Get a divorce, now!


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Didn't know where else to put this, but it was new to me when I heard on the local, conservative ClearChannel radio station this morning an advertisement encouraging divorce!

It was from a law firm, of course, but it was surprisingly strong, "... sure, you could try counseling, and wait to see if it gets better -- the trouble is you could be waiting forever! Why should the two of you be even more miserable in 25 years when 4 of you could be a lot happier!" They were pushing their divorce web site and even had a 1-8xx-DIVORCE phone number. Not that divorce isn't absolutely the right thing for some people, but encouraging strangers over the airwaves to divorce seemed like a new low from the legal industry.
Do you have an audio recording of it ? Or can you get me one please. Would like to hear it.
Well... That Figures and it's not suprising to me. TPTB have been working this human cultural degradation agenda for some time. Some of what I've been hearing is blatant with no fear of reprisal... kinda like a slap in the face to those who have some clues as to what may be going on here. Perhaps TPTB think they have progressed beyond the need for hidden symbolisms and are just coming outright to state these things that would have caused outrage not so long ago. Appears to me that people are now desensitized to the point where there is no emotional shock.
Whoa... I went out for a smoke and realized that man-o-man, my programming in monotheistic morality was running big time. My head came unscrewed and I realized this.

Forget what I said about morals. Replace that morals viewpoint with self gratification: SELFISHNESS.
I suppose the appeal to self-gratification is pretty blatant, and I agree that someone, purely business-minded, must have felt that more business would result -- that it was time to try to get away with such a shock. Sorry, Away, no recording -- heard it while driving and I haven't heard it since.
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