Dream after massage, activated chi flow?


A little background. Day before the dream I was visiting a woman doing massage. In the past months I have been at several places. I noticed that I got some posture issues due to sitting in front of the computer too much in the past months so I decided to bring some balance in to the system. Besides the massage she was a fun young woman and I liked her femenine energy. We had a lot of laughs and it seemed we are on the same wave. I dont know if she is like that with every client, or she simply is doing her job and giving feedback to her clients who knows, but she was complimenting a lot my physique even though I am not a huge macho guy, but she asked a lot of personal question. To say the the least it was fun. When it comes to the massage it self my back was straightened after the procedure. During the massage I had some endorphine realeases. It felt like some trapped energy was realeased. After the whole experience I felt like laughing without any reason and being generally in good mood. When I came home I fell asleep very quickly after a meal.

I dreamed that I were somewhere in Russia. I remember mountainy landscape with green grass pastures all around. In the dream I met this Russian massage lady and she was showing me around as if she invited me into her home in this area or that I was visiting her. Her home from what I remember was this huge cave inside a mountain where we had to use a wooden elevator held by four ropes by its corner and we had to use it to get around. I remeber I was attracted to her or for very least we held hands ( I shaked her hand to say good bye after the massage season) and had some romance going on. After that I remember some drama was happening and I remember us being on this wooden elevator and this time it transformed into a wooden bridge which was very shaky to walk upon. After walking that bridge the enviroment of the dream changed into my apartment. The time of the day was night, but while being in the apartment I still kept the memory of the massage woman with a thought it would be nice to meet her again. In my apartment I looked through the window and I saw water bog everywhere like after a rainy day. The theme became somewhat apocalyptic and people who where walking outside had some grim vibes about them to the point I sensed I have to defend my self. Looking outside the people were stuck in the water and could not move. They looked paralyzed because suddenly there was current flowing everywhere and they got zapped. After that I remember somebody standing in my apartment and he didnt had any good vibes. He had some shadowy energy about him but at that point the dream got vague and I woke up if the memory about the massage lady.

My own understanding of the dream is such:

The mountain is symbol for my body and dreaming even though I dreamt that she invited me there. The shaky bridge maybe a symbol for after effects of the massage. The paralyzed people and the flowing of the current through water I understand emotional energy being realeased. Maybe some of you will have some better insight what the dream may be all about and I would be grateful for some insight. Maybe it may be some love bite story and I should find a new massage lady even though she is good at her job or its just me and over interpreting things and I simply should find a girlfriend. For the very least I would like to see how event unfold and get my back straight. Haha.
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