Archaeological Question for the C's


The Force is Strong With This One
Regarding potential future questions for the C's, linked below is an ancient archaeological mystery that perhaps they could shed some light upon. No one knows what these things are, and academia has claimed they are "natural formations" because these (clearly artificial) formations are thousands of years old and upset the accepted timeline:

Interesting, never heard about these 400 artificial mounds ("tumuli") with cement cores and iron on New Caledonia off Australia. The carbon dating gives dates ranging from 2000 BC to 10000 BC, predating the arrival of the Melanesians - who also say they don't know who built them.

There are no human remains or human-made artifacts in those mounds or anywhere on the island that predate the current Melanesian population. The "giant bird nesting place" theory or "natural formations around tree trunks that rotted away" could also not explain the features of these mounds.

The author concludes:
The incongruity of the scientific establishment, particularly archaeologists and historians, in having Chevalier’s excavation reports since 1963 while still proposing solutions that do not, in any way, account for what lies within these structures is staggering. The tumuli, after all, remain readily available for examination. This inaction must represent, in large part at least, the instinctive avoidance of something that challenges present paradigms about human settlement in the southern Pacific.
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