcadia is writing what is commonly known as 'word salad' - if he/she would like to converse in a clear, concise and generally understandable manner, he/she is welcome to let us know.
anart said:
Arcadia is writing what is commonly known as 'word salad' - if he/she would like to converse in a clear, concise and generally understandable manner, he/she is welcome to let us know.
I was just about to write that very sentence.
Thank anart.
Arcadia said:
The nature of law for example is such that as soon as understanding is realized for someone and if those things are dictated to another for obedience then that abiding understanding or realization takes on a different nature for the one who is "playing God". Which is good news. The nature of life is intended and designed naturally for individual realization as every part is a unique aspect of the All. So it would be naturally lawfull for the mandate of love to fail for anyones own protection of divine purpose.
Just one selection of a major load of word salad hooey.

Lobaczewski said:
The instinctive substratum of the schiozoidal psychopath operates as a whole as upon shifting sand. They lack a natural sense of psychological realities. They have very efficient intellects, but it dangles over dimmed feelings of human nature. Nevertheless, the intellectual aspect persistently strives and endeavors to generate great doctrines and amoral strategies that are cunningly conceived so as to act suggestively upon naïve individuals whose intellects are not so well developed.
CarpeDiem said:
isn't this Arcadia a twin-sister of Dimitris - the same literary sophisticated babblespeak?
...or even the same person? That "salad" does sound familiar except for the "aka-dressing".
I don't know if it's right to write this. I've been reading many of yours writings here, and I have to say, there is no empathy in them. It's more self expression. Yes, I need 2 sides for interaction, and it could be me who can't receive the empathy. If you want to read my question, there you go: Is it good to know the questions?
wr4 said:
I don't know if it's right to write this. I've been reading many of yours writings here, and I have to say, there is no empathy in them. It's more self expression. Yes, I need 2 sides for interaction, and it could be me who can't receive the empathy. If you want to read my question, there you go: Is it good to know the questions?
It seems that you may be confusing empathy with 'be nice programs' - or even with 'love and light'. This forum serves a very specific purpose and those who come here to manipulate, to distract/mislead or feed on others are dealt with in a very upfront manner. It has nothing to do with empathy or lack of empathy in any way, fwiw.
It seems that you may be confusing empathy with 'be nice programs' - or even with 'love and light'. This forum serves a very specific purpose and those who come here to manipulate, to distract/mislead or feed on others are dealt with in a very upfront manner. It has nothing to do with empathy or lack of empathy in any way, fwiw.
I have to say, my english is very bad. No, im not saying how things are. You made the choose, how you wanted to see my text. I hope not to attack to my writings, or judge me from my writings. I let you write, and not to disturb anymore in this forum.
wr4 said:
It seems that you may be confusing empathy with 'be nice programs' - or even with 'love and light'. This forum serves a very specific purpose and those who come here to manipulate, to distract/mislead or feed on others are dealt with in a very upfront manner. It has nothing to do with empathy or lack of empathy in any way, fwiw.
I have to say, my english is very bad. No, im not saying how things are. You made the choose, how you wanted to see my text. I hope not to attack to my writings, or judge me from my writings. I let you write, and not to disturb anymore in this forum.
Looks like your understanding of English is bad. Anart was not judging or attacking, she was clarifying. There is a difference. I think her analysis of your post was spot-on. And it did seem as though you were the one attacking and judging, based on your post that anart replied to. Maybe you could clarify which post and what words you thought were lacking in empathy?
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