Free will ?

ELTE2307 said:
Thank's all of you. I read the transcripts twice (without the commentaries of Laura though) and I realise that I sometimes stay too critical and don't let my insight play its part in seeking out the truth.


I really think (and hope) you'll get a lot out of reading The Wave - it is a very enjoyable, if intense read, for those with whom it resonates. It really helps, because it tells the story of Laura's 'journey' and connects a lot of extra dots, giving the whole thing a greater depth of meaning - it fills in a lot of the background context/reasons for this quest, how Gurdjieff's work became an integral part of it, and also makes it clearer how the study of psychopathy was discovered and eventually became so important because it filled in a very important 'blank'. This is why The Wave is always recommended to newcomers, to get a much better sense of what the work on this forum is all about.
I agree with you Nomad.
As I go on reading the transcripts I discover more just as if I was reading it for the first time. Things happen to be sharper.
Learnig is fun. I wish the process would never stop !

[quote author=truth seeker]"Are you willing to take responsibility for the choices you make?"
"Are you willing to fight to maintain the right to choose?" [/quote]

Nice questions truth seeker, hovering in my mind for a bit. Perhaps another I ask myself?

"Are you willing to accept what is out there come-what-may, and keep the mission of care and love in your heart?"

I read somewhere that this is a free-will universe, therefore slavery is allowed. It was stated in the context of someone venting. "How could God let this go on?!?" He may be simply keeping his convenant of a free-will universe.

You got me thinking (look out!). If you were to strip away the locks on our doors, the civil protections offered by government, the physical dominance that a large, fierce warrior enjoys, etc. ... then the only thing left for protection may be knowledge/discernment. Given that the scope of humankind covers everything from just above animal (humans are far more dangerous than any animal :)), all the way up to dark and light "ascended beings" - protection is definitely needed.

It's kind of a crazy choice, but it also hit me a while back that billions of years of the refinement of life have led us to the ability to share love and care. Therefore if I simply knee-jerk it back everytime someone else acts like a jerk, N, P, petty tyrannt, etc., then I am diminishing the value of the gift. I will choose to withdraw my care when I choose to. (thanks for the thoughts)
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