Irish childrens and Serbian drug addicts


Jedi Master
This information was today main in our local radio stations (Beside suicide bomber in parlament )

And it was following the local news about :

"Beating the drug" from adictive in ortodox church shelter.


the news are in local language but I will try to find english version, but video says for itself
English article:

Crna Reka rehabilitacion center link:

Meri, maybe some more thorough expllanations wouldn't be bad. For example "suicide bomber" was just hungry poor worker demanding his workers rights and demanding money that goverment promised to him after fire him from the job (very ussual thing in Serbia, where any "goverment system" hardly exists). On that you could also mentioned worker in hunger strike, when no one from the goverment was paying attention to them, he just choped off his finger and ate it, and make attention to media (B92 before all, they are catching that bizzare things) (yes, situation in Serbia was very heavy far before "world crysis", people are hungry, and ecpecialy now almost non existent "working class") One of the reason why I was reacting on topic about "poor Islanders who cant go to the shoping in Europe every weekend anymore"

Maybe it also would be worth mentioning that radio and TV station B92, while has some good thing on their programme like that beatings, (which you gave the links) today serves as a main anchor for PTB and their satelites in Serbia. Meaning that they are very close with George Soros and alike. Not to mention their anti tobbbaco campaign and "every woman has cervix cancer, lets vaccine our little girls like they in America do" campaign.

I would be very very subjective now, but if some OP TV exist, B92 will be that.

IMO you did very shallow job with just providing that links without deeper explanations. I can see that you see B92 and that link about beatings and drugs like oposite sides, well, maybe they are not, eather one is very extreme and bad.
The causes why this man come with the bombs is same as suicide bomber in Iraq for example . Missing justice.
So no matter which cause is, he is what he is , suicide bomber , and I did not point out in any case that is bad.
Anyway politicians cant be influenced with some cutted finger especialy not if that is not their own finger . But when whe talk about the bombs in front of their doors , maybe this will move something in brains of others. They invited that man in front of their door, by ignoring his warnings and letters
Anyway , I did not mean on the suicide bomber on this post , I was thinking about that any religion is not speared of violence and ortodox church was proud of their mercy and unagresive approach.
Regrading the B92 it is not worst or better of any other media in Serbia, they are all same , but packed in different papers. Sameas politicians , those are same as those before unfortunately.
Meri said:
The causes why this man come with the bombs is same as suicide bomber in Iraq for example . Missing justice.
So no matter which cause is, he is what he is , suicide bomber , and I did not point out in any case that is bad.
Anyway politicians cant be influenced with some cutted finger especialy not if that is not their own finger . But when whe talk about the bombs in front of their doors , maybe this will move something in brains of others. They invited that man in front of their door, by ignoring his warnings and letters
Anyway , I did not mean on the suicide bomber on this post , I was thinking about that any religion is not speared of violence and ortodox church was proud of their mercy and unagresive approach.
Regrading the B92 it is not worst or better of any other media in Serbia, they are all same , but packed in different papers. Sameas politicians , those are same as those before unfortunately.

Any religion is proud on it's non violence aproach, catholic or orthodox, or budism. That's don't means it's neseseraly true. I don't see orthodox church as exception of that.

"Sameas politicians , those are same as those before unfortunately."

Like every polititian anywhere in the world isn't? Do you had a chance to read political ponerology maybe? It's good.
Yes , I have read Political Ponerology and stayed schocked and depressed at the begining , I am getting back to it time to time . It helps me a lot in understanding of pathology,not just in politic but in business behaving here. There are so many things that I figuring out when I repeat reading , which I havent notice before.
Unfortunatley , I had no chance to find it in local language , so I have order it on english from friend of mine . I cant find who published book here.
But as I understand from the book, at the begining of work and acting of political party sometimes there are some healty parts of it , which later be "swallowed " or "removed" or "addapted"by patology parts . I am wondering is that happened here ,and were we the witnesses of that process , or we were wrong from the begining. victimes of manipulation.

Regarding the religion, maybe I am surrounded by the people who insist of non violence approach of orodox church comparing with other religion, forgetting what happens here in not so long past. And there is always protecting church in public, since if you say something bad , you are emmediately enemy of the country.
I am travelling due to the job all over Balkans, and I am listening stories from every side , all religion that are here, and it same story everywhere , we are good , they are bad. I am wondering , how come war ends with this state of mind here which is same as in those bloody years. it is even worst since every side now insist on rituals , tradition, or holiday which they havent practice for last 50 years. I understand that it was forbitten by leading comunist party in the period from WWII, but that is not excuse for "eruption" of religion.
When I watched video of this shelter , I think that responsibility is on both sides. Church who is beating , and addict who think church might help in his illnes. Of course those people act with lack of knowledge, or somebody take them wihout their will. But I think when somebody have problem first learn about it and then try to find the solution , like people ill from cancer or some other physical disease , they are reading all the sources , accept all the explanation and from that getting the picture which alternative solution mignt help .
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