Last week or so I was just starting to feel a stir of people awakening. I think the athletes who have been having issues was starting to get noticed. Also demonstrations but feeling that something is bubbling, I know I can get caught up with wishful thinking though.
Anyway right on que the new variant to smash us back into our little holes.
It's never ending their relentless push to jab, jab and jab.
I'll await for the UK gov, to bring back the masks and restrictions. I'd imagine they'll do it as not enough are having the booster jab. Freedom will be the dangling carrot!
Sorry to complain I had some optimism earlier in the week but the new strain seems to have quelled. Must remember not to invest myself in an outcome and let the dice roll.
Don't let 'em get you. Fear is their weapon. I don't think anyone will just suddenly awaken. I have never ever known a person who turned from an ignorant 'yorite' to an informed and intelligent individual. Don't worry about the new variant. There will be always a new variant. According to their plan.
I haven't seen it posted, apologies if it was.

The French government applied new measures yesterday:
- Everybody will need to take a 3rd shot if they want to keep the pass sanitaire.
- Masks are mandatory inside again, even if you're vaccinated. Some cities are requiring it outside too.
- Negative PCR tests will be valid only for 24h.
- A new "remedy" will get on the market in early 2022. They admitted they didn't know what's in it, but trust the science.
- Kids from 5 to 11 years old will be able to get the shot in January. Double speak was at its best there: covid can't kill your child, but vaccinate him/her anyway, that's for the best. This one worries me, I'm not a parent, but my blood boils when I hear that.
The film "Primum nocere" is available on this website. Since it was produced by an independant media, it isn't free. It's 4€ for to "borrow" the film for 48h and 12€ to purchase it. It is available in French, English, Spanish, Korean, Italian and German.

Below is a quick translation of the presentation the film:

"Millions of you have seen and acclaimed the film "Hold-Up", released on November 11, 2020 and directed by Pierre Barnerias, a great reporter, investigative journalist and researcher of the truth in the face of the global pandemic situation to which we have all been exposed for almost two years now.

A second opus, entitled "Primum nocere" is about to be released in the coming days. This new 2-hour documentary, directed by a group of former reporters from TF1, Canal +, France Television and AFP under the aegis of Pierre Barnerias, sheds light on the inconsistencies and abuses linked to vaccination, which has even become mandatory for some people, on a global scale."
Soooo, they appear to be ramping up the fear #newvariant

It's funny how last week scientists were puzzled about the lack of covid cases in Africa and this week they are like it's Armageddon.

Expect more mandates, more lockdowns, more fear etc. So, the usual.
Yes, I think you are right. I bought into it for a bit but I should know better. I just keep expecting the one the C's spoke of to turn up soon, but hopefully that is down the road a bit.
Looks like we have a new (Nu) variant and possibly more travel restrictions coming soon. A lot of scary things being said about it. Pfizer says it can have a vaxx for it, but it will take 100 days?

Out of Africa. ("initially in Botswana with subsequent confirmation and sequencing in South Africa")

Nu (uppercase Ν lowercase ν) is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet. And it has the value of 50 in the Greek number system. The letter came from the Phoenician language nun (or nūn), which was used to mean serpent. The uppercase Nu (N) is exactly like the Latin N.

I haven’t heard of it before, or seen it written on this form, so I posting here.

There are plenty of articles about it up on the net this morning. I am posting this one from ZeroHedge:

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Regarding Austria currently being the test case for "mandatory vaccinations" in the Western world, it seems that this was planned well in advance by increasing PCR testing to insane levels.

Austria is currently doing 20 times as many PCR tests per thousand people compared to a year ago.

Even compared to "insane" Australia (or countries like the US, Germany or Switzerland), Austria is doing 10 times as many tests per thousand people as these are doing right now:


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research

Yet this 20 times increase in testing compared to a year ago produces only about twice the number of "positives" compared to a year ago:


Austria: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile

However, the graph of "confirmed positives" looks scary and that is all that matters ("we need mandatory vaxxing!"). Let's ignore that 20 times as many people have to be tested to arrive at these numbers.
It's total nonsense. Austria's positivity rate is low (1%), and has been consistently low for months! And it has gone DOWN since May (albeit only slightly). Pretty shameless how they drive up the "cases" through mass testing, with no mention of the fact that the proportion of cases is nothing to be alarmed about.

EDIT: This might be a more accurate representation (the above link isn't strictly speaking about the positivity rate):

The actual positivity rate is apparently 2.9%. Still one of the lowest in Europe.
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The new variant has by some been named the Botswana variant. The 7 day rolling averages are interesting as I wrote on FB:

The latest super duper mutant virus is upon us and the flights have been cancelled from those countries where this virus supposedly comes from, namely South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini.
Here are, for those countries, the 7 day rolling averages of deaths from Covid:

South Africa: 36.57
Lesotho: 0.14
Botswana: 0
Zimbabwe: 0.71
Mozambique: 0.57
Namibia: 0.71
Eswatini: 0
[Source: John Hopkins University.]
The outlier is South Africa and even that number is insignificant. So it looks once again that it is for a Western audience with the aim of pushing booster jabs, jabs for children and for locking the countries down (or up) for the winter season. It is ridiculous to give more of the same vaccines which they say are useless against this 'new' variant.
They really must have a good laugh at how gullible some people are without learning from the previous tricks and games. There is of course the real possibility that the ptb are getting desperate and close to panicking as things might not play out as they planned.
Desde mi punto de vista necesitan esta nueva variante para justificar los fallos de las vacunas, a partir de ahora se dirá que los vacunados hospitalizados lo son por la nueva variante. Muy inteligente.
To place the so called Botswana / Omicron variant in some sort of African context (i.e. its fraud by the time it supposedly reaches our shores, as per usual):

With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa's Covid Deaths Remain Far below Europe and the US

11/23/2021Ryan McMaken

Since the very beginning of the covid panic, the narrative has been this: implement severe lockdowns or your population will experience a bloodbath. Morgues will be overwhelmed, the death total toll will be astounding. On the other hand, we were assured those jurisdictions that do lock down would see only a fraction of the death toll.

Then, once vaccines became available, the narrative was modified to "Get shots in arms and then covid will stop spreading. Those countries without vaccines, on the other hand, will continue to face mass casualties."

The lockdown narrative, of course, has already been thoroughly overturned. Jurisdictions that did not lock down or adopted only weak and short lockdowns ended up with covid death tolls that were either similar to—or even better than—death tolls in countries that adopted draconian lockdowns. Lockdown advocates said locked-down countries would be overwhelmingly better off. These people were clearly wrong.

Undaunted by the increasing implausibility of the lockdown narrative, the global health bureaucrats are nonetheless doubling down on forced vaccines—as we now see in Austria—and we continue to be assured that only countries with high vaccination rates can hope to avoid disastrous covid outcomes.

Yet, the experience in sub-Saharan Africa calls both these narratives into question: Africa's numbers have been far, far lower than the experts warned would be the case.

For example, the AP reported this week that in spite of low vaccination rates, Africa has fared better than most of the world:

[T]here is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said….

Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.

Yet disaster for Africa has long been predicted for several reasons even beyond the availability of vaccines. For instance, it is known that lockdowns are especially impractical in the poorest parts of the world. This is because populations in places with undeveloped economies can’t simply sit at home and live off savings or debt. Rather, these people must go out into the world and earn a living on a day-to-day basis. Starvation is the alternative. Moreover, much of this work is done in the informal economy, so enforcing lockdowns becomes especially difficult.


Source: Our World in Data (Confirmed Deaths per Million, November 19, 2021; Share of People Vaccinated against Covid-19, November 19, 2021).

It was also assumed covid would be especially deadly in Africa due to the fact many large households live in small housing units.

But that "conventional wisdom" flies in the face of the reality of covid in Africa, which is that there have been fewer deaths.

The "experts" have groped around, looking for possible explanations.

Some sources, for example, insist that the low death totals are only an artifact of incomplete reporting on covid infections and that "a lack of good qualitative data was the issue."

But Richard Wamai at Northeastern University rejects the claim it’s all about case reporting, and says that "local systems for reporting deaths in Africa make it difficult to hide COVID-19 casualties." In a paper for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Wamai and his coauthors conclude, "[T]here is no evidence that COVID-19 mortality data is less accurately reported in Africa than elsewhere" and "While the true picture of infections and mortality in the continent has yet to fully emerge, the quality of data for other diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, indicates that Africa has the capacity to collect and report valid disease surveillance data."

In any case, the World Health Organization reports that covid deaths in Africa make up only 2.9 percent of covid deaths, while Africa’s population is 16 percent of the global total. Africa’s covid total could double or triple, and Africa would still be faring far better than Europe and the Americas.

Wamai et al. also note that at this point "it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 has already been widely disseminated through Africa…. If so, widespread infection is likely to also result in widespread natural immunity."

n other words, continued claims by health officials—both in Africa and elsewhere—that mass death is right around the corner with the "next wave" look increasingly implausible.

It looks increasingly likely that the lack of covid mortality in Africa is not due to a data issue nor a situation in which covid has been "contained" up until now. So then why is Africa doing so much better than the wealthy West?

Naturally, the advocates of forced lockdowns and coerced vaccines would prefer to ignore this issue altogether, but the undeniable reality of Africa’s experience has forced mainstream researchers to publicly admit the many ways that many factors can explain covid's prevalence beyond vaccination rates and mask mandates.

For instance, mentioning that obesity is an important factor in covid mortality has in the past been likely to get one savaged in the media for "fat shaming." Yet the Africa situation has forced the well informed to admit that yes, obese populations clearly suffer more from covid. In Africa, not surprisingly, we find that obesity rates are far below those found in North America and Europe.

Other possible explanations forwarded as reasons for Africa’s situation include past exposure to other coronaviruses, youthful populations, fewer patients lacking zinc and vitamin D, past use of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination, climate, genetic background, and parasite load. In addressing the African "enigma" one group of researchers in the journal Colombia medica dared even suggest it’s possible—although not conclusively shown at this point—that “a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.”


Source: "Global Obesity Levels,", last modified March 27, 2020; Our World in Data (Share of People Vaccinated against Covid-19, November 19, 2021).

In the West, however, the media drumbeat around covid has consistently been "Shut up, stay home, get jabbed, and stop doubting the experts on forced vaccines." Fortunately, however, the African situation has forced many researchers to ask inconvenient questions.

In fact, it’s amazing Africa has not been overcome by mass death considering that covid lockdowns and covid "mitigation" measures have contributed to the impoverishment and mass starvation on the continent. Or as Germany’s DW News puts it, “Measures put in place to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus are pushing millions of people in Africa into severe hunger.” And as Wamai notes, “some of the excess deaths in Africa “can be attributed not to the disease, but to lockdown measures that cut off access to medical care for other illnesses.”

But Africa hasn’t gotten the bloodbath that was promised, and as one Nigerian put it, "They said there will be dead bodies on the streets and all that, but nothing like that happened."
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