Important: I discovered I was lacking of potassium


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Some weeks ago, we had an episode of intensive heat in France. 29° (84F) during almost seven day with temperature not falling as they should in the night. So I slept with the windows open and only a thin sheet.

But one night, temperature finally fall and being not enough covered, I got a cold on the stomach. In the morning I vomited, and more importantly, in the following days, I clearly saw that I did not urinated in the proportion I drank water. I urinated very few.

So I finally go to the hospital (because it was Sunday), they put me immediately on IV rehydration and made a blood analysis. This how they found I was lacking of potassium.

With the rehydration my system rapidly came to normal and I got a treatment for 8 days of potassium supplement. And the potassium corrected another thing: since a moment, I was very sleepy after lunchtime, it seems to have almost gone away.

I entitled the thread with the word "important" because I wonder if their isn't a link with the detox protocol. With the lockdown I had the opportunity to follow very well the iodine protocol but iodine is linked with potassium.

Edgar Cayce Readings, 499-1:
Keeping a balance in the elements as to diet, so as to make for the proper relationships between the acid and the alkalin, the potashes and the iodines, will keep - as we find - the normal reaction that exists almost in (the body) in the present, as we have indicated.​

So if you do the detox protocol, keeping an eye on your potassium level is perhaps a good idea.
It's too bad the potassium in the Lugol's wasn't enough.
Oh! This is interesting because, I'm not sure, but I believe it was home made. I have to ask.

The other point I did not specify, I used it since 2 years now. Not full time, but alternating periods with and periods without. The lockdown was the opportunity to use it on a more long time and with the salt. And my afternoon sleepiness date back before the lockdown. So I think the trend was here since a year.

Good thing you discovered this imbalance before it developped into something more irreversible!
Yes and I perhaps unconsciously plot the sleep with the opened windows to have this exam at the end. I say that because knowing myself, for this sleepiness/digestive problem I would consult rather the acupuncturist than the doctor. The acupuncturist have a fine diagnose of how efficiently organs works but I'm not sure he would think of a lack of potassium.
It looks like your system was out of balance. Here are some things that cause low potassium:

What is low potassium a sign of?
In hypokalemia, the level of potassium in blood is too low. A low potassium level has many causes but usually results from vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal gland disorders, or use of diuretics. A low potassium level can make muscles feel weak, cramp, twitch, or even become paralyzed, and abnormal heart rhythms may develop.
Potassium is the most common ion inside cells, and Sodium is the most common ion outside cells (in circulation). The body (normally the kidneys) needs to keep the levels of these ions in the blood within certain well defined limits or else it's called an electrolyte imbalance. It may not be a question of deficiency, rather of imbalance. Once the system/s are working correctly, then the imbalance no longer exists.
Cayce readings contain interesting informations about equilibrium between iodine, potassium and iron:

In the physical forces of the body, here we find there are some irritations that produce to the nervous system an overtaxation, so that there are those reactions at times in the functioning of organs that are or become affected by this condition. In some instances it will be seen that there is the reaction of nervous digestion; at others there are those tendencies as of a jumpy, uneasy feeling of the body; at others the reactions are as of fullness in throat, in breathing, in the reactions of the respiratory system. These are the effects. The causes, as we find, are from an unbalancing of elements in the system as related to the keeping of the blood stream in a normal reaction, and an excess of potash in the body with a deficiency in the iodine content, and with the iron showing improper reaction to these unbalanced elements.
So the iron react with the potassium and the iodine and the efficenty of the reaction depend on the proportion of the two others elements like often in chemical reactions.

As will be seen from those environs of the body in the present, and with the body absorbing those elements in the sand, sun and sea air, this condition will be relieved, and the quietude of the whole system will only make for reactions where there will be the necessity for the watching or caring for the eliminations that affect the hepatic circulation. This may be better accomplished by the use of those elements that will keep a tendency towards an alkalin reaction in the system. To keep these balanced, as changes are brought in the activities of the body, we would find it well to use occasionally those properties of Atomidine in small quantities. We would advise taking three to five drops each day for three to five days, then discontinuing for a period of a week to ten days, then giving another course or round in the same manner. These properties are not necessary when so close to the sunshine and the sand in such surroundings as at present, but when in those environs where there is less reaction from such elements, these properties would keep a more even balance.
Also, the use of the violet ray will make for the nerves' reaction in the cerebrospinal system to be more active, more effective.
Edgar Cayce Readings, 4143-1

Interesting to know that to be on the beach, can give the body what is needed.

This reading mention silicon to be part of the equilibrium:
Edgar Cayce Readings, 3823-4
  1. (Q) Are eggs harmful to my condition?
    (A) Not harmful in moderation, provided they are NOT used with GREASE!​
  2. (Q) Is watermelon alright for me?
    (A) It's very good.​
  3. (Q) Berries or cherries?
    (A) Cherries are more preferable than berries; that is, than certain characters of berries. Dewberries or blackberries are better than the strawberries. Currants or gooseberries, or the like, are very good in moderation. Some of these, as indicated, carry a great deal more acid than others; dependent a great deal upon where they are grown; that is, they carry too great a quantity of potash and thus require that an equal balance be created by taking sufficient quantities of such natures as carry silicon or iodine.

This one soda and fat :
Edgar Cayce Readings, 3124-1
This may be done, as comprehended, in a period of every seven years. Thus it is a slow process, but it is a growth in the energies of the body and thus necessitates there being kept a normal balance in the chemistry of the body-force itself. For it is either from potash, iodine, soda or fats, that each of these in their various combinations and multiple activities supply all the other forces of the body-energies.

Still equilibrium :
Edgar Cayce Readings, 2682-3
  1. Do not strain self in any way by lifting, stretching, or too much of the iron elements in the system. Keep rather the even balance between a potash and the iodine diet. These should be, then, that as will bring the better conditions for this body.​

Edgar Cayce Readings, 2457-5
  1. Keep the ash, as given; when there are those distresses or the nausea - these may be allayed best with small quantities of lime water, cinnamon water and bromide of potash - NOT iodide in this, for this body.

Edgar Cayce Readings, 2357-1
  1. Production of this produced by conditions existent in the physical nervous system, or cerebro-spinal, that left a WEAKNESS for same; in the blood supply those of conducive elements were the lack of the proper distribution of forces as assimilated in the system, or a lack of those elements necessary to create an equilibrium in all forces of the nerve and blood system, or specifically, an abnormal balance between those of the potash producing elements and of the iodine producing elements, bringing about, then, that lack of the blood cell itself being properly adjusted for proper oxidization as would take place throughout the system.​

There is more readings...
I had the same problem while using iodine, but was happend, because iodine knocked out the potassium only in this case when you are poisoned by fluor for example. . Fluor strikes pottasium. Once i clean myself with pottasium chlroide 8 grams each day and still i'm doing this after that 2 hours iuse pottassium iodide 8 grams for 2 weeks. When the jerking in the heart finish i start to use iodine. Sometimes u can use iodine, but it don't clean from all metals and this is the main problem.
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