April Drop Dead Date

Caledonia said:
Hi all. That is what i thought of today regarding April and all that is closely connected with it.
First the meaning of the word. April comes originally from the Latin word aperire or something like that and it means to open or opening as an act.Which brings another interesting aspect into consideration. That is if we take the word opening and translateit into greek we have the apocalypso. Thus the apocalypse is rather some disclosure or opening or revealing of something. The book of Apocalypse is the book of Revelation or disclosure given to the author or the authors.Which leads logically to some stuff given by the C's lately. Namely some event to start the unzipping process or the moment of the so called opening when all hell breaks loose. Finally we come to a conclusion that April is the symbolic month of some apocalypse in its broadest sense when something happens to open the window for further rather unpleasant events. That would be an assumption though unless there were a plethora of events that happened in April from year to year.

1865 Lincoln is assassinated
1870 Vladimir Lenin or Ulyanov is born
1889 Adolph Hitler or Shicklegruber is born
1912 Titanic sinks
1945 WWII ends officially on the 30 th
1986 Chernobyl atomic disaster
2003 USA invades Iraq
2009 Swine flu outbreak
2010 EJ in iceland erupts
2013 Boston marathon bombings
2014 Start of the Ukie nazi campaign in Donbass
2015 ????????????

I am sure i missed a whole lot of events but in each case it was the beginning of something on a historical scale.
You may suggest some more. You are welcome. That would be interesting. :cool:

the 1999 Columbine High School shooting on April 20th comes to mind for one...

Seems like March, April and May have been active months for all sorts of messed up stuff to happen.

Occult holidays/Sabbats around the time of year:
March 21-22 - Goddess Ostara, Ishtar - Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara.
April 1 - All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!
April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
April 30 - May 1 - Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar.
May 1 is the "Illuminati's" second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required
Especially in the last few weeks, every day after catching up with the news I feel like we've reached critical mass of total retardation...

Then, the earth keeps spinning. Somehow, to accept this seems to strain credulity. This has _got_ to collapse.
I just finished reading Bob Altemeyer's 1988 follow-up book to "The Authoritarians." This one is entitled "Enemies of Freedom." After reading all the studies he did, the trials, surveys, experimental stuff, the picture is totally depressing. The authoritarian personality types will NOT "get it" until it is too late. So I guess the Cs are right, people are gonna have to suffer a LOT more.

I guess we'll see how things go. I can't help but feel like I'm holding my breath part of the time and maybe the planet is too. Like you, UG, I just don't see how things can continue in the state of madness we observe, but they do.
In 2009 in my contry Moldova in the capital: Kishinev/Chisinau there was organized a small colour revolution by the opposition against the ruling party at that time which was the Communist party, a party friendly towards Russia,the opposition was financed and supported by the West Governments, on 7 April 2009 a gang of angry young men manipulated by the usual masked agent provocateurs who were the first ones to throw rock and Molotov cocktails at Parliament building, then most of the people started to act violently, started to throw rocks Molotov cocktail and basically in that day on 7 of April they destroyed the Parliament, that act didn't changed the things in a more positive outcome so to say, no right now that opposition from 2009 has won the elections( last year) has sided itself with the USA and EU and alienated itself from Russia that was a very bad move i think, time will tell, anyway excuse me for getting a little offtopic, my point was that on April 2009 my country took a dangerous road...
Laura said:
I just finished reading Bob Altemeyer's 1988 follow-up book to "The Authoritarians." This one is entitled "Enemies of Freedom." After reading all the studies he did, the trials, surveys, experimental stuff, the picture is totally depressing. The authoritarian personality types will NOT "get it" until it is too late. So I guess the Cs are right, people are gonna have to suffer a LOT more.

I guess we'll see how things go. I can't help but feel like I'm holding my breath part of the time and maybe the planet is too. Like you, UG, I just don't see how things can continue in the state of madness we observe, but they do.

I think the current state of madness that we observe is not necessarily atypical of the human condition. There has been misery and destruction throughout the (faked) history that is recorded. Perhaps we are coming to a peak of a cycle, but the cycle itself is "timeless". OSIT.

As far as suffering, your tag line says it all:

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.
London Gold Fix Closed – Sign of Drastic Changes the World Financial System Is To Go Through
Valentin KATASONOV | 23.03.2015 | 09:04

Link for article : http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/03/23/london-gold-fix-closed-sign-drastic-changes-world-financial-system-through.html

As Bear noted last year on this thread, the Dutch left the LGF, then known as the "Big Five, making it the "Big Four". Three hypotheses are offered , guesses really, as to why and what next......basically they all boil down to infighting between Rothchilde/Rockefeller interests.

This is B I G news, am shocked it's not getting more play. It further indicates the shift to the East, from the West;politically, financially, globally. US Dollar is DOA, right now.

Also, in the USA ,US Joint Military Operation JADE HELM, now involves all states,that is ALL STATES, on the southern border of the USA. All branches of the US Military are participating in this.. why aren't we hearing about it ? What are they practicing on US Citizens ? and Why ?

Are your identity and ownership papers in order ?

Is it only about the Moola, Chula...?

B, :cool2:
Laura said:
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.

True. This is because this society is afraid of "knowing yourself". When people start to see in themselves they are so afraid that I am sure they go to the doctor for pills. Anguish, fear, insecurity, all of this make people go to take pills instead of stopping, listening inside. Suffering, for them, is negative... there is no lesson, so no learning.

It seems to me that lately things are "out of control" and I am always surprised that life continue as nothing. We are in the brink of a precipice, now much more than some years ago. The violence on this planet is flabbergasted, incredible.
loreta said:
Laura said:
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.

True. This is because this society is afraid of "knowing yourself". When people start to see in themselves they are so afraid that I am sure they go to the doctor for pills. Anguish, fear, insecurity, all of this make people go to take pills instead of stopping, listening inside. Suffering, for them, is negative... there is no lesson, so no learning.

It seems to me that lately things are "out of control" and I am always surprised that life continue as nothing. We are in the brink of a precipice, now much more than some years ago. The violence on this planet is flabbergasted, incredible.

I feel like this as well Loreta, it's insane, but I'm a bit hopeful as well and I don't know why maybe it's normalcy bias. but the times they are a changing, and it's going to get worse for the west, but, "and this is maybe wishful thinking" there's Putin, There's BRICS, it look's like an empire is going to fall, I'm sure Russia and China are aware of this, but they seem to be putting in place the instruments to mitigate the chaos that the collapse of the dollar and it's vassals would cause, It's crazy at the moment but, there is change as well and it look's change for the good, maybe a meteor wipes us out and it's game over but until that happens, I have hope.
Just read this

Us Navy joins the strikes of the Saudis and the rest Gulf states

Looks like it was namely Uncle Sam from the get-go who had the most itchy hands for some fighting.
Psychopathic trigger-happy military personnel couldn't wait any longer. Poor little soulless monsters. :cool2:
loreta said:
Laura said:
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.

True. This is because this society is afraid of "knowing yourself". When people start to see in themselves they are so afraid that I am sure they go to the doctor for pills. Anguish, fear, insecurity, all of this make people go to take pills instead of stopping, listening inside. Suffering, for them, is negative... there is no lesson, so no learning.

It seems to me that lately things are "out of control" and I am always surprised that life continue as nothing. We are in the brink of a precipice, now much more than some years ago. The violence on this planet is flabbergasted, incredible.

Well, if you read the book mentioned, Altemeyer's "Enemies of Freedom", you'll find that the fear is what makes the authoritarian MORE AGGRESSIVE and fascistic. They do NOT see anything "in themselves", it's all the fault of those evil leftists and liberals and corporal punishment and torture will fix everything.
So April takes its first heavy death toll in Kenya some sources say that the bodycount is well over 70 some that it exceeds the number of 145 or more. Well but all in all who cares? One would think that such heavy loss of lives would impress the Western world but dont hold your breath folks it will be forgotten in a few days. Great. :scared: When a dozen of people as in Charlie Hebdo in Europe are shot in the middle of the dirtiest FFA the west is shocked the bigwigs gather and pretend to hypocritically mourn but when 70 to 150 people are shot in cold blood by some Us sponsored Al-CIA-da proxy bloodthirsty cell group then it is ok - nothing to see here people move along - who cares for the blacks after all eh? That is disgusting :shock:

And certainly dear Mr O-bomber the Lord of the Drones of the D.C. wouldn bat an eyelash seeing his own paternal fatherland raped so viciously by Uncle Sam funded thug group. :cool2:
Laura said:
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.

Yeah, that's undoubtedly true. I'm reminded though that the C's never said humanity would learn anything from the upcoming suffering but that it would be the only way left to unite us all. Apparently, there is something very important about humanity being united.
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