Astronomers Discover Six-Planet System Moving With Incredible Harmony

NewEngland Seeker

The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
A part of the universe of chaos there is a section that has achieved harmony! This is an example of something big, but what this means I do not know! Could this be a bleed through of a higher dimension? A sign of what is to come? What does 3-2 resonance of 6 planets sound like?

"Astronomers Discover Six-Planet System Moving with Incredible Harmony"

“The star HD 158259 is almost visible to the naked eye in the Draco constellation 88 light-years from Earth. Nothing special so far. What makes the star intriguing is that it is surrounded by six planets. Only 12 other systems have this many or more orbiting a star. Not only that but the orbit of the planets have a specific rhythm.

“The planets are said to be in almost 3:2 resonance. This means that for every three orbits of the innermost planet, the second innermost one completes two orbits. And for every three orbits of the second, the third does two, and so on.”

Astronomers Discover Six-Planet System Moving With Incredible Harmony
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