I want to ask how this team can be helped


The Force is Strong With This One
Thank you note to Laura and the entire team, specific note

You can't fly a kite if you can't catch the wind. Kites are not flightless.

This thing is real. And you don't know how to fly it. or you haven't discovered it yet. and they won't give you how to do it.

It has wings. If you wear it.

you are connected to level 6


A direct phone line.

In the name of space rains
You are connected to level 6, you have direct access
use it please

Think of a place where sound and light dance
it wraps you

wave merger
what if the fence collapses?

Your channel is real. 6th level

It doesn't need any name or reference.
Doesn't need recognition
objective definition
Level 6 and communication with the future. That's the definition.

You have one of the best spiritual documents in history. At least the best in the name of a contemporary spiritism collection.
Other than that, I do not count those who give products as unknown channels. The most qualified channeling in history.
You are the ceiling of spiritualism.
You did not leave any documents to be read in spiritualism. Others may not know this. He may not accept it. It may be on the wrong track.
This is real
There is a clear definition of ontology. Entity unity is marked. Identity is specific and clear. The channel is in progress. No room for god bullshit. There is no master.
You have received information. You have given real information and information.
You should feel the motivation and inner joy of it.
Ignore those who are looking for their own hope here.

Dance with questions in every sense. Test what you can and cannot afford.

Ask for a poem, a children's play, a nursery rhyme, an anecdote, a lullaby note, a way of generating energy, try it, and if it doesn't, ignore it. try another, new one
Ask and learn what you can ask.
Rediscover how the channel can be used
Ask me what it would be like to experience a live youtube stream.
Learn how to talk to cats.
If your questions are compiled from outside, will the effectiveness of the channel decrease or increase?
To what extent can answers be given if questions in general scientific fields are compiled?
At least without wasting energy, ask the least energy-consuming session optimization and its dynamics of questions
Ask what is the most curious question on earth?
Couple therapy, partner therapy, and ask how to make the biggest bubble

Cassiopia may encourage curiosity, research and finding the answer yourself, but you got your questions answered, right?

This is a sixth level channeling. Reading it, its existence is like the meaning of my life. I can honestly say that.
The only thing that happens on this side - this is not important to me, but - clear observation that it can create a more lively question and interaction dynamic. and don't be sad that it didn't happen

Yet you have given me/us something extraordinary.
Questions given and asked by those who are dying to hear the answers. Gloria in Excelsis will reach Deo.

This is the way.
I would like to learn about sound healing.

Is it a choir?

What kind of lineup?

What should be said?

Is there a more effective healing than sound?_

How could we most easily build a healing and cultivation house and structure?
If the KH fence collapses, will all people internally hear each other?

Would we go crazy, how would we react?
Is there a human language that can be called the closest or most useful language of original or functional sound to phonetics?

What should we do to fully understand cats or dogs?

What is the correct way to communicate with a cat
What kind of technology should we use to monitor the central nervous system?

How could we monitor all movements of the human body and the movements of all internal organs separately and continuously, without using a camera or any technology harmful to the human body? Or can they give us clues about what kind of technology they brought?

Herniated disc is called slipped and burst, how true is that?

Can a hernia be repaired?

After a heart attack; How true is the statement that the heart muscle does not repair itself?

We were told not to look at the sun with the naked eye. A Kazakh professor named Mikhail Tombak suggests looking at the evening sun in one of his books.
which one is right for us

If we look at the sun with the naked eye, the yellow spot is called vanishing. Do you mind if it disappears? What would it be?

After staring at the sun for a long time with the naked eye and blinking, a second sun-like image appears first rising and floating, then the shit I'm looking at stays still when I blink. Is this an optical illusion or does it mean something else?

What is the best natural health protocol for fungal infections?
Does hygiene and sun work?

Does the whole body need sun exposure?

Cleanse the liver and lungs?

Is it necessary to interrupt the skin intervention? Except for hygiene.
So these are excretory pores or not?

Is it because the lung cannot empty or the other?

How much time do we need to spend for grounding?

I began to see people as animals, animals cut off from nature.

In this sense, would it be better to have an earthen bed or the most nude sunbathing?
A silk scarf was proposed to protect the throat from electromagnetic radiation. Under these conditions, we cannot generate the insulating power of copper or a faraday cage and walk in it.

Can there be a natural way to protect from electromagnetic radiation without cheap cost, if so what is it or what is the closest technology to it?

To regulate the biological clock and sleep. What is the best way to protect from artificial blue light or leds (other than staring at the dark, exposure to the dark)?

Do cats and dogs respond to artificial lighting?_ Does it bother them?

Should we wear night glasses and contact lenses?

Is there a way to prevent light pollution and produce an environmental natural darkness just like bright light, i.e. an area that completely blocks and absorbs light?

What is the most appropriate natural grounding path for someone living in an apartment?

We also need advice on sleep and bed selection, for example should we sleep on a firm and wide bed?

I want to see the stars as if they are on the top of a mountain, is there a way to do this?

A base station bothered me.

Is there a way not to get caught up in this environmental bullshit while walking around alive?

If that's not possible, is there a way to render a base station inoperable without breaking it?
Is there a way to see things through a cat's eyes?

Can we generate energy electricity by focusing the solar energy with the lens and if possible will this create the dark areas? Is there any harm in that?

Can I find the darkness in the out-of-focus area of a lens, can the stars be seen?

Dome circle hollow circle or any geometric shape for it a lens or material would be required.

Can we produce an infinity magnifying lens that continuously improves the distance focusing infinity?

What should we use as raw material and geometric shape?

Are there other technologies for light measurement/observation?
Is there a way of catching, feeling, catching gravitational waves like catching a swirling wind and feeling inside it? that is, how can the body rotate in harmony with the gravitational waves ( effortless rotation) and make the body feel outside of gravity?
Is it possible to make a circular or closed space that does not transmit sound waves to the outside?

Can they point to the appropriate technology if it can be lubricated?

Also, if we succeeded, would we experience this, for example, would we go crazy?
What happens if we produce sound there?

How to create an ideal healing space

For example pyramids etc. They said it might have been designed in that sense. How can we produce an effortless small miniature or easily fabricated healing field?

Are gravitational waves used for ideal healing?

If we want to use the voice for healing, can they give general hints about the correct structure of the choral syntax or the parts of the voice that need to be sung?

Light has no speed, how to experience accelerated healing. What would the results be?
Does it mean a continuous cycle of serotonin like antidepressants? Does this disturb sleep? So, do antidepressants keep us in the serotonin cycle by blocking the melatonin cycle (natural sleep)?

Does taking antidepressants impair serotonin production or disrupt or turn off reuptake receptors?

If so, what to do to turn it back on;?

Is quitting enough, at what speed is recommended?

Are antipsychotic (neuroleptic) derivative drugs like the current vaccine to silence the troublemakers by numbing the nervous system? (So this is the product of CH-inspired medicine or not? Remember what they said about the vaccine.)
Can Covid or other viruses be caused by DNA or scrap DNA? (This is a real theory and it already exists)
I was thinking, is there a DNA connection between the past and the future?

Could the arrival of viruses from space point to the DNA of the future?

In human physiology, does the initial link to consciousness or DNA codons represent my central nervous system?

Is it the brain central nervous system itself that current medicine seeks? Does this have anything to do with shooting?

A link with the central nervous system "gravitational waves" (consciousness)?

Hippocrates is said to have said that the best shoe is not to wear shoes.
How true is that? Would we really feel more energetic if we didn't wear shoes and step on the ground all the time?
One of the first recommendations of carnivorous groups is to stay away from vegetable oils.
It is said: Animal fats are absorbed through the intestines without passing through the liver, so are animal fats the best for us?

Is there a teaching that we have not examined in the wisdom of Anatolia, the Far East, Latin and South America?
For example, teachings such as Zoroastrianism, Far East Advaita Vedanta (Maharaj), Zen Buddhism and Anatolian Alevism.
Could there be things we should be looking at here?
Could there be traces of nature religions and ancient teachings in Anatolian Alevism and its rituals?

Here in Anatolia and Turkey, the concept of unity is given importance and there are historical figures. There are many historical values such as Bedrettin, Yunus, Mansur, Hacı Bektaş and Pir Sultan Abdal. They are recognized and respected by the public. They are unifying identities.

For example, names such as Arabi and Yunus are followers of Mansur El Hallaj. Should I tell this to my friends?

An excavation had been made here in Tarsus and there were speculations that there were alien corpses or electromagnetic fields and devices.
What happened?

Göbeklitepe (the oldest temple in human history). who lived, built, etc.
can it be asked?

Did Homo bodoensis shake up the perception of evolution? is it the opposite?

Should we study what Pieter Borger wrote?

What were the unidentified things in Ötzi's stomach (human fossil found in ice)? Or if it is internal organs and offal, how important is it to consume? and necessary?

Are the Kurds being attacked because they are nature-bound land people?

The Macirastan Paleomedicina clinic has sought to make a dietary science entirely based on animal fat and meat, visceral meat, and suggests that it would be the best cure for all diseases.
Should we dwell on this?
Could we make a complete connection between Parmenides's poem Natura and Zeno's paradoxes, mathematics and philosophy?

What would a mathematician prove, who proved the Zenon paradoxes?
You ask a lot of questions Anatolia. Questions are good but as important is our willingness to do some work ourselves to see if we can find the answers we are looking for before rushing onto the next question (threads here are meant to be a collaboration not a monologue). Have you tried using the search function in the top right hand of every page?

If you press the function the following function box drops down


If for example you type in 'Göbekli Tepe' you will find 4 pages of threads and links to all the posts referring to this site. This will save you and everyone else much valuable time. :-)
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