forgot password email


FOTCM Member
I just got this email, but I never utilized the 'forgot password' function. It looks legit put just wanted to post it here in case this has happened with anyone else or if some evildoer was trying to access my account. :evil:

I edited my IP address and part of the link.

Dear Los,

This mail was sent because the 'forgot password' function has been applied to your account. To set a new password click the following link:;sa=setpassword;


Username: Shane

The Cassiopaea Forum Team.
Hi Los,

Just to get some additional data; does your browser keep the username and email address for sites that you visit? Is there anyone else that uses the same computer?

I am thinking that it could be a case of someone using the computer which could have the forum as the homepage with your username already showing and this person accidentally hitting the forgotten password prompt and from there it's just another click to send an email to you. I am just wondering if that could be the case.
I live alone in my home, however, I have used the forum on a family members computer and on my work computer - neither of which would have the cass forum set as a homepage but I'm not sure if those browsers utilize an automatic login . It's unlikely that it was my work computer since the building is closed on the weekends. Perhaps it was my family members computer. Thanks for the ideas. I'll see if I can find anything out.
Yeah, most people I know tend to leave the autologin feature and don't dump the browsers cache when closing it, so it's possible that a computer you used somewhere else had that feature which means that, someone could have attempted to login to the forum.
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