Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search Website


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Building from, and in addition to @KS' awesome work on compiling the transcripts in different file formats, today marks the official launch of the Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search Page version 1.0: It's mobile-friendly too, so you can even search the transcripts on your phone.

Feel free to try out the search feature—right now it only supports the AND operation between words, so you will need to be more precise with your search, though in the future I'm planning to include the OR operation as an option too.
I updated the search highlighting algorithm last night. It will now match multiple search terms and their respective forms.

For example, if you type "comet flare" in the search bar and hit enter, it will match on the terms: "comet", "comets", "flare", "flares", "flaring", etc.

It's still searching and filtering transcripts based on AND, so it will find only find transcripts that only have the terms you specify and their various forms.

I'll work on adding the OR filtering next, which will find any transcript that has any of the search terms you put in.
I updated the search highlighting algorithm last night. It will now match multiple search terms and their respective forms.

For example, if you type "comet flare" in the search bar and hit enter, it will match on the terms: "comet", "comets", "flare", "flares", "flaring", etc.

It's still searching and filtering transcripts based on AND, so it will find only find transcripts that only have the terms you specify and their various forms.

I'll work on adding the OR filtering next, which will find any transcript that has any of the search terms you put in.

Hi Pecha, thanks for your service and good work- its all very much appreciated !

thankyou :thup:
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