Garden variety dreams

I've had two dreams about me and a friend of mine. First one I dreamed has was sleeping on a park bench outside my house, and I woke him up. I told he could come inside inside and sleep there until the morning, but he said no, he had to get home.

The second, I dreamed we were touring some sort of botanical garden, and I was looking at a tub filled with water that had a banana sprouting in it. Then someone banged on the metal tub, and I woke up.
Last summer I had an interesting dream. I saw lots of flying saucers come during daytime. They were small and roundish and were colored red and white (the turkish flag is red and white also - white crescent and star on a red background ) And I thought in my dream Oh my God, the Wave is here at last. And I saw my mother who is 75. She was on a tree and jumped down the tree with ease just like a child. Then I thought we must be in the 4th density already. Look my mother has become so much younger. I also thought about these saucers being colored red and white because then they would be welcomed by the people.
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