Hostage to the Devil


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
According to the website moviepilot this film is due for release soon.

Whether you're a rational sceptic or a devout believer, there seems to be some things that just can't be explained: apparitions in the sky, the foreboding atmosphere hanging in old houses, people possessed by foreign spirits. In the book, Hostage to the Devil, the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Malachi Martin, explored the realm between the reality we experience and the paranormal otherworld we can't explain. He details his time spent as an exorcist, traveling America to salvage those poor souls possessed by demonic spirits.

The documentary adaptation of the same name, directed by Marty Stalker (unfortunate name), will be released on Halloween and explores the mysterious figure of Malachi Martin.

The director, Stalker, gave us a brief insight on his approach to the film in the following comments:

"I initially had feelings of disbelief that nothing had been made about this incredible and mysterious man before. This was what influenced my decision to get involved and to tell his story. I feel the film industry has been saturated with misconceptions on exorcism and diabolical possession. So it was important that this documentary addressed the realism of this subject matter through the knowledge of one man, through the personal experiences of others, and through using science and the Catholic Church as critical and theological anchors in the film."

Check out the trailer below:

The book, Hostage to the Devil, remains one of the most fascinating yet disturbing books I have ever read, and is discussed in this thread.
Anam Cara said:
The book, Hostage to the Devil, remains one of the most fascinating yet disturbing books I have ever read, and is discussed in this thread.

Oh yes I look forward to seeing this film. I could not finish the book as I was scared silly and unable to get to sleep. Its amazing what the mind does. Hopefully I should be able to stomach the film if watched during the day.
Haven't read this one yet but the film seems interesting. Now I'm wondering if I should watch it before reading the book, or if I should read the book first.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Haven't read this one yet but the film seems interesting. Now I'm wondering if I should watch it before reading the book, or if I should read the book first.

It is always better to read the book before but for this book I will read again the thread about this particular book. I think it is important because the subject is far to be an easy one. As Laura said:

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.

As for the preview of the documentary I did not like it at all.

(I am sorry if I quoted Laura like this. I really don't know how to take a quote from another thread and put it here.)
Thank you for sharing. Yes, the book is a very tough read and I think that the movie my also be tough to watch, with that and as Loreta wrote enough awareness is needed and shouldn't be watched before going to bed.

loreta said:
PhoenixToEmber said:
Haven't read this one yet but the film seems interesting. Now I'm wondering if I should watch it before reading the book, or if I should read the book first.

It is always better to read the book before but for this book I will read again the thread about this particular book. I think it is important because the subject is far to be an easy one. As Laura said:

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.

As for the preview of the documentary I did not like it at all.

(I am sorry if I quoted Laura like this. I really don't know how to take a quote from another thread and put it here.)

You can always quote someone else from another topic if you hit the quote button there of the specific post and copy and paste it where you like to post it then.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Haven't read this one yet but the film seems interesting. Now I'm wondering if I should watch it before reading the book, or if I should read the book first.

Read the book asap.
The book appears to be here in its entirety, free, for those who are financially disadvantaged:

[link redacted]

Gawan said:
Thank you for sharing. Yes, the book is a very tough read and I think that the movie my also be tough to watch, with that and as Loreta wrote enough awareness is needed and shouldn't be watched before going to bed.

You can always quote someone else from another topic if you hit the quote button there of the specific post and copy and paste it where you like to post it then.

Thank you!
Hostage to the Devil was released on Netflix on Sunday. I watched it over the course of a few doses and during the day time. :) It more has to do with Malachi himself, the author of the book, and the controversy that surrounded him, as well as the last exorcist that he took part in and if that played a factor in his passing. It was pretty spooky, but nothing like the book, which I never finished reading.

This last bit is a spoiler but I found it odd that Richard Marro, who drove Malachi to his very last exorcism and who considered him as a friend, was also a CIA agent. Makes me wonder if there was more to it than that and if the CIA might have taken more than an interest in his work.
The documentary was not like the book. The book dealt with the workings of demonic possession, and the documentary was about the greatness of Martin. And yeah, when the CIA agent enters and say he was best friends with Martin, and drove him to his final appointment. Flags went up.

I felt that too much importance was put into ‘only the church and Jesus can save us from the devil’ Something I found strange was after the story of how Martin had helped some many people (although there were no back stories on the victims and how they regained their normal lives) the final clip has Martin saying we have no protection against Lucifer none what so ever. No one can match him of…'ourselves' he adds, I’m sure alluding to, it must be Jesus to do the work.

Of course Martin was working with a church/Jesus biased, but I don’t think this is the story he would have wanted to leave behind. After having read the book, I was hoping to get further details on the inner workings of Martin’s process, and was disappointed, but I did enjoy the documentary as a follow up to Martins work, and to see how someone would represent his work to Netflix audience.
Turgon said:
This last bit is a spoiler but I found it odd that Richard Marro, who drove Malachi to his very last exorcism and who considered him as a friend, was also a CIA agent. Makes me wonder if there was more to it than that and if the CIA might have taken more than an interest in his work.

Thanks for the heads-up; will look to watch the documentary as well. I didn't realize that there were CIA connections to Malachi's work on exorcisms. Hmmm makes we wonder too...I still think the book is one of the more accurate and well written/researched work on exorcisms.

If we assume that the entities involved/described in his book to be 3D/4D STS - then its makes sense that "they" got the CIA on the case with Martin; another prime 3D STS organization. In the end I guess, if you constantly expose yourself to negative STS energy; it does take its toll one way or the other.
It is also another, similar book: The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren, in that document: Hostage to the devil, along with Malachi we can see Lorraine Warren.
What was interested in this book is a description of a demon:

Ed speaks of the demonic spirit showing itself only rarely in preternatural form. What does the demonic spirit look like? The question is an uncomfortable one for him to answer.
Although the spirit can project itself in any form it chooses, says Ed, Its appearance is an abomination, a monstrosity. To see what is really behind the phenomena is not something to be desired. To actually see the demonic is to feel ruin. What shows is something distinctly preternatural in appearance: something real enough as you can see it, but yet something not of this world.
But what does it ultimately look like?
Ultimately, Ed answers with great reluctance, it is not human. It is inhuman. It has scales. It looks…like a reptile. That’s it, he cautions, I won’t complete the rest of the image.
It is also another, similar book: The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren, in that document: Hostage to the devil, along with Malachi we can see Lorraine Warren.
I've been listening it as audiobook and highly recommend it. It is packed with information. From Wiki about Ed and Lorraine Warren:

Edward Warren Miney (September 7, 1926 – August 23, 2006) and Lorraine Rita Warren (née Moran; January 31, 1927 – April 18, 2019) were American paranormal investigators and authors associated with prominent cases of hauntings. Edward was a self-taught and self-professed demonologist, author, and lecturer. Lorraine professed to be clairvoyant and a light trance medium who worked closely with her husband.

In 1952, the Warrens founded the New England Society for Psychic Research, the oldest ghost hunting group in New England. They authored numerous books about the paranormal and about their private investigations into various reports of paranormal activity. They claimed to have investigated over 10,000 cases during their career. The Warrens were among the first investigators in the controversial Amityville haunting. According to the Warrens, the N.E.S.P.R. uses a variety of individuals, including medical doctors, researchers, police officers, nurses, college students, and members of the clergy in its investigations.
I've been listening it as audiobook and highly recommend it. It is packed with information. From Wiki about Ed and Lorraine Warren:

Yes, and their life story is very inspiring and admirable; a couple who not only devoted themselves to helping individuals and families with all kinds of hair-raising paranormal-related problems, but also went around to community centers, colleges and churches and gave talks educating the public on the truth of malevolent entities and attack.

In one interview, Ed Warren decries the negative influence of atheists in the world - who have tried to debunk his work and the reality of 'spiritual warfare'. The Demonologist has a wonderful section in it when, after some time of being "debunked" and attacked by the media and naysayers, the Warrens experience a fortuitous meeting with those of faith and knowledge - that assist the couple in revitalizing their work and affirming their connection to their aims.

There are a number of very good discussions with them here.
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