Bridge Over Troublesome Waters?

I ran across a site ran by a coupla guys claiming to be former members of Cass's "Inner Circle," & they are saying some very mean n derogatory things about Cass, Laura in particular. It made me ill & angry because in addition to serious accusations, they resorted to name-calling/personal insults. Very mean! This invalidated any beef they may have, IMO. I haven't seen Laura maliciously insult any1, no matter WHAT they've said about her. Anything for attention, I suppose. PEACE
Yep, 'by their fruits ye shall know them' - pretty much sums it up. We have quite a few 'full time harassment technicians' out on the www - usually they just end up being great advertising - as long as they spell Laura's name right! People read the filth, get really turned off and end up here to figure out what all the hub-bub was about. Once they actually take the time to read the REAL material, they tend to stick around.

I'm glad you could see it was lies, lies and more lies.
For sure, Anart. To me, when ppl begin hurling hurtful personal insults, this tells me that they must not have a leg to stand on. Of course the hint of whom I'm refering to lies in the title of my post...I take it THESE are the ppl that cold-heartedly published transcripts that weren't meant for the public because of the participants' desire for social sensitivity whatsoever. PEACE
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