Freedom The End of the Human Condition


The Living Force
This book written by Jeremy Griffith and his Group may have a couple of Puzzle pieces…..

They have been trying to bring this information to the public for close to 40 years.

Jeremy Griffith (b. 1945) is an Australian biologist who has dedicated his life to bringing fully accountable, biological understanding to the dilemma of the human condition — the underlying issue in all human life of our species’ extraordinary capacity for what has been called ‘good’ and ‘evil’.

Professor Harry Prosen,
Former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

Jeremy’s books have attracted the support of such eminent scientists in the field as Australia’s Templeton Prize-winning biologist Professor Charles Birch and New Zealand’s then foremost zoologist Professor John Morton, as well as other distinguished thinkers such as Sir Laurens van der Post.

The world is in crisis — we have the solution

He is offering his work for free electronic download, or printable version for free, or order online for the average cost of a book.

From his essays:

“Our original gene-based, instinctive ‘essence of life’ soul or PSYCHE became repressed by our intellect for its unjust condemnation of our intellect, and, for its part, our nerve or NEURON-based intellect became preoccupied denying any implication that it is bad. We became psychotic and neurotic.

our species’ particular instinctive orientation, which our conscious mind’s experiments in understanding were in effect defying, was our cooperative and loving moral instinctive self or ‘psyche’ or ‘soul’, the voice or expression of which is our ‘conscience’.

Yes, our ‘conscience’ is defined as our ‘moral sense of right and wrong’, and our ‘soul’ as the ‘moral and emotional part of man’, and as the ‘animating or essential part’ of us (Concise Oxford Dictionary), while the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology’s entry for ‘psyche’ reads: ‘The oldest and most general use of this term is by the early Greeks, who envisioned the psyche as the soul or the very essence of life.’

Indeed, as the ‘early Greek’ philosopher Plato wrote about our integrative or ‘Godly’ ideal-behavior-expecting, instinctive moral nature, we humans have ‘knowledge, both before and at the moment of birth…of all absolute standards…[of]beauty, goodness, uprightness, holiness…our souls exist before our birth…[our] soul resembles the divine’(Phaedo, c.360 BC; 65-80).

So, when our conscious self-became upset by our particular cooperative and loving instinctive self, or psyche, or soul, and as a result, retaliated against it by attacking it, trying to prove it wrong, and denying it, our conscious self was ‘psychologically upset’; it was instinct-offended.

[…]in order to have an instinctive altruistic moral nature, it follows that our distant ancestors must have been cooperative and loving, not competitive and aggressive like other animals[…]

In fact, since ‘osis’ means ‘abnormal state or condition’ (, we developed a ‘psychosis’ or ‘soul-illness’, and a ‘neurosis’ or neuron or nerve or ‘intellect-illness’. Our original gene-based, instinctive ‘essence of life’ soul or PSYCHE became repressed by our intellect for its unjust condemnation of our intellect, and, for its part, our nerve or NEURON-based intellect became preoccupied denying any implication that it is bad. We became psychotic and neurotic.”
Thanks for this - sounds like he's addressing the internal impact of ponerogenesis.

A quick search of the site shows that he does raise the topic of psychopathy, but in one of the essays denies it's impact on Western civilisation with the caveat that 'that will soon change'. I can't say if that is the overall thought presented on the topic yet from a quick search, but will put it on my reading list.
At first glance there is one red flag AFAIK :
- It's presented as being "The" solution, the book (Freedom) being kind of a new Bible.
But no money is required, it doesn't seem to be their aim at the non-profit World Transformation Movement, which provides, as stated, "the structure and support for the enormous relief, excitement and transformation that is made possible by understanding the human condition. Every human can now leave their selfish, egocentric and deluded behaviour behind and help transform the world."
Now, what about it being "the only movement that can save the world" ?
Just watched this interview with the author. His basic premise is that the problems of the human condition, i.e. negative emotions and acting them out, is a result of us struggling to deal with the change that occurred when we evolved from apes and became conscious.

This created a struggle between our instincts that had directed our behavior until then, and our new conscious self that sought to understand why we were doing the things our instincts were directing us to do. He refers to the Bonobos as an example of our 'ancestors' who lived and still live in an unconscious peaceful and cooperating society, and that they are basically us as we used to be (the golden age).

He doesn't, however, explain why the development of consciousness and the ensuing 'battle' with the instincts should have given rise to all of the negative traits of humans today, except to say that that 'war' between the two would obviously make anyone psychologically troubled and give rise to all sort of neuroticism and psychological coping mechanisms.

Anyway, good effort, but not the whole banana by any measure, and a good message to the average person I think.

The link below will take you to a segment of the video where he presents his thesis as a stork analogy, just a few mins and you'll get the idea.

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