Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic



You want talk about adding fuel to the fire. The main reason that Japan did not invade the continental U.S. when they struck Pearl Harbor is because they feared the right-to-bear-arms of every U.S. citizen. They truly feared the American people grabbing their gun and walking outside to defend their property and their families. As most of us know most Americans did not have weapons at this time but Japan did not know how many did. Where am I going with all of this? Well I want to put it in a control situation where if I was an Iraqi person and I agreed, somewhat, with the U.S. occupation and regime change.

If I was an Iraqi man (not a so-called insurgent) and I saw this happening or heard of it happening I would want to distance myself from the U.S. occupation. I would be, at the very least, extremely leery of these individuals who come for peace and want to use a family member for surrender. Why would they risk the life of someone's family? Sure it may work but is it ethical. This is a tactic used by terrorist, the mafia or the former Saddam regime not the freedom loving U.S. I might just grab my gun and step outside….

Just a thought......

You have some interesting points, but I would like, for the sake of discussion to point something out.

A number of questions come up, such as, if you had say, a thirty ought six, what would be you effectiveness in defending your home and family against a poorly trained group of military personal lightly armed? Now since most automatic weapons are to a certain degree illegal, we will limit the type of weapons to semi-automatic rifles, most likely of the hunting or collecting variety.

Not to bad, you would certainly die, and so would your entire family, but hey, you might take at least 1-2 of them with you, which has solved nothing except now you and your family are dead.

Because you are dead at this point you can't:

Escape somewhere and hide, hoping to make it through the storm.
Find others who are aware and network, helping each other to survive.
Eat five twinkies in a row, get and MSG high, and spend half the day staring at the back of your hand.

But hell, let's not be negative, in fact, let's be very optimistic and say that you have 3-4 thermite grenades, some plastique, an AK-47, and hummer.

But since we are being optimistic about your situation, we should be a little more optimistic about the "enemies" situation.

Let's say that you are going up against Marine Corp, or equivalent, armed with various explosives, M16s or what not, and at least 1 month of urban warfare training, where they spent most of their time learning how to invade homes and offices and maximize the carnage.

Strangely, it doesn't seem like the odds have really changed, the situation has become a little more real on the enemies side and a little less real on the defender's side.

So unless you are a well trained Navy Seal, armed to the teeth, you have next to 0 chance surviving the first 10 minutes of an attack by even a superficially trained group of invaders.

If on the off chance, you get accosted by Sergent Bilko, and his merry men, and manage to come out alive, what's next? Now you are a target for retribution, so, you end up being hunted, possibly tortured, and you are dead again, along with your neighbors, wife and family because a bunch of roughnecks called down an apache surgical strike on your block.

Every moment is a choice, and there aren't any wrong ones, just expansive or ataxic choices in the moment. Whenever you make a choice that so severely limits you choices in the next moment, I think we could say that that is a bad choice.

So what happens if you consider the choice: Stand and fight, Flee

Stand and Fight:

Die in an explosion.
Die in a gun fight.
Be captured, tortured, placed in a concentration camp, possibly gassed, possibly starved, we will call this one 'Mystery Death'
Survive, but be hunted, repeat.


Die while fleeing.
Survive while fleeing but be hunted, see 'Mystery Death'.
Survive while fleeing, be hunted, but escape anyway.
No one notices, or cares, you and the fam high tail it to canada and eat hash browns and maple syrup till you die.

I like the flee idea, because of the possibility of food, plus you get to wear a took!

To summerize my point, if you have a gun what are you going to do? Use it? You are simply and completely guaranteed to die.
Not only that, but by resisting, the psychopathic nature of those carrying out the orders will decide to 'use you as an example'.

Those who can do, do. So if you can realistically resist and invading force, by all means do so, but you can't win a fight on Bravado,
and not all fights must be won with violence.

Accomplishment is key, if your action benefits no one, including yourself, save setting an example to others as to what not to do in case of facist home invasion, then you have wasted your life, and those of the people you love because of what? The principle? Bravado?
Thank you Atreides for your comments, you are quite right in your analysis of the likelihood of being able to do much considering the force you are up against. I guess I was hoping to look more into the psyche of the individual in the situation. True, run and hide is more practical and the wiser of two evils, however, the mind does mysterious things to us when in panic mode or up against the preverbal wall. I am trying to suggest that no matter how many you kill this pattern is self inducing that more will join the opposing side and defend themselves. Do they have much of a chance, probably not in the short term, but in this scenario there is no end in sight.
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