Blair Government intent on abolishing Parliament




"The boringly-named Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is in fact a very dangerous piece of legislation. It grants any minister the ability to amend, replace, or repeal existing legislation. The frightening thing is this: they would be able to do so without having to allow Parliament to examine it properly, taking away the ability of Parliament to meaningfully represent the citizens of this country."

This is, in my view, nothing less that outright totalitarianism. They sneakily plan to keep a token Parliament in order to give a semblance of continuity. All the while, yet more power is transferred to the executive. I can just see Emperor Palpatine, sorry Prime Minister Blair, standing in front of the Imperial Senate, sorry Parliament, giving his triumphant speech in his hooded black cape.

Can anyone tell me one thing - where does this seemingly endless push for more surveillance, more executive power, more control, control, control, come from? Who is originating this agenda? Why the need for endless self-serving control? What do they fear?

And this is going on not just in one country, but many. Who is co-ordinating this? G8, Bilderbergers, who?

RichM said:
Who is co-ordinating this?
It is the agenda of the malevolent forth dimensional reptilian beings which work hard to push this planet into total oppression in order to take over before the planetary dimension shift from a three dimensional earth to a four dimensional earth occurs at approximately some time around 2012.

As their tools they use legions of psychopathic leaders (such as Blair & Bush) as well as organic portals to implement the agenda.

It is critical to do this NOW as total oppression is MUCH harder to implement after the shift into 4D has happened. That coming shift (which will bring with it mayor physical earth changes that we are starting to see already) marks the end of a ca. 300,000 year cycle of this planet being stuck to this 3D materialistic existence.

On one side we all face great danger that they may succeed (looks like it right now) meaning the majority of this human population will experience a few hundred thousand more years in slavery.

On the other side many people (like the one on this forum and even more so the ones operating this web-site) working hard to expose just this very fact so we all get a chance to make it out alive and in freedom!!!
You don't think it might be some group a little less, shall we say, down-to-earth? I think can be explained without resort to interdimensional beings. Whats the evidence for these beings?

If I go with your argument then their staying hidden indicates that they have vulnerabilities and probably not strength of numbers.

How do they benefit from our being in slavery?
Rich - This might be a bit "out there" for ya, but i suggest ya read through the whole "The Wave" section on the website, you can access it from the site map off the main page. Here's the URL for the introduction:

but i read through that first when i stumbled onto this particular website. It's a good explaination of pretty much everything we mention in brief re: 4D Service to Self beings, History being manipulated by same, and what will be happening sortly in our future. It's very gnostic, would make great fiction.
Hi Rich

Your questions are basically the same as the questions of people in my personal life when I loosely broach that "out there" topic. A good many people are starting to come to the realisation that we are in the s*** and they want to know why. I "woke up" about 3 years ago and a lot has changed in that time not just in the political spheres but regarding earth & climate as well as cosmic events.

I realise the hyperdimensional aspect can be hard to swallow - it goes against everything we have been brought up to believe is possible, but the more you read & expand your knowledge base, you eventually come to a crossroads. You either keep searching for an answer that fits the "goverments doing it for an earthly reason" theory but it gets harder because nothing really satisfactorly answers the question. So your mind will either make something that doesnt fit, fit (which can be uncomfortable) - or you will slowly, gradually start toying with ideas of a hyperdimensional "flavour" and I guarantee you that if you truly ponder with an objective, open mind - these theories fit like a glove OSIT. I have met a lot of people in the public discussion group "casschat" & members of the private discussion group and they arent wackos, on the contrary, there are some of the smartest, knowledgeable people I've ever had the privilege of discoursing with. I come here to discuss such matters because it is nigh on impossible to talk to people I know (friends, family) about such things. You will activate a variety of programs in people by just mentioning something that questions their belief systems.

So, in summary, you are here because you have questions - questions that are driving you to seek answers. You havent been totally scared off by the concept of hyperdimensional controllers, and a healthy dose of skepticism is vital. Take some time out to read and have a ponder about such theories - it takes the mind time to become accustomed to them, its a big shock after all. Have you seen the movie "the Matrix"? You know the scene where Neo is released from his dream state and he's on the nebuchadnezzar having been confronted with the truth and they are worried his mind is going to pop with the shock of the truth? It takes time, and the concept is not for everyone. It may also not be correct, it is only an unproven theory as of yet - but if you read the literature available, it ends up being a hard theory to discount.

Hope this helps

IMO things are hitting critical, and paradigm incompatibility may not be a real issue here. I mean, we agree on the spirit of the letter, i.e., that there are relentless influences of control and that these cannot be addressed through "proper channels".

There is a connecting link between the pro-interdimensionals and the "skeptics" or agnostics, and that is Ponerology Theory. Whether psychopathic is endogenous in humans or due to some interdimensional influence is a valid question, but the result is the same, a highly organized and highly influential group of human psychopaths trying to turn the world into a slaughter-house/plantation/slave-zoo, an oyster to consume ravenously.

It is good to keep an open mind, and better to explore your options so that anything you do believe is firmly grounded in your reason. People who agree with the spirit of the letter here have something in common, an understanding that transcends the details of the paradigm one is allied to. When that link is strong, then explorations of possibilities can be smoother and not cause unecessary breaks between people or groups.

One thing I have understood regarding the interdimensional influence paradigm is that it is still evolving, many of its concepts have negative associations and there is a lot of confusion around it, much of it deliberately induced. The truth is that either something is going on "outside the box" or our conventional understanding of the "box" is limited because it has been defined for us. How we are to redefine it for ourselves is challenge, and it must be done for each in their own way.

However, the need to somehow expand, throw out, or simply redefine the box may be a matter of survival and cannot be ignored.
This forum is doing its job brilliantly. Last week it survived possible attack which will make it stronger, now another person is provided with some answers....

Could I ask a question?

Ok, I have heard of the shift in 2012, but how do we know that this is going to involve a change of dimension?

Also if we change from being 3rd dimensional beings to 4th dimensional beings with greater spiritual and physical (if that is possible in the 4th dimension) control over our sovereign beings, why should we worry about 3rd dimensional domination?

Surely, we are worried about 3rd dimensional domination because this status is likely to be the status in which we remain and so the dark side can entrap us beyond the 2012 time scale?

I would dearly like some insight into this one if anyone can help?
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