Dr. Paul speaks the Truth


Here's a compilation of remarks made by Ron Paul at last night's (Sept. 5) Republican debate in New Hampshire:

I truly cannot disagree with anything he says here. Every other candidate was scary to listen to, especially Giuliani (that's his chuckles you hear whenever Dr. Paul is called to answer a question).
There's been a lot of talk about Ron Paul over at Rigorous Intuition lately. Jeff Wells mentions him at the end of his most recent article, and there's a lengthy thread on him here: _http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board/viewtopic.php?t=13022

Since I haven't done my own research, I can't say how valid the arguments on that thread are, but personally I wouldn't underestimate any politician's ability to say and do the right things to get elected without revealing his/her true agenda to the masses. Every time we fall into wishful thinking about how the system could actually work with the right people and fail to see the utter extent to which the whole system has been ponerized, we waste precious time and neglect taking responsibility for making changes at a grass roots level osit.
Ron Paul's record speaks for itself, I think. People will be hard-pressed to find any REAL dirt on him.

While I don't know what "Rigorous Intuition" is all about, the thread you linked to reminds me of the 'Shoutwire incident' and their attempts to smear SOTT using out-of-context quotes and the such. No substance - all noise.

Please read Henry's article, The Insiders and Outsiders in Washington, posted simultaneously on the SOTT and the Ron Paul Online websites.

A quick Google search on Ron Paul should give you a lot useful information about Ron Paul, his record, and what he stands for.
Hi sHiZo963,

I'm pretty cautious about these people but your right he does represent. He did a great job in that youtube link. Your right Giuliani really was coming across psychotically, not that I can imply any strong knowledge on truly understanding that word. Hope Mr. Paul can keep up his pace at his age. In another video I saw today, where he was on ?hannity and colms? (not certain, but a fox news show) they seemed to be double teaming him (asking questions at the same time) and it seemed to me that it hurt the potential logic he is able to share. By doing that he can only focus on one question and then it looks like he is ignoring the other, though few can really follow two people asking different questions at the same time.

Personally I'm stuck between R. Paul and D. Kucinick. They seem to have what it takes to get our country back on track. Then of course there are the opposing forces who've taken out (killed) great leaders in the past. Seems scary, like a flip of the coin. On one hand there are the warmongers on both sides (D)(R), doing the bidding of Israel, and on the other Hope. In between there is the potential Bu.Sh'll attack himself (or get attacked from within) claim marshal law, attack Iran, no elections under the pathocracy..

Between the two of them, (wishful thinking-->) I could see one of them win the bid to run and pick the other as their VP, and I think that might mean something in terms of Uniting the Divided states. 'Hope'fully if such a wish could be a success, their courage and integrity could rub off on the nations inhabitants. My perspective's very wishful, and maybe neither would choose the other, but from what I can 'see' in terms of hope, and candidates running, it seems the only feasible possibility I'm aware of that will keep the planet out of a potentially long dark age. But again I 'see' little and don't know much about some of the other candidates. From what I've watched though (opinion) they all seem to be drooling for blood.

Again thanks for sharing the link!

sHiZo963 said:
Ron Paul's record speaks for itself, I think. People will be hard-pressed to find any REAL dirt on him.

While I don't know what "Rigorous Intuition" is all about, the thread you linked to reminds me of the 'Shoutwire incident' and their attempts to smear SOTT using out-of-context quotes and the such. No substance - all noise.

Please read Henry's article, The Insiders and Outsiders in Washington, posted simultaneously on the SOTT and the Ron Paul Online websites.

A quick Google search on Ron Paul should give you a lot useful information about Ron Paul, his record, and what he stands for.
Ron Paul does have a good record, but it is also a good record in an imaginary system. Many people believe in Ron Paul and put a lot of hope in him. I hope that enthusiasm is put to good use when the imaginary system 'works' and doesn't get him elected. The ponerology articles being written for the Ron Paul website could really be of use.

Jeff Wells, the owner of RI, writes some great stuff, particularly in regards to ritual abuse and mind control. The big question is why he believes a Boeing hit the Pentagon. He clearly shows an ability to think in most all of his writing. Why the disparity? But, while this area shows disinfo, I personally don't chalk him up to cointelpro.
I see what you all are saying about 'wishful thinking,' and I'm sure there are people out there who see Ron Paul as a savior-type figure who will 'set things right,' and that this type of thinking could serve as a major buffer for misinterpreting reality and the true 'terror of the situation' and lead to essential in-action and more 'sleep.' Yes, indeed - but this happens with everything else in this world of A influences, doesn't it?

At least Ron Paul speaks of liberty and personal responsibility, and he explains HOW these were lost in America (without most people noticing) - and it is these messages (as opposed to the needless debate over 'abortion' and 'gay marriage' the other candidates love to spin) that just MIGHT lead to higher thinking processes that may instill in people a sense of doubt about the crap they're being fed through the media... it just MIGHT make them question what they call 'reality.'

This is the 'HOPE' I see in Ron Paul: someone who can and DOES speak about (most) things AS THEY ARE - straightforwardly - without the flowery, sleep-inducing, and buffering words and phrases the other candidates repeat ad-nauseum. It is a big plus that he is now running for president, because the media are pretty much forced to air his speeches and report on him, and more people around this country ARE waking up after hearing this man speak on their TVs and radios - not to mention on the Internet.

I seriously doubt that he will 'win,' no matter how popular he becomes. There's already some evidence that his Iowa straw poll results may have been manipulated (they used the Diebold machines), so of course when the 'real' voting comes around (which will also most likely use the machines), it will be quite easy for the PTB to make him lose. The establishment is too strong for any real change VIA this 'imaginary system' (as Shane pointed out).

That being said, to DO nothing would be defeatist, wouldn't it?

And there ARE people in this country who are DOing something - and more everyday. There are currently 37,000+ registered volunteers (in 865 Groups from 700+ cities) on meetUP.com that spontaneously organize en-masse to spread Ron Paul's message of freedom in their communities - 550+ in Chicago alone. This kind of thing hasn't happened before, as far as I know, and the energy of these folks to do this in their own time and with their own money is really 'surprising' to witness in today's mostly apathetic America.

The media don't know what to make of it - they're stunned that so many people would organize in real life (not just on the Internet) for a presidential candidate. No other candidate comes close to the type of support Ron Paul gets from the every-day PEOPLE, i.e. the 'outsiders,' (and none from corporations or special-interest groups, i.e. the 'insiders') of this country. So, whatever THIS is, this movement to spread a particular message - it's growing fast. I can only 'hope' that as the numbers grow even more, more and more politically ignorant people will 'wake up' from their slumber.

The principle of non-linearity appears to be at work here - NO one would have predicted this sort of thing to happen all by itself - and whatever the future holds is truly un-predictable for me at this point (as in, bad things will most probably happen but what they will lead to now has a greater probability of going the 'better' way) - I was MUCH more pessimistic of the future after I found SOTT (and 'saw' the 'terror of the our situation' here on the BBM) and before I came to be involved in the Ron Paul movement. Therefore, I am DOing all that I can (as much as I 'can' DO given my current state of BEing and awareness) to raise the probability of things going a 'better' way on this planet by helping spread the message of Ron Paul and opening up people to a more objective reality - by using this movement as a vehicle for something potentially much greater, what Laura's HOPE article explains so well.

Or so I hope. ;)
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