

Hello! My question is about bloodlines and from what I have read it seems that each race of humans were created with distinctive traits? I would like to know if a person can posses a mixer of these bloodlines? I recently discovered that my "recipe" is very unique. I realize most all humans are muliti racial yet my genes are surprisingly etremely mixed. My maternal grandparents are predominatly enlgish,irish,sicilian. My fraternal grandparents were english, french,greek,african,native american. Does mixing blood have any effect on the soul?
Hi Arreis13,

I would probably approach the question from different end.
IMHO. Soul would not get in a specific/unique genetic profile it would not find fitting.
From what I understand from the C's is the genetic profile tries to match the souls. Being in 3D aswell as buying into culture illusions is taxing for the soul. Don't know just how much of a two way street mixing genes is.
Hi Arreis13. If the genetic profile matches with soul -as the Cs said and as parallel pointed above- then that means that the soul very probably chooses what best fits for your current life and lessons. Including place, time, family, neighbours, body type. It could even happen that in former lives, your soul chose a body of a very different racial configuration, if such a thing is possible.

And if any effect is possible between soul and body, I would say that it is more probable that soul can have some effect on the body, rather than the other way.
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