Article in mainstream media about explosions in Twin Towers before the collapse


The Living Force
There is an article in the Norwegian web paper Dagbladet with a proposed explanation for the reported loud bangs from the towers before the collapse - _

"Rett før tvillingtårnene falt 11. september 2001, meldte flere om kraftige smell fra skyskraperne. Dette har gitt grobunn for flere konspirasjonsteorier. Blant annet ble det hevdet at noen hadde plassert sprengladninger i tårnene før flyene traff. "

"Immediately preceding the collapse of the Twin Towers 11. september 2001, several witnesses reported hearing loud bangs form the skyscrapers. This has been the cause of several conspiracy theories. Among other things it was claimed that someone had planted explosives in the towers before the airplanes hit."

The article then goes on to present a theory about it being melted aluminium that got in contact with water that caused the explosions. This isn't as significant as the fact that this is the first time one of the larger providers of news in Norway has mentioned anything about explosions before the collapse. Maybe there is some curiosity left out there after all.
The Guardian printed a very good article by Charlie Skelton on a 9-11 symposium called "How the world changed after 9-11".
He notes the thoughts of Webster Tarpley, Wayne Madsen, and Ray McGovern in his coverage of the symposium.

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