Fasting and dreams


Dagobah Resident
It’s interesting how consciousness communicates with us. I am only on day 4 of fasting (on water), and as body starts to repair itself I see a dream where my car is partially lifted in the air and being repaired. It’s like a personal proof of relation of vehicle in the dream to physical body vehicle :)

Little bit off topic, bud did anyone notice “predator mind” being quite silent during fasting period ?
agni said:
It’s interesting how consciousness communicates with us. I am only on day 4 of fasting (on water), and as body starts to repair itself I see a dream where my car is partially lifted in the air and being repaired. It’s like a personal proof of relation of vehicle in the dream to physical body vehicle :)

Little bit off topic, bud did anyone notice “predator mind” being quite silent during fasting period ?
Just a question- what exactly is your routine about this diet-cleaning? Are you simply drinking only water or is something else involved?
I know this goes beyond a subject of this topic and would fit more under diet/health section, but I have to ask,
cause if you are only drinking water and not doing any enema, you could get poisoned by ur own body toxins,
as far as I'm acquainted with a subject and that is not something to play with.

„It is a necessity to do regular enema during the period of drinking only water (with few drops of lemon!)
cause a strong flow of bowel's toxins occur, which are then entering our system through our blood,
so patient can experience an overwhelmed weakness, hallucination and emotive crises...
A serious body-poisoning can occur from it's own body toxins., which can be easily prevented with regular enema.“


„Even more dangerous then water-diet itself is person's returning to everyday eating habits.
That period must last as long as the diet itself was lasting. Fast and unwary comeback can result even with a deathly end cause of the possibility of creating brain edema. What is the safe time line for such a diet to last – it's very difficult to predict, so is the period of time necessary for one's body to fully recover. „

*insert from Drago Plecko interview, 1986. he wrote a book on the subject, based on experiences of dr. Alan Cott and Russian doctor Nikolajev, both of them weer studying a subject of water-diets, but accompanied with regular enema. Drago Plecko himself went through this diet, 12 days lasting one..

Okay, sorry if U were already aware of this subject but I felt in a way obligated to point it out.
I am familiar with a subject, I was inspired by the topic on fasting.

I am not very big eater naturally, I normally eat about twice a day. Before fasting for about a week I have been eating once a day to get ready for fasting. I am on water only and I did enema on my day 3, now my stomach is completely empty. I haven’t been experiencing any side effects, no headache, I do not feel weak (as a matter of fact I feel quite energized, but my mind seems to be more calm then “normal” ). Only thing that I can attribute to side effect is bitter taste in my mouth(due to toxins), yesterday had a taste of a soap in addition to that. But it all these tastes had disappeared at night, and today I do not seem to taste any of that.

I am not sure how long I am going to last. I will listen to what my body tells me. Being 6ft tall with weight @ 162 pounds I do not think I can afford losing too much weight, that’s my only concern for now. But so far so good.

Don’t be sorry about pointing few things out, I appreciate your care.

P.S. It probably should be another post in “Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet” topic, but since dream is involved, I’ve decided to put it here.
great! I'm happy for you and that you're informed about it all so well, keep it up and "repair your vehicle" ;)
Yes, dreaming of a car does seem to reflect body issues.

agni said:
I haven’t been experiencing any side effects, no headache, I do not feel weak (as a matter of fact I feel quite energized, but my mind seems to be more calm then “normal” ). Only thing that I can attribute to side effect is bitter taste in my mouth(due to toxins), yesterday had a taste of a soap in addition to that. But it all these tastes had disappeared at night, and today I do not seem to taste any of that.

I am not sure how long I am going to last. I will listen to what my body tells me. Being 6ft tall with weight @ 162 pounds I do not think I can afford losing too much weight, that’s my only concern for now. But so far so good.
I have water fasted a couple of times over the years. The longest being 28 days, just water.
My taste senses do increase; after a while I cannot drink city or town water. It stinks and tastes bad.
I now use a water distiller, drinking steam tastes better.
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