FT ad by American Jewish Committee



The American Jewish Committee took out a full page ad in the April 5 issue of the Financial Times newspaper.

It goes like this:

Top: Can anyone within range
of Iran's missiles feel safe?

Midline: a map of Eurasia and Africa centered around Iran colored in black,
with concentric circles around it illustratng presumably the range of those missiles

Bottom: Suppose Iran one day gives nuclear devices to terrorists.
Could anyone anywhere feel safe?

Logo: American Jewish Commitee
in small type: a century of learning
officers listed
to learn how you can help go to [their webaddress.com]

the non-existent Jewish lobby is on task....

I have it scanned the ad in two pieces ( it is giant), and spliced together in a Word document, but for life of me I can't figure out how to save it as a picture, let alone attach it in the text of this message. I'll be glad to pass it alone to someone more savvy in this things for further tweaking.

An Iranian diplomatic official was quick to denounce the ad:


Jewish Committee ad was 'totally based on biased propaganda'
By Hamid Babaei
Published: April 6 2006 03:00 | Last updated: April 6 2006 03:00

From Mr Hamid Babaei.

Sir, You published an advertisement (April 5) by the American Jewish Committee that is totally based on biased propaganda and unfounded claims about the Islamic Republic of Iran. Instead of relying on hypotheses and suppositions, it would be fairer if your high-profile newspaper tried to calm down the misleading atmosphere created by certain warmongering parties against Iran.

Such an advertisement will only justify the illegal acts of those trying to deny the inalienable rights of a sovereign state in pursuit of legitimate research and development in the field of nuclear energy. Iran's activities are crystal clear and in the framework of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Unlike those who pose a real threat to world stability by ignoring international rules and regulations, the Islamic Republic of Iran has time and again committed itself to international conventions. It would be better if we tried to put pressure on the parties that do not respect at all internationally accepted norms.

Hamid Babaei,

First Secretary,

Embassy of the IslamicRepublic of Iran,

London SW7 1PT


no other responses so far.
A one-two punch of fear propaganda to the ignorant and insult to the intended target. It seems a standard tactic of warmongers: terrorize and provoke. I doubt if the propagandists will answer. They would rather hit and run.
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