I don't understand

Hello everybody

while reading Laura's answer over the topic "emotional " where she said " I slap my forehead every day" . I have to admit that i don't understand what laura means .

If somebody can help me to understand I will appreciate it Thank-you for your time

fille des bois
Used in this context, this is an expression that means you realised something that seems very obvious in retrospect.
It's the same idiom in French. When someone "se tape le front" [slaps his forehead] and says "mais bien sûr !" [of course!]
mkrnhr said:
it's an expression. Like this smiley: :headbash:

Lol! That leaves no doubt!

In French it would be something like:

Je m'en veux de ne pas avoir vu/fait X avant/plus tôt...
Je n'en reviens pas ! J'aurais pû le voir/faire avant !
Quel idiot je fais/ Quelle idiote: j'ai oublié de/je ne me suis pas rendu compte que...
Mince alors, je m'en veux: j'ai oublié de//je ne me suis pas rendu compte que...
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