I want to ask how this team can be helped

What exactly would we experience if the STS frequency fence had collapsed?

How can we stop the Covid madness? What kind of ending?
What exactly do we need to disclose? Or what explanation could lead to a complete stalemate?
Could Covid STS mean weakening on the frequency fence?
Does this explain the chaos?
is this a stupid idea?

We, the next virus waiting, is it a DNA helix?
Is it evolutionary mobility?
Could it be a fence collapse?
Or is it the wave and the merger itself?
It is said that the masses will do well if they follow the path to STO that has opened up. Is there an STO way? Which groups are closest to STO?

Carnivorous groups and followers appear to be ideal for physical and mental health. Could this really be the ideal way to eat for some of us?

In terms of posture health and wellness, should we place the human spine and nervous system flow into what Hippocrates called gut health?

Could the health of the human spine, posture muscles, central nervous system actually be the first key to the path to health?

Can healthy nervous system flow alone cure internal medicine problems without further intervention?

What should first health care be? human spine alignment with chiropractic?
Is spinal flexibility necessary for nervous system flow?

Do the nerve endings elongate or are they fixed when broadcasting between the central central vertebrae?

Can nerve endings connected to the central nerve center move?_
and does it?
What is the correct concept here?

Range of motion of the human spine joint?
muscle tension etc.
Which one important and necessary
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Can the cut foreskin grow back? Does DNA have this ability?
I asked this because I was really curious about it, the answer is not very important, but the truth I was wondering about

Can the self-healing ability of a decayed or hollow tooth be improved?
If this is not possible, what is the best filling material or technology for the tooth?

Is there a natural way to rid the lungs of mold and fungus, other than antibiotics?

Is there a way to tell a cat to sleep on soil?

What is the way to cure a cat's wheezing lung?
Lung problems are often connected with the spine or not?

How do I manage to tell a cat to get well?

Is human chiropractic intervention possible for a feline spine?

Do cats hear each other?
Is there anything that the STO frequency fence specifically focuses on in human physiology?
Oxygen level, heat or something else

Is the fence transmitting coordinates or what is it doing?

How does he choose the looter?

How does the remote 'looter' connection work?

To isolate and absorb the frequency of the STO frequency fence? Is there a way? I guess you wouldn't have told us that. but we have to think.
4 Does STS have any STO oriented or candidate groups that can help us? How could we access them?
Are there any human species in the headquarters? Do we communicate naturally?

Or are there groups with which we naturally have an inner bond, as we are called a group?

Is it possible for us to live without eating and drinking?

Is it possible for 4 STS?

What could have stopped human slavery?
It was said that there are generators on the ground and in the sky for the STS frequency fence.

Can we turn them off?

what we'll need to be prepared for if we can
What would a war with a 'looter' lead to?
Will it harm them?
What's happening?
How much?
And is there a natural way to protect them?
Should we care about this?
4 What to do to face STS?

Or is something similar possible?
is this necessary?
is it good?
Or what is the correct concept?

For freedom. What is the most accurate right now?

Second, what is the right path of effort in which all humanity will suffer the least?

And which one should we choose?
Anatolia. I see you acknowledged my previous post regarding threads not being a monologue and on the value of using the search engine. I also see that you have kept on going regardless, posting a further range of questionable questions.

This is beginning to look like the definition of Trolling. Is that how you want to be perceived? Because if it is I assure you such behavior only ends one way.
at the speed you took id say. Seneca wrote about the philosophy of learning and what should a man learn. He said something like
One side offers me no guiding
light to direct my vision towards the truth, while the other just gouges my eyes out. I`d say you need to slow it down. You seem to have a great memory on you. Thats a gift from what I see.
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