Dream: I can sing!



I'm new to this board. I've been wandering around the forums and have enjoyed reading the topics and discussions posted by members.
I had a dream last night that was very different from dreams I've had in the past. In my dream I could sing and sang well. During the dream I was surprised when I heard my voice and that I had the ability to sing. I was even more surprised when my peers applauded my singing talent. While this was a really nice dream, in reality, I can't carry a note. Any thoughts on this?
I think your singing will translate into an ability to share truth well..very well . .
just my thoughts . . .
Thank you Wodasi,
Your insight puts an interesting spin on the dream.
What I found so interesting about the dream is that it reinforced an important life choice, one I made recently. I'm not a singer, I'm a photographer. I photograph topics such as environmental and social issues. Recently, I wondered if anyone "listens" to my photographs, and the stories I tell through them. The choice I was playing with was whether to devote more time pursuing other photographic avenues, ones I'm not thrilled with. The dream reinforced my decision to stay on course, documenting the topics I'm pursuing now. Perhaps a part of that is that the images are rooted in my desire to show the truth.
Thank you again!
I think more likely it signifies that you are having trouble expressing emotion, or pure emotion. Also, knowing your choice of creative pursuit leads me to conclude that you are more envious of pure expressions. To me, it is your subconcious trying to tell you that you can sing, i.e. you can express yourself, and people will accept you for it. It also seems to me that your dream is communicating the exact opposite to you than you have interpreted. Maybe you should take a singing lesson or two.

Music-> Emotional Expression -> "He sang his heart out" / see also Early greek philosophers thoughts on music. Most notably the Syrinx and the myth surrounding this which deals with inability to cope with loss for which one is culpable.
Singing -> Natural, unaided, the instrument you are born with
To sing in front of a crowd -> a desire to reveal something you have kept hidden, a wish to be judged, reviewed
To be applauded -> you consciously fear that if people know the truth about you they will not accept you, your subconscious mind thinks otherwise.

The body is a reflection of the mind, your actions reflect your thought processes and vv.
I am a singer. I know what it is like to be able to communicate through music with my voice. Having a dream about singing, sometimes it's like having a flying dream. This year particularly for me, singing in dreams became very empowering, and a way to not only express myself but also to defeat, unmask those who wanted to silence me. I don't have any advise on what it might mean to you. I am just glad you have experienced it. Maybe this is something you have wanted to do for a long time and your mind is telling you is time to get it out.

Best wishes,

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