CERN - Large Hadron Collider Experiment

The general public isn't aware of what the full potential of the CERN CERN turned on a massive super-collider to unlock secrets about the fabric of reality today Experiment involves and being told a much far different narrative then what is actually taking place. On multiple occasions when fully activated, weird anomalies have been witnessed in the sky and on the ground level. In fact, there has been talk of changes in people living in the surrounding area, located at Genf, Switzerland's French border. It also is now believed to be affecting the earth's magnetopshere and responsible for opening inter dimensional portals to other star systems or realities, which scientist may not have yet discovered how to close, and much like an event which took place on New York Island Montauk Operations during the MK-Ultra Mind control era, also directly related to the Philadelphia experiment.

This took place tonight in 🇨🇭Switzerland, near ⭕️CERN. Home of the Large Hadron Collider.

The C's were asked about CERN June 13th 2015 and from what they said much of the speculation surrounding it that you refer to and has been circulating in the conspiracy spheres over the years is quite far off the mark:
Q: (L) Okay, there's a lot of stuff going around on the net about CERN being a portal or stargate.

[CERN originally stood for "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire", but now the current name is "Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire" - European Organization for Nuclear Research. Nevertheless, the acronym is still CERN. In short, it's a European particle accelerator laboratory.]

(L) So, it's the European nuclear research place. You've been there honey, right?

(Ark) Yeah.

(L) Do you think it's a portal or stargate?

(Ark) There may be something somewhere nearby.

(Perceval) Did you get accelerated?

A: The only "portal" is infrequently utilized by 4D STS.

Q: (L) So in other words, it would be something like multi-level bases in the USA where there are portals to 3rd, 4th, and 5th density? Something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the reader can refer to the underground bases discussion for further understanding of the potential of CERN to be a portal/stargate?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there some kind of dangerous activity going on there that could generate a black hole or something and swallow the Earth?

(Perceval) And send us all into an antimatter universe?

A: They only wish! The more interesting work is of a different nature and location.

Q: (L) Okay, I'll bite. What kind of work is that, and what is the location?

A: We refer to previous discussions about such things as Montauk.

Q: (L) Okay. Yeah, people ought to be reading the sessions and putting things together. Next question… [...]

For the discussion of underground bases you can check out the November 4th 1995 session.

There's also other mentions and even a dedicated thread for CERN wherein it's discussed that no, people should not be concerned about CERN. @Toni Lorenzo please use the search function before creating a new thread as we usually have dedicated threads for most conspiracy topics and it's best to read through them first before posting to get up to speed on how we understand the topic in question.
The C's were asked about CERN June 13th 2015 and from what they said much of the speculation surrounding it that you refer to and has been circulating in the conspiracy spheres over the years is quite far off the mark:

For the discussion of underground bases you can check out the November 4th 1995 session.

There's also other mentions and even a dedicated thread for CERN wherein it's discussed that no, people should not be concerned about CERN. @Toni Lorenzo please use the search function before creating a new thread as we usually have dedicated threads for most conspiracy topics and it's best to read through them first before posting to get up to speed on how we understand the topic in question.
Many thanks from me, too!

Particle trio exceeds expectations at LHC​

The ATLAS experiment measured more than expected of a trio of particles in the aftermath of proton collisions. The results will refine physicists’ understanding of our universe at the subatomic level.

The ATLAS experiment has confirmed that a trio of particles - a top-antitop quark pair and a W boson - occurs more frequently than expected - in the wake of proton-proton collisions inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The process that creates these three particles post impact is quite rare: Only one out of every 50,000 collisions at the LHC produces the trio, known as ttW. After popping into existence, top quarks and W bosons are short lived and decay almost immediately, so the team identified ttW events based on the electrons and muons they decay into.

I am in no way physicist, but was always interested in understanding quantum universe principles at least on basic level.
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