Crop Circles in 3D, 1993


Jedi Master
Crop Circles 1993
This year I found two instances of crop circles. This first one if near a village named Catworth. An higher level review, it appears to be an image message in a greater center. There is a small center at the center of the internal image. Then there is a star structure with intertwined halo objects. This is ending up with an arrangement of ten figures that end up in a point, pointing outward. In the crop laydown, I see a radial pattern for the greater center and the lesser center. The rest is difficult to determine because of clarity of the image. There is one item that I see and it is around the outer ten pointed objects. I see an outline on several of them of a path that changed in the crop laydown.

I am classifying Catworth as a message in a bottle as I have seen other crop circles that are similar in the upcoming years. They have various shapes and objects inside a greater center. Like if you were to view a snow globe, you would place it in your hand and look inside at the object being presented. Then you would most likely shake it to present a snowy scene. Who knows if that was meant for this also.

But back to this crop circle. The outer ten objects are confusing my interpretation of this object because of this outline. I think that I saw something in the 1989 crop circle that was near Stonehenge. It was another rough image but I thought that I could see a path of crop laydown around the outer object. It was thin but there was something there. I denoted it to a curved edge at that point around the object. I am looking at this image and this outline may be defining a curvature in the image of the object around what it is encircling. In this one it is the ten outer pointed objects. I am looking at this and I am going to make these ten objects radial objects. The inner star I am just going to give a random thickness.

I have just completed this crop circle. I found a pattern in the center working with multiple diameters and a five-point star, all in outline. The greater center was Ø189’ with the lesser center being Ø33’. There were many radial connections in the five-point star shape. The ten pointed objects are radial objects, whether that was the correct interpretation of not, that is what I did. I only took major diameters from the image, the rest was freehand, so there will most likely be errors in my interpretation. Haiku …


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Here is the second crop circle in 1993. Cherhill Crop Circle.

This is a drawn out group of multiple figures, as if it is a ticker tape readout. Some are connected and some are almost connected.

Ratifications of past models. I have been modeling my halo objects as overlapping centers with the outer center with a transparency applied to it. I do not think that this is wrong, as nothing is wrong, it is just another lesson. I think that it is like a 6D representation of the same item. What I need is a 4D representation of a halo. So I am changing my halo representations to a center with a ring halo. Evolving concepts will do this. And how about a radiating halo for a 5D, just a thought.

This strip message is rather well aligned with the harvester path in the field, this was on purpose. As if they wanted us to associate something of this message with a physical perspective, and did not want us to get it wrong. I kind of feel that they are pointing the finger at me today, but setting me up long ago.

Now I have seen other strip messages, some are straight and some are rather crooked on purpose. I am going to classify this as a strip message, as a new class of crop circle. There is still the question of which end to associate with the beginning of the message. My intuition leads me to a right to left reading pattern, now which end is the right? Good question, huh?

The tractor track has always been bothering me. I done a little more research on what equipment I am seeing the tracks of in the fields. I was thinking a harvester but that is only used at the harvest of the field. The general maintenance tractor, varying between five feet to around eight feet. I find many use a six-foot wheel width or something to this size. I am associating a six foot wheel based tractor for this crop circle. Other items that I can use are people or actual crop height. This image is course at best which will not allow me to measure it that way. This crop circle starts at one end with a reverse halo (therefore I am questioning the halo object, it is there, but I may be applying it inappropriately). I am thinking that I will build the element of this out of a ring shape, for this interpretation with an outer diameter of 30’ and a width of 12’. Out of this ring there is a distinct line that is the track width of the tractor in the field. That being six feet, I will build it thusly, with a 6’ diameter connecting it to the next object which is a 60’ center. Now interesting there is a line that almost touches this same center from the opposing direction. Why almost? I would say it is about 9’ from touching the center, very odd. Well the line that almost touches the center extends to an arc shaped object, and in an odd way. It does not attach to the end of the arc but a point roughly 6’ from the end. The arc other end goes into the center of an opposing arc with both not touching. Both arcs are 30’ radius with a 6’ width and overlapping of about 9’. And the same situation is in this arc, same attachment point to a line that extend out from it. The difference is that this line touches the next center, which is approximately 45’ in diameter. The line continues to the next object which is an object kind of resembling a sea shell. It has one half made of a ½ diameter of 15’ and the other half diameter of what appears to be twice the diameter of the other side which makes it 30’. The alignment of this last object may be important. I have seen other objects like this in other crop circles but they were not aligned like this one. So being aligned is part of the message, I would guess. And the break in the message is another clue. I first see the top objects and think that the inverted halo is an anchor or a means to pull the center. Then there is an item that reminds me of a coupler of some sort. And this coupler is attached to a prefect center which is connected to another distorted center. And the lines look to be of a length of the item that they are attached to. Anyway, off to model this one.

Well as always a simple looking task took longer to figure out than expected. The coupler area was intriguing in its layout. There are two distinct arcs in this figure that are intertwined like I would design a magnetic coupling, insuring that it had no physical contact in the coupler. But this is just me thinking as an engineer. So lets continue, the rear structure that resembled a shell structure. First let me tell you I believe the shape I ended up with is greatly in error. This looks needs to look like a shell that you would find on a beach. It should curl from one size to another to end up opening for the creature to enter. I am not going to this effort at this time, because I see something else here in this shape. It is offset in the line of characters, almost as if it was hanging from its center of gravity. This again is going back to the coupler object above. If I was pulling an object along with me, I would want it to be in the least resistance position that I could put it in. This object is centered to its projected mass and maybe to its outer structure in wind deflection, but that is thinking 3D again. It is odd though. As for the upper disconnect, I am obviously disturbed with it. Again I am thinking 3D here but this looks to me that it should be connected in some way, maybe it is in some 4D way. Now thinking about it in a linguistic way, this could be a break in communication, as in first word and second word. This is different than the break in the coupler object. The disconnect in this looks to be created in. The shell character being balanced in tow, if that is what it is meant to be. As I stated earlier these shell objects can be rotated so the rotation and balance is part of its meaning. It could also be some kind of statement ender, like punctuation at the end of a sentence. That is if I am reading it from the right end. Now reading it the opposing way. That would put the shell as the first object, or the object towing the rest, and in balance in pulling the rest. Then the coupler and an object that was just dropped off and the ring is the anchor, in a wild theory.

In the end, it is a good strip message crop circle. Haiku …


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We have a few crop circles that are defined by the C’s in the crop circle catalog. I am looking at two of the simpler formations here, ‘Train’ and ‘Longing’. I am thinking of how to work this language backwards like in checking your math equation in reverse to see if you did it right.

What I have is known and suspected definitions of a few objects. The known objects are the train and longing objects as a statement. Transference is an element that the C’s defined and its application would most likely be variable as to what the transference is for, it is the halo object in the language pyramid. The suspected definitions are the ones that I have come up with. They are the centre and the new free morpheme of an independent straight line of direct. It would be nice it this known to suspected definition ratio was better. We will attempt to use all to understand these two known statements.

Train, is a circle with a centre and a halo object. I have seen many of these with variances in center diameter, halo diameter, halo cross-section and space between halo and centre to mention a few. This one looks to have a large space between the centre and halo. What I have seen is the centre diameter is a factor in this spacing of the halo. I do not have a photograph of this one but from the drawing that is provided in the crop circle catalog, this spacing could be two diameters of the centre from the center of the centre. This spacing is important for the proper application in any statement. So, we have a known translation of train that has an application of transference around a centre. The halo diameter, size and spacing could be identifying an element of what is being transferred in the transference. If this is a statement of train, then what is it that they are wanting to train us in. The C’s state that it is most important to have knowledge so this might be an application of transference of knowledge to a centre.

We should look at the definition of train.
1. Railroads. a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock.
2. a line or procession of persons, vehicles, animals, etc., travelingtogether.
3. Military. an aggregation of vehicles, animals, and personnelaccompanying an army to carry
supplies, baggage, ammunition, etc.
4. a series or row of objects or parts.
5. Machinery. a connected set of three or more rotating elements, usually gears, through which force
is transmitted, or motion or torque changed.
6. order, especially proper order:
7. something that is drawn along; a trailing part.
8. an elongated part of a skirt or robe trailing behind on the ground.
9. a trail or stream of something from a moving object.
10. a line or succession of persons or things following one after the other.
11. a body of followers or attendants; retinue.
12. a series of proceedings, events, ideas, etc.
13. the series of results or circumstances following or proceeding from an event, action, etc.;
14. a succession of connected ideas; a course of reasoning:
15. Astronomy. the trace of light created by a meteor falling through the earth's atmosphere.
the tail of a comet.
16. a line of combustible material, as gunpowder, for leading fire to anexplosive charge.
17. Physics. a succession of wave fronts, oscillations, or the like.
verb (used with object)
18. to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior of (a child orother person) by discipline and
19. to make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work:
20. to make (a person) fit by proper exercise, diet, practice, etc., as foran athletic performance.
21. to discipline and instruct (an animal), as in the performance of tasks or tricks.
22. to treat or manipulate so as to bring into some desired form, position,direction, etc.:
to train one's hair to stay down.
23. Horticulture. to bring (a plant, branch, etc.) into a particular shape orposition, by bending,
pruning, or the like.
24. to bring to bear on some object; point, aim, or direct, as a firearm,camera, telescope, or eye.
verb (used without object)
26. to give the discipline and instruction, drill, practice, etc., designed toimpart proficiency or
27. to undergo discipline and instruction, drill, etc.
28. to get oneself into condition for an athletic performance throughexercise, diet, practice, etc.
29. to travel or go by train:

It seems that if we apply that this was knowledge was the item being transferred in the transference, this gives this statement a possible verb meaning as anything noun related is not related to a teaching statement. But it does give is a possible different meaning to train than I was expecting. If it is used as a noun statement it gives a whole different meaning. Again, I expect that this is application related in the variability of the statement. Seems a little ominous to me for some reason when used as a noun, just a little. I was not thinking about the word train, in this fashion. Kind of educating for my action here. But, I guess that is what we are all here for is to gain knowledge, this is just another piece of it. Well it is a piece of something.

I would say that I did not do well with this reverse translation of this crop circle, I deal with a high level of certainty in this reality. But I did open some knowledge about some of the elements that may not have been noticed otherwise.

Now the next circle that I wanted to review is the one that the C’s called longing. First let me say what a word, it implies a deep emotion of something that is needed or wanted. There has to be some kind of programming that has been applied in us to make some of these statements appear so strong. Now the crop circle is similar to the train crop circle. The base object is a halo around a centre. These are sized differently in this example as the center is quite a bit larger in proportion to the halo object. The halo seems to have some relativity to the halo size on the train statement and a many that I have worked upon and looked at. This is the cross section is the same. The diameter may be the same also but I do not know the specifics without a good aerial photograph on both of them. I do have an image on this one. I need to see equipment tracks or surrounding environments to estimate sizes. So, the spacing is quite different on this one. The space between the outside diameter of the centre and the ring looks like it is one third of the diameter of the centre, from the sketch.

This is where the similarities go away. Longing has two perpendicular straight lines and connecting lines on each. The longer trunk line having two crosses on it, one at the end of the line forming a three way connection and the other lower on the trunk line forming a four way connection. Both have a perpendicularity application to the trunk line and are connected via the mid-point of each line. the first intersection looks to be one diameter of the centre from the halo. The second intersection looks to be the same gap that is between the centre’s outside diameter and halo between intersections. The length is different between both intersecting lines with the shorter line being the closer intersecting line. I would estimate that it is 80% the length of the longer one.

Using direct as the free morpheme I am quested to find an understanding of this double cross object as a bound morpheme. The connect type here with the crossing lines, I am reviewing my list of prefix’s and suffix’s and I look for a condition that might resemble this. Break it down. We have a line that is connected via the midpoint of the line, two equal sections of the line. Could this be a ‘bi-‘ or a ‘co-‘ connection? Possibly a bi-direct application, but with two of them in this crossing symbol has a deeper meaning. How about a co-direct or more than that, a co-direct-ion. This double cross shape has a long gap in it giving it a higher level of attainability, almost unreachable and with many directions to go in. All being quite similar in effect of niceness, a perfect perpendicular attachment. Just a little out of reach.

The second attachment is definitely shorter in substance and single sided connections. The length of the trunk line on this one is approximately the distance between the outside diameter of the centre and the halo. An F shape. But the trunk line on this one looks skewed to me like it has a slight arc to it. and the connections to it are different and shorter. Different as in they do not look like they are perpendicularly connected like the double cross. The top line of the F shape is definitely skewed in attachment. I would state that it is maybe 15° off a perpendicular connection. What I think is that I should be looking for a STS or STO connection.

Lets get back to an overall picture. We have the halo meaning transference to a centre and two paths of transference. One that looks religious in the double cross shape. The other is a F shape that is skewed quite a bit. So we have longing as the definition, does this mean there in reality there are two paths of longings. One that is easier attainable identified by the short F and the other that requires a higher level of attainability that is oddly shown as a double cross (need I mention that there are religious implications here). We get back to what are we longing for at a higher level of understanding? If we break it down we have a longing sensation for two areas then it might possibly be for the physical or spiritual. I would then have to state that the physical would be identified by the F character as it would be easier to obtain. Then the spiritual side would be identified then by the double cross and of course it is much more difficult to obtain. It is interesting to note that the two directions of longing are not directly opposing in this message. I see them pulling and pushing against each other, jockeying for position. Trying to get your attention away from each other. Is that not what longing expresses.

Well I think I did a better job on this one. It was an impressive statement indeed. Haiku …


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