Invasion of Evil (Dream)



This is a dream I posted a while back on another website. Just wondering what others might have to say about it. (This is my first posting by the way. Very glad to have found this site, I know I'll probably spend countless hours on it, both reading, and commenting ect.)

Saturday, January 21, 2006
Man, I had this wierd dream last night. I was at my parents house, and I guess there was some kind of party going on, with loud rock music, people gettin drunk and crazy, and all that jazz. So anyways, the party ended, and everybody went home. I was up in my (old) room, cleaning it up, and had pretty much cleaned everything up and put everything back where it belonged, and I was about to leave the room, and I looked back to the room (to see how well I had done) and when I did, EVERYTHING was back on the floor, in it's original position. I kinda flipped out, and then I just left everything that way. That was the first wierd incident.

So then, I went downstairs (to clean?) and things just started... changing. They (the furniture, the walls, the floor ect.) were starting to get all warped, disfigured, and burnt. I thought that was pretty wierd. So, I went outside to the backyard, and I guess I had a container in my hand or a cup or something, for some reason. So I went to the back, where we had a swimming pool, and then my empty container started magically filling up with water! I noticed that the closer I got to the pool, the faster it would fill up. For some odd reason, I suspected that the clear liquid wasn't water (although I couldn't smell anything) so I had someone (T?) dip her cigarrette in the container, and light the cig, and sure enough, it rapidly burnt the cigarette. So then I realized that this was gasoline, not water.

I keep remembering that there was also another element to my dream, but it's hard to remember exactly how it started. I seem to remember there being a child, or something small, in my dream. I kept having to chase it around (I think) and it wouldn't listen. Progressively, the child (A??) kept turning into smaller and smaller animals, until she was finally turned into a grasshopper. She was evil by the way, or was at least touched by the evil in the dream. But anyways, I realized that this evil force was originating from the pool, and so I had to figure out a way to combat, and defeat or rid the house of the evil that had possesed it. So, I turned off the rock music that had been playing on the boombox on the back balcony, thinking that the music was feeding the evil force, and turned the station to classical music. Classical because it's very structured, organized, and pleasing/soothing. I figured if anything, this evil force would hate that kind of music, and then go away. Well, that didn't work. So, T and I figured we'd call our old counsellor, John R, who specialized in alternative science, and the paranormal (to a degree). So he came over, and I showed him the gasoline thing, and that the farther away from the pool you got, the slower the rate the container would fill. By the time you would get to the street the effect would be almost gone.

I had put a container in a ditch close to the street, and showed him. So he threw a match into it, and it blew up, sending a circular shockwave thingy of flame, which burnt the back of his pants, but didn't touch me, because I got out of the way fast enough. So then, he decided to call Mary Ann, the paranormal investigator (his friend) to come over. (The dream ended before she ever came over.) So, John and I went to the back yard again, and this time the pool was gone, and there was a dry circle where the pool had been, and demons started coming out of the ground (slowly). So everyone ran away from them... but then I realized that that's exactly what they (the devil/evil forces) wanted, was fear, and for us to be scared so he could defeat us. So, I ran back to the circle, and started stomping on them, and told everyone to do the same. So, for the time being, it worked, and they went away.

Then, I for some reason, started singing inside of the house, and as I was singing, things were going back to normal... but VERY slowly. So, I had some friends come over, (I have no idea who they were, but they were all young) and told everyone to sing together, and we stood in a circle, holding hands (it's more powerful that way) and sang. As we were singing, there was some kind of holy light appearing on the ceiling, that got bigger as we kept singing. Eventually things were getting better, and becoming unwarped and un burnt.

Then I woke up. Wierd huh? I noticed a few elements here. Circles, transformations, taking a stand, and good versus evil. Anyone wanna take a shot at this one??

Comments/interpretations are MORE than welcome.
I had a similar dream once, at least with some of the same elements, although I took different actions. In my dream the house was white on the inside and I was getting old the longer I stayed there, while the party was around the pool with water, and the demons emerged from the pool. I'll give my two cents, independent of my own dream, however.

I think this is a dream attempt to answer the question: "How do I deal with evil in my life"? The deeper question is: what kind of evil is this? Are all the elements that seem "evil" truly evil? Let's examine the signs.

The party was a gathering of people and the results of that gathering were disruptive. Cleaning the effects of others' energies did not work, and finally the real damage was revealed. The house or inner being was infected.

In this case the pool signified the energy outside the inner being, the aura that makes contact with others. That is where the fuel for evil lies. This separates the inner being from the outer world. The cup is your conscious use of this energy, which is not malignant in and of itself, but the pool or how it is distributed in your aura and how you access it has explosive results. Notice the house was revealed to be burned on the inside.

There is something in your energy body that acts as fuel for the forces you wish to see removed from your life. A part of you is unruly. That is the child. Yet it is not a child but even more primitive than that. It is a presence, and it is a shame that its connection with the pool wasn't revealed. I think that the grasshopper somehow sets off the fuel. The fuel does the damage, but the spark comes from the grasshopper/child. It is female, and that is interesting. How it is interesting depends if you are male or female yourself.

Using classical music seemed to imply that you tried to counter this "evil" with structure and calm in your life, the same way you tried to clean the room after the party. Those vibrations don't work, because they impose a surface order that does not address the deeper and difficult to catch spark of "chaos". I actually would call it chaos rather than evil. These seem to be wild energies, and the blaze they create is also chaotic in nature.

This spark of chaos relates to a sense of what seems at first to be immaturity, but is not that. It is related to being wild and unruly, and that may be at the surface of it. The gasoline in the pool is destructive in a certain context, but in another (in a car for example) it can be constructive, so it is not bad unto itself IMO.

The real "evil" is entropic, as the demons coming out of the ground. Your "cup" seems to be your conscious access to this energy. It does not seem the pool explodes, but only what is in the cup. To use the gas, it seems you must fill the cup, and that is done by approaching what I believe is an instinctual energy source, possibly related to your lower chakras or centers.

So there seems to be something that sparks it, and the flame seems to affect your environment and others more than it does you, hence it may hurt others but not yourself, although you sense it. Now here it gets interesting. The pool changes its elemental nature, turning into a circle. This reminds me of a circle of invocation. Instead of igniting the gas and getting energy from it, the whole context has transformed into a source of evocation for demons.

The demons feed on fear. I don't think evil as a whole feeds exclusively on fear, but the that the demons are attracted to the fear of combustion of these primitive energies. They emerge where the pool should be as if evoked by the fear. They come from the ground, not the pool energies. These are details, but they can reveal a lot.

The youths can easily represent a kind of purity, but that depends on how young they were. If they were pre-puberty or puberty onset teenagers, its like a presexual energy purifying the corruption in sexual energy that is also ignited by a spark (the image of a grasshoppers legs rubbing together comes up) of something posing as a child. It is the result of the blaze that seems to evoke the demons.

If the youths were post pubescent, it indicates a purer version of sexual energy cleansing the later corupt version. The fact that this happened slowly indicates, of course, that this is not going to happen in a day, and you probably need to access this harmonic of youth in yourself in some way. The circle evoked demons and evoked lights. Fear evoked demons, a fear feeding on itself, like a serpent biting its own tail.

Another vibration that feeds on itself will release energies of healing and cleansing. I still don't believe, however, that the gasoline was evil, only powerful. You will still need to learn to handle that power. Remember that singing vibration, and learn to apply it, because it is the key to heal.

Of course, you consider the demons coming from the lower centers, and the light from the higher. The light, however, does not seem to relate to handling the gas, unless it can keep the corruption out so you can handle and ignite it safely. Perhaps you are meant to put the gas somewhere to power something.

Life might just become a bit dry without the fuel to energize you, even if things seem to be ordered. There is an association between order and good, and chaos and evil, which is not necessarily true. So I think learning to use the fuel in the presence of the vibration from the higher centers is worth exploring.
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