I wonder

You are paying and giving the change to yourself. I think you're giving yourself the answer 😉

You want to know an approximate percentage among members. But how would that be useful to know besides feeding expectations during their progress? It's like asking the Cass to stroke their ego a bit.
I suspect that all of us do to a certain degree, we're constantly in touch with the information field and probably download information all the time.

The trouble is the signal to noise ratio that is so troublesome to navigate through.
What does it mean to “spontaneously channel”? Could you clarify this term?

Nice question. I looked up "channel" in an 1889 dictionary I happen to have. It said nothing about receiving information beyond the 5 senses from unseen sources. Although "channeling" as I understand it has apparently been done for ages, is this a relatively new application of this term? What terms were used in the past? What if the current concept of 'channeling' is only one specific form of cosmic communication and the term restricts understanding of the multitude of ways people engage and participate in Awareness, Consciousness, Divine Reality and Knowledge?

An author I know (who also "studies the scriptures") told me about the Aramaic Lamsa Bible. She said the Aramaic word for prayer is slotha which means 'setting your mind like a trap' so that you may catch the thoughts of God. So prayer could be "channeling?"

In Buddhist literature, there is an "activity" that consists of 'a calm lake on a windless night which reflects the moon without distortion, so that it glows from the lake' (apparently a state of not thinking, not petitioning, not anticipating, not doing anything except managing one's own consciousness and being receptive). Could that be "channeling?"

In a Zen story, a meditating student exclaimed, "The bottom of the bucket has broken through!" This was explained as all her mental content was expunged, her bucket/mind had become a funnel (which lets things through while holding on to nothing) and she was now available to inspired wisdom reaching her from Cosmic Mind. Is that "channeling?"

I have read one notion of what might be called "channeling" as "being a Place where Cosmic Mind reveals Itself as omniactive Love-Intelligence." It requires receptivity (setting onself as a trap) and discernment (what is one being receptive to? "Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?...... by their fruits ye shall know them." [MT 7:20]). If this is so, and Love-Intelligence is both the source and the fruit, I'd guess there is a certain amount of that happening here.
Is that "channeling?"

Sometimes we think in terms of very abstract forms, as if the more difficult its concept, the more difficult it is to achieve. And it turns out, it has possibly been going on for a long time in our lives, but for lack of knowledge, we don't know how to recognize it. Consider what Alejo commented:

"The trouble is the signal to noise ratio that is so troublesome to navigate through."

And read Book I of the Wave, nothing else in the "Autobiographic Background" you can get an idea/clue. I highly suggest reading between the lines of Laura experience.
Surely if this question is being posed to the C’s we should clarify what exactly it means to “spontaneously channel”. I don’t think this is an obtuse question since it’s a very subjective term with a possible multitude of subjective interpretations.

Others that are not the original poster have added their interpretations that to “spontaneously channel” may be considered to be intuitive downloads from the Cosmic Mind.

@Rhansen could you help us clarify what you are asking the C’s? Working through our assumptions and theories is part of networking.

Have you already experienced something of what you may think is “spontaneous channeling” or was it just curiosity that inspired this question?
It was mentioned in the 23 April 2022 session.
Q: (L) Yeah, how come I thought of the hyperbaric chamber all of a sudden out of the blue? I still cannot trace a single thing that triggered it. I read nothing, I saw nothing, I heard nothing... It just emerged as urgent.

A: You were channeling as you often do spontaneously.
I think many people can relate to having a thought (or inspiration) 'out of the blue' as it were. I personally never thought much of it until reading that passage.
It was mentioned in the 23 April 2022 session.
I think many people can relate to having a thought (or inspiration) 'out of the blue' as it were. I personally never thought much of it until reading that passage.
Ok thank you for your reply, that really clarified for me what your question was trying to ask and what inspired it.

I guess I only ever think that special people like Laura can channel, especially since she has grooved her channel with the C’s over a very long time, she will know the flavor and be able to vet “spontaneous” channeling or inspiration far better than the rest of us.

Though maybe those who are colinear in FRV with Laura and through doing the work in FOTCM have a much higher chance of experiencing “spontaneous channeling” with their future selves.

Maybe a better question would be to ask, “what percentage of “inspiration” by FOTCM members is spontaneous channeling?” However maybe there is a better way to phrase this.
maybe a better question would be: where is this coming from?
Yes. Just because you might 'spontaneously channel' does not necessarily mean it is 6D STO OSIT. Signal to noise indeed.

I am certain this question can be phrased better, pretty mentally/physically burned out right now (hell week at work and have to move my mother this weekend) though I might come up with something if nobody beats me to it.
... pretty mentally/physically burned out right now (hell week at work and have to move my mother this weekend) ...

hey Rhansen, hopefully the weekend allows you to recover and all goes well moving your mother too,
The move went mercifully well, had more help than expected (5 able bodies). Since her apartment wasn't ready yet (remodel running behind schedule), the unloading was just to a ground floor storage unit on the premesis. They will move everything up to the apartment after it passes inspection.

Thought some about this thread and think it is probably safe to assume 'spontaneous channeling' is a common occurence. Now who/what is getting channeled seems the better question.
I would guess STS sources would be in the majority (since we are in an STS realm)...
My (at the time) recently deceased stepfather spoke to me briefly (we did not converse). Did I channel 5D STS? Maybe that wasn't channeling...dunno
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