Is the people asleep?


Well, yes, I didn't post for a while, but I have personal reasons for that. I've been woking, seeing people, meeting other perspectives and I noticed that people... sorry, MOST people is completely asleep. They are not aware of the changes, they are not even interested on seeing beyond of their eyes. I can't force them to do that, because I'm violating their free will. Of course, I'm aware that not all people have individual soul and is very hard to realize who does and who doesn't have an individual soul. One could say "How could you be sure that there is people who have individual sould and those who doesn't?" Yey, I'm trying to realize that. But, sometimes you think that you can actually feel it...

Talking about awareness, that made me wonder if there's a real incoming catastrophe as C's suggested. They said that the people that is not aware, they will at the right time. Time is an illusion, things happens when they have to happen and nothing else, or at least, that what I think. People are BLINDED with all their material problems and their predators minds that are obstacles in their progress (If there's any). Is really really hard for me to walk this path and seeing all my friends, my relatives and even my partner walking through their path of material lies, illusions and being food for those who control us. That's devasting for me.

Geez, I don't know if that happened to you too, but that were my thoughts. Thanks for reading. :)
Hello Cyrus Wallace,

I think i understand how you feel... ;) The way i see it, the vast majority of 3rd density humans -like us- serve the purpose of the General Law with little or no conscience. This realization comes in such contradiction with what we are told to believe about our "mighty" self, when actually we start and usually finish our lives being just "worms" or "slaves" in esoteric language terms (Gnosis). But then i think that this Law exists for a definite purpose who may not be evident or "convenient" from our human perspective, but probably it's existence sustains and facilitates in a grand scale the evolutionary function of the Universe. And maybe the alternative to this Law is only to be bypassed by those who want to claim their chances to become an exception through hard esoteric work so ,all in all, i always try to keep in mind that the General Law is not to be "changed" or "erased" or "judged" by us. We can only hope and strive to earn a small chance to overcome it...

On a final account: the situation is getting harder, the "bad guys" are in place, and all the odds are against us. So... what a great story this can be! :D

Just some thoughts...

Cyrus Wallace said:
People are BLINDED with all their material problems
Or perhaps they are just learning at their own pace. And perhaps 'material problems' is just a part of it.

Cyrus Wallace said:
and their predators minds that are obstacles in their progress (If there's any).
Or their predator mind enables them to learn specific lessons.

Cyrus Wallace said:
Is really really hard for me to walk this path and seeing all my friends, my relatives and even my partner walking through their path of material lies, illusions and being food for those who control us. That's devasting for me.
I really love what PepperFritz said here that took my thinking and interpretation to a new level (which might help you as well as it has helped me):

PepperFritz said:
You have to work on getting to the point of being able to see that person as being MORE, so much MORE than who/what you currently see them to be, to see them as a unique soul who has their own lessons to learn -- in quite distinct separation from you -- and has freely made their own choices to be who and what they are at this moment in time.

Cyrus Wallace said:
Geez, I don't know if that happened to you too, but that were my thoughts. Thanks for reading. :)
I've been through the same (and still am going through the same), but if you keep practicing your 'quietness' and practice to not determin the needs of another and in some way understand what you've read in a different way, it will give you peace to some disturbing thoughts of ''I wish she/he would know/think what I know or think''. At least, this was/is my experience.
Hi Cyrus Wallace;

I too, have been away for awhile - and have experienced similar feelings that you express.

In the past 6 months, I have lost my job, lost my home, lost my health benefits (my wife depended upon heavily) and lost all my most valuable property ( due to two seperate burglaries from our storage units).

In addition, My mom is under Hospice care and my 70 yr. old father suffered complications from a recent surgery that left him completely bed-ridden for two months. During this time, I was forced to enroll in trade school in order not to lose my NAFTA benefits, but had a terrible time the first quarter due to emergency family care.

I have also had to deal with desires to help close family members not being 'awake' to the reality surrounding them, but I have already gained strength from the interactions I have had on this forum already. That has helped a lot.

I agree with Oxajil about the eloquence and value of the post here:
RE: Why the Secrecy?

Finally, I would like to add the following thread to PepperFritz's recommendations, as it seems to be relevant and was an immense help to me:

"Helping:" STS or STO?
Hello Buddy, it's good to see you back.

My heart goes out to you in your recent difficulties. I went through a similar period myself about ten years ago, suffering loss after loss after loss; just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did, in spades. I know what a challenge it is to keep your head above water and maintain your sanity. Looking back, I learned my most important and essential lessons during that period, but at the time it just felt like unrelenting hell.

Try to remember that "all is lessons" and that there is probably a "purpose" to your current tribulations. You might also consider the possibility that you are under "psychic attack" by forces who do not wish you to be "awake", and/or that you are experiencing the pressure of the General Law as a result of your efforts to escape to escape mechanical life -- in which case the practice of Strategic Enclosure becomes more important than ever....
Hi PepperFritz;
Thanks for the kind words and advice. I take seriously the idea that 'all is lessons' and I can say that I have learned a lot from my experiences, and continue to do so.
Hi, guys, sorry for responding late. (Internet problems, personal problems, etc, etc, etc... you know)

spyraal said:
I think i understand how you feel... Wink The way i see it, the vast majority of 3rd density humans -like us- serve the purpose of the General Law with little or no conscience. This realization comes in such contradiction with what we are told to believe about our "mighty" self, when actually we start and usually finish our lives being just "worms" or "slaves" in esoteric language terms (Gnosis). But then i think that this Law exists for a definite purpose who may not be evident or "convenient" from our human perspective, but probably it's existence sustains and facilitates in a grand scale the evolutionary function of the Universe. And maybe the alternative to this Law is only to be bypassed by those who want to claim their chances to become an exception through hard esoteric work so ,all in all, i always try to keep in mind that the General Law is not to be "changed" or "erased" or "judged" by us. We can only hope and strive to earn a small chance to overcome it...

Hi, Spyraal. Yes, talking about this General Law, I was reading the famous Kybalion when I was 16, and I rememeber some text that said something like this: "You can't supress the laws, but you can act over them", for that we have to do some "evolutionary climbing" passing through this density to a high existence. The higher you are, more control you have. I'm saying this based on that book. There is no law without exception, we have to find out that. Hard, really hard, but not impossible.

About the other, we can say that people are avoiding everything "strange" or that where all media (TV, internet, video games) are trying to make the people think like if everything related to hiperdimensional beings, higher realms and the like are just inventions of our minds. Most of them feel confortable with their lives, they don't realize that they are food, that they are slaves of their own programs. Sadly, but their lesson consist in awake from that "dream". It's ironic, reality contains more fiction than movies themselves, and they don't accept it. :lol:

Oxajil said:
Or perhaps they are just learning at their own pace. And perhaps 'material problems' is just a part of it.

Geez, that's why I think that I'm in the right place. Thanks, Oxajil, I didn't consider that. Everyone has to pass through their own learning path. They have their lessons, their "problems" and those "problems" are part of their "test".

Oxajil said:
Or their predator mind enables them to learn specific lessons.

Sorry my ignorance, but... how? :shock:

Oxajil said:
I really love what PepperFritz said here that took my thinking and interpretation to a new level (which might help you as well as it has helped me):

PepperFritz said:
You have to work on getting to the point of being able to see that person as being MORE, so much MORE than who/what you currently see them to be, to see them as a unique soul who has their own lessons to learn -- in quite distinct separation from you -- and has freely made their own choices to be who and what they are at this moment in time.

Accepting them as they are, because they are walking their own path based on their own choices because they are free to do it, even if they don't know that they are free to make their choices. I like that phrase, thanks for sharing that. :)

Oxajil said:
I've been through the same (and still am going through the same), but if you keep practicing your 'quietness' and practice to not determin the needs of another and in some way understand what you've read in a different way, it will give you peace to some disturbing thoughts of ''I wish she/he would know/think what I know or think''. At least, this was/is my experience.

Wishes, desires, determining the needs of another are STS attitudes (On my understanding) and we are that: STS beings. For us, beings of 3° density, we're limited for our physical existence, illusions like time and direction... is hard to break through that. We have to remember past lessons and learn incoming lessons in order to grow and go beyond. That's why we are working together and by our own: To learn, and... "Everyday you learn something new", that's my phrase.

Buddy said:
Hi Cyrus Wallace;

I too, have been away for awhile - and have experienced similar feelings that you express.

In the past 6 months, I have lost my job, lost my home, lost my health benefits (my wife depended upon heavily) and lost all my most valuable property ( due to two seperate burglaries from our storage units).

In addition, My mom is under Hospice care and my 70 yr. old father suffered complications from a recent surgery that left him completely bed-ridden for two months. During this time, I was forced to enroll in trade school in order not to lose my NAFTA benefits, but had a terrible time the first quarter due to emergency family care.

I have also had to deal with desires to help close family members not being 'awake' to the reality surrounding them, but I have already gained strength from the interactions I have had on this forum already. That has helped a lot.

HI, Buddy, long time no see!

I'm very sorry what happened to you, but we always have to remember that "All is lessons". I have the strange habit to ask myself when something happens "Life, why are you trying to teach me...?" and that makes me sit and think with my head cold and quiet. PepperFritz told you the rest, his answer was more complete than mine. :)

Buddy said:
I agree with Oxajil about the eloquence and value of the post here:
RE: Why the Secrecy?

I took my time for reading it. it was rich information. Self-knowledge is important, but understanding the others is really important too. We don't have to confuse "determining the needs of other" with "understand the other", there is a small difference between them. Understanding makes you accept things like they are and ,if you determinate their needs, you'll be forced to help him based on your desire of "make them feel better" violating their free will. That's what I think.

Buddy said:
Finally, I would like to add the following thread to PepperFritz's recommendations, as it seems to be relevant and was an immense help to me:

"Helping:" STS or STO?

Those are the most tricky concepts ever. We're not pure STS and we sometimes can be STO beings. Pure types seems rarely. That's what I thinks.

Ok, guys, sorry if my english is not clear and I'm very sorry for this late answer (It costs me a lot to express myself in english). Do you know when will be the spanish SOTT Forum online? :huh:

Take care.
Cyrus Wallace said:
I have the strange habit to ask myself when something happens "Life, why are you trying to teach me...?

Something I read in the "Seth" material, many years ago, has always stayed with me. It suggested studying and analyzing the narrative of your daily life -- people, places, events, etc. -- as you would the narrative of a remembered dream. The idea is to see your waking life as a kind of "waking dream" that contains symbolic clues to one's emotional growth and spiritual life. I've found it a very effective technique.

Cyrus Wallace said:
We're not pure STS and we sometimes can be STO beings.

No, that's not quite correct. We all have an STS orientation as a condition of being third-density beings on a third-density planet, and are not capable of being "STO beings", only "STO candidates. Perhaps you'll find the following post I made in the "Understandings" thread helpful in sorting out what that means:
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