Interesting dream


the piper123

I don't often remember my dreams but this one seemed hard not to remember.

I was in a long dark shopping mall with Gorge W. and the statue of liberty (she was like 8' tall) and we kept going past shops and I would not go in with them. They kept beconning me to go in and I just remained out in the dark corridor. The inside of the shops were the only areas with light and I could see these two were on a serious shopping spree that seemed to go on forever.
They kept comming out of the various stores with bags and bags of stuff. When we got to the end of the row of shops (I guess) they had so many bags of things that the statue of liberty had to hand me her torch, then Gorge W. said this is yours now and I was able to walk away into the darkness with the torch...then I woke up.

I have some ideas on what this dream means to me but I would first like to get some objective opinions without my own bias.
Told can one forget that one lol!
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