Cosmic Cardinal Shift

There are a number of problems i see with the 'hodge-podge' theory you propose, although there may be elements of truth here and there. For me, I think the primary and glaring issue seems to be: What exactly do you see as proof that there are any "upgrades" in consciousness occurring on our planet?

I think for the majority of people the state of affairs is getting worse and great swathes of people have never been more ignorant. And so, overall, there doesn't appear to be any significant changes to consciousness going on.

Sure, some may be waking up to the reality of an increasingly ponerized elite, but, if anything, isn't it a rather natural reaction what with the increased suffering they're inflicting on the people? Even animals learn to mistrust abusive owners.

As others have said, one must work to raise ones awareness and, while we may get a helping hand every now and then, and perhaps even the environment facilitates an easier learning situation, in the end, there's no free lunch.
The “state of affairs” at any given time is bleak, because you as the observer don’t see the whole picture, and - most important - don’t appreciate the quality (as in distinctiveness) of the time you live in. A better vantage point would be to encompass the human collective with its entire economic, social, cultural and technological complex, and compare it to the previous wave-cycle. Then you can see the difference and appreciate the leap.

Moreover, your limited perception ultimately doesn’t help... and reflects back upon you, in the same way you perceive reality, that is negatively. Every age has its outlook, and while history repeats as they say, there cannot be two single bits of exactly the same time ever, no matter what cycle you follow, and that’s the miracle. The more you dwell into a certain state of affairs, the more you miss the qualitative change that’s happening with or without you noticing it.

Calleman has a term - “holograms” for different types of perception or constructs that are “downloaded” with each activation of a new cycle. So those are essentially upgrades in human consciousness. The “hologram of good and evil” is most prominently associated with the sixth wave, corresponding to the longest wave period in our civilization history cca 3115 bc - 1755 CE, characterized by social inequality and slavery perhaps most obvious. In the simplest terms, “the state of affairs” during that time seemed obvious and natural. You see… humans didn’t have the capacity to realize that slavery was not… human until the end of 18th century. And like that, there are many examples: in arts, sciences and technology. So, if you want to compare today's state of affairs with any previous era, go ahead and take your time.

Now, as it happens, with the emergence of every new wave cycle (i.e. the 7th wave, 1755-1999, the age of revolutions and wars) the old cycle never dies out, it continues to run its sine wave in perpetuity. However, the vibration of the new wave is taking over the new direction of humanity, and whoever catches it faster, gets further. To carry on the previous example, patriarchal societies such as in the Middle East, having a hard time to adapt to the new wave, have lagged behind, being stuck in their religious norms, traditions and ...state of affairs, while progressive societies such as the US, UK, Europe have dominated the past two centuries.

As for the elites, elites and plebes are riding the same wave (as in “we’re all in this together”, right?) - it’s just the resulting median that follows the course that matters - so again, it’s just a matter of individual perception - whether you see the society driven by the elites or by the free will of mankind, I chose to follow the median. As vectors of the authoritarian rule - also is associated with the sixth wave - elites have been around for a while and may continue to exist, however, their influence in dictating the course of humanity is highly exaggerated. Another argument that could be made is that elites, as any polarized element, were inherent to the fabric of our societal built-up and without the elites we wouldn’t be where we are today, but that’s another discussion. Ultimately, whether you’re obsessed with elites, or reptilians or greys, or other conspiracy theories - these are just projections of the same mindset of fear and disempowerment that has dominated human history for almost 5,000 years - move over it.

With the supposed activation of the 8th wave (1999) and subsequently the 9th wave (2011) we now have access to a significantly improved mindset, and the future of our evolution is beyond anyone's imagination. If you look objectively, the access that everyone has, through technology, to everything in the world, China’s rise - US, UK economic and influence decline, the Arab springs, BLM with all its resentment, MeeToo and whatever other pro-equality movement, or influential youtuber, ticktoker and what not - these were hard to imagine 20 years ago. It’s an era of profound, fast transformations, and most important, running at the highest frequency, or best time ever to live in.
So… don’t waste your time, appreciate it and make use of every moment of it!
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{snip} The “state of affairs” at any given time is bleak, because you as the observer don’t see the whole picture, and - most important - don’t appreciate the quality (as in distinctiveness) of the time you live in. A better vantage point would be to encompass the human collective with its entire economic, social, cultural and technological complex, and compare it to the previous wave-cycle. Then you can see the difference and appreciate the leap. {snip}
Are you saying that you do see the whole picture, and objectively?

To simplify the discussion a little, i would like to go back to my original question: What exactly do you see as proof that there are any "upgrades" in consciousness occurring on our planet?

And if i'm understanding you correctly, your response was:

{snip} With the supposed activation of the 8th wave (1999) and subsequently the 9th wave (2011) we now have access to a significantly improved mindset, and the future of our evolution is beyond anyone's imagination. If you look objectively, the access that everyone has, through technology, to everything in the world, China’s rise - US, UK economic and influence decline, the Arab springs, BLM with all its resentment, MeeToo and whatever other pro-equality movement, or influential youtuber, ticktoker and what not - these were hard to imagine 20 years ago. It’s an era of profound, fast transformations, and most important, running at the highest frequency, or best time ever to live in. So… don’t waste your time, appreciate it and make use of every moment of it!

Are any of these points proof of an "upgrade" in consciousness? Are the rise and fall of empires, revolts, and technological advancement, not also just part of natural progressions? And, on the contrary, the feminist movement began in the 19th century, and slavery still happens in various forms throughout the world.

Also, you seem to have changed your terminology from "upgrades" to "access", which i think has a different meaning altogether.

I can accept that there are cycles and influences on our planet that have some impact on human development - Laura has written about it here - but it appears to me that you have mixed that up with the idea that consciousness happens to people rather than through people's efforts. And it seems to me that those efforts and realisations are often catalysed by the suffering they experience, sometimes because of the corruption of the elites and the cycles of catastrophe that it attracts, rather than because of a particularly punctual cosmic schedule that "upgrades" them.

It seems to me that, yes, while humanity has reached new heights in many fields, in parallel, the ignorance and corruption has also plunged new depths. This is why the idea that there is some "upgrade" happening to humanity seems to me to contradict the rather sad reality that can seen in our everyday lives. I'm pretty sure the C's said themselves that it's likely that before any change can come about, a lot more suffering may be required.

The C's have also mentioned that the Wave will bring about "hyperkinetic sensate" which will amplify what is within people, what their focus is. This would seem to be at odds with an externally applied upgrade:

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes
, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"! Session 28 November 2009
any thoughts ...would you join in ?

Probably not. The thinking there seems to be in "alignment" (pun intended) with the new age love and light philosophy which goes nowhere in my opinion. It's not really rooted in knowledge. (love and light philosophy) I mean there may be nothing wrong with supporting the earth but I'm not sure what effect it will have on the outcome of human affairs.
Are you saying that you do see the whole picture, and objectively?

To simplify the discussion a little, i would like to go back to my original question: What exactly do you see as proof that there are any "upgrades" in consciousness occurring on our planet?

No, all I’m saying is try to get the best vantage point possible.

Consciousness cannot “pre-exist”, except as God. Any creation has to have consciousness to evolve. It doesn’t emerge at once, it does need an evolutionary process. The physical universe is an expression of this gradual emergence. In terms of pattern it follows in the simplest possible representation, take the spiral (or helix) - that would be a good representation. Translated in ancient myths and religious symbols: tree of life, serpent, step pyramid.

You can view any single evolution linear on the very long scale, the same way any sine wave can be viewed as a line if you zoom out enough. However, if you zoom in you will notice the waves. Moreover, no complex shape can evolve from a single line, therefore you need more than a line, take 9 for instance, and a few other factors to accounts for natural cycles (day/night, year, space coordinates) to maximize the output. And then it becomes really complex, however, it still follows a certain deterministic chaos. A spiral would be again a good example, again.

Calculus wasn’t “discovered” until the end of 17th century, so it was nice and still is - to think and view reality in euclidean geometry terms, however, even the ancients didn’t use the fixed dimension as a measure, but proportions. That is because they didn’t have the mindset necessary to express it. The megalithic cultures that predate our 5,000 years civilization and possibly the Younger dryas catastrophe had perfected the art of proportions and alignments which allowed them to create a certain harmony with the Universe, and manipulate stone in the way we cannot replicate today. Speaking of the megalithic people and the ancient golden age - there was possibly one or more “advanced” civilizations in the pre-deluge era, which left this imprint in the collective memory that followed the global catastrophe. That may have emerged and was perfected during the 5th wave, which span over 100,000 years. However, the quality of that advancement cannot simply be recreated, because the train has left that station. Or as Holly Golightly told Doc when he came to bring her back home: “I’m not Lula Mae anymore…”. And that's how the Golden Age becomes a reverie, for some. Plus, if Atlantis for instance was so technologically advanced, well they were apparently not sufficiently advanced to be resilient and didn’t stand the test of catastrophe when disaster stroke, by not having a backup and recovery option in place. That is, they still lived day-by-day, or at “natural” level, as opposed to us looking already for our next physical home and backup option - Mars (?), in case disaster strikes again.

As to the great question of what proof there is that present time has a superior quality than any age in the past, the fact we are able to grasp all this and then some is a sufficient awareness to start with, we are already right here, right now, at the top of the pyramid chain. This might sound boisterous and disregardful to the many levels of existence and densities, but remember: we are the actors in this drama that unfolds under our eyes, not us from the past nor us from the future. It’s a logical progression the way reality unfolds in space-time, it's the best way is supposed to be, and there are many corroborating factors to see it, sometimes you just don't see the forest for the trees. Then if you try to add order to it, the way the ancient Mayans viewed the all that exist in time, and break it down into these spiral ascending cycles, you must arrive inevitably at an apex point, that is where all wave lines meet together. Are we there yet? And what next? It is difficult to answer these specific question and lay out a philosophy of life without sounding ridiculous and being taken for a new ager, that’s why I believe that it is for everyone to conceptualize, do their own math, and come to discover their own self-realization and vibration.

Two more short points: upgrade, update, raise in consciousness - these are definitely not forced upon or imposed by some external factor, but become available with each new time. Read Calleman’s books for better terminology, I am not particularly precise with the terms I use interchangeably and this is not a dissertation.


The diagram above was picked from the internet, but remember when it comes to the numbers and calculations of exact dates there are many factors to take into account, however, the more you try to conceptualize the distribution of waves with their respective amplitudes, the more it starts to make sense:


(From Calleman: The Interference pattern of the higher waves of creation after the shift in 2011. )
Gushy interpretations asside, the essay notes astrological alignments which certainly sound powerful.

I don't know how astrology works, if the planets affect us, (there is reason to think that perhaps they do on the quantum microtubual level), or if they simply allow us to see the clockwork of the universe (of which we are an active, integrated and thus predictable part) from a convenient vantage point.

As with all astrology, I'll take this kind of prediction on board in a raw material sense, and look forward to hearing the readings of other astrologers. The resulting complex of impressions ought to allow a pretty decent read of the direction of the human roller coaster. It always has before.

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but consciousness is absolutely changing on Planet Earth!

That Wave is making everybody feel nuts, (or just outright be nuts). Dramatic changes are happening in mortal affairs with increasing intensity and frequency, and those who are able to keep up and surf it all are a little wide-eyed and overwhelmed but otherwise doing the right things, improving their situations and aligning for positive outcomes, while those who are not wired for this kind of work are getting completely hammered. I'm noticing lots of sudden deaths in my immediate circles as well. But the biggest single notable for me is that the visualization isn't just a vague notion, but rather has been cranking up like crazy over the past few years and is like a locomotive now; I've been practicing a lot of, "Careful what you ask for!"
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Two more short points: upgrade, update, raise in consciousness - these are definitely not forced upon or imposed by some external factor, but become available with each new time. Read Calleman’s books for better terminology, I am not particularly precise with the terms I use interchangeably and this is not a dissertation.

I thought it would be a good idea to search the forum to see if Dr Carl Johan Calleman had been discussed before and, from a quick glance, i'm not sure reading his books would be worthwhile.

In this thread, he was a speaker at a conference discussion over whether Comet Elenin was actually a UFO.

And from the thread Calleman and the Conscious Convergence, he was apparently organising a conference to:

In short, Calleman is suggesting millions “choose” to participate on the 17-18 of July in ceremonies, and ritual as “their part” in creating the new world, riding the wave, and releasing all duality. Doesn’t sound right.

There are some worthwhile responses in the thread that follow.

As for the Mayan calendar itself, Laura comments here that it may have been related to cyclic catastrophes - that thread includes a critique by a professor over the many claims surrounding the Mayan calendar - and Pierre notes in his article here that the Mayan's were tracking the passes of cometary Venus. So there may be more to the story as to what the calendar was recording.

There's an interesting comment in one of the threads linked to above that says, just because a people are technologically advanced, that they are able to create an accurate calendar, even a 'galatcic calendar', for example, that doesn't mean they are STO in any way. Which reminds me of the research that has come out showing that the Mayans were a fairly violent and superstitious society in some respects, although perhaps this deterioration came about at certain points in their civilization.
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Calleman’s book on the 9 waves of creation was published in 2016, when the theory was introduced, so you should review more recent material.

As for the other two references - no, Mayans didn't deal with cyclic catastrophes or comets - not that they could notice those, since they were good astronomers - nor did they write any prophecy per se, not even mentioned any alignment or galactic plane. That was inferred and added up by the proponents of the 2012 end of time theory.

The theory of cosmic cycles in the evolution of consciousness is strictly derived from their long-cloud calendar based, of which just glimpses remain, and that's what all misinterpretations around 2012 was based upon. What is most commonly referred to as Mayan calendar, is the Tzolkin, a periodic count of 260 repeatable days. However, the long count is more of a countdown, and again the wrong interpretation - was that it started around 3114 BC, based on an inscription found on a stela, with a supposed end date of 2012. However, that is not true, as other fragments of writings do mention larger spans of time. Therefore, referring to this 5000 latest period , the best use to make of it is to consider it as the last stage(s) of the long count - and the convergence of these waves is just the completion of human evolution, which is what Calleman did as novelty, with his book. There was certainly a frenzy 9 years ago and Calleman himself felt obliged to chip in, his post-2012 publications are more relevant and elaborate to this subject.

Regarding the assertion that the Mayans were a violent and superstitious society - I agree with that, violent yes, especially the way they treated their prisoners, I am not sure about superstitious in what sense. They were also good astronomers though, as the Chichen Itza complex can attest to, and the quality of this revelation as much as it can be understood, from their few remaining writings and architecture, is nowhere else to be found.

As for the other two references - no, Mayans didn't deal with cyclic catastrophes or comets - not that they could notice those, since they were good astronomers - nor did they write any prophecy per se, not even mentioned any alignment or galactic plane. That was inferred and added up by the proponents of the 2012 end of time theory.


See the following excerpt from Pierre's article The Seven Destructive Earth Passes of Comet Venus - emphasis mine:
Cometary Venus In Myth

The cometary nature of Venus is attested by several myths, among which:
The Aztec Codex Telleriano-Remensis represents Venus as a smoking star in A.D. 1533, linking Venus to imagery of comets {Aveni 1980:27). A Maya text in the Songs of Dzitbalche seems to identify Venus as a smoking star (Edmonson 1982a:183).

- Susan Milbrath,
Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars

Myths depict Venus as a destructive comet, but do they provide any information about the timing of her passes?
[...] the natives of pre-Columbian Mexico expected a new catastrophe at the end of every period of fifty-two years and congregated to await the event. "When the night of this ceremony arrived, all the people were seized with fear and waited in anxiety for what might take place." They were afraid that "it will be the end of the human race and that the darkness of the night may become permanent: the sun may not rise anymore." They watched for the appearance of the planet Venus, and when, on the feared day, no catastrophe occurred, the people of Maya rejoiced.

They brought human sacrifices and offered the hearts of prisoners whose chests they opened with knives of flint. On that night, when the fifty-two-year period ended, a great bonfire announced to the fearful crowds that a new period of grace had been granted and a new Venus cycle started.

The period of fifty-two years, regarded by the ancient Mexicans as the interval between two world catastrophes, was definitely related by them to the planet Venus; and this period of Venus was observed by both the Mayas and the Aztecs.

The old Mexican custom of sacrificing to the Morning Star survived in human sacrifices by the Skidi Pawnee of Nebraska in years when the Morning Star "appeared especially bright, or in years when there was a comet in the sky.

- Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, pp.155-156
The Mayan and Aztec traditions mention a 52-year Venus cycle; other cultures have similar myths about a cyclically destructive Venus but the duration of the cycle is different. Such is the case in the Etruscan myths:
So, according to several traditions, Venus was a destructive comet, exhibiting cycles of 52 years (Mayan/Aztec tradition), 50 years (Judaic tradition) or 105 years (Etruscan tradition).
From Fingerprints Of The Gods, By: Graham Hancock.

Chapter 13: Blood and Time at the End of the World

In Central America, human sacrifices were done in the most brutal way:
  • they conducted him with great display … and placed him on the sacrificial stone. Four of them took hold of his arms and legs, spreading them out. Then the executioner came, with a flint knife in his hand, and with great skill made an incision between the ribs on the left side, below the nipple; then he plunged in his hand and like a ravenous tiger tore out the living heart, which he laid on the plate …3
  • Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods (p. 113). Crown. Kindle Edition.
The Olmecs were the earliest recognized high civilization of Ancient Mexico, and human sacrifice was well established during their reign. When the Spanish arrived 2000 years later the Aztecs were the last to do this bloody ritual but not the least. It was an old and established ritual.

It was done with fanatical zeal.

  • It is recorded, for example, that Ahuitzotl, the eighth and most powerful emperor of the Aztec royal dynasty, ‘celebrated the dedication of the temple of Huitzilopochtli in Tenochitlan by marshalling four lines of prisoners past teams of priests who worked four days to dispatch them. On this occasion as many as 80,000 were slain during a single ceremonial rite. ’4
  • Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods (pp. 113-114). Crown. Kindle Edition.
According to the Aztecs the reason for such maniacal slaughter of human life was for the purpose of delaying the end of the world. Which was calculated to end on 12/23/2012.

According to the Aztec legend we are living in the epoch of the Fifth Sun. Each Sun is ruled by a god whose lifespan maintains the life of the world. The First Sun lasted 4008 years and ended in a flood. The Second Sun was 4010 long and was destroyed by wind. The Third Sun was destroyed by fire and lasted 4081 years. The Fourth Sun, 5026 years and was destroyed by deluge of blood and fire.

The current Fifth Sun is said to be old and need of nourishment of human blood and heart. The end of this epic will come with end in catastrophic movement of the earth. The Aztecs believed that they were chosen to wage war and supply nourishment of blood and hearts to the Fifth Sun.

The Mayan calendar depicted when the end of the Fifth Sun would occur, 12/23/2012. Since there has not been a end-of-the-world event then who knows when this will occur!

According to Central American legend the Fifth Sun started out peaceful but a battle between light and darkness ended with the gods of light being banished. The malevolent god, Texzcatilpoca, is the one that demanded that the people preform the human sacrifice.

These ideas and behaviors are what’s driving the elites during the end cycle. It is obvious to me that they are the priests, kings, and warriors of the human sacrifice cult. With the fanatical belief that they are preserving the life of their god. Their thirst for blood and heart will only intensify. Another reason for strategic enclosure to the max. The demons are old and hungry, which is not a good sign.

If the malevolent god, Texzcatilpoca, dies then there will be a shift in consciousness since he would be replaced by a benevolent god. Here's hoping! :thup:
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"See the following excerpt from Pierre's article The Seven Destructive Earth Passes of Comet Venus"

That article is a long read, and I went through it all - but I am sorry about the author’s efforts.

The hypothesis is flawed, even if Venus was ever a comet, that could not have been as recent as 5000 BC or BP (whatever BP means). That is just absurd. It could have been in times immemorial, several billion of years ago. But you don’t have a comet all of a sudden deciding to make a stop and become a planet and as recent as several thousands of years ago… The supposed evidence of common chemical markers present on Venus and Earth proves nothing - as recent as last month it was announced that there could be actually water on Venus, in spite of its gaseous highly toxic formations, and as such bio-acids, which means that common methane and organic chemical compounds could be anywhere. Plus, nobody ever launched a probe on Venus, everything we know about Venus is based on external observation.

Then given literary references are too local or misinterpreted, worthy of a coffee table book, at most. You’ve got to understand that Venus is the brightest star in the sky with a periodic orbit, and as such it was up to the imagination and fantasy of every people of earth to concoct any story, including that of a fiery vixen or whatever… the star par excellence. Bananarama had a song about it in the ‘90’s.

Civilizing god types - such as Quetzalcoatl - yes they were associated with Venus, but not because of the comet and destruction idea, but as guiding principle - Venus was also instrumental in the development of megalithic cultures on earth - way earlier that 5000 BC, the megalithic yard and the first system of proportions were devised based on Venus orbit, as was proven by Christoper Knight and Alan Butler in Civilization One, based on the work of an earlier researcher, Alexander Thorn. Then Ra used to dwell on Venus during their 3D-4D evolution, as it was revealed in The Law of One - and that was again who knows when - millions of years ago.

So definitely no, and again I am sorry for the useless effort.

And then, what does bringing Venus here has to do with anything anyway? If it is to illustrate the idea of cyclical destruction caused by the comets - I don’t buy that idea either. Velikovsky? It’s like writing a dissertation on critical theory based on Zecharia Sitchin. Graham Hancock was more subtle and was able to make a good narrative. Surely, based on the geological evidence, an impact some 12,000-13,000 years ago, is the most likely explanation for the destruction of human civilization and possible at that time and the likely flood that followed. Another one could have wiped out the dinosaurs 60 millions years ago, but nothing could indicate that a comet with a periodic cycle was the culprit - could have been an asteroid. In general, comets mean nothing in the great scheme of things even though they were often viewed as harbingers of bad things, they can spew chunks of eyes and fire, into the Earth atmosphere if getting close enough, however, there is no evidence or record that a destructive comet may be cyclical or have resetting effect - so just an urban legend.
{snip} The supposed evidence of common chemical markers present on Venus and Earth proves nothing - as recent as last month it was announced that there could be actually water on Venus, in spite of its gaseous highly toxic formations, and as such bio-acids, which means that common methane and organic chemical compounds could be anywhere. Plus, nobody ever launched a probe on Venus, everything we know about Venus is based on external observation. {snip}

The Soviet Union landed a probe onto Venus back in 1982 and took photographs:
'The Soviet Union was the only nation to have landed probes on the surface of Venus.'

Venera 13, a Soviet spacecraft, was the first lander to transmit color images from the surface of Venus. Although other landers arrived before and after it, pictures from Venera 13 are more widely circulated because they are in color.

The spacecraft was designed to last about half an hour on Venus' harsh surface, but it ended up transmitting data for more than 2 hours after its landing on March 1, 1982. No lander has ventured to the surface of Venus since the 1980s, although several orbiters have made the journey.


And then, what does bringing Venus here has to do with anything anyway? If it is to illustrate the idea of cyclical destruction caused by the comets - I don’t buy that idea either. {snip}

It's not about what you 'buy', it's about what the data shows.

Hopefully the few examples i've given in this thread will provide other readers with sufficient evidence to see that there are clearly significant gaps and discrepencies in your knowledge, your theory, as well as the questionable author that you are promoting.
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