City Of London Corporation Ltd Dissolved


The Living Force
It seems the 'Square Mile' has been dissolved.

Reading in a few places that the City of London "corporation" was dissolved yesterday. City of London was the Bad Guys financial control base of operations for eons. The one of 3 obelisk cities (City of London, The Vatican and Washington DC) that operate outside state boundaries as separate entities.

It seems the 'Square Mile' has been dissolved.

That's quite a leap of assumptions. If you look at the filing documents for the City of London Corporation Ltd it's registered using a an online company out of the UK that registers companies for people and allows them to use their address for business purposes. If you look further into that specific company name there's been 2 other companies to use that name that have come and gone over the past decade and a half all with different owners, registering agents, and addresses.

If you look up information on the actual City of London (or Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London City of London Corporation) you'll find on its actual website, its Dun and Bradstreet (a company that handles business information for credit rating purposes) account, its Bloomberg listing, and its opencorpdata listing that the company is registered to the actual Guildhall address of the City of London Corporation as stated on its Wiki page.

Comparing the information, City of London Corporation Ltd has nothing whatsoever to do with the real City of London. Yes, it has "City of London Corporation" in the name, but if you knew anything about how business names work you'd know that a similar name doesn't mean anything. Please take a few minutes to research and think about what you're posting before you post so that way you don't inadvertently and unintentionally waste people's time.
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