Did anything happen at the NASA hangar at CLE?


A Disturbance in the Force
On the northwest corner of Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport, there sits a hangar with the acronym "NASA" painted on its roof. You can see it on Google Earth if you have it. Notice how far away that hangar sits from the rest of the airport? There were reports that indicated that at least one airplane had its numbers repainted and was reinstated back into service. Could it have been Flight 77 or Flight 93?

If a missile hit both the Pentagon and Shanksville [as there still is no indication of any genuine airplane parts or wreckage that was found, unless it was planted illigitimately to dupe investigators into believing that both the Pentagon and Shanksville were indeed airplane crashes. If you'll notice from previous postings that use maps of the flight patterns of both flights 77 and 93, you'll notice that both of those flights were near the air traffic control center that also services Cleveland-Hopkins Intl Airport.
Both flight patterns from both these aircraft get pretty close to Cleveland, before the supposed "maps" indicate these planes did a U-turn and head east towards DC. However, I forward a different theory.

I surmise that both Flights 77 and 93 were landed on the far runways of CLE and then taxied over to the NASA hangar and the parties on board were deplaned, along with their luggage ... and summarily executed and tossed into the back of a deuce-and-a-half and transported to the nearest crematorium. Then the planes, large enough to fit in this hangar, were stripped of their numbers and repainted and put back into service when the mortorium was lifted and planes could resume flying.

This theory would advance other ideas, as to why there were no body parts found at either the Pentagon or at Shanksville that could be matched to any DNA or other evidence of passengers of either flight. If you're going to have a false flag attack, make sure that you keep all of the "playing field" on federal property. Isn't NASA a federal agency? Food for thought.
This is not far from what we have conjectured ourselves!
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