Dreaming in different languages

This has happened like twice to me with Chinese Mandarin, I’ve been studying it a bit from here and there but I was actually doing way better in my dream with words that I couldn’t even remember. And the scenarios I can’t remember very well but it was like if I were in China looking for assistance or sometimes with a group of people like if they were my friends. It was interesting and weird.
However, the other day I had a dream in French... now I am familiar enough with French, but nowhere near fluent nor do I use it at all in my daily dealings, I haven't watched French films in quite a while and I haven't had any interactions with anyone in French in quite a long while either.

The dream itself was very mundane, I was somewhere doing something, fixing my car I think, or fixing something, and a woman approached me and was wondering about what I was doing, I turned around proceeded to have an equally mundane conversation in French, fluent and clear, the funny part is that I started the conversation with "I'm sorry, I don't speak French very well.." but carried on as if that wasn't the case. Then I woke up.
Who knows, maybe in your brain you know French better than in a conscious state! :-D
Along these lines, I wonder if you'd quickly pick up the language, if you took a French Language course. :-)
Along these lines, I wonder if you'd quickly pick up the language, if you took a French Language course. :-)
oh oui!! That would be super! :D

Something else that could actually be related is people starting talking in a foreign language after a head trauma. Could be a scrumbled connection to the information field, could be something else that again has to do with the way our brain or consciousness process information. :-)
I read something similar, in essence you've learned a language well enough, but it is your conscious mind that gets in the way, your inhibitions, and as such when your conscious mind is taking a nap, then these skills are able to flourish. Regarding the information field, it's curious, because it happens to me from time to time (and I think I've mentioned it elsewhere) as I lay my head down to sleep, sometimes I can "hear" unintelligible conversations, or music, like background music, and I've always suspected that it has to do with the mind's natural connection to the information field, and once focus is dissipated, other frequencies filter in, so to speak.

I've dreamed that I spoke fluent French a time or two. But the weirdest of my "other language" dreams happened some years ago when I was deep in Biblical studies. I had a very detailed dream of being a Hittite in ancient times and was actually speaking the language. It was a powerful dream because an invasion was underway and there was a lot of emotional energy. Apparently, I was speaking so loudly I woke Ark up and he wondered what the heck was going on. He woke me up and I continued to speak this language for a few minutes after I was awake before I "lost" it. It was really strange.
Yep, I didn't quite wake up speaking it, but I did wake up knowing it and thinking in French and I could actually feel it fade away rapidly.
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