Innate knowledge?


Dagobah Resident
Hi, I want to share something that until recently I have reminded of my childhood and which impress me after reading what the c's and marciniak´s peiadians said about spinning. I remembered that at the age of 6 years used to play to prosecute my brother and we were often running around a table. I remember saying to him after play: "If we took 5 turns to the right we have to do 5 to the left but we are changing the world". "Maybe in a new world we would have another mother" and this idea scared us. We thought that doing that we could equilibrate the spins done. That was seriously because we really felt it so.The same if we do spinning . nowadays I understand this was the basic concept of dimension. . I find this interesting be awake what has been said about spinning.
Does Something similar happended to you?
I could say that yes, something similar happened to me. It was when I was a 5 or 4 years old boy, I knew about the incarnation process. I was telling my brother that in other life, I had a different body and, accidentally, I lost and arm. Maybe it was my childhood imagination or maybe that was some kind of knowledge that flowed trough our minds before the MCS started to "sleep us", I can't tell, but that was my experience.

About "innate knowledge", didn't happen to you that when you "start to taking with yourself", you acquire new concepts, ideas and even knowledge? Perhaps a souled human can "talk" with their "higher self" and get answers to their questions but, as I said... "perhaps", I'm not really sure about that. But, there's always the possibility to get confused by STS beings, like sometimes is mentioned here.

Just an opinion. Take care.
About "innate knowledge", didn't happen to you that when you "start to taking with yourself", you acquire new concepts, ideas and even knowledge?

absolutly! especially in my childhood. Over time the programming of the matrix was cutting off that contact. I remember playing to create a world mentally, with all its details and characters and for me they had real life. I realized that if I could do that, was not likely that someone was creating us in the same way?. I told my mom: did you know that we are a play on the God's mind? and she said, who told you that? Forget it, God is a Mr. who lives in the sky .. blah blah ...

I think probably these thoughts prepared me to understand better the cassiopaea material.
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