Bush at his worst... Or best.




Ok, so we've seem them all a dozen times but I can never get enough of the idiot's psychopathic syntax and chronic cluelessness. It's some light relief to the overall tragedy of it all at least. Some of my favourites:

"Who could have possibly envisioned an erection — an election in Iraq at this point in history?" —George W. Bush, at the white House, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2005

"You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that....Get any sleep?" —George W. Bush, to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

"Because the — all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculate, for example, is on the table; whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those — changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be — or closer delivered to what has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the — like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate — the benefits will rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those — if that growth is affected, it will help on the red." —George W. Bush, explaining his plan to save Social Security, Tampa, Fla., Feb. 4, 2005

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." —George W. Bush, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005

"I like the idea of people running for office. There's a positive effect when you run for office. Maybe some will run for office and say, vote for me, I look forward to blowing up America. I don't know, I don't know if that will be their platform or not. But it's -- I don't think so. I think people who generally run for office say, vote for me, I'm looking forward to fixing your potholes, or making sure you got bread on the table." —George W. Bush, on elections in the Middle East, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2005

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me." —George W. Bush, Washington D.C., April 14, 2005

"But Iraq has — have got people there that are willing to kill, and they're hard-nosed killers. And we will work with the Iraqis to secure their future." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"I can only speak to myself." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005

"We discussed the way forward in Iraq, discussed the importance of a democracy in the greater Middle East in order to leave behind a peaceful tomorrow." —George W. Bush, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 10, 2005

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." —George W. Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005

"The relations with, uhh — Europe are important relations, and they've, uhh — because, we do share values. And, they're universal values, they're not American values or, you know — European values, they're universal values. And those values — uhh — being universal, ought to be applied everywhere." —George W. Bush, at a press conference with European Union dignitaries, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005

"I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend." —George W. Bush, on visiting Denmark, Washington D.C., June 29, 2005

"We've got a lot of rebuilding to do. First, we're going to save lives and stabilize the situation. And then we're going to help these communities rebuild. The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch." (Laughter) --George W. Bush, touring hurricane damage, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." —George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005

"Wow! Brazil is big." —George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005

"I think we are welcomed. But it was not a peaceful welcome." —George W. Bush, defending Vice President Dick Cheney's pre-war assertion that the United States would be welcomed in Iraq as liberators, NBC Nightly News interview, Dec. 12, 2005

"I mean, there was a serious international effort to say to Saddam Hussein, you're a threat. And the 9/11 attacks extenuated that threat, as far as I-concerned." —George W. Bush, Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 2005


Dear Lord this man is not president, this man is not president, this man is not president....

I found one more I thought you might like. The film clip can be found at e-baums world.(type in "bush sovereignty" in the search field)

Q:Mr President , you've been a president and a governor so you have a unique experience looking at it from 2 directions.What do you think tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century?And how do we resolve conflicts between tribes and the federal and state governments?

GWB:Yeah. Uh tribal sovereignty means that... it's sovereign.You're a ... you're a ..you've been given sovereignty and you're ....veiwed as a ....sovereign....entity.And therefore the relationship between the federal government and ...tribes is one between....sovereign entities.

Comment: Well i'm glad he cleared that up for me.
Lol - lovely collection!

Here is one I remember from the very start of his "presidency" I think - It was on mainstream TV. The interviewer asked him what he thought of the Talebans and his answer was: "The Talebans? Is that a rock group?"
GALVESTON, Texas, April 26, 2005 (AP) - President Bush drew laughs from his audience Tuesday when he asked whether the Galveston area still hosts "Splash Day." The annual beach party that dates to the 1950s does live on -- but now as an unofficial gay and lesbian event. In town to speak about Social Security, Bush told the crowd: "I want to thank the mayor for being here -- Lyda Ann Thomas greeted me coming in. I said, 'Do you still have Splash Day?'"

The crowd laughed. "You have to be a baby boomer to know what I'm talking about," Bush said. The crowd laughed again. Splash Day once marked the end of school and the beginning of summertime fun. The city backed off from it many years ago when it turned a little too wild, says Christy Benson of the Galveston Chamber of Commerce. It later became a party day for gays and lesbians. Drawing another round of laughter, Bush said: "I'm not saying whether I came or not on Splash Day. I'm just saying, 'Do you have Splash Day?'"


"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 17, 2004


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." Washington, D.C. 08.05.04


..."All up and down the different aspects of our society, we had meaningful discussions. Not only in the Cabinet Room, but prior to this and after this day, our secretaries, respective secretaries, will continue to interact to create the conditions necessary for prosperity to reign." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003


"There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed the troops, I've got an additional responsibility to hug and that's me and I know what it's like." —Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002
May I Quote You, Mr. President?


May I Quote You, Mr. President?
A selection of 50 quotes from President George W. Bush, for entertainment or meditation

by Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay

-A man lost in his geography:

1-"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."

George W. Bush

2-"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."

George W. Bush

3-"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."

George W. Bush

-A man lost in his logic:

4-" It isn't pollution that's harming the environment.

It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it. "

George W. Bush

5-"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

George W. Bush

6-"These people are trying to shake the will of the Iraqi citizens, and they want us to leave...I think the world would be better off if we did leave..."

George W. Bush

7-"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."

George W. Bush

8-"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

George W. Bush

9-"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

George W. Bush

10-Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.

George W. Bush

-A man lost in space:

11-"For NASA, space is still a high priority."

George W. Bush


12-"I believe God wants me to be president."

George W. Bush

13- [I was] "chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment."

George W. Bush

14-"God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East."

George W. Bush

15-"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job."

George W. Bush

-The man lost in his vocabulary:

16-" Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."

George W. Bush

17-"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'."

George W. Bush

18-"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is, 'to be prepared'."

George W. Bush

19-'There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.'

George W. Bush

- Thoughts coming straight from George Orwell's '1984':

20-"Iraq and Afghanistan ...are now democracies and they are allies in the cause of freedom and peace."

George W. Bush

21-"Ariel Sharon ... is a man of courage and a man of peace."

George W. Bush

22-"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

George W. Bush


23-"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."

George W. Bush

24-"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table."

George W. Bush

25-"Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."

George W. Bush

26- "Governments accountable to the voters focus on building roads and schools-not weapons of mass destruction." (N.B.: The U.S. has 10,000 nuclear weapons)

George W. Bush

-The Theologian:

27-"Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion."

George W. Bush

28-"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."

George W. Bush

-THE Flip-Flopper:

29-"I favor leaving up to a woman and her doctor the abortion question."

George W. Bush

30-"I am pro-life."

George W. Bush

31- "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."

George W. Bush

32- "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

George W. Bush

33-"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories...for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them."

George W. Bush

-The forecaster of things to come:

34-"Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties [in Iraq]."

George W. Bush

35-"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. "

George W. Bush

36-"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."

George W. Bush

37-"Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them: If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you."

George W. Bush, (speech of March 17, 2003)

38-"To the C students, I say you too can be president of the United States."

George W. Bush

-The astute observer:

39-"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

George W. Bush

40-"Brownie (Michael Brown of FEMA), you're doing a heck of a job."

George W. Bush

-A man and his environment:

41-"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

George W. Bush

-The double-talker:

42-"There's a lot of suffering in the Palestinian territory, because militant Hamas is trying to stop the advance of democracy." (N.B.: The Hamas government was elected)

George W. Bush

43-"We look forward to analyzing and working with legislation that will make-it would hope-put a free press's mind at ease that you're not being denied information you shouldn't see."

George W. Bush


44-"In a time of war, the president must have the power he needs to make the tough decisions, including, if need be, the decision to grant himself even more power."

George W. Bush

45-"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."

George W. Bush

46-"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

George W. Bush

47-"I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president."

George W. Bush

48- "I will not withdraw [from Iraq], even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me."

George W. Bush

49- "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best."

George W. Bush

-And, last but not least, CONSIDERING THE MESS IN IRAQ:

50-"I don't have the foggiest idea about what I think about international, foreign policy."

George W. Bush
May I Quote You, Mr. President?

Reading them made me laugh and cry at the same time. What a horrible thing for the leader of the country with the most bombs to be such an idiot.
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