You remember the movie Austin Powers where Austin was riding on a steam roller towards a henchman, and the steam roller was going at a super slow snail's pace and Austin was waving at the henchman trying to get the henchman to step aside, but the henchman just stood there screaming and screaming.

That scene comes to my mind when I read about mandatory vaccines are coming for you. Years and years of the sky is falling and mandatory vaccines are coming for you. A bunch of fear and wasted energy. Let's calm down, keep our wits, and wait and see.

For some of us, it already came for us or our kids, and we stepped aside or otherwise did the best we could.
Here's the link again for her article,
Haven't finished reading as other tasks demand attention, but this excerpt was striking:
One of the mothers featured in VAXXED—a must-watch documentary for any awake citizen, as is its sequel VAXXED II: The People's Truth—estimated that a heavily autistic child would cost present value $5MM to raise and care for over a lifetime. When my clients who were grandparents insisted that they would not interfere with their children's vaccine choices because it was "none of their business," I would say, "Really? Who has the $5MM? You or your kids? When your kids need the $5MM to raise their vaccine-injured child, are you going to refuse them? You are the banker, and it is your money that is at risk here, so it is your business. Do you want to spend that $5MM on growing a strong family through the generations or on managing a disabled child who did not have to be disabled?" Often, that $5MM in expenditures also translates into divorce, depression, and lost opportunities for siblings.
Haven't finished reading as other tasks demand attention, but this excerpt was striking:

My point was more about the newspeak (you know, Orwell, "war is peace", etc). Like the WHO who changed the definition of pandemics whereas, in the mind of people it's still about something very serious.

Isn't it a feature of psychopaths to misuse language?
This is a good essay. As a whole, it resonates with me as well as anything I've read on C-1984. Written pre-US lockdowns*, we're just a little further down the road. I don't remember seeing the essay posted here, but perhaps it's better posted twice than not at all.

*The essay's date is March 2020, but it seems to have data and at least one link from late April.
I thought "Maybe I AM feeling stable enough to actually contribute and help".
You seem a lot more stable than most of the world right now. And you have many really good insights.

@Mandatory Intellectomy and others, thank you for validating my advice and points to @SOTTREADER , I was afraid how I went too far and just attacking other member cause of my recently foggy state of being.
I didn't fee like anything in your posts was going 'too far'. I myself tried to keep my response as unconfrontational as possible, but I am me, so we all know how well that works, so I was glad that somebody nicer than me weighed in.

I sometimes find myself thinking about @Mandatory Intellectomy being a new, somewhat 'gentler' version of what Anart once stood for in this forum.
WTF, I'm a 'gentler' version of someone? And a girl? Time to commit seppuku.

I think EVERY individual struggle and inner work counts, no matter if a person is connected through their physical interaction or via internet with others alike. Sorry but it makes no sense.
I agree, but I think your interpretation of what Ant22 said is probably taking her words too far. I don't think she meant that any one person is powerless. Just that a group is way more effective. (But she might want to clarify.)

But it's maybe not so much about what one person can achieve. It just might be that some people will want to take extreme measures for their own sake.

I for one have no intention whatsoever to take any fukking vaccine. Can't travel? Fine. I'm a 90% hikikomori anyway. Can't keep my job? Well, up yours, government. I'm not gonna be your obedient slave and let you inject me with poison just so I can 'have a job'. I'll find a way to live without one. Or die trying.

What if it gets more extreme? Can't buy food in supermarkets without a vaccine? Well, that would be really extreme, but if that happens, I'll still refuse, and I'm ready to starve to death as a form of protest, but mainly just as a matter of principle. Somebody has to show these dipshits that some people can't be bought no matter what. I'm sure it will bring me no good results, but that's not the point. If I die because supermarkets didn't sell me food because I refused a vaccine, the society will have to deal with that.

It's one thing for people to hear they need a vaccine to buy food and decide that everyone really needs a vaccine, and it's another thing for them to hear that somebody starved to death because they refused a vaccine and the government just lets such people die because they don't give a shit about unvaccinated people. These messages need to exist, if not to achieve anything obvious, then to at least exist in people's consciousness. Remember that guy in front of the tank in China? It doesn't matter whether he achieved anything on that day. What matters is that people saw it.

But ultimately the real point for me is a warrior's impeccability. I'll refuse the vaccine as a matter of principle because for me that's the right thing to do, and whatever happens happens. A part of a warrior's strategy is non-attachment to the outcome, and it doesn't matter to me what I'll achieve with my actions, if anything. What matters is that to me, my actions were right.

But that's me. I can afford to do that. It won't affect anybody else much. But when I think about my brother, I don't think he has that option. If he loses his job, how will he feed his wife and three little hungry demons? Even with my mindset, I can't see how I could make the same decision in his place. I would more likely look for workarounds and delay tactics.

Now, I really don't think anyone will be forced directly to take the vaccine. If they try to force-vaccinate those who really don't want to, there will be deaths and a shit ton of trouble because ultimately this will definitely not be legal, no matter what idiots on TV tell you.

If you feel under direct pressure to take the vaccine, you have many options.
- Ask your doctor to give you a full list of possible side effects (not just some propaganda pamphlet made for the public - the real thing that comes with the vaccines but you probably never see) and talk about that as a reason you don't want to take that shit. Ask the doctor how sane he/she thinks it is to inject oneself with viruses (which cause disease) and toxic metals (which cause disease) in order to 'prevent disease', when even the manufacturer admits the side effects include a few dozen diseases?
- Ask the doctor if he/she will take responsibility if you suffer any damage. If not, how can he/she force you to take it? If yes (fat chance), demand that in writing. (Never gonna happen.)
- Point out the safety/efficiency issues and all the unknowns, and tell the doctor you're not a fukking lab rat. ("I am a human being, god damn it! My life has value!")

There are many books on vaccination that explain all this in much detail.

When it comes to indirect forcing, i.e. 'you can't do things without a vaccine', this will be different for everyone. It will depend on your country, your city, your job, your family situation, and many other things.

First of all, question, argue, delay. Demand studies about safety (they don't exist), ask who takes responsibility for possible damage (nobody does, so how is this not a crime?), insist that you'd rather take the 0.1% chance you'll get a coronavirus with 0.01% chance that you will die from it, than take a 10% chance the vaccine will give you some kind of illness. Make everyone involved feel as bad as possible about wanting to inject you with poison against your will. It's not the doctors' fault, but they do have some personal responsibility as well. Let's remember that "I was just following orders" is one of the lamest excuses ever.

They will never be able to vaccinate everyone, for many reasons. There will be a full blown apocalypse before that happens. So just hold your ground until then. Losing your job is not the worst that can happen to you. Maybe you can find a different job that doesn't require a vaccine. (I think at this point we're way past your 'career' having any value. A job that pays half of what your current job does might be better than being injected with experimental poison.) The world is not all psychopaths, so maybe you can make some kind of a deal with someone somewhere. Nobody knows where to get a fake vaccine pass now, but such things will exist when it becomes relevant. There are always options. And I think time is on our side, because the PTB are running out of it.

In the meantime, stay calm and focus on your daily life and whatever needs to be taken care of. Plan for whatever you reasonably can, but don't get obsessed with this. Keep your mind in a positive state, not in fear. Don't worry about things that aren't happening today or tomorrow. You're not getting vaccinated next week, are you? We're not there yet! And changes are about to come. Have some fkn faith in a universe that's a billion times smarter than you are!

"Before Ivermectin can be used to combat coronavirus, funding is needed to get it to pre-clinical testing and clinical trials."

Ivermectin is widely available and has been used for a long time. I'm just baffled how they can keep this sham going with easy cures available. Meanwhile, I'm sure this new vaccine will be approved in no time at all.
There is some promising news about this Ivermectin plus Doxycycilne and Zinc. 100% cure rate in trials in 60/60 in China, 100/100 in Bangladesh. The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
They will never be able to vaccinate everyone, for many reasons.
Hear! Hear!!!

The biggest reason being total and abject incompetence!

I worked as a consultant to NYC government for a number of years - dealing with many of their commisioners. For those that don't know, NYC government is actually bigger than the Federal Government in Washington!

Most of them could barely organize a box of white mice! Just ask yourselves why Government is SO wasteful and expensive and still can't do even the simplest thing!

Now translate that to the effort needed to track and enforce everyone's compliance to some edict that they don't like!

Government only works because most people automatically comply. If faced with only the slightest resistance they automatically back down and change the subject BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES TO ENFORCE ANYTHING!

Modern culture is a testament to the general goodness and reasonableness of people.

For all the media's bluff and bluster, about how "Resistance is Futile!", as soon as people get spooked, the PTB will back down and stage an alien invasion as a distraction. Either that, or the Kardashians will have a family crisis on live TV and the world will reset back to a different, but still there, normal.
President Trump signed executive orders for unemployment benefits at an extra $400 per week (previously $600), extension of student loan deferment, payroll tax suspension if making less than $100,000, and postponing evictions.
More important choice than antivax is pro-immune. Being in the health care profession I was often asked about vaccinations. My response was/is if you chose not to vaccinate then you must be very knowledgeable about how to take care of your immune system. You have to be more intelligent and proactive about your health than if you chose to vaccinate. If you take a stand against vaccinations then you have to work even harder to strengthen and detox your immune system. A strong immune system will endure the vaccine toxins so if push comes to shove with mandatory vaccinations then at least we can walk through this wall of fire unscathed. My 2 cents.
MIA - Dr. Kelly's Latest Facts on COVID-19 - censored by youtube. Available anywhere else? It was initially linked from Dr. Wilyman's newsletter:

Was this the one you're looking for?

Jokes aside, keep us posted if you take a turn for the worse. Do you have access to Hydroxychloroquine?
No. I don't have access to hydroxychloroquine. I probably don't need it, either, and even if I did (underlying co-morbidites and advanced age), I'd have to say even then, I probably wouldn't get it.

That is because our health system slavishly follows whatever the WHO, pharmaceutical companies and any politician with a pulse says, aided and abetted by MSM of course. I.E. if it doesn't make pharma any money, then it won't be allowed. However, they will treat people with the 'new drug' remdesivir which costs $4000.00 for a course of treatment and yes, they are stockpiling it as well as banning the use of nebulizers.

They are also hospitalizing those patients who are the hardest to control - dementia patients. There are only two ways to control them that is chemical restraint or physical restraint. Hospitals have only (belatedly) realized that this is a problem.

I have an advantage over many people who are at risk from this 'souped up cold'. I have access to vitamins and minerals and no underlying health problems except an annoying addiction to sugar, chocolate and Baileys.... I'm also not yet in my 80s!

In the first lockdown we had, as a nurse, I couldn't get enough work. Now, for what I can see, there's not enough workers to meet demand. This government has presided over an absolute catastrophe. They should have only locked down those who are at risk. Not everyone in society. That was like trying to stop the wind, of course it was going to come back.
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