Gödel, Escher, Bach

I read the first chapter of it quite a few years ago and found it very interesting. Unfortunately my flatmate was also reading it at the time, and I then forgot to get it afterwards. If you do read it again, I'd love to hear your review of it!
Hi Johnno,

I did read it years ago. At this time, I found it very interesting. It shows interesting concepts (like recursivity) and explain them by showing parrallels examples of these conceps in music, languages, logic, etc.

Worth reading, imho.

Thanks Tenten, one is on the way as I type! Should be an excellent mental workout.

I'll send it your way Ryan if and when I finish it.
Thanks Johnno, but no need. I've got a lot of other stuff to get through first, and I've bumped a re-read of "In Search of the Miraculous" up the priority list a bit. I'm about 2/3rds finished "Journey through this world" btw - what a great book! I'll do a thread on it once I finish.
My description of GEB:
an instruction manual on how to read Godel, Escher Bach.
It is the entiry of everything and like the Wake from Joyce may be hard to complete, but well worth the effort as it contains something for everyone.
Oh, thanks, guys (and gals) for thread! That book is about semiotics, and i'm looking for books in semiotics in local bookstores with no success for qute some time. I'm almost done with amazon order, good i didn't send it yet. Thanks!
Hofstadter has a new book called "I am a Strange Loop". Pretty similar to GEB, but well worth the read if you enjoyed GEB.
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