Dead Mother

I guess this essay describes the feeling of the situation I felt from my first breath on this earth up to this very moment (in Kali Yuga Babylon Vampire two thousand and seven years after the death of the mythical castrated "shaman"/whatever). The parameters of "nice" reasonable discussion, the supreme status of mastering rationalizing all the spirit compromises, and the escapism and denial of what's always been there in front of our faces - amazing!, just meant we kids had our work (lessons) cut out for us. 50 years later - running the same time-tested program.
There's a lot here that we're all familiar with - the dire details; but it goes to the core...native ponerology (& drawing on the work of Derrick Jensen) and, ultimately to a truly Positive Vibration (wisdom).
Apocalypse No! Part 3 by Juan Santos
An Indigenous World View - http://countercurrents(dot)org/cc-santos120107.htm

"Ten thousand years of civilization have so traumatized us – ten thousand years of trauma have so civilized us, that it can no longer be endured or contained."

"Our senses of relatedness, of place, belonging and autonomy have been radically and systematically undermined. It’s not only that we have been made alone and lonely: the reality is that to pierce the shell, to reorder our lives, to reconnect, to come together in new ways threatens the very stability of a system that is built and depends for its functioning on our sense of unworthiness and isolation, and on cultivating in us a sense of being both without hope and ineffectual. A deep sense of kinship is a fundamental threat to a system that can only establish itself on the basis of denying, “rationally� reordering, and containing our abilities to relate."

"This is the central tenet of the western world view: that matter is inert, that reality is “matter in motion,� dead matter moving. Dead Mother moving: this is the signal, sign and symbol of the death of relationship that is the hallmark of civilization."

One final quote:
“Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind.
“Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?
“Know that you yourself are essential to this World.
Believe that!
“Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this World.
“Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no beginning and no ending!"
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
I think that the 3-part essay to which Bholanat links above is key to understanding some of the things being discussed here, so I'll take the liberty to post (cut-n-paste) all of it.

Apocalypse No!
An Indigenist Perspective -Part I

By Juan Santos

02 November, 2006

The Script

From the beginning, this culture —civilization— has been a culture of occupation. - Derrick Jensen

It’s scripted: a tragedy whose end is embedded in its beginnings, an unfolding logic whose conclusion is the inevitable result of its premises.

It’s simple. And obvious. We find ourselves in the midst of the most rapid mass extinction in Earth’s history; we have the power to all-but end life on Earth. We can do so with nuclear weapons, today, in Iran, or simply by turning the ignition switch on our automobiles and gliding over paved surfaces where nothing can live. A little more carbon dioxide, just a little, will tip the scale - unleashing our potential for matching the greatest mass extinction ever – the one called The Great Dying.

Science has given us until roughly 2012 to take radical action to change the course we’re on. In the next six years, they tell us, we will determine the fate of the Earth.

With the US and its white colonial puppet Israel on a nuclear collision course with Iran and Syria, we may have less time than that.

250 million years ago 95% of all species died. Only one large land animal was left. Carbon dioxide and methane – the two most deadly of the greenhouse gases – were responsible. We can do it again. We’ve followed the script, we know our lines, and we’ve reached the final scene.

For that reason, this is a most exciting juncture for the Armageddon mongers among us.

That’s most of who believe in the colonizer’s religion, in the Beast, the Great Tribulation, the Four Horsemen, the Seven Seals, and the other visions of St. John the Apocalyptic, whose hallucinogenic fantasies penetrated clearly into the essence, unveiling the inevitable end, the direction this civilization must head and the end it must reach.

Fundamentalist Christians everywhere are working overtime to “bring it on� ; they want to fulfill the conditions for the return of Christ, whose first priority and purpose in action, according to the book of the Revelation, will be the destruction of the Earth.

But first, the fundamentalists believe, they must be certain of two things: the stability and existence of the white colonial settler state of Israel, and that the “gospel� is “preached to every creature� on Earth.

Throughout history the “gospel� has been “preached� through conquest. Otherwise there might not have been a single Christian in the Americas, Africa, or, for that matter, Europe. Christianity spread with the Roman Empire, and, in the midst of the Inquisitions, “spread� to the Americas in the wake of the Conquest, a conquest in which as many as 100 million native people died. It spread to Africa in the late 1800s as Europe divided the continent and colonized it in wars that cost another 50 million lives. It spread like a disease, bringing death to millions as part of the two greatest, most racist Holocausts in the history of “civilization.�

A practical interpretation of the fundamentalist perspective might view the matter this way: the fundamentalists believe that they have failed to conquer the world, and Jesus, or the Antichrist (there’s little functional difference – both come as Destroyers) will come back and conquer it for them in the battle of Armageddon. For this scenario to unfold requires the existence of Israel, and, at a minimum, that every living human has heard the “good news� of “salvation.�

Then, Jesus will come back with a vengeance. Everything will be under control; everything will be dead. And if it’s not, then there’s always the Last Judgment for backup.

The images of the “end times,� the symbols of the Revelation, Armageddon, and the rest are familiar throughout “Christendom� – the lands and peoples conquered by the church and its allies – the people who survived, at least.

For many of us, they serve as a frame of reference that’s not only familiar, but normal – images lodged, unquestioned, in the subconscious and that function as a mythic encoded drama – a script about where we come from, where we are, and the nature of our destiny. Like all such encoded dramas this one frames our identity. It’s the myth we’re living, as Joseph Campbell would have it.

It doesn’t matter if you “believe� in it or not.

If you live in a “Christian Nation� and think you’re not a “Christian� – if you think you’re above all that, put aside the question of “belief� for a moment. Dwell, instead, with the images: The Beast; Armageddon; the Seventh Seal, and watch as their compelling power asserts itself.

A Way of Death

Our current sense of self is no more sustainable than our current use of energy or technology. - Jensen

Since the dropping of the Bomb on Hiroshima the cultural identity based on these images has been shattering.

No one openly admitted that “success,� according to the script, meant success as the total domination and destruction of Life on Earth –even though we are on the brink of doing just that - or that the essence of civilization’s “meaning� is to be found etched in the shadows burnt by the Bomb’s atomic flash into Hiroshima’s walls. No teacher openly tells a room full of school children “Success means destruction and meaning, in our culture, means death.�

In the US, elements of the sixties generation either clearly understood the matter – beginning with Allen Ginsberg’s Howl and the onset of the Black movement for freedom – or they were caught up in the mass discontent that spread like a wave from Ground Zero, and from the worldwide anti-colonial uprisings of the post-war era.

The most conscious elements of humanity got the deeper message – often at great personal cost: not only that the Bomb is evil, or that slavery, conquest and genocide are evil, but that this way we live is a way of death, in its entirety. Many understood that there must be an alternative, and they were by no means naïve or merely “idealistic� in demanding it “NOW.�

They were, rather, speaking the language of life, a language most were unable to hear or speak.

This was the impetus behind the great cultural transformations of that time. Much of the exploration, the seeking of a way out of here, led toward an embrace of various forms of salvationist ideology and practice – Marxist, Buddhist, Hindu and their thousand and one New Age variations - none of which break the fundamental mold of the civilization that shaped them.

So much has changed for nothing to have changed.

But underlying much of these explorations and permeating the approach of many of the explorers was a “new� – actually ancient, paradigm – one ultimately grounded in the science of ecology and the intuition of ecologists and those close to the Earth – holistic thinking.

This approach to the world has gained a toehold in Western Civilization over the last 35 years or so - just soon enough for many to begin to remember what indigenous peoples have always held close. The Earth is one living being. And now, as a species and as a planet of living beings, we have nothing but a toehold between us and the abyss.

It’s not just the bomb, of course, it’s the whole thing – the Earth isn’t “dying� – we’re killing Her. This is the Apocalypse; Mass Extinction, Peak Oil, Agricultural Collapse, Ecosystem Collapse, Nuclear War: the Apocalypse goes by many names. Its most occult name is “Everyday Life.�

Our “way of life� has never worked on planet Earth and it never will – every empire in world history has collapsed, every empire overshot its “resources� – and this empire will be no different.

We’ve had, as Daniel Quinn has put it, our Great Forgetting of our place on Earth.

Now, we urgently need a Great Remembering.

Resource Wars and Fascism: Babylon’s Way Out

"Those in power rule by force, and the sooner we break ourselves of illusions to the contrary, the sooner we can at least begin to make reasonable decisions about whether, when, and how we are going to resist." - Jensen

Cognizant that life itself has but a bare toehold on the planet, the bible thumpers are thumping, the business as usual clock is ticking, and the empire builders are gunning for oil.

They don’t think that when it goes down, they’ll go down with us. The bible-ists think they’ll be “raptured� into “Heaven.� The capitalists and super capitalists have their own brand of “rapture.� They plan to buy the lifeboats, to live in ease, squeezing the earth for every copper cent and ounce of oil left in Her. And they mean for their progeny to rule what is left after the wall comes tumbling down.

That’s what today’s massive and deliberate redistribution of wealth and resources toward the rich is about.

They mean to run what’s left on “clean nuke,� as Bush calls it, even though – like the reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas, uranium will mostly be depleted by 2100.

They plan to control the world’s nuclear weaponry, as best they can, and thus what remains of the oil. As the rest of the world sinks into oil starvation, economic depression, and mass starvation, no one – the US imperialists hope - will be able to challenge their dominance of the Earth’s “resources.�

In the meantime, they mean to overthrow or face down the Big 3, the oil rich 3, the new evil axis of Iraq, Iran, and of course, the newest target – Venezuela. Bolivia will not be far behind; it’s also hydrocarbon-rich, and its government is no more “cooperative� than the rest. Mexico, with its stolen elections, and Saudi Arabia, with its bloated royal family, are under control, for the moment, and Bush, the idiot savant, will never let go of Iraq.

The current US/ Israeli assault on Lebanon and Hizbollah is phase two of a plan to gain strategic control over the Middle East. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice calls it a “New Middle East,� in the same spirit as the “New World Order� declared by Bush1. Prominent members of the Bush 2 administration, such as Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others linked to the “Project for a New American Century� , speak openly of a Pax Americana and openly advocate that the US totally dominate the globe militarily, beginning with the Middle East.

The aim is to crush non-state resistance groups like Hamas and Hizbollah, to squeeze Syria, and lay the groundwork for a massive assault on Iran – whose vast reserves of oil and Islamic ideology represent the most formidable block to utter US power over the region and its oil reserves, and thus, over the world. "It is time for a new Middle East, it is time to say to those who do not want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail; they will not," Rice said in Jerusalem.

The Project for a New American Century says Iran is “rushing to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons as a deterrent to American intervention...�

Even the hint that Iran might – one distant day - combine its vast reserves of hydrocarbons with a nuclear capacity to defend them and thus remove them permanently from the grasp of the American Empire, has unleashed a storm of preparations for a major war - even a nuclear war - one pitting the US, Israel and Turkey against Iran and its ally Syria. Such an aggression could readily draw China, Russia, or even France into the fray in an effort to protect their own stakes in Iran’s oil, lighting the fuse of a nuclear Armageddon.

Make no mistake, however – the elites of each of these nations mean to milk Mother Earth of fossil fuels for their own benefit – not that of the US, and certainly not in the interest of planetary stability and the sustenance of Life. This is a way of death -rebel state, rogue state and Empire alike. Only Cuba is different at all, and it has no oil.

All civilization is about power and the addiction to power; Euro-American culture is permeated with nothing but power; all the West does is in its pursuit. For now, at least, they’re the “experts.�

Enter the era of resource wars and fascism.

It’s “necessary� if “civilization� and our “way of life� and “standard of living� are continue for even a while – even for the elites.

We are entering the dark tunnel of the new era now. The US’s colonial war of occupation in Iraq is a resource war. The overt threats against Iran, the rumblings and assassination plots against Venezuela and the bombing of Lebanon portend more of the same.

As the economy – and thus the civilization – based on oil runs dry, as it can no longer deliver, as it consumes itself in “economic downturns� the powerful will see only one choice. War and mass repression.

As the availability of cheap energy evaporates, as oil production peaks, Third World economies will begin to collapse, even as the Green Revolution – the hydrocarbon based agricultural “miracle� that has led to a doubling of the Earth’s population – also begins to collapse.

Starvation, mass rebellion and insurrection will become the order of the day for already impoverished peoples on a global scale. With the onset of increasingly dramatic impacts of global warming and the rapidly escalating depletion of the world’s aquifers much of the Third World may become as desperate and chaotic as sub-Saharan Africa is today.

The Pentagon has developed plans, not only for resource wars, but for dealing with a global and vastly accelerating refugee crisis – their aim is to keep the refugees out of the First World entirely. This is the backdrop for today’s targeting and scapegoating of migrant populations within the US and Europe. Under such conditions the ruling elites see migrant peoples as a potential source of acute internal instability.

As the Empire seeks to establish its hegemony over oil and to maintain its hegemony over its Third World puppets while suppressing its colonized and dispossessed populations at “home� ; as it is forced to become increasingly brutal to carry out its aims (witness Lebanon) mass discontent and rebellion could erupt, even in the belly of the beast.

It would seem that mass repression –- even open fascism -– are the only things that might keep the peasants –- us – starving in line. Peoples of color within the US will be the first and most visible mass targets. But every targeted group – including women, will be increasingly at risk of overt, violent repression as the State careens toward open fascism.

If the destroyers have their way, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel we are entering, only starvation, limited but ceaseless resource wars, and the thousand year reign of the Anti-Christ - a permanent new Reich.

Their other option is Armageddon.

The City of God

“Hell is empty, all the devils are here.� - William Shakespeare

Even as Israel launched its devastating assault on the Lebanese people, US neo-con darling Newt Gingrich called it the opening phase of World War lll, and over 3,000 members of a Christian fundamentalist sect hit Washington DC in a mass lobbying effort to urge that the US attack Iran.

Their leader, the Rev. John Hagee, wants to bring on the apocalypse and believes the Book of Esther predicts that such an attack would set off the “End Times.� His followers are not alone. In 2002 a Time/CNN poll held that 59 percent of US citizens believe that the prophecies of the Book of Revelations will come true. Other polls show that roughly 40 percent of people in the US believe that a sequence of events that presage the biblical “End Times� is now under way.

Hagee – a televangelist called “Pastor Strangelove� by some – is the author of Jerusalem Countdown, which has sold some half million copies. It was the nation’s top “inspirational� book and stayed on best-seller lists for weeks. Hagee holds that the US and Israel must launch war against Iran to fulfill God’s plan – that they must launch the opening salvos of Armageddon.

Such is the wrath of god – or of those who claim to be god’s earthly representatives. As portrayed in the book called the Revelation it is a wrath extreme beyond measure. The book’s mixed metaphors, messages and morality are equally extreme.

Revelation 11:18 brings the message – and the confusion – home: “It is time,� the passage declares, “to destroy those who destroy the Earth.�

But that’s not what happens. Instead, in his vengeance, the deity – following precisely the logic of Western civilization, destroys the Earth himself. The most generous interpretation that can be offered is that he destroys the village in order to save it.

He then – having destroyed all Life - creates a new, “pure� , and patently sexless world to replace it. But really, it’s not a world at all; at least there is no description of the “New Earth.� It serves only as a backdrop to the “New Jerusalem.� It’s as if there were nothing but a city, a city with no countryside, no surroundings, no Earth, no sea, no animals, no life—a heavenly place, a place that can at last be ruled with no disorder – with nothing left to destroy.

The creation of this Disney style future is the aim and end result of god’s “plan.� It’s “god’s way� out of the conundrum of civilization, the way out the “World� that Christian fundamentalists are taught to “hate,� and to destroy even as they replicate it. The “City of God,� as Augustine preached, would ultimately triumph.

Babylon System: The City of Man

“The Babylon System is the Vampire� – Bob Marley

But the real City – i.e. civilization – obviously doesn’t work like that. The City, with its concentration of wealth, with its division of labor, with the inability of its population to feed itself, cannot exist without exploiting the Earth and the people that surround it. As its population grows in both size and density, it must expand its control of the surrounding territory in order to access more food and resources. This is the foundation of all Empire and mass enslavement. It is the beginning of genocide. As Daniel Quinn points out, the cultures that stand in the way of the city’s territorial expansion must be destroyed, or assimilated, which amounts to the same thing.

To get rid of the city – the “World� – is among the main themes of the Revelation. To do so, before he can create the Disney version, the New Jerusalem, god must rid the Earth of the real city – Babylon. Here’s the message: god, like Bush and the fundamentalists, is going to make civilization work – or kill us and all life while trying.

The most clear-cut and unequivocal action of the deity of the Revelation is the destruction of the Great Babylon.

Represented metaphorically as a wealthy -jezebel-, Babylon is explicitly identified as a city, a global capitol of commerce and corruption with links to craven, lust-filled businessmen in a network that envelops the globe.

The Rastafarians, certainly, have taken this reading straightforwardly and made of it a central image in their eclectic theology of liberation. They’re not the first and won’t be the last, to turn a repressive ideology on its head and make of it a liberatory one. Nor have they been the first to selectively emphasize biblical passages to fulfill their own cultural purposes – and the cultural purposes and functions of this myth are altogether different in the Euro-American cultural matrix.

While the oppressed – particularly those of African and Indigenous American descent - have made of the bible a “way out� of their oppression at the hands of their Babylonian captors, in a Euro-American framework the Revelation offers a different “way out� – a way to avoid responsibility for the destruction that comes as the climax of their “civilization.�

For the oppressed, in their theologies of liberation, apocalypse is restorative. It restores the natural order – it is the restoration, as well, of human justice.

In the syncretic Mayan Book of the Chilam Balam of Chumayal the sentiment is clear; the return of christ means the end of Spanish rule in Mayan lands. Once the Spanish have been driven out, the rule of Jesus Christ and the Mayan leadership will begin again.

In the most coherent and morally consistent of the indigenous prophecies -¬ that of the Hopi nation – it is said that during the Time of Purification a brave person will stand up and demand of the rulers, “You profit at the expense of all life. Come here and pay your debt.�

It is that payment – the moral and practical responsibility for the debt of destruction - that the Euro-American script encoded in the Revelation means to avoid.

Those who take refuge in god’s “rescue� and god’s “plan� fail to realize that we live in Babylon as if it were the New Jerusalem, and that there is no essential difference between them.

It is the emotional, psychological, cultural and economic compulsion to ignore the reality of that which surrounds the City and its elites that makes Babylon and the ecological destruction and human and animal oppression it represents possible.

The New Jerusalem, the “City of God,� is only an idealized projection of the same dynamic – except that in the “heavenly� case it’s projected that there is no real Earth surrounding the City – it has been and can be destroyed. Even under such conditions, the City – civilization - can, must and will live on. The triumph of will, the dominance of the City of God, is the triumph of Babylon, and both are predicated on omnicide - the destruction of Life on Earth. The so-called New Earth, in this scenario, is, apparently unworthy even of description in the Book of Revelation. It has no reality.

The Destroyer

“We also have to work… the dark side, if you will.� - US Vice President Dick Cheney

“In terms of the despiritualization of the universe, the mental process works so that it becomes virtuous to destroy the planet.� – Russell Means

The distinction between a Hitler and a “Good German� is a distinction without a difference.

Those who are not outright death mongers – which is to say those unconscious of the implications of the script, don’t get off the hook. If they don’t know, the chances are they don’t want to know.

The Euro-American rendering of the tale of the apocalypse nonetheless provides an inoculation against any real awareness of the reality of our global situation and against taking responsibility for its consequences.

In the US, the middle class is as addicted to power and to things – junk – as are the elites. The main difference is that they can only access smaller doses of these pain killers.

The addiction to power and to things leaves us, like any addiction, psychologically and emotionally “invulnerable.� That’s the whole idea; someone gets hurt, but it’s not us. We have ours. We don’t sympathize.

Hierarchical civilization is based on just this, something so simple; hurt, power, the repression of meaning and the evasion of consequences. The Latin root of “evade� means to “walk out� on.

The meaning of the myth of the apocalypse in its Euro-American context can’t be abstracted from these fundamental dynamics.

The Revelation story means that the destroyers of the Earth who “believe� in Jesus will be wisked away on god’s great broom in a moment akin to emotional/ mystical/ sexual “rapture.� The believer / destroyers get off the hook, and leave the “sinners� behind to suffer the final destruction of the Earth.

They “evade� – they walk out on – the consequences.

They are, after all, the “elect.�

We all know them; smug, fearful, arrogant: they all but identify themselves to us at a glance. They consider themselves superior, if not supreme, beings.

They “have theirs� – their small power, their willingness to hurt those “beneath� them, and a veiled fear of the consequences. They are the “civilized� ones. They keep the rest of us in line.

The script that underlies the Revelation has a message for them; it tells them this:

“You need not – dare not – think about or authentically acknowledge news about the impending death of the planet. You need not act. It’s in god’s hands – where all “spooky� things, all “ghostly� and frightening things belong. The signs of doom are not for you. This is god’s plan. It is not we but he who will destroy the Earth, in his just wrath against evil.

“But remember, you are not “of� this World – you do not belong here. The world is evil; you are to hate it as you love god. God himself hates it and that is why he destroys it. That is why he saves you –because you hate the Earth as he does.�

Such is the madness of god’s wrath. Such is the “secret� evil and madness of his followers.

Having then, destroyed the Earth, god replaces it. But this is no Garden of Eden – he’s not making that “mistake� again. There will be no innocence and no fall – those are no longer options. He replaces the Garden with the City State – the shining New Jerusalem. He replaces natural freedom in nature with civilized “security.�

There are angels at every gate. Watching. God can’t escape civilization. The story, the script, can’t escape its own premises. He re-enacts the inherent logic of destruction embedded in civilization by re-establishing the City State. He re-establishes the disease, the City that cannot live without destroying the Earth. This time, civilization is an act of god; god the Destroyer; god the Evader.

The Garden is gone. Forever. There is nowhere left to turn, no way out. There is a guard at every gate.

He hasn’t learned the most fundamental lesson: that life is vulnerability; that power – this kind of power - is death.

Is it any wonder the Christian fascists resonate with this tale?

Turning Point

“The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge: SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas

“A growing body of western scientific evidence now suggests what Indigenous Peoples have expressed for a long time: life as we know it is in danger.� - THE ALBUQUERQUE DECLARATION

We live in the most critical moment in the history of humanity on Earth, and at one of the three most critical junctures in the record of life on this Earth.

Hiding under our desks will not – no matter what they told us as children – stop nuclear war. It will not stop Peak Oil, the collapse of the Green Revolution in agriculture, the collapse of civilization or of life on the planet. Neither will huddling behind the bible.

We urgently need a different script, a different vision. It is time for a different kind of reckoning, a new Judgment. We need it now.

The possibility of global nuclear war is upon us in the Middle East. The window of opportunity to avert the most horrendous impacts of global warming is rapidly closing. By 2012 it will be too late. Some scientists, like James Lovelock, originator of the Gaia theory, say that it is already too late.

We need a new script – one that will tell us how we might save life on Earth, how we might survive what the scientists and indigenous elders alike tell us is coming. A script that will ensure we never make the same mistakes again – if we survive.

Those of us who sought – inspired by the upsurges of the 60’s – to re-evaluate all values, were right. Those who sought to counter the dominant culture, to decolonize, to seek more ancient and deep rooted spiritual, cultural and political values were right.

Some intuited what indigenous cultures have always known; the need to place our focus in beauty, balance, and the renewal of the world: to protect land and life.

Many intuited the bottom line: that we are responsible.

This attitude of rectitude and reckoning is inherent in indigenous cultures – which are, by definition, identified with the land, who are identified with all the power and personality of Place, and who experience themselves as an inseparable part of the web of life particular to that place.

Indigenous peoples want no escape.

They belong.

They know that to separate from the web of life is to destroy it; and the very heart of their spiritual and ritual lives is to maintain the balance between humans, Earth and Life in a spirit of reciprocity and mutual respect.

It’s been written of one indigenous elder, for example, that he “carries with him a little pouch filled with cornmeal… whenever he takes anything he needs from Mother Earth, he puts or sprinkles a little pinch of cornmeal at that place… By this gesture he pays homage to the Source of all life and survival.�

From the depths of this simple respect and from the understanding of the implications of separation from the web of Life, has arisen a kind of prophecy that, in its moral consistency and practical clarity is the antithesis of the Revelation. Among them are the prophecies of the Hopi, the Kogi, the Lakota and the Maya. There are many others. Perhaps some who are interested in a different vision or a different script might look there. My purpose is not to proselytize. No one needs to be “saved� or changed into anything they are not.

We’ve already been “saved� and “changed� to the point that many of us are out of our bodies and minds. We can, must, will and do find our own way.

Our task, if anything, is to cast aside the script we’ve been handed – to cast aside our colonization and “salvation� ; to reckon simply, intimately and directly with our life –and death – situation, and with what we, personally, are going to do about it.

Perhaps we will be so fortunate as to learn that to know ourselves once again is to know the power of place and our relationship to it, to regain our role as caretakers of the land, and to find our place, once more, as part of the Living Earth. Perhaps we will be so fortunate as to survive.


“We need to take a close look at this and then really come to terms with ourselves. To move ahead into the next 500 years we must leave some things behind or they will contaminate or even eliminate the future. We cannot go forward if we keep destroying the earth. But we must also ask, what is good and healthy and helpful? Those good things can be part of our foundation, part of our pathway into the next 500 years.� -
Navajo Elder Leon Secatero

The forces arrayed against us are immense, so immense that, even were the world to suddenly awaken to the depths of the danger – even if the rulers and the fundamentalists themselves were to awaken - the sheer inertia, the momentum toward destruction, might still carry us over the edge.

But in the US some 60 million people say they are gravely concerned about global warming. The war for control of the Middle East, and the moves toward fascism in the US, have made George W. Bush the most unpopular president of our time.

If – and it is a huge if – we were to wake up – to understand the utter magnitude of the threat posed by the US empire to the world and to all life on every front, then the possibility of an effective movement spurred by a tremendous and urgent energy might develop in time to make a difference.

It does no good, however, to note the slim odds – because if we don’t act in just this way, the odds of survival for most of the Earth’s species – ourselves included, drop precipitously.

For all that the Third World is destined to suffer the harshest of the coming blows, it may well be in the non-industrialized areas that any non-fascistic reorganization of society is possible. Cuba’s response to its national peak oil crisis is a case in point.

Not only are the Third World nations more susceptible to peoples’ struggles, but the fragmentation they will undergo under the conditions on the horizon, combined with the relative closeness of the peasantry to the land in those places, lends itself more readily to the kind of small, local, sustainable solutions that appear to be the only solutions that will be possible or desirable.

That is, if we manage, somehow, to avoid a nuclear World War lll, if global warming and desertification don’t turn the land into an oven, if local ecosystems can be sustained, or only partially collapse; if the aquifers aren’t depleted; and if the rivers and lakes don’t disappear with the glaciers…

First World conditions are more likely to develop in a fascistic direction. Going “back to the land� as a survival matter may not make any more sense for tomorrow’s survivors than it did for David Koresh to hold up in his compound in Waco.

Those best positioned and prepared to survive independently will be the remnants of the Native American nations, who have a recognized land base, and, in most cases, at least fragmentary living traditions and lore for living directly in tune with the land.

But there are no guarantees at all. The same ecological issues will confront First Worlders as Third Worlders who join in local efforts at sustainable communities.
How can we stop this? How can we survive if we cannot stop it?

The mind rebels.

Having spent thousands of years developing the tools of prediction and control, civilization has now brought us to a juncture in which war, water, weather, food, shelter and our very social structure will be less predictable than they were when we rebelled against maintaining our lives as hunters and gatherers, taking up instead what Quinn calls totalitarian agriculture – the “Agricultural Revolution� - in order to ensure a predictable survival. Our survival, human survival and advantage came first; no matter what the cost to the animal and plant life around us, no matter the cost to our fellow human beings who may find themselves socially “beneath� us and no matter what cost we might pay in our own tortured psyches.

We live – very truly – in a state the Hopi call Koyannisqatsi – life disintegrating; life out of balance; a way of life that calls for another way of living.
In 1980, Russell Means gave his most famous speech, called “For America to Live Europe Must Die.� In it, he points to another way of living. Means said:

� There is another way. There is the traditional Lakota way and the ways of the other American Indian peoples. It is the way that knows that humans do not have the right to degrade Mother Earth, that there are forces beyond anything the European mind has conceived, that humans must be in harmony with all relations or the relations will eventually eliminate the disharmony. A lopsided emphasis on humans by humans - the European's arrogance of acting as though they were beyond the nature of all related things - can only result in a total disharmony and a readjustment which cuts arrogant humans down to size, gives them a taste of that reality beyond their grasp or control and restores the harmony. There is no need for a revolutionary theory to bring this about; it's beyond human control. The nature peoples of this planet know this and so they do not theorize about it. Theory is an abstract; our knowledge is real.

“American Indians have been trying to explain this to Europeans for centuries. But, as I said earlier, Europeans have proven themselves unable to hear. The natural order will win out, and the offenders will die out, the way deer die when they offend the harmony by over-populating a given region. It's only a matter of time until what Europeans call "a major catastrophe of global proportions" will occur. It is the role of American Indian peoples, the role of all natural beings, to survive. A part of our survival is to resist. We resist not to overthrow a government or to take political power, but because it is natural to resist extermination, to survive. We don't want power over white institutions; we want white institutions to disappear. That's revolution.

“American Indians are still in touch with these realities - the prophecies, the traditions of our ancestors. We learn from the elders, from nature, from the powers. And when the catastrophe is over, we American Indian people will survive; harmony will be reestablished. That's revolution.�

With this understanding, we are free.

We have the freedom of truly having nothing to lose.

We are free to break down into madness, or into sanity. We are free to rediscover, to nurture our role as human beings – as caretakers of the Earth.

It is totally in our hands, and totally out of our hands.

We are free to break down, tune in and stop living as madmen bent on destruction. Free to give up our paranoia, our massive obsession with prediction and control, free, sooner than later, of the cult of everyday life.

We are free to, as the Elder Leon Secatero said, to leave some things behind. Free to trust, once again, our intuition, our bodies, our own thoughts, and to trust the rivers, the animals and our dreams. To be part of the world again. To belong here. Even to die here, just as it is. Knowing our Place.

As John Lennon once put it in another context, the dream is over. A door is opening to the end of this madness.

We are free to walk through it.


Wherever it leads.

To life, or to death.

Juan Santos is a Los Angeles based writer and editor. His essays from 2006 can be found at: He can be reached at:
Part II
Apocalypse No! Christian Fascism And The Nazi Legacy

By Juan Santos

06 November, 2006

Part 2 of Apocalypse No! An Indigenist Perspective

“Apocalypse implies that the destruction and desecration of the land and world is divinely and spiritually mandated. This is a fallacy, a pernicious lie. This idea is dangerous to all living things.

“Rather, the activities that encourage the end of the world, particularly through sowing fear, enacting violence, waging war, degrading the environment, rampantly hunting and killing animals, relentlessly chopping down trees, using up all the resources and despoiling the environment itself, are acts against the divine.

“I cannot find other words for what is insisting itself to be said: The holy intent is for us to cease and desist our destructive activities, and find all the beautiful and sacred ways to sustain the natural world and to restore creation.

“I hereby stand with those who refuse the language and intentions of apocalypse.� - Deena Metzger, From Grief into Vision

“These are the demons Christ cast out, spitting blood in the president’s ear. He slips the black hood over his face, lifts his palms, his arms, opens himself in the shape of the cross, and spins in one place until there are no walls left standing, nothing between himself and the black night, himself and the stars. He will send missiles and praises in the morning. Jesus is coming soon. He will have no tongue, only a sword in his mouth. He will not come to heal the Earth, but to destroy it.� – Juan Santos, from Poem for Lebanon

There is nothing between us and the stars; almost nothing between us and the fate of the Earth as they have foretold it, nothing between us and destruction; only time.

The Clock stands at seven minutes to midnight, seven minutes until nuclear holocaust.

Our chances are vanishing in thin air. Global Warming, a force that breathes with all the power of the Bomb itself, has the potential to destroy Life on Earth.

The great warming may have already passed its tipping point; the button of irreversible mass extinction may already have been pushed.

The air is invisible but the signs are everywhere.

Some say we live in the Age of Apocalypse, of the unveiling, the time of the disclosing of secrets, of the plan for the destiny, the Final Solution, of the world.

Some see the potentials for destruction as signs of the “last things� or end of things, and celebrate them as a sign that the messiah draws near. For them, their faith is confirmed, and an Earth ruled by the agency of Evil is soon to meet its doom in a struggle for power of cosmic dimension.

Figures like mega-church evangelist John Hagee, who some have dubbed Pastor Strangelove, believe a nuclear attack by the US against Iran would set off a battle of Armageddon in the Middle East; he and his allies are literally pushing the Bush administration to attack for that reason.

They are, in a word, mad – but the biblical method that guides them is the baseline logic of western civilization, a logic that they’ve embraced, like a David Koresh or an Adolph Hitler, with the grip of death.

It’s been said that by their fruits you shall know them, that our intentions are shown in our actions and in the ultimate impact of our actions on others and on the world. The Bush regime is the unripe fruit of Christian Fascism, of planetary death.

Others read the signs differently; with a different intent.

Corbin Harney, a spiritual elder of the Shoshone nation, says:

“As I see it all around me, the trees are dying out, our water is contaminated, and our air is not good to breathe. Those are the reasons why today I'm trying my best to come back to our ways of thousands of years ago.

“We have to come back to the Native way of life. The Native way is to pray for everything, to take care of everything. Our Mother Earth is very important. We can't just misuse her and think she's going to continue. We can see what's taking place: the animal life, the tree life, even the water is telling us, but we're not paying attention to it.�

Millions in the US, and billions world wide, are awakening to the potentials for destruction, and hope to avert them.

But the utter inaction of the Bush regime on issues like global warming is no more of an accident than their nuclear bullying of Iran or the invasion and colonial occupation of Iraq. Bush, too, is following the logic of the Christian apocalypse, just as he follows the logic of empire.

“Apocalypse� means revealing what is hidden, to bring what is obscured into the light. It is the purpose of this essay to reveal the depth of what Terence Des Pres has called the systemic “dedication of life's energies to the production of death,� that characterized Nazism and that, as this essay asserts, also characterizes apocalyptic Christian Fascism in the early 21st century.

Walter A. Davis suggests that to deal with extreme developments, it is necessary to break the mold of the everyday, to stand outside the paradigms of the “normal.�

“…theories that remain within the orbit of neurosis and normalcy are unable to deal with the present historical situation, which is defined by what happens when traumatic events create catastrophic anxiety in a collectivity threatened with psychological fragmentation and dissolution under the sway of a nameless terror...�

The drama of Christian Fascism is motivated by a fundamental terror, by the need to deny that terror and to control and mitigate it through a resort to scapegoating and the exercise of power. Davis lays bare the underlying dynamic:

“One dimension of any traumatic event is the shock it brings to traditional ways of thinking. That’s why the dominant response to any historical trauma is the attempt to restore [fundamental social and cultural] guarantees… to contain and interpret it… to limit the impact of the event by picturing it as an aberration, a temporary departure from values and beliefs that can always be recovered…�

The drama of the rise of Christian Fascism is the drama of a cultural nervous breakdown in the face of potential global destruction, of a psychosis that aims to cover or “re-cover� a cultural identity – a social “normalcy� – in the face of traumatic global developments that make “normalcy� obsolete.

We have a choice to make, and to make it we need to understand the myth of mass death that drives the central religion of western civilization, and to understand the systematic nature of the cultural war that is being waged as part of the drama of a coming destruction.

We need to understand it in depth, to venture into the heart of the apocalyptic darkness before us, pierce its veil and reclaim our lost intelligence, so that we might take clear, unequivocal action to reverse our course.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota nation has told us:

“We have come to a time and place of great urgency.

The fate of future generations rests in our hands…

It's our own choice -- each of ours and all of ours.

You yourself are the one who must decide.

You alone-- and only you -- can make this crucial choice.

Whatever you decide is what you'll be, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives.

You can't escape the consequences of your own decision.

This essay is dedicated to our survival, to the survival of Life on Earth, and to the indigenous survivors of the American Apocalypse.

Part 1: “It is dominion we are after.�

“We thank god that it has come to us instead of to our enemies, and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His way and for His purposes.� – President Harry Truman on his decision to drop nuclear bombs on Japan.

When the world shattered they closed themselves, folded in upon themselves, sought security in the known; it was the beginning of the era of the great fear, the era of atomic war. Joe McCarthy was their shaman, the one who would fix the crack, bring everything back into order, under control.

They blamed everyone but themselves, anything and everything but the white imperial “we� – the “we� that people mean when they say “we� invaded Iraq, or “we� are the “richest nation in the world.� That same “we� had dropped the Bomb.

For them it wasn’t real. For them it meant power, god’s will. It wasn’t a death sentence for the world, for life on Earth; it was only a sentence on the Others, the dangerous ones. And the sentence had been executed.

The world had not shattered, it had not split, the Sun was still in the sky - not on this Earth: the Sun was not boiling here, on this block, this street; the sun had only spilled its force there, among the Others, the dark skinned Japanese. “We� – they - still had bicycles and bobby socks, Shetland ponies, fringed cowboy suits, white hats, the movies and Dad’s Chevy. Everything was still “normal.�

But shadows were burnt into the wall.

The message was plain and it could not be hidden. Millions read its writing. The world turned upside down, millions spoke the unspoken, the forbidden: power comes from the barrel of a gun: turn on, tune in, drop out: earth first: get your laws off my body: and worse, Black Power, Red Power, Brown Power and the rebirth of an Earth based spirituality rooted in non-Western traditions.

With the advent of the bomb, the foundations of the culture had cracked; “civilization� now threatened the foundation of life itself. Reality itself had imposed the need to re-evaluate all values, to question the foundations of morality, culture, purpose and the relationship of human beings to the Earth and the millions of other living beings that are her creation.

People sought and demanded new myths to live by, a new sense of who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

The questions were fundamentally religious and ontological. The very foundations of the political world and the world of production came also came under attack as people raised the most basic questions about social organization; whose needs are to be met; by whom; and on what terms. Everything came open to question.

For white middle class fundamentalist Christians it meant that everything, therefore, had come under assault.

The Empire itself was threatened with disintegration as hundreds of millions rose up in anti-colonial struggles across the globe.

To listen to Christian radio in the 60s and 70s was to hear an ongoing litany of a culture in disintegration; the stunned litany of a religious white middle class that had become, in its own mind, a victim – a victim of the savages, Blacks revolutionaries, radical women, crazed gun-toting Indians, Brown Berets, LSD, birth control, lesbians, gays, and New Age “occultists.�

The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade urged its members to heed the advice of the Book of Ephesians: "And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them."

For the emergent Christian Right, it was not the Earth and Life itself that were threatened, it was their place in the world as they knew it, their small power, the rules they lived by that secured their position; their sense of belonging in a world that no longer was.

They weren’t about to take it lying down. Power and privilege were theirs by “right,� by assumption, by training, by virtue of their race, class and culture. “God� had “given� them “this great country� to conquer. It was their manifest destiny, their prophecy, a populist white version of the divine right of kings.

The world would get back in its place. Or they would kill it, as surely as they had wiped out or enslaved all the rest of the savages.

This faith was the very foundation of their heritage. That’s what they mean when they say this is a “Christian Nation.� That’s why, in the 1950s, they added “one nation, under god� to the pledge of allegiance.

But by the time the 60s passed, conservatism was in shambles, and white colonialist US culture was on the defensive in every sphere.

Finally, Paul Weyrich, founder of the Heritage Foundation and co-founder of the Moral Majority, called for a retreat from politics and for a conservative re-grouping, for the formation of a more conscious reactionary agenda.

What emerged was a drive for a new drama, a new counter-counterculture, or an alternative counterculture, as they called it, a drive to create a cult of normalcy whose aim was to reverse the verdicts of the 60s and “reframe this struggle as a moral struggle, as a transcendent struggle, as a struggle between good and evil� along traditional Christian lines.

The means were to be the building of “alternative� right wing counter-institutions like Fox News, the Washington Times, a massive network of radical right wing talk shows, counter-cultural efforts like home schooling, and massive outreach to radical Christian fundamentalists of every persuasion, to the Pentecostals, Evangelicals, and to the Catholic Charismatics.

They sought to spark and capture a counter-imagination, to spawn a “culture war,� a Christian Cultural Counter-Revolution to appeal to the fantasies of those in the deepest denial. They wanted to crush, once and for all, the religious, cultural and political questions of the 60s counterculture, and to wipe away any memory of the verdicts it had rendered about the nature of oppression, racism and genocide, ecological destruction, the “one true god,� and the very nature of Western civilization.

It was to be a new movement – with a vengeance.

The world was to be what god said it was. “Civilization� and “civilized� values would reign: no matter that it was only a moment until midnight on the atomic clock; no matter global warming and the limits to growth – no matter reality itself.

Today, the extreme Right criticizes its opposition as “reality based,� holding that reality is something created by action and power – ultimately fascist action and fascist power backed by “god� – nothing more and nothing less.

The “reframing� of the struggle “as a moral struggle, as a transcendent struggle, as a struggle between good and evil,� would require not only the delegitimization of bourgeois democratic institutions and the creation of “alternatives,� but the waging of the fiercest kind of counterattacks against post-Hiroshima culture in the US and anti-colonial cultures around the world. Christian Fascist strategist Eric Heubeck wrote:

"We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left. We will attack the very legitimacy of the Left. We will not give them a moment's rest. We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve to hold sway over the heart and mind of a single American. We will offer constant reminders that there is an alternative, there is a better way. When people have had enough of the sickness and decay of today's American culture, they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement. The rejection of the existing society by the people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them simultaneously.�

This repressive “spiritual warfare� is one of the hallmarks of Christian fascist practice as they prepare the ground for the apocalypse. Disgraced former House Speaker Tom DeLay – who believed the US invasion of Iraq would open the gate to Armageddon, called the 2000 election a "battle for souls."

Katherine Yurica summed up the Right’s new rules of engagement this way:

1) Falsehoods are not only acceptable, they are a necessity. The corollary is: The masses will accept any lie if it is spoken with vigor, energy and dedication.

Think Iraq.

2) It is necessary to be cast under the cloak of "goodness" whereas all opponents and their ideas must be cast as "evil."

Think: “War on Terror.�

3) Complete destruction of every opponent must be accomplished through unrelenting personal attacks.

Think, among others, of Bill Clinton, who the fascists see, amazingly enough, as a dangerous embodiment of the 60s counter-culture.

4) The creation of the appearance of overwhelming power and brutality is necessary in order to destroy the will of opponents to launch opposition of any kind.

Think: the legalization of torture - virtually unknown since the Christian Inquisitions.

Think of the fundamentalist-backed death squad regime of Rios Montt in Guatemala, as he carried out the genocide of 250,000 Mayan Indians with the praises of fundamentalists like Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell.

The historical legacy of Eurocentric Christianity is a record of racist and sexist genocide – 100 million dead Native Americans and 100 million dead Africans – conquered, colonized, converted and enslaved by the sword and the cross; millions of women burned at the stake under a regime of mass torture called The Inquisition; millions of Gypsies and Jews burned in ovens, the shadows of Japanese burned into the walls of Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

Break the taboo. Think.

The Christian fascism we see arising before us is not the historical exception – it’s the rule, a rule proven time and again over the last half – millennia. Christian Rome got its start slaughtering pagans and Gnostics in a drive for imperial cultural conformity and conquest. It’s little different now.

This is a deadly serious business. The top priority and main target of the Christian Right in its first period in power under Ronald Reagan was peoples of color in the US. They carried out, not a “War on Terror,� but a “War on Drugs� which was successfully aimed at creating police state conditions in the nation’s ghettos, barrios and reservations.

Fascism always targets the Other, and comes first for the Other.

Black, Red and Brown have lived under virtual fascism - mass terror, police occupation and mass incarceration - for a generation now, suffering the highest rates of incarceration in the world, since the War on Drugs and mass incarceration took the place of segregation and Jim Crow laws.

Not thousands, but millions have been snatched off the streets in a rigged war that targets not terror or drugs, but the oppressed nationalities in the US.

Colonized Black, Red and Brown peoples are Christian Fascism’s new “Jews,� the new “Other,� whose mass imprisonment has been met with silence by the white nation – and by the world - for 25 years. They’ve only recently been joined by Arab and Muslim as mass targets.

Remember Katherine Yurica’s point: the Christian Fascists hold that

The creation of the appearance of overwhelming power and brutality is necessary in order to destroy the will of opponents to launch opposition of any kind.

People in the US have become deeply adjusted to these conditions over a generation, now.

It’s no wonder, then, that the only mass resistance to emerging fascism has come from the millions of migrants and Chican@s who took the streets last Spring, a resistance that stopped Christian Fascist’s plans for mass roundups cold, and split the Republican Party wide open. These protests – with their implicit threats of mass resistance and rebellion - began the process of the Republican Party’s recent infighting, disintegration and unraveling.

Otherwise, since 1992, there has been little but silence.

Think of your own silence in the face of what is coming. It’s time now to come out of the fog. It’s time to see things for what they are.

It’s no secret. The Christian Dominionists, a fascistic cult that appears to include US President George W. Bush among its followers, seeks to end the separation of church and state and to replace current governmental structures with a theocracy ruled by Old Testament law. Only then, they believe, will Christ “return� to rule – and end - the world. Dominionist George Grant writes:

Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ - to have dominion in the civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.

But it is dominion that we are after. Not just a voice.

It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.

It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.

It is dominion we are after.

“Dominion� of course means “domination.�

Grant continues:

"World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less…

“Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land - of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ. It is to reinstitute the authority of God's Word as supreme over all judgments, over all legislation, over all declarations, constitutions, and confederations. True Christian political action seeks to rein the passions of men and curb the pattern of digression under God's rule.�

Gary North, one of the founders of Dominionism, complained that the counterculture of the 60s had undermined three basic tenets of Christian civilization: a faith in its cultural supremacy and destiny – or “predestination� ; rigid reactionary moralism, or “biblical law� ; and an assured sense of ultimate global “victory� for the West – what he called an end times “eschatological optimism.� <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->

Using slightly different language, North also made it clear that the Christian fascist movement would have to emulate the sense of certainty that motivates revolutionary Marxism and Islamic Jihadism:

Three basic ideas are crucial for the success of any religious, social, intellectual, and political movement. First, the doctrine of predestination. Second, the doctrine of law. Third, the doctrine of inevitable victory. The fusion of these three ideas has led to the victories of Marxism since 1848. Islam has a similar faith.

To restore these elements of faith in Eurocentric civilization would be to “have laid down the foundations of a paradigm shift,"

It is of urgent importance that we look closely at the notion of “evil,� remembering that a key goal of the Christian Right is to “reframe this struggle as a moral struggle, as a transcendent struggle, as a struggle between good and evil.�

“Evil� in this context means little more than opposition to the strictures, mores and authorities of an oppressive civilization.

M. Scott Peck, the popular Christian psychiatrist, spoke of evil in different terms altogether, placing primary focus on the use of power to scapegoat others in order to avoid one’s own spiritual and moral growth.

Yurica notes:

Peck draws a profile of the evil: they have no regard for the truth; they lie and live in a world of lies. They are masters of disguise and cloak themselves with masks of respectability, goodness and often piety. (Peck tells us that religiosity is a common and effective disguise.) But it is the appearance of propriety and respectability that is the important factor. Peck defines evil as: “The exercise of political power—that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion…� Or in other words: it is the use “of political power to destroy others,� for the purpose of defending or preserving the integrity of one’s sick self (or group).

The Christian fascist movement seeks political power; it is driven by a profound urge to scapegoat and punish the Other, especially those who will not accept the norms and mores it seeks to impose.

Most fundamentally, the movement is comprised of a group that seeks to avoid the growth inherent in facing the reality that the foundations of oppressive civilization have shattered: who refuse to believe that civilization, as we call it, has led us to the brink of collapse and an incomprehensible mass death of life on Earth.

This is a group comprised of people who refuse to take moral responsibility for the impact of this civilization on the living Earth, and on all her living beings. They refuse to acknowledge that we are responsible, that we are both the inheritors and authors of our cultures.

These are people who refuse to acknowledge that we, as Walter A. Davis suggests, “must listen to the details� of our illness if there is to be any hope for the world to heal.

These are people who believe the answer to the crisis we face is to strengthen and reinforce the most reactionary aspects of an oppressive system that is destroying us all, and they are doing so for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of a sick, dying - and killing - civilization.

If our intentions are shown in our actions and in the ultimate impact of our actions on others and on the world, then these are worshippers of death, of a dead body hanging on a tree – not of a rising, living spirit.

They are traitors to Life. We dare not leave the fate of the Earth in their hands.

Part 2: The Blessed and the Cursed

“But first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill.� John Lennon, Working Class Hero

There is a profound appeal in Christianity, even for those who have been most oppressed by it: the promise of peace and of being blessed and cared for by god. To be “saved� is to be someone special, anointed by god, chosen for his purposes, secure in one’s struggle against a world that has lost its way. Some make the choice hoping for a sense of spiritual community in an alienated world, in a hope for hope, in a hope for healing.

But a glance beyond the surface shows the reality of a different social dynamic at work, a dynamic of exclusion, punishment, shunning, internalized oppression, and of a series of impossible hopes – impossible because the foundation on which they rest leads in exactly the opposite direction than the promise they seem to hold.

To be “saved� is also to be among god’s “elect.� The theory – the theology - is that god has pre-ordained who is to be “saved� and who is not – who’s in and who’s out, who’s blessed and who’s cursed. The problem of course, is that one can never know. But the “saved� act like they know. One of the signs of being among the “elect� is the accumulation of wealth. In the Protestant US, that’s the main way you “know.�

To be “blessed� is to be wealthy – or like the wealthy – in spirit. The “well being� of the blessed imitates the “special� well being of the wealthy, the wholesome, the privileged and the “beautiful.� It also imitates their smug sense of superiority.

Those who aren’t blessed, of course, are cursed. The elect, the blessed, and the chosen require the outsider, the cursed and the inferior, simply in order to exist as a category of special people in the eyes of “god.�

Just like the soldier needs an enemy, like the wife beater needs a wife, like the employer (user) needs the employee (the one used), like white needs black, like rich needs poor, and just as the oppressor needs the oppressed, the blessed need the cursed.

The truth is that everyone knows which category they fall in.

The anxiety over whether one is “chosen� masks an underlying fear that being “better� than others may actually constitute an arrogant sickness, or a fear that no matter what one does or becomes, one will never be good enough.

Under such conditions, there can be no real moral or spiritual community, no real acceptance of self or other, no moral equality, and no truly common purpose other than to punish the outsider, the Other, and a joint defense of the illusion of the special stature of one’s own group.

The imprint of the Inquisitions lies very heavily on white European Christian culture. Its legacy is a profound fear of being different, of being found out as different, of being punished – tortured and burned alive - for being different, of profound punishment for those who stray, who bring the family or the group under the suspicion of the authorities for being different.

It is a legacy of the “blessed� destroying those who are different, and of doing so on an unimaginably mass scale. For the Spanish conquerors in the Americas, human beings were referred to as Christians. The non-Christians, the Indians, were not a part of their blessed ranks. Not being Christians, they were, by definition, sub-human.

Part 3: A Manifest Destiny: “God has selected them to battle the forces of evil…�

“…every nation needs sacred legitimation. It needs the authority of transcendence: of a story larger than itself, a story that connects past with present and future. An Empire needs an even broader story: one that connects with cosmic and/or historical redemption and new creation.� – The Reverend Rich Lang in George Bush and the Rise of Christian Fascism

Many Americans disapprove of the Bush Administration's belligerent policies, but few are aware of its extremism, its totalism. – Robert Jay Lifton

The occult foundation of Christian fascism lies in the embrace of an impending apocalypse and the conviction that only “true� Christians will be saved from the coming period of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. Everyone else – human and non-human alike, will die; the Earth herself will be destroyed.

Hal Lindsey, author of the best selling book The Late Great Planet Earth calls us the “terminal generation," in a scenario in which god is the Terminator.

According to a Time / CNN poll 59% of the people in the US believe the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will come true, while 36% believe that the Bible is the word of God and is to be taken literally. 35% say that, since 9-1-1, they are paying closer attention to news events and how they might relate to the coming end of the world.

Time says, “Talk to the people who were already inclined to read omens in the headlines, and you hear their excitement, even eagerness to see what happens next.�

Millions of people see – or, more often, only sense, the catastrophic potentials of the global war on terror, the nuclear threat posed by the US to the people of Iran, the unfathomable devastation promised by global warming and peak oil, and have no other language in which to describe an impending collapse other than the language offered by the Book of Revelations.

But for true fundamentalist “believers� every emergent horror we face - from the impending probability of nuclear war against Iran to the incomprehensibly vast mass extinctions that will come with global warming - is a cause for celebration. They are celebrating global genocide and ecocide – in a word, omnicide; the Death of Everything.

These are the sickened, hardened, psychologically split adherents of the “one true way� of life enforced by this civilization, those who greedily seek out each sign of approaching doom in what Walter A. Davis has called a “self-hypnotic iteration of all the signs or behaviors one maintains in order to reassure oneself of one's salvation.�

The signs affirm them and “prove� to them the validity of a sado-masochistic, Orwellian logic in which apocalyptic Destruction = Salvation, and Death = Life.

Each harbinger of doom is a sign that Jesus is “coming back� to save them, and only them, from the global destruction they have wrought.

The Reverend Rich Lang noted:

“It used to be that the Church could control people through the fear of eternal damnation. Today it is through fear of the future. The theology is basically this: The Bible is a code book that when rightly interpreted reveals that we are living at the end of history. History is scripted and is about to come to a catastrophic conclusion. The only hope is to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior so that you can be "saved" from the future apocalypse. God will "snatch you up" (Rapture) right before a seven year series of horrible events that will see the rise of Antichrist and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple. There will be world war with most of humanity dying. At that point Jesus will return to restore law and order. This theology of despair "fits" our current culture of powerlessness and fear. From… weapons of mass destruction to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, to ecological collapse, the whole world seems to be on a "no exit" slide into an end times abyss. The theology of despair is very seductive. It is shaping the spirituality of Christians which provides a strong core from which Bush draws political strength.�

There’s nothing innocent or passive about any of this. Apocalyptic fears are being promoted and played on by the Christian Right to prepare their followers to play an active role in a coming holocaust. Their influence is profound.

One in eight people in the US has bought a book in the Christian apocalyptic Left Behind series: over 60 million copies have been sold.

Michelle Goldberg says Left Behind

“…creates a Christian theory of everything, one that slates current events into a master narrative in which the world is destroyed and then remade to evangelical specifications. It's an alternate universe in which conservative Middle Americans are vindicated against everyone who doesn't share their beliefs...�

In the Washington Post, Melani McAlister described the outlook of the Left Behind series as “Christian Jihadist,� deriding the

“chorus of fundamentalist commentators who, despite their protestations to the contrary, have expressed a perverse enthusiasm for the spilled blood and millions of dead that will signal the Second Coming…

“What they say is sobering: that war is not proof of the failure of politics, but the necessary sign of God's action in history and the path to world redemption.�

There are other, largely unnoticed and extremely violent signs of the times emerging, as the culture and propaganda of the Christian Right take on a sharper tone of militarism. This new, violent propaganda especially targets young people, and some of it, at a minimum, has the backing of prominent figures on the Christian Right like George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Jerry Falwell, Tim La Haye, and Pat Robertson.

On November 7th, 2006, on election day and just in time for the Christmas shopping season, a new video game based on these novels will be released; it’s called Left Behind: Eternal Forces. It’s aimed at young teens, whose mission is "to conduct physical and spiritual warfare," to train for a coming holy war against the anti-christ and the “forces of darkness.�

Left Behind: Eternal Forces will sell in the millions: some predict it will go mainstream. It’s being marketed through the same network of mega-churches that made the Dominionist guidebook The Purpose Driven Life a best seller. The game’s producers claim market surveys show that 92% of Left Behind readers will buy the game, as well.

One can “play� on the side of the (Christian) Tribulation Forces or the Global Community Peacekeepers (the “bad guys� ) in the final showdown between “good and evil.�

The game might better be called “Convert or Die,� “Christian Militia,� or even “Christian Death Squad.� Highly armed and newly converted Christians roam the streets of New York in a scene set during the Great Tribulation: their job is to “witness� to non-believers, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Buddhists, Gays, moderate mainstream Christians and others, and if they fail or refuse to be “born again� on the spot, the task is to kill them.

And, of course, in the classic genocidal gesture, to let god sort them out.

One commentator complained that the game teaches Christian youth “that to kill nonbelievers is fun and consequence-free.�

The game prefigures a religious war in the US and Israel – it’s a computer version of the kind of madness seen in the documentary film Jesus Camp, “where kids are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in God's Army and are schooled in how to take back America for Christ.�

The "Kids on Fire Summer Camp," which is featured in the film, is a Christian camp consciously modeled on the Islamic Madrassa schools where individuals are indoctrinated in the outlook of the Jihad.

Others are intent on “saving� young people from the profound questioning inherent in post–Hiroshima culture, claiming that “today's teens are being attacked by popular culture like no other generation.�

At a series of heavy handed, thudding Christian “rock� concerts called Battle Cry, Ron Luce, concert organizer and head of Teen Mania Ministries, declares to the crowd, “This is war. And Jesus invites us to get into the action.� He calls of tens of thousands of young people to join the “battle for the souls of men� (sic). No battle can be won, he proclaims, and “no souls can be saved without the shedding of blood. Blood must be shed!�

Military imagery is a constant at these events, and Battle Cry attempts to enlist teens in what it calls “God’s Army: The Battle Cry Coalition.�

Sunsara Taylor, noting the “spectacular light shows, Hummers, Navy SEALs and military imagery on stage,� wrote:

“This merging of God’s army and the U.S. military echoed the event that opened the day: the reading of a letter of greeting and blessing from George W. Bush. After the reading, a minister led thousands to bow their heads and thank the Lord for giving them George Bush, the commander in chief of America’s military.�

Battle Cry attendees have also been addressed by Barbara Bush and by former President Gerald Ford. The group is backed by Christian extremists like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell – infamous for their support of the Guatemalan death squads that carried out the genocide of 250,000 Mayan Indians in the 1980s.

Like the youth exposed to such “games,� “camps� and “concerts� however, not everyone who is drawn to the fundamentalist version of the apocalypse is a conscious or indoctrinated Christian Fascist.

But everyone in the US is immersed in a set of cultural assumptions that have laid the foundation for the particular form Christian Fascism is taking here, assumptions that are central to US history and the Euro-American sense of identity.

David Neiwert correctly maintains that the Christian Right holds “a religious view akin to Manifest Destiny, a belief in American exceptionalism viewed through a prism of apocalyptic fundamentalist Christianity.�

Manifest Destiny is an outgrowth of the apocalyptic world view of the early European invaders of the Western Hemisphere. Cristóbal Colón (Columbus) believed his “discovery� of the “new� world was an intimate part of god’s plan which would soon result in the “last judgment� and the apocalypse.

Converting the “Indians,� had to be accomplished before the world could end. Instead, as Patricia Eddy noted, “the world ended only for the Indians.� The real apocalypse - genocide – ended the world for some 100 million people.

The Puritans, who established a European colonial and totalitarian theocracy in the western hemisphere and who initiated a quarter – millinenum of English genocide in what is now the US, were also motivated by an apocalyptic world view.

Eddy writes, “In the seventeenth century… the Puritans, set several dates for the end. The most famous was 1666. They believed that God would punish wicked England with his heavenly fireworks, and they fled to these shores for safety. Some arrived as early as 1630 thinking the world will end in only 36 years.�

The Puritans saw themselves as “the elect,� a chosen people with an elevated role in the battle between christ and the anti-christ, a theme that has morphed over the centuries to include the special role Christian fundamentalists in the US imagine for themselves today.

There was nothing unusual in the Puritan interpretation. Avihu Zakai, in Exile and Kingdom: History and Apocalypse in the Puritan Migration to America, notes that:

“Protestant historiography based itself on a historical interpretation of divine prophecies and regarded the Apocalypse the guide to the entire course of the history of salvation and redemption. Consequently, the Reformation gave rise to a new form of historical consciousness… based upon apocalyptic interpretation of history.�

Martin Luther thought the world would end no later than 1600.

Manifest destiny, a direct outgrowth of Puritan theology and an apocalyptic sense of history, is a fascistic, messianic myth of divine nationhood and expansionism.

It was first used to justify the conquest of Native lands and peoples in what is for now the US, then to justify US colonialism and empire elsewhere, US interventionism, and, by the time of Woodrow Wilson, to justify the exportation and imposition of “democracy� on other peoples.

The myth is inherently racist, and rests on a belief in “progress� and European superiority. The “civilized race� still uses this myth to justify white subjugation of an entire world of Black, Brown and Yellow peoples. Theodore Roosevelt made it plain:

“Of course our whole national history has been one of expansion… That the barbarians recede or are conquered, with the attendant fact that peace follows retrogression or conquest, is due solely to the power of the mighty civilized races which have not lost the fighting instinct, and which by their expansion are gradually bringing peace into the red wastes of the world where the barbarian peoples of the world hold sway.�

In The Star of Empire Albert Jeremiah Beveridge said it even more succinctly:

“It is destiny that the world be rescued from its natural wilderness and savage men.�

These ideas are nothing antiquated. The logic of Manifest Destiny is precisely the same “logic� that underlies the current bid for a Pax Americana, and the crusade for US global domination - the crusade to “tame� the “savage� Muslims of the world.

For the founders of Christian Dominionism and its practitioners in power – men like R.J. Rushdoony and Gary North - racism and the urge to dominate the Other don’t start, or stop, with Muslims and Arabs.

These are some of the central political and cultural positions of Dominionists. The wedding of key elements of Manifest Destiny and Christian extremism should become obvious:

North on Native Americans:

Liberals, he writes, “never, ever say "American natives," since this is only one step away from "American savages," which is precisely what most of those demon-worshipping, Negro slave-holding, frequently land-polluting people were.... This was one of the great sins in American life, they say: "the stealing of Indian lands".... That a million savages had a legitimate legal claim on the whole of North America north of Mexico is the unstated assumption of such critics.�

Rushdoony on Black slavery and white guilt:

“The political cultivation of guilt is a central means to power, for guilty men are slaves; their conscience is in bondage, and hence they are easily made objects of control. Guilt is thus systematically taught for purposes of control… the white man is being systematically indoctrinated into believing that he is guilty of enslaving and abusing the Negro. Granted that some Negroes were mistreated as slaves, the fact still remains that nowhere in all history or in the world today has the Negro been better off.�

North on Citizenship:

“Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant--baptism and holy communion--must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel.�

Rushdoony on Democracy:

“The church today has fallen prey to the heresy of democracy.�

North on European Superiority and Genocide:

“It occurs to me: Was Moses arrogant and unbiblical when he instructed the Israelites to kill every Canaanite in the land (Deut. 7:2; 20:16-17)? Was he an "elitist" or (horror of horrors) a racist? No; he was a God-fearing man who sought to obey God, who commanded them to kill them all. It sounds like a "superior attitude" to me. Of course, Christians have been given no comparable military command in New Testament, but I am trying to deal with the attitude of superiority--a superiority based on our possession of the law of God. That attitude is something Christians must have when dealing with all pagans. God has given us the tools of dominion.�

Rushdoony on Conquest

“All enemies of Christ in this fallen world must be conquered.�

North has said that “back alleys are where abortions belong,� and that women who have abortions should be executed - publicly, "along with those who advised them to abort their children.� Sunsara Taylor, attacking the Christian Right, has a different point to make:

“Today, their cruel attacks on the fundamental rights of women —to remove reality-based sex education, to criminalize and even kill doctors who provide abortions, to dry up access to and social acceptance of birth control, and to reassert the shackles of traditional marriage including through legally and culturally attacking divorce… hearken back to the traditions of this country which regard women as the legal property of their husbands.�

Dominionist theologian Rev. William Einwechter, wrote an essay entitled "Modern Issues in Biblical Perspective: Stoning Disobedient Children," in which he advocated a return to the practice.

“Contempt of parental authority, if left unchecked, is the death of the family, law, and order… Therefore, the execution of the rebel [the child] in view is just, merciful, and preventive. Just, in that the transgressor deserves to die; merciful, in that his quick death prevents the destruction of the family, society, and others; preventive, in that it strikes fear in the heart of other would-be rebels and restrains them from taking a similar ruinous course."

That’s what they mean by “family values.� Hate. And more than hate. Murder.

The list of those to be degraded and persecuted is ultimately endless because the hatred and resentment that give rise to it have no point of resolution in the outside world of “enemies.� Empire, and the “need� for it, are both endless and bottomless.

This is exactly the sensibility in which President Bush was immersed as part of his conversion experience. It’s what he was born into when he was “born again.�

George W. Bush’s religious training came at the hands of Dominionist preacher Dr. Tony Evans of the Christian male supremacist organization Promise Keepers, which holds a vision of an "apocalyptic masculinity,� and which targets lesbians, feminists and gays "as a threat to the pure community."

Chris Hedges, a reporter for The New York Times, writes:

“It was through Evans, who was a spiritual mentor to George Bush that Dominionism came to dominate the politically active wing of the Christian Right. The religious utterances from political leaders such as George Bush, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson and Zell Miller are only understandable in light of Rushdooney and Dominionism. These leaders believe that God has selected them to battle the forces of evil…�

No one knows – or no one who knows is saying - whether Bush fully embraces Dominionism or whether he’s that other brand of fundamentalist – a premillinealist. Perhaps both influences are at work. Modern Christian fundamentalism is split on the question in what North calls a “theological schizophrenia.�

There’s little difference, however, in terms of its impact on his actions as a ruler. In one case he’s seeking to consolidate a Christian empire that dominates the globe so Christ and the apocalypse can come; in the other case he’s laying the groundwork for an Armageddon type scenario in the very short term.

Both involve an apocalyptic embrace of genocide and ecocide.
Part II (contd.)
Part 4: An Apocalyptic Destiny: Christian Fascism and the Nazi Legacy

“In ideological analysis we so often fail to attain anything truly hopeful because the need for hope clicks in too early, preventing us from perceiving the depth of the problem.�
- Walter A. Davis

“The classical pattern of apocalypse, comprising in its active form, an initial phase of savage destruction followed by a phase of messianic rebirth, can be recognized in individual psychosis and in the Nazi type of destruction, persecution and virtual suicide.�

-- Mortimer Ostow, "The Psychodynamics of Apocalyptic: Discussion of Papers on Identification and the Nazi Phenomenon," International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1986

For white Christian Fascists in the US, a racist belief in Manifest Destiny, the sense of “divine nationhood� , and the prophecy of the Apocalypse have merged into a mythos of a chosen volk destined to rule in an era of utter disintegration, destruction and rebirth, an Apocalyptic Destiny that profoundly echoes the mythos and pathology of the last century’s most important right wing religious, political and cultural revival – Nazism.

Similarly, Nazism was a racist apocalyptic movement, one that gained and consolidated state power as part of a classic millinerian contagion, and that aimed at laying the foundation for a hierarchical millennium – a Thousand Year Reich.

Raymond Sickinger, writes in Apocalypse now: Magic and the Millennium, from the Journal of Popular Culture:

“…most people fail to realize that the most significant, and most frightening, millenarian movement of the twentieth century was not a small, fringe cult, but was rather a large movement with mass appeal: the Nazi Movement. In his work, The Hitler Movement: A Modern Millenarian Revolution, James M. Rhodes contends that ‘National Socialist radicalism was a mutant, secular variety of the apocalyptic thought that was first manifested in the Revelation of John and then in the religious movements typified by groups as the crusaders, the Free Spirits, the flagellants, the Taborites, and the Anabaptists during the Middle Ages.�

However secular its official ideology, Nazism functions psychologically and culturally as an apocalyptic religion.

Let’s make it plain:

Hitler was a German messiah – a savior and redeemer of the German nation, just as christ is the savior and redeemer of the Christian nation, and just as the Mahdi is the savior and redeemer of the Islamic nation.

In the Judeo – Christian – Islamic tradition the original Messiah, the Hebrew Messiah, was a national savior who would defeat the gentile nations and restore the kingdom of Israel, just as Hitler, in turn, meant to destroy the Jews and “restore� Germany.

Like the Christian fascists today he sought to wipe away the old order in preparation for a new millennium, the “Thousand Year Reich.�

The Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA, made the connection explicit in a WW2 report entitled A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend.

As time went on, it became clearer that he was thinking of himself as the Messiah and that it was he who was destined to lead Germany to glory. His references to the Bible became more frequent and the movement began to take on a religious atmosphere. Comparisons between Christ and himself became more numerous and found their way into his conversation and speeches…

White tells us that now when he is addressed with the salutation, "Heil Hitler, our Savior", he bows slightly at the compliment in the phrase - and believes it. As time goes on, it becomes more and more certain that Hitler believes that he is really the "Chosen One" and that in his thinking he conceives of himself as a second Christ who has been sent to institute in the world a new system of values based on brutality and violence. He has fallen in love with the image of himself in this role…

… It was not long before the German people were prepared to take the short step of seeing Hitler, not as a man, but as a Messiah of Germany.

Historian Fritz Stern, University Professor emeritus at Columbia University, who fled Nazi Germany as a young man in 1938, said

…Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker, Nobel-laureate in physics and a philosopher, wrote to me in the mid-1980s saying that he had never believed in Nazi ideology but that he had been tempted by the movement, which seemed to him then like “the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.� On reflection, he thought that National Socialism had been part of a process that the National Socialists themselves hadn’t understood. He may well have been right: the Nazis didn’t realize that they were part of an historic process in which resentment against a disenchanted secular world found deliverance in the ecstatic escape of unreason. German elites proved susceptible to this mystical brew…

The Nizkor Project on the Nazi holocaust shows how deeply the messianic furor penetrated the German culture.

The parallel between Hitler and the Messiah was made explicit in German schools. On 16 March 1934 children wrote out the following dictation approved by Hitler's Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda:

‘Jesus and Hitler. As Jesus freed men from sin and Hell, so Hitler freed the German people from destruction. Jesus and Hitler were persecuted, but while Jesus was crucified Hitler was raised to the Chancellorship ... Jesus strove for Heaven, Hitler for the German earth.’

The League of German Girls developed a new version of the Lord's Prayer which was a supplication not only for the Fuhrer but to him as a deity:

‘Adolf Hitler, you are our great Leader. Thy name makes the enemy tremble. Thy Third Reich comes, thy will alone is law upon earth. Let us hear daily thy voice and order us by thy leadership for we will obey to the end even with our lives. We praise thee! Heil Hitler!’

And smaller children were taught to use this grace before meals:

‘Fuhrer, my Fuhrer, sent to me from God, protect and maintain me throughout my life. Thou who hast saved Germany from deepest need, I thank thee today for my daily bread. Remain at my side and never leave me, Fuhrer, my Fuhrer, my faith, my light. Heil my Fuhrer!’

The Southern Poverty Law Center in the US cites the example of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell, who “gushed about having had a mystical experience when he first read Hitler's Mein Kampf. ‘I realized that National Socialism [was] actually a new religion,’ said Rockwell.�

In a word, as bizarre as these extremes may appear to us in 2006, such extreme psychologies and belief systems are in no way confined to the German psyche or culture. These are simply “born again� Nazis. All of them have undergone the same fundamental psychic split that characterizes the “born again� experience as such.

In his compelling Psychology of Christian Fundamentalism, Walter A. Davis describes the conversion experience – the “born again� experience - as “the use of the primitive psychological defense known as splitting to establish an absolute separation of the saved psyche from the damned.�

The splitting experience of being instantly “born again� is the opposite of psychological healing, the opposite of integration, of remembering, understanding and discharging one’s most fundamental hurts and hopes. It is the opposite of the tears and trials of transformation and the slow and determined growth that leads to spiritual, psychological. moral and political maturity and tenderness.

It is rather an instantaneous “salvation� that reduces to an escape from pain, an evasion of the lessons that pain teaches and the moral responsibility such lessons always imply.

Because it is an escape, it is also a moral and psychological numbing against inner despair and terror, one that leads, in turn, to a refusal to acknowledge the validity of information about the world that might disrupt the fragile internal equilibrium that holds pain, fear and despair at bay.

Davis writes:

One could say that conversion transforms the self, but it would be more appropriate to say that it annihilates it. That is in fact its function. For salvation to occur the self is precisely that which must be rendered powerless then transcended through a transformation that can only come from without. That transformation accordingly produces a split that is absolute and must be maintained at all costs. For it is what the psyche depends on to deliver it from everything disruptive and unstable in itself. Even if at times one finds oneself again a sinner, that sinfulness is all the work of the Big Other, Satan. Salvation is deliverance and such is the fundamentalist despair over the self that deliverance must be total.

This baseline evasion – this splitting away from the pain in what one “was,� and the embrace of a “new life� in christ – or Hitler and National Socialism for that matter – undermines, even forbids, the capacity for self-reflection and for authentic spiritual, emotional and moral responsibility and growth.

The terror that motivates Christian Fascism is a terror of the self. The “terrorist� is one’s own repressed feelings, and, of course, those feelings are always seeking to become conscious. The terrorist, satan – the split off and buried emotions - are always out to “get� the true believer.

For the most deeply split converts, the “true believers,� there is now nowhere to turn inside oneself. The self – the “sinner� – has been banished or repressed, leaving nowhere to turn except to an outside authority, to “signs,� and to an ecstatic merging with the crowd of “believers.�

What the believers believe must be true. One has sold one’s soul for it, committed a kind of spiritual and psychological suicide for it – soul murder, as Davis notes. One has split away from one’s pain and shame, and then projected them onto the “devil,� or more aptly, onto the Other, the scapegoat, the Jew, the Black, the homosexual, the Woman, the Native and other “heathens and “sinners.�

Because “sin� and the “threat� of sin is now perceived as something outside of oneself, and because “sin� must be controlled and “evil� destroyed, there is now no way out but the destruction of the Other, a worldly re-enactment of the destruction and hatred of the self. There is no way out except Apocalypse, the fascistic control and destruction of the Other and the world itself.

Davis writes:

Apocalypticism expresses… the final evacuation needed to prevent a return of the projections… that complete unbinding that can only come by putting an end to everything. The hatred in which the psyche is grounded requires no less: it is total in its control over the inner world and thus demands a matching totalization. In the images of destruction… one sees externalized the process that has ravaged the inner world…

…Literal obedience to literal commands is merely the tip of that iceberg. It is within that the true process of soul-murder takes place. In a psyche that is willing to sacrifice everything in itself in order to placate an authority that is vindictively cruel in the wrath it directs on the slightest opposition to its will. In an attempt to achieve identification with that force the psyche wages war first on itself and then upon the world.

In the Christian apocalyptic computer game, Left Behind: Eternal Forces, one kills those who will not “convert� or be “born again.�

They have become the imagined agents of one’s internal demons, one’s pain; by refusing to convert they deny and thus threaten the fragile authority that now rules the split-off personhood of the “believer.� The non – believer is a threat and an affront to the fragile psychic balance of the convert, just as the Gypsy, the Slav, the Black, homosexuals and the Jew were threats and affronts to the born again “Aryan.�

The “new� identity depends on the rejection of the old one, and on the rejection of the Other.

The post-apocalyptic “new world,� depends not only on their rejection, but on their destruction. The millineal world in which the split-off believer thinks s/he will finally find a thousand years of “peace� depends on genocide – just as it did under Hitler and just as it did in the conquest of the Americas. Only when satan has been banished and destroyed can god rule.

This cultural logic, the logic of apocalypse and genocide, had laid the foundation for the emergence of a Hitler over a period of fifteen hundred years, since the Roman Empire had begun to force Christianity on its conquered territories in what is now Europe. It had found its most profound expression in the apocalypse which ended the original, native world of the Americas.

Nazism rests on the cultural and psychological foundation of apocalyptic Christianity, on its historical legacy of Europe’s Inquisitions, its persecutorial millinealist movements, and its legacy of genocide. Nazism is a Germanic expression of this legacy in modern cultural and political practice, with the twist that this time the genocide was carried out against other Europeans, and was thus considered compelling and noteworthy in the West.

Sickinger wrote:

…Between the years 1000 and 1700, there were a number of millenarian movements which looked to these biblical sources for inspiration and whose members shared six essential characteristics.

He draws the parallels between 700 years of Christian apocalyptic movements in Europe and Nazism. The brief comparison below will utilize the basic framework of his analysis and extend it to include today’s Christian Fascist movement.

“First,� Sickinger writes of the Christian millinealist cults, “they viewed themselves as victims of terrible disasters.� In comparison “Hitler convinced the German people that they were being victimized by the allies, the vindictive Treaty of Versailles, and, of course, the Jews.� Today, for the Christian Right, the “victimizer� is “terrorism� and multiculturalism.

“Second,� the Christian millinealist cults “believed that they had special insight into their hardships and that there was hope of salvation.� Sickinger notes that Hitler believed that he, too had a “special insight� into the trauma of the German nation and claimed that there was “hope of salvation.� Many Germans obviously believed that Hitler was the hope of their salvation. Today’s Christian fascists are bent on “saving� the US for “god.� It’s convert leader, George W. Bush, believes he has been called by god, and that he has special insight deriving from special divine communications to do things like invade Iraq and launch the “war on terror� against “evildoers.�

“Third,� Sickinger notes that the Christian millineal cults “believed that their problems were caused by the forces of evil and that the societies in which they lived were being destroyed by these forces.� He notes that “Hitler believed, and convinced others, that Germany's problems were caused by forces of evil and that Germany was being destroyed by these forces.� Today, the “evil ones� are not Jews, but so-called Islamo-fascists – the Islamic world - while the blitzkrieg has been renamed “Shock and Awe.�

“Fourth,� the Christian millineal cults “believed that they were specially selected to fight and defeat the forces of evil. They were the ‘Elect.’� Hitler and the German people clearly came to believe that the Nazi leadership was divinely inspired, that Hitler himself was a German messiah figure, and that the Aryan nation was a kind of “chosen� people. Christian fascists, like the Puritans before them, see themselves as an “elect� or chosen people, called to defeat the depraved forces of “sin� and to do god’s will by establishing his “dominion� over the Earth and all its creatures.

“Fifth,� Sickinger notes, the Christian millineal cults “were convinced that the forces of evil were poised to destroy goodness at any moment, requiring quick and decisive action on the part of the chosen. Battles of Armageddon were necessary.� As for Hitler:

“Hitler was clear that the forces of evil represented by the Jewish anti-race were poised to destroy Aryan goodness and that Germany had to respond quickly and decisively to the Jewish threat to the German, Aryan.

“The Final Solution to the Jewish question which was developed during World War II and which resulted in the terror of the Holocaust was, in the warped minds of Hitler and his closest advisors, that very battle of goodness purging evil in order to usher in a golden era. James M. Rhodes concurs: ‘The Nazis could not live without the magic ritual of slaughtering the 'bacilli.'�

Today in the US, the “terrorist threat� and the New Crusade against what George W. Bush calls “evildoers� and the “Axis of Evil,� the “War on Terror,� the CIA’s "Worldwide Attack Matrix" and the “Islamo-fascist threat� serve exactly the same ends, with the added “bonus� that the dramatic center of the action lies in the “Holy Land.� Palestine is, of course, the very scene of the prophesied battle of Armageddon.

“Sixth,� the Christian millineal cults “had faith that their efforts would be successful and would result in a new and beautiful era of peace and prosperity.� The Thousand Year Reich held the same promise, and the Christian Fascists have gone back to the root belief: the return of christ and his thousand year reign following the apocalypse they are seeking so diligently to arrange.

It should go without saying that Nazi anti-Semitism was – and is - rooted in ancient European Christian traditions and in a long and vile history of Christian pogroms, murders, forced conversions and expulsions of Jews. And there is a straight line between The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the extreme right wing views of powerful figures like televangelist Pat Robertson, whose notion of a Jewish Illuminati is central to his conspiratorial sense of history, and to the his sense of the role of Christianity in history.

David Stannard, in his seminal American Holocaust, writes:

“… an observation of [Elie] Wiesel’s regarding the perpetrators of the Jewish Holocaust is an equally apt beginning for those who would seek to understand the motivations that ignited and fanned the flames of the mass destruction of America’s native peoples:

‘All the killers were Christian… the Nazi system was a consequence of a movement of ideas and followed a strict logic; it did not arise in a void but had its roots deep in a tradition that prophesied it, prepared for it, and brought it to maturity. That tradition was inseparable from the past of Christian, civilized Europe.’�

In the eschatology of the Christian fascists, Israel plays a key role: the nation must exist, according to Biblical prophecy, for christ to return, for apocalypse to unfold, and for the “Kingdom of God� to be established.

For this reason we have seen the rise of a new “Christian Zionism� among fundamentalists in the US, who are bent on “defending� the white colonial settler regime and its genocidal relations with Palestinians at any cost.

But the Christian Zionist support for Israel is hardly “pure� : it’s a set up.

There is a reason Israel “has to exist� : It has to exist so that, at the proper time it can be wiped out - so that at the proper time the “anti-christ� can destroy it, so that all Jews can die, or be condemned by “god� to “hell.� As a former Southern Baptist Convention leader put it, “God doesn’t hear the prayer of a Jew.�

The message is simple, and it serves as a template for Christian fascist intentions toward Jews. It’s a template for genocide. It’s the same message offered in the video game Left Behind: Eternal Forces. The message is the same as the offer the Spanish gave to untold millions of Native Americas before they slaughtered them: “convert or die.� Indeed, as the Conquest of the Americas was underway, the Spanish Inquisition offered this very choice to many Jews in Spain, as well.

According to Christian fascist eschatology, only 144,000 Jews will be “saved� – those who have converted to Christianity will be bodily wisked away to heaven in a moment called the “Rapture.� Those who adhere to their own culture and religion will be “left behind� to face Armageddon, utter destruction; a cultural and physical genocide more thorough than that of the Nazis.

That’s the prophecy, the master narrative, part of an overarching European narrative of genocide – and like all cultural scripts, it’s meant to be acted out. It’s a very old tradition. One might say that Nazism was only a variation on the Christian theme, or one might say that the Christian Fascist template is a variation on the Nazi theme.

Part 5: Stopping Christian Fascism will only be the beginning

Fascism is the reactionary re-constitution of the capitalist state based on an appeal to cross-class coherence and to a revitalization of the nation’s dominant ethnicity through the medium of religious contagion and organized violence.

In multicultural nations, which means in virtually every nation, Fascism always re-constitutes culture and power around the traditional reactionary values of the dominant ethnicity as they pertain to upholding the key elements of “civilization� – the family, private property and the state.

Thus the focus on “family values,� the increasing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of corporations, and the embrace of new, overtly authoritarian powers for the state such as torture and open spying.

The furtherance and renewal of the cultural myths that justify the traits of the dominant culture in relation to family, property, authority and the use of violence is a key element of reinforcing “civilized� “normalcy� in times of crisis, and themes that reinforce these norms are thus among the key themes of fascist movements.

Since the cultural mythos and justifications that surround the powers of the family, property and the state are different in different cultures, and since each dominant cultural group subordinates and suppresses distinctly different cultural groups, fascism takes on a different appearance and tone in each culture where it arises.

Only a potent counterculture can successfully combat fascism, since fascism is fundamentally a psycho-cultural movement that rationalizes new forms of reactionary governance by a reframing of core cultural values – a reframing that becomes normative for the majority of the population in the dominant ethnicity.

Fascism arises under conditions in which there are extremes of cultural, political and economic fragmentation that appear to justify a call to a new level of cultural unity and coherence among members of the privileged, dominant ethnicity.

The ability of the dominant culture to meet the needs of its members begins to fragment, laying the basis for alienation, malaise, or widespread fear, insecurity and disappointment.

The old rules, the old gods, the old economic and ethnic relation break down, impacting people’s sense of identity, function, sense of belonging and status within the dominant culture, and their economic, social, cultural and emotional security, especially those securities based on economic, ethnic and gender dominance.

These securities are what fascism promises to restore. It re-crystallizes social, cultural and economic relations through establishing and reinforcing norms of cultural coherence through religious contagion and force – thus its militant masculinism.

Members of the dominant group adhere to fascism at the level of personal and cultural identity and with a sense of religious purpose as they “re-fuse� with the newly enforced norms, resolving the crisis of social identity and personal “power.�

Any effective and true counterculture – any authentic alternative to fascism - must offer a new basis for cultural identity, power and effectiveness, and ethnic, gender and economic identity. It must re-solve the questions of cultural norms with respect to the family, private property and the state in a workable, practicable and experiential new way that, at a bare minimum, directly challenges each of these three building blocks of “Civilization.�

Fundamentally, fascism is an armed defense of repressive, oppressive civilization and a reinforcement of its norms in a given dominant culture group, and is most likely to arise in colonial settler states and neo-colonies that are ethnically divided along sharp lines – like the Ladino / Mayan split in Guatemala, and in imperialist states undergoing crisis.

Because the fragmentation of cultural coherence that leads to fascism is experienced by the dominant group as extreme, and since it is culture, not politics, that mediates the totality of life in “civilization,� fascism, is of necessity, both extreme and total in its impact on society.

All signs of cultural, political or gender “difference� are read as signs of fragmentation and destruction that in the aggregate are experienced by members of the dominant group – the “Good Germans,� as we say, as having very personal impacts on their emotional lives, their status and sense of identity. For this “reason,� “difference� must be repressed or destroyed.

Especially targeted are those groups, who by virtue of culture and / or differences in skin coloration are perceived as irreconcilably different (inferior), countercultural groups or religious minorities, and those who are seen as “decadent,� as a threat to the moral and cultural coherence of the dominant group.

The submission of such groups to newly imposed authorities and norms serves only to justify the drive to suppress them by signaling an acceptance of a status of inferiority, and serves to reinforce the sense of superiority and “rightness� of the culture that seeks to suppress or destroy them.

This is why adapting to fascistic norms spells death, and why rebelling against and openly resisting them is the only answer to the persecutorial dynamics of fascism, especially in periods of time before fascism has consolidated state power, and before the contagion of religious or quasi-religious conversion and its absolutist certainty in fascism’s cause and in its leadership has taken over the majority of the members of the dominant group.

It is not enough to expose the reality of persecution – only rebellion, resistance, or a credible threat of rebellion and resistance – on a mass scale, and particularly among the targeted group(s), can undermine the power of the spreading contagion, and re-create the level of self-doubt in the dominant group that characterized its crisis as the dynamic began to unfold.

That’s why, despite all the flag waving, the millions of Others who marched in the pro-migrant movement were able to have such a significant impact. No one laid down to “take it,� and the Republican Party, having failed to reach a critical mass in support of its fascistic agenda, cracked open.

The fascist movement in the US today has several areas of vulnerability.

Its leadership under Bush inspires no confidence and widespread disgust (although if a John McCain were to convert fully to the cause that might all change):

The faith of Christian Fascists in the “moral leadership� of the Republican Party has been gravely undermined by scandal:

Militarily, and this is of signal importance, the US is being defeated in Iraq, bringing home the ghost of the imperialist’s “Vietnam Syndrome� :

Migrants and Chican@s have risen up in their millions, undermining key plans for ethnic scapegoating and ethnic cleansing in what is still reputed to be a “democracy� :

And the Republican Party is divided – deeply divided, on a number of key fronts.

But there are underlying pressures that highly favor the development of fascism, as well among them pressures on the Democratic Party, which understands as Larry Everest correctly notes

“…that the extreme right, including a Christian fascist core, remains extremely well organized, funded and powerful, and that any effort to overturn the Bush agenda would be met with howls of treason and betrayal (and perhaps even a coup).�

The Christian Fascist’s greatest strength is the extent to which their agenda has already been normalized. This normalization has occurred with the help of the Democratic Party - and by virtue of the mass silence that has accompanied the mass incarceration of peoples of color in the US, a silence that has helped engender a profound sense of isolation and demoralization in the ghettos and barrios and on the reservations.

The “failure� of the Democrats to stand up signals something much deeper than a lack of “spine� or even fear of the Christian Fascist movement. It signals fundamental agreement with many of the aims of the fascist movement with respect to who must be attacked both overseas and in the “homeland� if the Empire is to stay afloat in a coming period of immense danger and instability at every level.

There is a dangerous and compelling necessity – from the imperialist standpoint - of coming resource wars, as oil and agricultural production begin to decline on a global basis, and as water resources become vastly depleted on a world scale. In a word, the collapse of a global economy based on oil is on the horizon, and the empire is compelled to consolidate its global control of energy resources.

Both Democrats and Republicans are targeting Iran, for example. The Democratic leadership supports the aims of the occupation of Iraq, as well, no matter what the base of the party may say.

It makes no difference, from this standpoint, whether Republicans or Democrats are in power. Economic collapse and Global Warming are on the horizon; the civilization itself will enter a period of irreversible decline – if not collapse - as the energy source that drives it dries up, and as the exploited and depleted ecosystems – life systems – that sustain it reach the edge of collapse and extinction.

As a consequence there is a compelling urgency on the part of the ruling elites in the US to establish an unprecedented military dominance abroad and deepening levels of social control in the “homeland.� For a more thorough analysis see part one of this series, Apocalypse No! under the subtitle Resource Wars and Fascism: Babylon’s Way Out.

The single greatest danger is that many now alert to the need for resistance may be lulled to sleep again by a Democratic Party victory.

But a simple election can neither reverse the underlying compulsions toward Christian Fascism in the US, nor defeat a psycho-cultural movement toward Christian Fascism that has its roots in the deepest aspects of the very oldest and most enduring traditions of an oppressive civilization on the verge of collapse and global destruction.

If Life on Earth is to survive, if we and millions of other species are to survive, human society will have to undergo the deepest of transformations on a global scale.

Stopping Christian Fascism will only be the beginning.

Juan Santos is a Los Angeles based writer and editor. His essays from 2006 can be found at: He can be reached at:
Part III
The Law Of Life And The Law Of Death

Apocalypse No! part 3

By Juan Santos

12 January, 2007

1. The Great Emergency: Global Warming, Mass Death and Resource Wars in the 21st Century

"We are the watchers. We are the witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen, what will surely happen unless we come together---we, the Peoples of all Nations---to restore peace, harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother." -Chief Arvol Looking Horse, from White Buffalo Teachings

At the Sundance Film Festival Al Gore declared, "We have a category five denial of this issue [global warming]. I believe our political system is broken, however, I have optimism and hope. A rebellion is gathering." But rebellion isn’t what Al Gore is fostering. Speaking at NYU against what one commentator called a “stately backdrop of American flags,� Gore’s comments were focused on “uplift,� and calls to action slathered in a “thick layer of patriotism� and good old capitalist know-how. He seemed oblivious to irony, saying of the US, “Our natural role is to be the pace car in the race to stop global warming."

The feel good approach Gore pushes is dead wrong: Economic growth and saving life on Earth are not compatible goals. Industrial civilization isn’t harming the Earth, it’s killing the Earth. The system has long since passed the limits of growth - it can’t be sustained.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a four-year analysis of the world's ecosystems sponsored by the Worldwatch Institute, showed that 15 out of 24 ecosystems essential to human life are "being pushed beyond their sustainable limits," toward a state of collapse that may be "abrupt and potentially irreversible." These ecosystems and the civilization that is killing them are both approaching an endpoint.

People are calling Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth the most terrifying movie you will ever see – but really, Gore’s film is a soft sell, one that underestimates the dangers we face and that veils not only the root causes of global warming, but the drastic military responses the US is planning in the event of an abrupt shift in the climate.

Call it Category 4 denial. Gore ignores the real problem. Global heating isn’t “caused� by CO2, it’s caused by industrial production and those that profit from it – capitalists in oil, gas, coal, electricity and automobiles, among others. And the system isn’t “broken,� no matter what Gore claims. The system is producing what it’s supposed to produce; power and profit and the corollaries of power and profit; denial and death.

For those addicted to power and profit, who are “winning� at the expense of all life, global warming is business as usual.

Try telling an abusive alcoholic he’s taken one drink too many, that animals and plants, even other people, are not objects, that he’s beaten his wife one too many times, or that, as Brother Malcolm put it, the chickens are coming home to roost. Unless he’s hit bottom, he’s not listening. Even George Bush has publicly acknowledged the obvious: the system is addicted to oil. But he’s not listening.

The analogy to addiction is not facile and the denial of the crisis we face is no accident; it is both conscious and deliberate. In this system, denial of suffering is the key to success. The ability to distance themselves from the meaning of their actions is what put those who are on top on top in the first place.

Look at Exxon and its global warming disinformation campaign. They’ve spent millions on propaganda to consciously deceive us about the reality of global warming and the impending mass death it implies, much like the Nazis told their victims they were heading for a shower, not a gas chamber, like the cigarette capitalists told us smoking carries no harm. But the genocide the Nazis perpetrated was not this extreme. This is different. This is not ethnocide or genocide. This is omnicide. Life on Earth is in the balance.

The stakes, the costs of this crime and its coverup, could not be higher. World renowned paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey tells us, “Whatever way you look at it, we're destroying the Earth at a rate comparable with the impact of a giant asteroid slamming into the planet, or even a shower of vast heavenly bodies."

Within 50 years a million species will be extinct. Within 100 years 50% of all species now living - 5 million forms of living beauty - will be gone forever. Within a mere 30 years, a quarter of all mammal species may be gone.

Today, bears are no longer hibernating in the north of Spain. With the melting of polar ice, the Polar Bear is on its way out. The Orangutan has ten years left.

Fish are starving to death in the Great Barrier Reef – the unthinkable equivalent of primates starving in the jungle. In the meantime, the jungle, the Amazon Rainforest, which provides 20% of the world’s oxygen, will be a savannah, or perhaps a desert, by 2100.

Forty percent of the world’s species will die with the Amazon.

The new Age of Extinctions is being driven by global heating, ozone depletion, toxic chemicals, habitat destruction, and invasive or infectious species. The cause isn’t just CO2, it’s our whole way of life. The Earth is in its most profound crisis since the mass extinctions of the Eocene period, 54 million years ago.

Before that, two hundred and fifty million years ago at the end of the Permian era, 95% of all species perished due to runaway global warming, warming that occurred due to the same kind of positive feedback loops that we see emerging in today’s heating trends. Scientists call it The Great Dying, a period in which life on Earth was all-but wiped out.

The Permian mass extinction was apparently caused by a series of gigantic volcanic eruptions, triggering a runaway greenhouse effect. Geologists have said the impact of this "post apocalyptic greenhouse" was so severe that only one large land animal was left alive. 100 million years would pass before species diversity returned to its former levels.

In light of such potentials, how many people are willing to wager that the world scientific community is wrong and that George W. Bush – the idiot savant of the Christian Fascists – is right when he claims the verdict is still out on global warming? How many will be willing to leave the fate of the Earth, of their children and their children’s children, in the hands of propagandists for ExxonMobile? The impact of global heating - on humans alone - would be almost beyond imagining.

James Lovelock, who developed the Gaia Theory – the scientific theorem that Earth acts as a single self-sustaining, self-balancing organic system – tells us that by 2100 there will only be 500 million humans left on Earth. The Earth, he says, will no longer be able to sustain more than that. There are 6.5 billion of us now; by 2050 that number will rocket to 8.9 billion, then drop precipitously. If Lovelock is right, only one out of 18 people will be left alive at the century’s end. 95% will be dead. And Lovelock is only looking at global warming. He isn’t counting the threats posed by Peak Oil or nuclear resource wars over oil, water and arable land that, if current trends continue, will become all but inevitable.

The glaciers of the Himalayas are disappearing. Forty percent of the people in the world draw their water from sources directly fed by the regular summer melting cycles of Himalayan ice and snow. Their sources of food will melt with the glaciers. With mass starvation in Asia, the probabilities of war over water and arable land - and of mass death - grow exponentially.

By the summer of 2040 all of the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean will be gone. That means that theromohaline circulation in the North Sea – the Gulf Stream, which carries vast amounts of heat from the equator to the North Atlantic - will cease. Even as the planet heats, northern Europe will freeze. In Britain, for example, the Gulf Stream provides 27,000 times more heat than all current power supplies can generate, warming that nation by 5-8C. Warm winds from the Gulf Stream eventually reach the Himalayas, where they play a role in stimulating and regulating the East Asian monsoon system.

With the collapse of the Gulf Stream, temperatures in Europe could fall by 20 or more degrees Fahrenheit, creating an ecological nightmare as farmland turns to frozen tundra, with temperatures dropping to below -20C. Europe is currently self sufficient in agriculture, feeding its 600 million inhabitants, an obvious impossibility under such devastating new conditions.

Would Europe, with its vast armaments and its history of colonization, genocide and global wars aimed at re-dividing world resources and markets, slip quietly into a frozen death - or would it find war, even a Third World War, preferable to collapse and relentless famine at home?

The question is far from academic. Ice sheet melting from the Greenland ice cap into the Greenland Sea and the melting of floating ice during the 1980s caused the Gulf Stream to diminish by 80%. A recent report shows that the Gulf Stream came to a dead halt for ten days in 2004. The melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Arctic Sea’s ice all but guarantees the end of the Gulf Stream before mid century.

Which lands a frozen Europe might target in order to feed itself could eventually pose an all-but insoluble problem for the sub-continent’s rulers. A recent study by the British government shows that if current trends continue, a third of the planet will be desert by 2100. According to their calculations, areas susceptible to moderate drought will double to 50% of the Earth’s surface. Areas susceptible to severe drought will more than triple to 30% of the Earth’s surface.

Exxon-Bush Inc. would have us believe these impacts and their causes are debatable. Republican Senator James Inhofe would have us believe that the world scientific community is perpetrating an elaborate anti-capitalist hoax – the biggest hoax in human history, with the highest stakes. Rush Limbaugh says global warming is just another way to make civilized white people and capitalists feel guilty, the moral equivalent of a commie plot. The Right wants to cast doubt on climate science and the impending realities of climate chaos, because by pretending that there is a debate, they can defer action and continue to profit. For these men, the world itself can end, but not profit.

The fossils of our time sit in Washington, apparently inured by the pleasures of power and wealth to the realities before us. But, appearances notwithstanding, the ruling elites understand that we are on an irreversible path to global heating, caused largely by the burning of fossil fuels for the sake of production and profit. The question is what they plan to do about it.

As resources of petroleum peak and begin to expire, the Bush regime offers no alternative other than resource wars – war, not to end the use of the fuels that are destroying the Earth – but to get more of them, the last of them. Their aim is not to save the world, but to ensure their continued ability to dominate it by controlling the rapidly dwindling sources of oil. This, after all, is what the war in Iraq is about, and this is the meta-madness that guides the imperial preparations to attack Iran.

The ruling elites know exactly where we are heading and exactly what they are doing. Quietly, they call global warming a “national security threat.�

A 2004 Pentagon report, "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security," cautions US strategic planners that in a scenario of abrupt climate change “Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.� The report predicts that Third World countries will develop their own nuclear threat to secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. By 2020, the report concludes, “catastrophic� shortages of water, food and energy will plunge the planet toward war. The United Nations identifies some 150 flash points where wars may be fought over water, alone.

The Pentagon report suggests that there could be global economic depression, destruction of technological infrastructure on a global scale, nuclear war, mega-droughts, famine, mass migrations from Third World countries, and widespread rioting around the world.

“Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,� the Pentagon says. “…warfare would define human life.�

The report calls for the development of what it calls “no-regrets strategies� by the U.S. Department of Defense.

Welcome to the apocalypse. This is the Great Emergency. The future of all Life on Earth is in our hands, in the hands of this generation. We have two choices: stop them, or prepare our children and grandchildren to be among the 5% who might be so fortunate – or unfortunate – as to survive.

The Law of Life and the Law of Death

“If we are to survive, we need to learn to discern the difference between real and false hopes. We must eliminate false hopes, which blind us to real possibilities, and bind us to unlivable situations.� - Derrick Jensen

“Indigenous people still live in a universe, but we don't; we live in an economic system.� - Thomas Berry

Facing the reality of our times, facing the apocalypse, means stripping down. As bare as you can get. The truth about the condition of the world, if you can take it in – even in part - will lay you flat, for days, or weeks. It will take your breath away. Adrienne Rich speaks with depth, prayerfully, of what reckoning, real reckoning, can cost:

Final Notions

It will not be simple, it will not take long

It will take little time, it will take all your thought

It will take all your heart, it will take all your breath

It will be short, it will not be simple

It will touch through your ribs, it will take all your heart

It will not take long, it will occupy all your thought

As a city is occupied, as a bed is occupied

It will take your flesh, it will not be simple

You are coming into us who cannot withstand you

You are coming into us who never wanted to withstand you

You are taking parts of us into places never planned

You are going far away with pieces of our lives

It will be short, it will take all your breath

It will not be simple, it will become your will

To face the apocalypse you will have to strip what you call your life away. That’s what it means to acknowledge truth. It’s like fire sweeping through chaparral; in fire ecologies there are seeds that only germinate and grow when the brush burns; new life requires fire.

It is time to strip away denial to make room for remembering ourselves, our primal selves, the tribal self, the knower, the one that knows its life and environment like any other living creature knows it; intimately, directly, totally - the deep one inside us who lives on Earth without the plagues of doubt, contingency and anxiety that fill our every day with disease.

We will not survive otherwise. Otherwise we are blocked, locked in a double bind that forbids recognition of what lies before us, blind to the simple and obvious. The distress that led us to this end cannot itself undo this end, the disease cannot heal itself. The false self can only produce false solutions, the self in denial can only produce solutions formed from its own matrix of denial.

There is every indication that our society, civilization as we know it, is on the verge of collapse. Whatever and whoever is left, it will not be you; not as you know yourself today.

“You,� as you call your civilized self, are on your way to extinction.

Maybe you don’t want to know... Maybe you should put this down now.

Apocalypse is not an event, and it’s not by the numbers. Apocalypse is a process. It’s a way of life. It’s this way of life. And whatever else may be said of it, this way of life is finished. You are finished with it; it is time for it to be finished.

Some have said that there are no more warnings to be had, that the time for warnings has passed, none are needed. Anyone who looks can see. “Doomsday� is not approaching; it may already have passed. The scales may already have tipped without our having noticed the finality of the moment; that moment when the extinction of millions of species or the probabilities of a final war became inevitable – irrevocable and irreversible.

We’ve been living with this knowledge for a generation now. It’s permeated every aspect of our lives, whether we’ve acknowledged it or not.

I remember as a child, standing in the window near the front door of the little wood frame house, looking out, wondering if we were going to the country, to see the family; if there would be time, if the highways would be too crowded and if it was far enough away. I had a plastic army helmet on my head – a plastic liner for a WWII US Army helmet - and a stuffed tiger under my arm. It was the Cuban Missile Crisis.

We knew then it could all be gone.

The youth of the early 80’s knew it too. By then we were painting red and orange mushroom clouds on public walls, clouds slashed through by the “no� sign. We were marching by the millions to stop Reagan - with his cowboy hat, death squads, nuclear tipped cruise missiles and charming grin - from committing omnicide. We all knew what that grin hid. Reagan was a front man for the Empire, an evil empire run by people who know exactly what they are doing.

They are killing the world.

If you’re an activist, you know just what this means. Whether its polar bears, seals, coral reefs, rain forests, mountaintops blown into gaping pits, minefields, human rights, incest, torture, wife beating, police beatings and murder, nuclear war, animal rights, nuclear waste, global warming, rape, racism, genocide, mass incarceration, mass deportation, mass starvation or mass extinction, you spend your time doing one thing: staving off or seeking somehow to transform the omnipresent reality of utter destruction spawned by this system at every conceivable level.

The US neo-cons, with their openly proclaimed goal of utter global domination, are nothing new. The US and Europe have followed the logic of Empire for hundreds, even thousands of years, and they have followed it to the bitterest of ends, ends that violate every aspect of natural law.

One need look only at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the genocide of 100 million Native Americans and 100 million Africans, to understand exactly what those who rule intend and the inevitable conclusion of their logic. Plainly stated it is a Hitlerian logic. Hitlerian rationalism. It’s never been otherwise. Only the thinnest of veils separates the cult of every day life from the mass reality of a new, global holocaust. We face that holocaust today. The system we live under is producing it step by logical step.

Death underlies the logic of industrialism – that’s its premise. No one has kept this a secret - for a generation it is has been impossible not to know. Industrialism is nothing without the logic of efficiency in production - capitalism not only produces, of course, but only the most efficient, ecologically reckless and exploitative producers survive. Beyond that, capitalism creates crises of overproduction that lead to global economic depressions and world wars aimed at re-dividing resources and markets between competing capitalist empires.

Modern production is a wedding of opposites, a two faced god: its other face is destruction. Consumption for one is starvation for the Other. Production for one is destruction for the Other, and like a cancer, production has grown beyond all limits: the industrial system lives by destroying without limit, by ignoring the limits to growth.

Derrick Jensen makes it plain:

“It is acceptable for those above to increase the amount of property they control—in everyday language, to make money—by destroying or taking the lives of those below. This is called production. If those below damage the property of those above, those above may kill or otherwise destroy the lives of those below. This is called justice.�

The logic is this. There is a strict relationship between the denial of kinship and empathy – objectification – on one hand, and the willingness to produce the unlimited death of the Other – to wipe out every Indian and every Buffalo – and to do so for the sake of one’s own “prosperity.� The ability to renounce feeling and objectify the Other lies at the heart of Western standards of “thought� and provides the fuel that drives the engine of destruction.

Jensen takes us one step further:

"Production is the manifestation in the physical world of the psychic process of objectification. It is the turning of the subject (a cow for example)into the object (profit on the hoof, as agribusinessmen say).To do so, necessarily kills the subject, first inside the objectifier's experience, and then in the physical world. Production, however, is not the end point. Production, deified as it has become, is not the god who stands behind the god. The god who stands behind the god is annihilation. Where does our production lead us? Psychic death. Emotional death. Physical death. And, as should be increasingly clear to anyone paying attention whatsoever, it is leading us ever more quickly toward the death of every living being."

Jensen walks right into the heart of the matter, into the final result of objectification, denial of the inner reality of the Other, the denial of kinship, and the soul murder involved in “rational� and efficient� production.

“The endpoint of civilization is assembly line mass murder. The assembly line mass murder of the Nazi Holocaust is production stripped of the veneer of economics. It is the very essence of production. It took the living and converted them to the dead. That’s what this culture does.�

This is where Hitler’s logic in the efficiency of the production of death – the horror of the death camps – comes from. It is not abnormal; it is merely the intensified expression of the dynamics of the cult of every day life; which, of course, is a cult of death rooted in the denial that we are part of a living planet, and that all life, and the balances of life, are sacred.

Like a cancer industrial capitalism must grow to survive, it must consume its host to prosper. In consuming its host, it lays the foundation for its own cessation. When the body dies, the cancer also dies. In The Final Empire William Kötke writes:

“The culture of empire has severed itself from its center in the life of the earth. Civilized people find their survival not in the life of the earth but in human society. They are dependent upon what human society produces. The empire feeds on the earth like a tumor, irrespective of natural patterns. The individual person in the culture of empire does not directly feed from the earth, as do forager/hunters, that person feeds from the tumor body.�

With globalization, the culture of the production of death is being exported to the whole world. Two thirds of all Earth’s “resources� have already been consumed. Other cultures, including indigenous cultures, the cultures of life, are also quickly being consumed.

Life itself is being turned into death, and consumed.

The “Real� World

Globalization is the spread of the logic of industrialism everywhere; it is the spreading of the logic of mass death to everything. Globalization means the mass death of everything, the cancer metastized.

Look around you. There is no other logic in control. We’ve killed 90% of the large fish in the oceans; seals go mad from the toxic results of human shit dumped in the sea; they bare their fangs and bite the heads of their newborns. Israel blows a hole in the spine of a fetus in a mother’s womb in Beirut. They drop cluster bombs, then claim they blew the hole in the woman’s womb, in her child’s spine, in self defense.

They call it “peace,� or “democracy� when any madman can see it is nothing but destruction and death, racism and power lust. Any madman can see they cry “peace, peace,� when there is no peace.

The “great tribulation� is on us, and it’s not what they told us it would be.

This is not about geopolitical strategy – even though there are profound and sometimes moving analyses of that aspect of the science of death lust and of the clinical coldness of the ruler’s calculations.

The plans of the Christian fascists and US Neocons for global empire and the concrete strategies they pursue are like the plans of a serial killer for his next murder; understanding them is only useful insofar as it might tell us just how close we may be to the final disaster, and what openings, if any, might occur in which we might intervene. But at bottom, their plans aren’t the basic thing. The sickness is.

All the cold thought, like all the “rational� plans and cold science behind Hitler’s death camps, is still just necrophilia, the sick, sexualized psychological thrill of power over others, of manic killing, death, and cold bodies.

It’s not just the torture camps at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo; you, yourself, are the product of torture and degradation – the life instincts have all but been burnt out in you and replaced over a lifetime of rules and punishment with fear. We are all prisoners, and the ruling elites and their enforcers are our wardens and guards. If you are a woman you know that there is nothing fundamentally strange – uncommon - in the sexual torture at Abu Ghraib; it’s hovered over your daily life from the moment you first learned to fear rape. It’s your prison, too. You are its inmate. Abu Ghraib and your daily life are part of a single continuum.

And it’s not just one thing - it’s not just our social prison – it’s everything. There is a continent of floating plastic garbage in the Pacific Ocean as large as Texas. Next door are Columbine and Beirut, a maddened seal, the spine of a fetus, a woman’s rape, and a plastic doll’s head washed up among the trash on a Pacific island beach: these are all the very same thing. These are multiple symptoms of a single sickness.

Ten thousand years of civilization have so traumatized us – ten thousand years of trauma have so civilized us, that it can no longer be endured or contained.

Civilization is undergoing a psychotic break, and to paraphrase Ward Churchill, you’re locked in a room with it, as its mask of “niceness� falls away; as its cold face shows; when it looks, for all the world, like there’s nothing you can do. After all, the psychopath writes your check. They’re selling us so much Prozac and Ritalin that it’s filtering into the soil, polluting the waters, imbalancing the brains of other mammals. 80% of people in the US say their jobs are "meaningless." One out of four takes psychiatric medication.

It’s called competing survival drives. We have to survive in the system, but the system creates death as its product. As Thomas Berry put it, “Indigenous people still live in a universe, but we don't; we live in an economic system.� We depend on the production of mass death to live. We live in a system of death, where survival means self-destruction and destruction of the Earth. Trying to survive, we destroy ourselves and the world. It’s as simple as driving to work.

Listen. I’m not leaning out the window screaming “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.� And this is not 1984. It’s different. It’s worse than anything Orwell postulated. It’s not just Freedom is Slavery and War is Peace.

It’s Life = Death.

Like shocked and beaten prisoners, like concentration camp inmates, most of us can’t stop and look or even think for ourselves – and when we do, for even a moment, we tell ourselves to calm down.

This calming down, this containment and redirection of fear, grief, pain and rage, this inability to remember ourselves, is what we call “civilization,� and “being civilized.�

We’re domesticated. Like any other beaten, cowed, tamed, rewarded and cringing animal. This is what we call being “nice.�

We forget, we refuse to acknowledge, that the wealthy own us. They, not we, spend our lives.

Forgetting, we make it safe for the destruction to continue. Like any other inmate, we do our jobs quietly, not so differently than how others did our jobs in Germany, under the Nazis, not so differently than the death camp inmates did their jobs. The product of our work is ultimately the same; our own deaths: and the deaths of the Others.

All My Relations

It hasn’t always been like this. The world renowned paleoanthropologist, Richard Leakey, came to a stunning and beautiful conclusion about human evolution. He says that what set us on the path to human-ness was one thing: sharing - that sharing is the key to our evolution and the primary cause of the evolutionary leap that created us.

No other primate shares its food. While other primates occasionally hunt, and have even been seen to hunt cooperatively, no other primate gathers its food and shares it with others. Other primates don’t gather food and share it, they forage for it, and eat it themselves, where they find it.

No other primate has a division of labor that is predicated on sharing what the gatherers gather with the hunters and what the hunters hunt with the gatherers. Leakey suggests that in the most literal sense sharing fueled human evolution, making immense stores of energy available to our ancestors. Sharing fueled our growth in every sense.

Sharing food involves what Leakey calls reciprocal altruism; those that shared had better chances of survival; he says that our evolution “selected� for certain traits; “sympathy, gratitude, guilt and moral indignation� – empathy, in a word. Those who will not or cannot share are ostracized; their chances for survival plummet.

Leakey is unequivocal. “We are human because our ancestors learned to share their food and their skills in an honored network of obligation,� he writes in People of the Lake (emphasis added.)

In every original, ancient human culture this sense of sharing, honor and obligation – this sense of kinship – extends beyond the self to the family, beyond the family to the band, beyond the band to the tribe, and beyond the tribe to the plants and animals, to the very stones.

Our primal sensibility is that we are related, that we belong, that we are wrapped in a matrix of living that is fundamentally secure, and that our part is to reciprocate, to ensure the balances that sustain our living matrix, our living mother.

The Lakota nation has a word for this: mitakuye oyasin: all my relations. The term so deeply expresses the indigenous sensibility of an honored and beloved network of reciprocal obligation with land and life that it has been adopted as a byword, a sacred expression, by indigenous peoples throughout the US.

But something has gone terribly wrong. Around the Earth those who hold to this original law have been systematically destroyed.

Such destruction is called genocide, but it is more than that. It is the mass murder of the keepers of the Law of Life, the Law of the Land. It is an act of profound spiritual darkness.

The destruction of those who remember the original law of our being implies, in the most obvious and literal sense, the abandonment, destruction and repudiation of the Law of Life and the destruction and repudiation of our actual, practical relationships to one another and to life itself.

The violation of this Law, and the spirals of pain that have resulted from it, have set us on a path to suicide, to omnicide. For ten thousand years, since the advent of “civilization,� we’ve been on a path to a single destination: apocalypse.

The “fathers� of civilization have, at some level, always known it: that’s why the myths of a coming apocalypse have been with us for so very long.

Entrapped in what we call “civilization,� we live by another law. Robert Oppenheimer, progenitor of the atomic bomb, understood himself, and perhaps he understood the matrix of pain and destruction that has captured us:

“I am become Death, destroyer of worlds,� he said.

The law we live by is more than obvious. We live by the law of death. We have replaced the Law of Land and Life with the law of death, with a law of reverse evolution we call “progress.�

The Aboriginal peoples of Australia understand the matter with utter clarity. David Suzuki and Peter Knudston describe the Aboriginal view of the radical disconnection in the Western, civilized experience of the world:

“In their cultural detachment from the true dynamics of life’s origins and the fundamental burdens and boundlessness of time, these arrogant intruders are hopelessly confused. Not knowing what to remember and what to forget, they follow dead laws, fail to recognize living ones, and in their power and denial promote death.�
Part III (contd.)
Other Ways

“The original instructions of the Creator are universal and valid for all time. The essence of these instructions is compassion for all life and love for all creation. We must realize we do not live in a world of dead matter, but in a universe of living spirit. Let us open our eyes to the sacredness of Mother Earth, or our eyes will be opened for us.� -- Traditional Hopi Elder David Monongye

It wasn’t always like this; other cultures have known other ways.

Deborah Bird Rose suggests that the Aboriginal ethos can be summed up in four main points, four basic Laws about the respect and the kind of relationships we owe to other living beings:

“Balance: A system cannot be life enhancing if it is out of kilter, and each part shares in the responsibility of sustaining itself and balancing the others.

“Response: Communication is reciprocal. There is here a moral obligation: to learn to understand, to pay attention, and to respond.

“Symmetry: In opposing and balancing each other, parts must be equivalent because the purpose is not to “win� or dominate, but to block, thereby producing further balance.

“Autonomy: No species, no group, or country is “boss� for another; each adheres to its own Law. Authority and dependence are necessary within parts, but not between parts.�

These laws – laws that are fundamentally about kinship, reciprocity and balance - bind the people in eternal relationships to the Earth and Life. Native Americans have similar understandings; there were original agreements between humans and animals that must not be broken; these are expressions of an original medicine that serves to heal and keep the world in harmony. One of the central images of the Hopi Nation is a symbol that means “Together with all nations we protect both land and life and hold the world in balance.� Indigenous peoples follow the Law of the Land; they do not seek to impose their own laws on the land, or on other living beings.

The ethic of protecting land and life, and the consequences of not doing so, are conscious for indigenous peoples. Jim Kipp describes the understanding of his people, the Blackfeet:

� …Creator gave me a choice in life – a 'red road' leading to him or the path that is curving, dangerous, and leads to death. Being able to live in a respectful way in Creator's name teaches how to be humble because it acknowledges that Creator's presence is in everything.�

In the Maori language, Whenua, the word for land, is also the word for afterbirth; the relationship of living creatures to the living Earth is like that of a fetus to the placenta. The Maori word for a sub-tribe or band is the same as the word for a pregnant woman. The same sense of kinship permeates the Maori sensibility at every level;

The Maori believe that they have whakapapa (genealogical) links to everything - not just to humans but to the universe as well. As such, forests, mountains, seas, rivers and lakes are viewed as siblings (brothers and sisters) in the same family tree (whakapapa). Their sacred relationship with the natural world was visible in the strict laws of tapu (sacredness) and mana (divine spiritual authority) - developed to live in harmony with their world – and still holds true for many Maori today. The land is part of who Maori are as a people, and links them to their tribal roots. These spiritual and family connections are what make Maori tangata whenua … the people of the land of Aotearoa.

The science of genetics tells us unequivocally that we are, in fact, related to every other living being on Earth. But we think we’re different. We’re here to dominate life, not to share it. Our “god� tells us so.

A recent poll shows that some 58% of people in the US are deeply concerned about the impacts of global warming, but only 18% are concerned about its potential impacts on animals. The destruction of entire species doesn’t touch most of us, even though their rate of extinction is already as much as 10,000 times the norm. After all; we don’t live with them unless they, like us, are domesticated; we never see them at all unless they’re caged or captured on film.

Life isn’t real to us now; we’ve adapted to a new environment, a new matrix made of asphalt and electronics. Our relatives are traffic signals and policemen; those we loved most, our families, our fathers and mothers, were the agents of our indoctrination. They taught us to live in the death camp, to accept it as normal, to deny our most basic instincts, feelings and intuitions, to accept a system of control, reward and punishment. They taught us to perform, and called it success and life.

Aboriginal peoples in Australia, however, have not yet lost their connection to and feelings toward their kin. They are not yet fully enslaved in an economic system. In important ways, they still live in nature, in a connected universe: they still remember. Here they speak for themselves of a recent slaughter of kangaroos; broken hearted and enraged, they describe the slaughter as genocide.

Aboriginal Tent Embassy Outraged with Kangaroo Massacre

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy demands for an immediate stop to the massacre of aboriginal animals at Googong Dam in the A.C.T. Environment ACT described the shooting of 800-1000 eastern grey kangaroos at Googong Dam as “Operation Success.� The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is vocalizing the uproar from the Aboriginal community, which has been traumatized by the recent massacre of the kangaroos. "They same way they killed our old people, dig a big hole and put all their bodies in it, we still feel their spirits. It’s too much," said Lorna Laurie, resident of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.

"This massacre is a desecration of Aboriginal law and spirituality, to kill so many creatures, for no good reason, and just dump their poor carcasses in the ground is an abomination of these ancient laws" declared another embassy resident Arinya Freeman. "Even though the government is saying they have completed the cull we can’t be sure they are not planning to massacre more kangaroos - we want it all to end".

"We can’t see the reason for why this would need to happen. The reason being given is that there is not enough food or water for the kangaroos, but we know it’s for the expansion of development, farming and industry to perpetuate this economic system. Indigenous people from all over the world are facing genocide from this same system," stated Gungalidda elder Aunty Wadjurlabinna.

"The government do not care about the land or water, if they did care about the land and water then they wouldn’t be selling it all off to foreign corporation for mining, or cotton irrigation, they would close down the wood chip mills. They need to understand that the kangaroos have been living in this country long before they came so they have more rights to use the water then anyone" said enraged embassy resident Terra Freire.

Under section 116 of the Constitution, the Commonwealth cannot use its powers to prohibit freedom of religion. "This land has its own law, this other law is foreign, it belongs to a foreign system, not our system; people had better come to learn, respect and understand our system, the kinship system. We are sovereign people of this land and our law is sovereign in this land. To continue to violate these ancient laws of Aboriginal culture, to disregard Aboriginal natural and spiritual law, while contradicting the constitution, is further perpetuating genocide against indigenous people" continued Aunty Wadjurlabinna.

"Under natural and spiritual law through the kinship system, the kangaroo is my mother and uncles. These disconnected people are killing my mother and uncles. They are part of the system like us, related to us the same as people, we are all equal under the rule of natural law, that binds us through our language, this is the Aboriginal way," stated Gungalidda elder Aunty Wadjurlabinna. "Genocide has taken many forms, this is another example of the genocide against our people and our lands and everything that makes our continent. The animals are part of us. The kangaroos and other indigenous animals are related to us through a unique and powerful system known as the kinship system. They are family. This system is made up of the rule of natural law and spirituality that has been in place since the dreamtime, the beginning of time. No one has the god given right to destroy these sacred animals."

It is difficult, at best, for us to experience such a quality of connectedness or the morality that arises from it - we experience it only occasionally, or as an epiphany. Our common experience is an experience of the alienation and isolation that we call individualism. Native peoples belong; they are in place. We feel we have no place. Our rulers call having no place being “free.� Walter Lippman wrote:

“These are the prisoners who have been released. They ought to be happy. They ought to be serene and composed. They are free to make their own lives. There are no conventions, no taboos, no gods, priests, princes, fathers or revelations which they must accept. Yet the result is not as good as they thought it would be. The prison door is wide open. They stagger out into trackless space under a blinding sun.�

This is among the deepest fears of indigenous people – to be cut off, excommunicated from the family of the living, the tribe, the Mother, and the rituals and symbols, the culture, feelings and morality that keep us connected to the web of life. To be cut off is to be subject to demonic forces, to the diabolical; that which divides. To the indigenous the most powerful and most disconnected among us are like the central figures in the dark film Natural Born Killers. They dreamed of the demon years before. Now it walks among them.

The most profound evidence for the power of kinship, among us, the disconnected – at least when we are in our “normal� state of consciousness - is to be found in our own experience of its absence. Most of us who are not in the deepest kind of denial acknowledge, at least in private – even if only to ourselves – that our constant experience is one of uprooted-ness, insecurity and deep loneliness. We wonder if we are the only one who feels this way.

The answer is “no.� Our senses of relatedness, of place, belonging and autonomy have been radically and systematically undermined. It’s not only that we have been made alone and lonely: the reality is that to pierce the shell, to reorder our lives, to reconnect, to come together in new ways threatens the very stability of a system that is built and depends for its functioning on our sense of unworthiness and isolation, and on cultivating in us a sense of being both without hope and ineffectual. A deep sense of kinship is a fundamental threat to a system that can only establish itself on the basis of denying, “rationally� reordering, and containing our abilities to relate.

And because we are adapted to such a system, breaking through the barriers of isolation threatens our own emotional defenses, as well, and the defenses of those around us. We are allowed to care, but only for certain animals we call pets, only for certain people we call family, and only within certain limits; to show our feelings only to certain people, who we pay; the rest remain emotionally untouchable. The question is one of identity and loyalty, who we are together.

The Critical Art Ensemble writes

“To be sure, kinship (which may or may not be based on genetic connection) is a manifestation of nonrational forces that can transcend the alienation of separation. For this reason, the true intention of authoritarian culture is the destruction of kinship. If such human bonds were allowed to exist, people could define themselves, and thereby find self-esteem, by means other than one's labor role, bureaucratic affiliation, and consumption process. Kinship loyalties, as with friendship, and other forms of affinity, could lead to an inversion of the structure of duty. People would be loyal to other individuals rather than to institutions and offices. The authoritarian channeling of kinship into the nuclear family is the authoritarian answer to such a possibility. The intention is to reduce kinship to the specialized micro-role of the reproduction of the work force and of consumer markets. The meaning of "family values" is efficient reproduction that solely benefits the macro processes of production and consumption. The family has no value in and of itself; it has value only in relation to market forces. Whenever kinship escapes this rational order, powerful resistance through transgression has occurred.�

In other words, what remains of kinship in our experience has been restricted and channeled into the service of “production,� into the service of the death camp.

The kinship that resists and escapes the demands of the death camp is not at all the same thing as socialist “solidarity.� Kinship carries the sense of an intimate, personal commitment, not an abstracted and generalized political comradeship at arms. We have to go deeper than that.

All of the mass social movements of the past century – communism, the counterculture, the various anti-colonial revolutions and cultural nationalisms – even mass advertising - have had, as their most enduring appeal, the implicit promise that we don’t have to be alone anymore. To break through, to end the oppression and separation, to come together, was the great, global hope of the 1960s.

Slavery = Progress

But the premises of civilization – viewed from the Right or the Left - are the direct opposite of the indigenous laws. The Earth is not here to serve us as property, neither the property of a “superior� collective or of “superior� individuals. The oppression inherent in the dominance of life by the powerful demands a skewed system, one profoundly imbalanced, aimed at meeting human needs above all others. By definition an oppressive system, an oppressive culture, is one that forgets that we are all equal under the rule of natural law, one in which disconnection, objectification and death have become the new law.

The establishment of human dominance and the subjugation of non-human beings lead directly and inevitably to the dominance of human over human - to meeting the needs of only certain humans without regard to Others. For this reason, no theory or practice that fails to shatter the chains of human domination over our Mother, the Earth, can free us from our social prison. The model for the enslavement of humans is the enslavement of animals.

Jim Mason writes in The Animal Question: Uncovering the Roots of Our Domination of Nature and Each Other:

“As movers of the mind, thought and feeling, animals are very strong stuff to human beings. No wonder our ancestors believed they had souls and powers. After centuries of manipulative animal husbandry, however, men gained control over animals and their life processes. In reducing them to physical submission, people reduced animals psychically as well. Castrated, yoked, harnessed, hobbled, penned and shackled, domestic animals were thoroughly subdued. They had none of that wild mysterious power of their ancestors when they were stalked by hunter-foragers. Domestic animals were disempowered by confinement, selective breeding, and familiarity with humans. They gradually came to be seen more with contempt than awe.

“In subjugating animals, farmers reduced animals and nature, in general, because crop conscious farmers saw wild species as pests, and natural elements as threats. But it was animal husbandry, in particular, that nudged people from seeing animals as spiritual powers to viewing them as commodities and tools. It drastically upset the ancient human-animal relationship, changing it from partnership to master and slave, from being kin with the natural world to lord over it.�

Once the premise of enslavement is established in the first instance, the logic of enslavement unfolds and encompasses culture, and our relationships to the land and all life.

Seneca traditionalist John Mohawk writes in A Basic Call to Consciousness: The Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World :

“Herding and breeding of animals signaled a basic alteration in the relationship of humans to other life forms. It set into motion one of the true revolutions in human history. Until herding, humans depended on nature for the reproductive powers of the animal world. With the advent of herding, humans assumed the functions which had for all time been the functions of the spirits of the animals. Sometime after this happened, history records the first appearance of the social organization known as "patriarchy."

“…Within these cultures, stratified hierarchical social organization crystallized. The ancient civilizations developed imperialism, partly because of the very nature of cities. Cities are obviously population concentrations. Most importantly though, they are places which must import the material needs of this concentration from the countryside. This means that the Natural World must be subjugated, extracted from, and exploited in the interest of the city. To give order to this process, the Semitic world developed early codes of law. They also developed the idea of monotheism to serve as a spiritual model for their material and political organization.�

These laws stemmed from a need to predict and control the direction of a way of life uprooted from the natural world and natural law, and to control the actions of those who were now subjugated.

Each of these imperial religions and cultures has its own book or books relating its experiments in social and moral subjugation, and each posits the coming of a messianic figure who will set civilization aright, when all else has failed, saving it from the apocalyptic results of its following its own unnatural laws.

The death and assimilation of indigenous peoples and the destruction of ways of life rooted in reverence for the natural world meant that the survivors were left with no mooring posts, no common understandings or traditions. Having invented an artificial world predicated on subjugation, they must now invent artificial laws to predict, control and channel its direction.

They now lacked an intuitive understanding of the natural world – they had divorced themselves from it, and from the ancient cultural traditions that guided a life in balance with nature. They no longer had a self evident, empirically verifiable moral and cultural foundation, a natural way of life. They needed someone to tell them what to do; they needed someone to force others to do their bidding, if they were to continue to “profit� from the subjugation they had imposed on the world.

As Daniel Quinn has noted, the sense grew within them that something was terribly wrong. They called it sin, the failure to be a good slave to “god.� They had only the vaguest of understandings that what they called “god’s laws� were being violated, that “wickedness� and cruelty ruled their new world. They competed with one another to establish their own way of death as the “one way� all must follow, to impose their own religion and eschatology on others. This competition of ignorances and forms of control and subjugation became the foundation of modern and “post� modern morality, religion and culture.

Sadly, just like their capitalist counterparts, Marxists applaud the end of Earth based “primitive communism,� as they call it, and the rise of the family, private property and the state, of the new civilizations that arose some 10,000 years ago. Marxists acknowledge that the civilizations of the Middle East were established through an economy based in mass human enslavement. But mass enslavement, in this view, lead to “progress,� a progress that winds its way toward new and more efficient systems of “production� (see Jensen, above) like feudalism and capitalism, and toward the most efficient systems of all, socialism, then, at last, communism, a system with no rulers and no exploitation of human by human.

This more “advanced� communism is thought of as the “promise� of “primitive communism� made real by technological and cultural “progress.� It is the final promise of a technological and organizational utopia based on the premise of human domination of the Earth and all her creatures.

Production is key to capitalism, of course, but also to Marxist and much of Anarchist theory. Not only are humans seen as producers by their very nature – the opposable thumb and tool using are imagined to be humanity’s most distinctive traits – but the entire theory of historical materialism rests on the centrality and supremacy of production.

The means of production and the relations of people to the processes of production are thought to define the “level� or “stage� a society has supposedly “reached,� and human rights to self determination and to land are thought to be contingent on how “advanced� a culture is. Animals are not thought to have rights at all. Indigenous, Earth based cultures – so-called “primitive� cultures - are slated for the “waste bin of history� – for elimination.

Socialism and Communism are said to represent new stages in the relations of production, the relations between people as defined by what they produce and how they produce it. New relations of production are said to lead to new cultures and to a new “socialist man.�

But while Marxism is, at one level, a powerful dream of becoming human again – of sharing again - sadly, its underlying premises reduce to a view of history that can be summed up like this: Slavery = Progress.

Intended as a theory of liberation, Marxism falls prey to the logic and laws of death. It views humans as “superior� to “nature,� and “advanced� humans as superior to “primitive� ones. It cannot find its way out of its civilized box. Like all modern, “civilized� political theories, it rests on the subjugation of the Earth, the destruction of our original sense of kinship, its replacement with new relationships based on new roles in industrial production, and the destruction of the cultures of those who have kept the Law of Life.

This holds true across the Left. Consciously or not, “progressives,� by definition, are as committed to “progress� as the most reactionary capitalist or Christian Fascist.

Progress in production is progress in “dominion� – in the biblically mandated domination of the Earth, a domination sanctioned by every civilization, a dominion that is the core principle on which civilization is founded. It is of course no accident that one faction of the Destroyers would call themselves “dominionists,� or that today that faction should be the cutting edge of the “dark side� in the center of the world empire.

The Hopi Traditional Elders, on the other hand, never lost sight of the principles of Land and Life. They say that one day, in a time of deep crisis that they call the Time of Purification, a brave person will stand up and demand of the elites, “ You profit at the expense of all life: come here and pay your debt!� That time, they say, is upon us.

The transition from a culture immersed in life to one immersed in death, from a culture that based itself in reciprocity among people and between people and bears, plants, insects, deer, stones, kangaroos and buffalo, to one that sought to dominate all life, to “conquer� nature and all natural beings and put them to a foreign “use� for one’s own benefit, the transition from a culture that honored all life to one that profits at the expense of all life, was nothing like a benign “enlightenment� or a natural “advance.�

Civilization begins and ends with the progressive disruption and destruction of kinship; kinship with the land, between humans and animals, between women and men, with the disintegration of kinship systems; it begins and ends with the destruction of our sense of relationships as sacred and their replacement by relationships of oppression.

No longer are there sacred animals, plants, stones and places. No longer do we live

in reciprocal obligation with the world around us. The world itself ceases to live for

for us, to be alive to us. It comes to be managed, controlled, suppressed and enslaved – killed. The life of the world is reduced to serve one end and one end only; it is now no longer our Mother, our nurturer, our home, where we belong. It has been reduced to utter servitude to human ends; the original relationship is shattered.

Our Mother, our matrix, the womb of our being, is reduced to “lifeless matter,� which is to say, in literal keeping with the Latin from which the term “matter� is derived, “Mater Morduus� : Lifeless Mother: Dead Mother.

This is the central tenet of the western world view: that matter is inert, that reality is “matter in motion,� dead matter moving. Dead Mother moving: this is the signal, sign and symbol of the death of relationship that is the hallmark of civilization. By its very nature civilization is totalitarian; when the Dead Mother does not move to suit us, our technology moves her, like Frankenstein’s monster on a wench. Like macabre scientists in a grade B movie, we “produce� movement.

In popular culture in the US, the most enduring image of evil is the image of the mad scientist; he is the central figure in our conception of “horror.� What civilization produces is horror, and it is in such films that we indirectly face the moral and emotional reality of what western civilization has wrought. Reductionistic science is, in itself, a kind of storytelling: the story it tells ends in death. The story ends with the dead mother. And with loneliness.

The rupture of our sense of kinship with the world meant the end of our obligation to the sacred Other. The constraints on the exercise of violence that kinship implied were gone.

The rule of civilization, the systematic destruction of original kinship, has always been imposed by force, by violent destruction and disintegration of the cultures and peoples it has invaded and conquered, followed by a seduction into a new way of being, a new hierarchy with new mores. Civilization, as such, is based on the exercise of violence over the Other – plant, animal and human.

That’s how we got here, in this condition, in this time and place: we are the product of a violence divorced from feeling, from connection and meaning – a violence meant to reduce all meaning to the narrow scope of that which serves to enrich and make the purveyors of violence “secure.� Like a Jonah, we’ve been swallowed by something huge; we are inside it with no apparent way out and with no clear avenue for the exercise of our original integrity.

Civilization consumes and destroys original cultures. Indigenous cultures disintegrate before the onslaught of its illness just as Native American peoples disintegrated when touched by smallpox. All it takes is a touch of the sickness; as the delicate balances between human and nature and human and human are ruptured, the infection spreads.

Traditions and ancient authorities nested in millions of years of trial and error begin to unravel.

The lessons of power – for a people conquered - are profound and immediate. The new way has established itself supreme over the old. It has been imposed. The apparent “advantages� of new technologies seem palpable. For those who internalize the lessons, who internalize the terror and destruction, who internalize the meaning of the horrid power of the new weapons and the new language of the superior and the inferior, the powerful and the powerless, continued resistance seems to make little sense.

Emotional trauma precedes disconnection from our deep sense of kinship with all life, a kinship expressed through and embodied in culture. Trauma and disconnection precede hopelessness. Hopelessness precedes ambition, and ambition precedes conversion to the new way, the way of death.

After only a few years of contact and conquest, things begin to break down.

The Kogi people of Columbia are a recent example. After maintaining a profound isolation for hundreds of years, until the late 20th century, the mountain dwelling Kogi, whose traditions remained unbroken and unaltered in a direct lineage from a major pre-Conquest culture, have begun to disintegrate.

As the government and leftist guerrillas seize control of the land around them; as pesticides aimed at the coca plant blanket the forests; as people sicken from the poisons; and as it becomes dangerous in the face of right wing death squads for the priests and elders - for anyone - to expose themselves outside the confines of the community, the old traditions and the authority of the Earth based spiritual leadership have begun to come unraveled.

But the Kogi have sent us a message. Like the Hopi before them, the Kogi had maintained their culture and spiritual traditions largely intact throughout the period of the Conquest. And like the Hopi in 1945, the Kogi, in 1990, decided they must speak out to the rest of us. Too much was at stake to do otherwise. They brought their isolation to an end. Their prophecies had spoken of the coming of the Younger Brother and the destruction he would wreak. On their mountain, which they call the Heart of the World, snows had dwindled, the ice receded. Something was terribly wrong: the Heart of the World was dying.

"Up to now,� they said, “we have ignored the Younger Brother. We have not deigned even to give him a slap. But now we can no longer look after the world alone. The Younger Brother is doing too much damage. He must see, and understand, and assume responsibility. Now we will have to work together. Otherwise, the world will die."

The Kogi, who never succumbed to Spanish rule, who evaded it by fleeing high into the mountains, are now faced with their own subjugation and their culture’s disintegration in what some have called a final stage in the conquest of the Americas, a final stage in the destruction of the kinship between human beings, and the plants, animals and Earth that are our placenta, the womb and source of life.

The Kogi hold that they are the "Elder Brother," guardians of life on the Earth. Like the Hopi, they are called to hold the world in balance. Their spiritual leaders are “in agreement,� they tell us, “about what it is we are going to say and how to speak.� They work in the realm of the Mother, of "Aluna," the inner world they call Memory and Possibility. From there they speak to us, saying:

“They are cutting off the flesh of the Mother’s body. They have taken everything. They have stolen the spirits of all things from the Mother. They are stealing the very spirit and thought of the Mother... The Mother is suffering. They have broken her teeth and taken out her eyes and ears. She vomits, she has diarrhea, she is ill

If we cut off our arms, we can’t work, if we cut off our legs, we can’t walk. That is how it is with the Mother. The Mother is suffering. She has nothing.

Does the Younger Brother understand what he has done? Does he?�

Today, in the Amazon, a shaman whose father survived an assassination attempt for his resistance to the encroachment of oil companies into the rain forest, declares, “Give me the gun or give me the arrow: I will die with nature!

“I don’t want the people from America to come here and destroy by sucking out the blood of our ancestors, the ‘black gold,’� he continues. “Who do they think they are with that technology? Are they so clever? No. We, here, are the intelligent ones, those who defend the lungs of the Earth, the jungle, the pure air, the pure water. I call upon the Yachacs, all the shamans of the world. To unite, to say to the world ‘Don’t destroy nature. Don’t destroy the roots of the trees.’ Materialism is finishing our world. Our world is the Spirit of the trees, of the magic leaves.�

Many tribal groups – our ancestors - have so highly valued their kinship with Life and Earth that they have fought to the death to preserve it; untold numbers committed suicide during the Conquest to escape the new power of the new way; others, whole tribes, did the same for another reason, to avoid submitting to it – ever.

The choices before us today are every bit as fundamental as the choices made by our ancestors. This much is in our hands: to follow the Law of Land and Life, or the law of death. Chief Arvol Looking Horse speaks to us clearly:

“In our Prophecies it is told that we are now at the Crossroads, either unite Spiritually as a Global Nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases and tears from our relatives eyes.

“This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the Great Myth of Progress and Development that ruled the last millennium.

“To us, as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth, falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction.

“We have come to a time and place of great urgency.

“The fate of future generations rests in our hands.

“We must understand the two ways we are free to follow, as we choose the positive way or the negative way.. the spiritual way or the material way.

“It's our own choice--each of ours and all of ours.

“You yourself are the one who must decide.

“You alone-and only you--can make this crucial choice.

“Whatever you decide is what you'll be, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. You can't escape the consequences of your own decision.

“On your decision depends the fate of the entire World. You must decide. You can't avoid it.

“Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind.

“Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?

“Know that you yourself are essential to this World.

Believe that!

“Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this World.

“Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no beginning and no ending!" Mitakuye Oyasin, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Juan Santos is a Los Angeles based writer and editor. His essays from 2006 can be found at: He can be reached at:
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