Ding Dong! Zarqawi's dead,Zarqawi's dead.



Well Well Well.Here we go folks. Mission accomplished.Now,time for preparation of the shocking and awing of Iran?
I don't think anyone here didn't see this coming.Presidential ratings at an alltime low,Bushie is squirming everywhere he goes and in every press conference he has.Even his latest gay marriage rantings couldn't deter the thickest of the craniums this time around.
And damnit just as I was going to bring up some of the holes in this story one of them disappeared!As of about 5 minutes ago there was a paragraph that said that the "help they got from some Jordanian "official" Was an intelligence agent that watched a latest video of Zarqawi in some remote desert area that he somehow pinpointed for the location. but now it only reads:

A Jordanian official said Jordan also provided the U.S. military with information that helped in tracking al-Zarqawi down. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was addressing intelligence issues, would not elaborate, but Jordan is known to have intelligence agents operating in Iraq to hunt down Islamic militants.
I swear it was edited right before my eyes!
I'm so flabbergasted I lost my trainb of thought haha.Anyway there it is.
Saw it on the European news channel this morning.

A dead Zarqawi is a Zarqawi that can't talk I suppose.

I wonder what will be next indeed.
Tigersoap said:
I wonder what will be next indeed.
No worries! Will probably come back from the death, as usual. ;-) Zarqawi has this bad habit of resurecting. See:

Iraq militants claim al-Zarqawi is dead (March 4, 2004)


Iraq checks al-Zarqawi death reports (November 21, 2005)


My hypothesis is that Zarqawi is really a cat with 7 lives. Therefore, since he has been killed twice in the past and another one now, they just have to kill him four more times and that's it! Mission accomplished!
Actually they might just stick with this Zarqawi death this time around.It seems to go along with this silly script of theirs.
Danny said:
I don't think anyone here didn't see this coming.Presidential ratings at an alltime low,Bushie is squirming everywhere he goes and in every press conference he has.Even his latest gay marriage rantings couldn't deter the thickest of the craniums this time around.
Spot on. There was also the snowballing story of US troops gunning down innocent Iraqis... some commentators were drawing parallels with the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.

I wonder if this is actually a signficiant damage control operation by the pathocracy? There's no doubting the overwhelmingly useful part that Al-Zarqawi played as a propaganda tool for the US, taking the blame for many false flag operations in Iraq - of which the Mosul shrine bombing stands out as one of the most significant IMO. For the psy-ops crew to sacrifice one of their pin-up "evil henchmen" by officially sanctioning his death - someone that a large amount of time and effort has been invested in demonising - there must be big reasons behind the scenes. I can only imagine such a sacrifice being made in order to show the public a big "win", and salvage something from the trend of negative press that the neocons have been accumulating.

On the downside, if this can be seen as a symbol of the increasing pressure on Bush and his crew of fellow psychopaths (and with Israel applying it both externally and internally for a move against Iran) we may see another large-scale attempt to focus the public mind on what the pathocracy wishes them to see. I hope this does not eventuate.
Yes. We'll know Bush is REALLY in trouble when they tell us they killed the already dead Bin Laden.

After all this time I should be used to it, but it drives me nuts listening to the news on days like today when the discussion will be "what is the effect of the death of Zarqawi?" The MSM (Mainstream Media) seem to like nothing better than endless discussions based on a false premise. Sheesh.
It's textbook "Protocols of Elders".Plain and simple.And maybe it's me,but even in the face of all this manipulation and lying,it seems that they KNOW we are onto what is really going on and they aren't even trying to be discreet anymore.It's like "OK, let's see what these twits will buy now!"Actually, they don't even care if we buy it anymore.WTF is going on! At what point is there going to be a PHYSICAL real life movement here??I've got the time!Just give me the who what when and where.Seriously,how much crap are we gonna sit here and take.There is,if you think about,a warzone here in America and the worst weapon of mass destruction is right here.It's silence!Let's do something.
Some guy seems to be dead, but is it Al Zarqawi?
Maybe it is some "recycled" secret prison system dude who's time for sacrifice has come on the ol' STS chessboard.
Interesting timing indeed.
DonaldJHunt said:
Yes. We'll know Bush is REALLY in trouble when they tell us they killed the already dead Bin Laden.

After all this time I should be used to it, but it drives me nuts listening to the news on days like today when the discussion will be "what is the effect of the death of Zarqawi?" The MSM (Mainstream Media) seem to like nothing better than endless discussions based on a false premise. Sheesh.
'ain't that the truth'! I woke up to this 'news story' on my radio, rolled my eyes in my head, rolled over and turned it off. They might as well have said, "this just in, big news here, the easter bunny has been found visiting a local dentist for cavities" - whatever!!
Of course, they could be setting up a 'retalitory strike' from Al CIAda, and perhaps that's the reason he's been slowly built up as this ominous mythical figure over the past few years. Build him up, knock him down so his imaginary friends can blow up more buildings. I'm going to miss the one-legged super villian stories - hey, wait a minute, he has two legs now, right? :rolleyes
On the Today show they went overtime into pacific time. This is always a tip-off that Something Big is going on. The first half hour was all about Zarqawi.

I tried to figure out what is going on. Why kill off one of your favorite story-line under-the-bed monsters?

Well, Zarqawi is Jordanian and was formenting sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites. This is inconvenient because we have no immediate plans to invade Jordan. It would be much better if sectarian violence came from Iran, not Jordan. To do this we need to kill off Zarqawi.

The problem with the whole Bomb Iran thing is that they have been having a very hard time getting the story line right. Various blogs and groups such as this have been very active in attempting to predict what comes next. Also Russia and China have been reluctant to just fall in line. Facing resistance and having almost all story lines already covered, it makes it very hard to develop a story line that still has that "Random Evolution of Fate" feel. (Witness the latest fiasco with the Serpo homework exercise.) "They" needed something non-linear.

In order to transition to Iran, the Zarqawi story line had to go.

Sure enough, in the second half hour, Matt Lauer was interviewing the NBC "terrorism expert" Roger Cressey (he is one of the talking heads that NBC trots out whenever they need a talking head to wax on about the war of terror), and sure enough, near the end, Matt mentions the possibility that Iran may step in to continue activism in the sectarian violence. Cressey says "maybe" and the subject is dropped. However, the seed is planted!

How convenient. The new story line is only hours old and already the MSM is falling in line.

So the new story is:

Zarqawi is dead.
Sectarian violence continues.
Gee, whiz, we discover that it seems like Iran is supporting the Shiites.
This undermines the impact of their cooperation on the Nuclear Enrichment issue.
We (i.e. the USA) get to say to the world and Russia and China in particular "see we told you so!"
Sanctions are imposed, with terms and conditions that are impossible to meet.
Iran does not meet the conditions because of that impossibility.
We bomb them.
Iran sends missles into Haifa.
We nuke them.

OK, people, buckle your seat belts, be sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their upright and locked position, we are in for quite a ride.

"Knowledge Protects"
Danny said:
At what point is there going to be a PHYSICAL real life movement here??... There is,if you think about,a warzone here in America and the worst weapon of mass destruction is right here.It's silence!Let's do something.
Hi Danny, I don't know what you are exactly suggesting here, but if you're thinking about some kind of "physical" revolution ("weeell-you-knooow...tada-da-dada-da-daaaa"), as in 'punching' and 'kicking', I think that would only assure the swift, complete suppression and destruction of any kind of opposition, and game would be over for those defending the truth. I don't think we can defeat them at what they're best.

If you mean some sort of social/peaceful revolution, as in demonstrations and peaceful resistance and stuff, then maybe we would live a little longer, but would achieve little or nothing, as history shows. COINTELPRO would easily find ways to suppress and distort the movement.

In my opinion, our best bet is to spread knowledge. Learn and educate. No need to get physical.

"What if you gave a war and nobody came?" That's what would happen if everyone on the planet were educated enough.
Yes,you are right on both counts.
I dunno...I landed Alice in Chains tickets for a show up here they are doing before they go on the real tour and it's a small place,and it sold out in 4 minutes flat!So after their show the whole damn world can end!hehe
No, but really,what I mean is I hope each and everyone of us here are not just talking amongst ourselves.Get that knowledge out anyway possible.The hardest part for me right now is the friends who don't have internet access.That's more what I mean as far as physically getting out there and spreading truth.Hold meetings,get togethers,what have you.etc.
I think you hit the nail on the head, here, RS. Makes perfect sense.

rs said:
So the new story is:

Zarqawi is dead.
Sectarian violence continues.
Gee, whiz, we discover that it seems like Iran is supporting the Shiites.
This undermines the impact of their cooperation on the Nuclear Enrichment issue.
We (i.e. the USA) get to say to the world and Russia and China in particular "see we told you so!"
Sanctions are imposed, with terms and conditions that are impossible to meet.
Iran does not meet the conditions because of that impossibility.
We bomb them.
Iran sends missles into Haifa.
We nuke them.

OK, people, buckle your seat belts, be sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their upright and locked position, we are in for quite a ride.

"Knowledge Protects"
I think this parrot has ceased to be. It IS no longer. It is a stiff.
They bombed the parrot, so that it can no longer speak.

Yes, he was Jordanian, not exactly the best placed figure to discredit Iran. So that is one reason why his life was hanging on a small thread. Thank you rs for I didn't see this line of reasoning.

But he was also fomenting disunity amongst the Iraqi people (Sunnites and Shiites), and thus the thread on which his life was hanging grew thicker. After all he was doing exactly what the US pathocrats wanted, and have been doing themselves from day one (divide and conquer).

He was also a perfect funnel for the MSM to which all "insurgency" could be attributed to. People should not be confronted with the stark reality that many common people have been fighting the invader troops of their country. Many students have been FFWOINKing (allusion to produced sound) mortar-shells with their self-made tubes towards the invaders. People should not be reminded that the troops are not exactly what one would call ... liberators. So the easy pronounced name Al-Zarqawi, was to be the terrorist in command,
of all insurgency.

Al-Zarqawi, has also been used as a bridge between Al-Qaeda and Saddam. This is what they have tried at least, because the connection is worth nothing. I don't think that Zarqawi ever saw Osama, or Saddam. Before the shock and awe invasion, he was hiding in the North in a region that wasn't even controlled by Saddam. As this possible link grew thin, and got used up by now, the thread on which his life was hanging grew thinner.

It seems that Al-Zarqawi started to adopt a more moderate attitude as of late, and that initial rapprochements between him and the current Iraqi "government" were well on their way. Now, this is something that could not be tolerated by the invading pathocrats of course. Just imagine. All what he has been used for would melt like snow for the sun. A public overture between a terrible terrorist and the official government ? NEVER!

With this, his life line grew so thin, that it possibly snapped.

The timing is just perfect. And this proves that they could have "taken him out" ANY time they wanted. It also proves that they have USED Al-Zarqawi and that all that he has been involved with, or said to be involved with, was actually what the US pathocrats WANTED. I can only conclude that all the deaths, and the reciprocal vendetta's that ensued were WANTED,
by the US.
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