How much depleted uranium (DU) have they used?




How Much Depleted Uranium Has Been Used?

Depleted uranium weapons were developed by the U.S. Navy in 1968. Depleted uranium weapons were given to and used by Israel with U.S. supervision in the Yom Kippur War in 1973 against the Arabs nations. Military research detailed the use of DU weapons at military testing grounds, bombing and gunnery ranges and civilian labs under contracts between 1974-1999. Presently 42 states have contamination from the manufacture, testing and deployment of depleted uranium. The United States has sold DU weapons to 29 countries.

In Gulf War I DU weapons were used against Iraq. Between 315 and 350 tons of depleted uranium was used in that war. The current Iraq war has expended an estimated 5 times more tonnage of DU than was used in the first Gulf War.

Japanese professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki, has calculated that 800 tons of depleted uranium is the atomicity equivalent of 83,000 bombs the size of the one which struck Nagasaki. The U.S. has used more depleted uranium since 1991 than the atomicity equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs. This includes four nuclear wars (Iraq twice, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan) and is 10 times the amount of radiation released into the air from atmospheric testing. Experts from the Department of Defense say that the U.S. has 100 million tons of DU. Using up the DU in wars afford a convenient way to dispose of some of the radioactive uranium and thus avoid some of the huge expense that careful disposing of tons of DU would entail.

The "clean up" of 34 Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles that were erroneously hit by U.S. missiles during this first Gulf war was supervised by Dr. Doug Rokke. Today he is suffering ill effects from DU that entered his body in the clean up. One of the problems he has is brittle teeth. The uranium displaces calcium in both teeth and bones resulting in teeth that break. The majority of U.S. casualties in this war were from "friendly fire." Dr. Rokke relates that DU is used because it is the most effective weapon at killing and destroying everything it hits.

Thousands of tons of depleted uranium were used for decades at four bombing and gunnery ranges in Fallon, Nevada. This usage is no doubt responsible for the fastest growing leukemia cluster in the U.S. The military has denied that DU has anything to do with this cluster. The medical profession has been involved in the cover-up-just as they were hiding the adverse effects that low level radiation from atmospheric testing and nuclear power plants were producing.

A physician in Northern California was being trained in the Pentagon with other physicians months before the 2003 Gulf War started. They were told to diagnose and treat soldiers returning from the 2003 war for mental problems only. Medical professionals in hospitals and facilities treating returning soldiers were threatened with $10,000 fines if they talked about the soldiers or their medical problems. They were also threatened with jail[1] <> terms.
I've been ranting about this since i heard a bit on NPR when i lived in DC. This stuff kills slowly by altering ones DNA in random, unpredictable ways. I've complained to politicians, i've written letters, no one cares. Surprised? No. All we can do is to keep telling people but the problem is middle aged to older americans (im 23, my parents are in their late 40s) don't know what DU is, or how genetic mutations occur. So even when i tell them about it they forget i ever brought it up a few days later. Mmm denial.

That and see if you ever see anyone on TV EVER mention DU. They don't.
Cyre2067 said:
I've been ranting about this since i heard a bit on NPR when i lived in DC. This stuff kills slowly by altering ones DNA in random, unpredictable ways. I've complained to politicians, i've written letters, no one cares. Surprised?
Are you kidding? This ranks right up there with finding cures for diseases and putting Big Pharma out of business, and developing cheap clean energy to put Big Petrol out of business. DU is not just about money, it is about psychopathic fulfillment. A humane humanity could develop technology to clean the environment of this, the worst of poisons, but that is like doing away with the whole elitist construct.

What is funny is that these psychopaths don't even care that they are poisoning themselves and their children. Believe me, the only physical defense here is to maintain as healthy a lifestyle as possible and imbibe clean food and water, which city slicker elitists do not have, as much as they fool themselves. I have read that fermented milk product such as kefir work in the intestines to cover radioactive material in a coating so it is elliminated by the human body instead of absorbed. Some of us may even develope a tolerance (the wonders of nature never cease), as long as the doses are low.

But levels are increasing, and the only way to put a stop to it is to promote world wide systemic change. That is one of the reasons people choose not to listen. They realize on some level that their fantasies of a "civilized" world will all topple to dust. The truth is often to painful to confront, although soon it will be too blatant to avoid.
How Much Depleted Uranium Has Been Used?
Some time ago, there was a link from 'David Ickes' news site to a site dealing
specifically with these calculations. Unfortunately, though am aware it exists I
do not have the link. From what I can remember & if the evidence presented
is correct, the answer is - 'lots'.
There are also sites with pictures of infants with birth deformities attributed to
this very problem.
On the bright side, I have heard thru the economic grapevine, there is a Russian
scientist who has a patent on a method of neutralising the depletion. In this
respect, I do have reservations as to whether this information will be suppressed
or not, but it is good to know it may be available.
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