Comet dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thought I would post the dream I had last night. Occasionally (more so recently) I seem to be figuring a few thigns out in my dreams, so thought it may be useful to others share this one.
I'm still reading Secret History, and yet to read Gurdjieff's work (although I have read some small bits), so I am unsure how useful this may be to others.

Anyway...the dream transitioned from another one I had but cannot remember.
I was looking out over a hilly landscape and could see a small valley, short grass and pine trees on the hill in the distance. My sister was with me and we where watching the sky turn black. Normally in my dreams this signifies fear creeping in, and I recognised this and stayed calm.
My sister pointed out two comets as they went over head....they where not what I expected them to look like (so I think are more likely to represent my fears...outside forces beyond my control as someone else mentioned in another dream thread). They looked like clumps of black tourmaline (_ the size of football pitches. No wonder we couldn't see them I thought.
They flew slowly over head (too slowly)...and sped up and crashed in the distance (beyond the hill). They sky's cleared and my sister was thankful it was over.
I said it wasn't. That it was just the prelude to the main event....that the comet coming next was massive by comparison and would blot out the sky if you where under it (sky in the dream was blotted out at that point...this time I think was defiantly my own self created fear creeping in as the light levels dropped a black fog)....that it would probably impact and obliterate most of the northern hemisphere.
MY sister wanted to leave asap, but I said we had to work out when it was going to happen, how long we had got! I knew others had found out when so I went to find the pattern (ancient tree rings oddly enough)...when I got to where the ancient trees where they had been cut off at the root (leaving only an inch of trunk had been freshly cut) was too small so didn't go back far enough in time...another was rotten to the core so again was useless...the third was big enough but had hardly anything left the coring tool would be difficult to use (why I didn't just look at the blatently exposed tree
My sister was protesting that we needed to go....I stubbornly stayed and started coring the tree...fixated on getting the data to show when the big one would be.
A friend arrived (who I didn't recognise...but I didn't pay much attention too as I was too busy focused on the coring)...
He pointed out that 'I was polishing the plastic rod quite nicely'...the corer then appeared to be an acrylic rod...and the handle I was using to turn it was gripping so hard and the rod going no where that it was being polished....hmmm
'you need to let go' he took me a minute of wrestling with myself..but I did....I felt tension in my body I hadn't posture was all crooked (I was hunched)...and I relaxed and submitted (possibly the wrong word..but I can't find one that fits)...I submitted to it (not role over play dead...but accepted the truth of it?)

I woke up with an objectiveness I havn't had for some head is less noisy..probably still a program..but it gave me the contrast to be able to step back and observe myself (I hope!)...atleast a starting point I'd been struggling with.

So what do the symbols mean to me? Well I think it goes something like this....
The events outside of myself had caused a reaction..which I managed to mostly control...however interacting with others in reference with it created a stronger reaction which drove me to focus so intently on something so pointless...and miss the glaringly obviouseness of the data infront of me (which wasn't important anyway as others had already dealt with it)...all the while feeling I was still being objective and DOing something useful (for myself...urk) get out of the situation...
Its quite odd (and slightly sickening) to see parts of your program laid out infront of you like that....

The slight glimmer of realising your nothing but reactions...programs...and nothing else....I hope will allow me to observe myself and my interactions with others

I wanted to post this incase it was of help to others...the contrast needed to start observing
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