French government vs conspiracy theorists (Part 2)


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Good evening,

2 days ago, while I was taking a look at the news, I noticed another crazy one from this still crazy world.
After months (years) of fighting to keep our right (and responsibility) to think differently concerning many things as during the covid 1984 crisis, my attention was caught by an "interesting" article : an announcement from the French GVT concerning the conspiracy theorists.

Sonia Backes, the state secretary in charge of the citizenship for the Minister of home security and overseas territories (yeah, another useless department....) made a speech about the danger of conspiracists and that we needed to make it easier for people to report the ones they think they can be a danger for themselves or others according to what they think... What a good plan, isn't it ? Honestly, I thought it was something fake or exaggerated, so I dig a bit and I found that it was true, a new splendid idea!

So, they will make a special council whose members will gather (for example each year in January) to decide where they should put their attention, what subjects should focus their thoughts and what should they do about it... Moreover, they will ask/make easier for people to report others (family, colleagues, friends, etc.) and you know what, considering what has happened during lockdown, I have no doubts that some will be more than happy to report those crazy guys thinking by themselves.

Here is her statement in French, followed by a translation :

Sonia Backes, Secrétaire d’État en charge de la Citoyenneté auprès du Ministre de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer était l’invitée de BFM TV pour évoquer la lutte contre » les dérives sectaires et le complotisme en mettant un plan d’action concret car nous avons des difficultés sur le signalement. Que fait-on lorsqu’on voit son collègue de travail, son voisin touché par ça. Comment on le signale ? Comment on agit ? »

Sonia Backes, Secretary of State for Citizenship to the Minister of ministry of home security and overseas territories, was a guest on BFM TV to talk about the fight against "sectarian aberrations and conspiracy theories, and to put in place a concrete plan of action, because we are having difficulties in reporting them. What do we do when we see our colleague at work or our neighbor affected by this? How do you report it? How do we act?"

Of course, they say that they would never avoid people to think or believe in what they want, … except (yeah, you knew there would be an exception lol) if it means harm to themselves or others... Can you feel the perfume of this BS that softly hugs you before hitting you with a knife in your back ?
No need to be a genius to recognize the pattern to this well known scheme "it's for your good" (by the way, when politics do something saying that it's for your good, just run !).

In fact, it's easy to see that it will be very hard to draw a line between what is your simple belief/thought and what they consider dangerous for yourself and others. For god's sake, it's like people never learn, and it's almost funny considering what we just lived the past few months with the whole covid situation.
Remember the funny stickers like "what is the difference between a conspiracy and the truth ? 6 months. " (in fact, it can be far less ^^').

In conclusion, Part 1 : truth was forbidden in mass media and social networks (still the case) and now Part 2, they go further with special council and your environment. Let's see how they will manage to build this new project/weapon against free will.

Source : Sonia Backes, Secrétaire d’Etat: « Le gouvernement va organiser des « assises des dérives sectaires et du complotisme »

Thanks for reading.
It's in line with what New Zealand came up with (we can be pretty sure that a lot more countries will jump on the bandwagon)

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