Another hole in the swiss cheese we call "public education" in America...

dannybananny said:
I meant hope in the educational sense, like maybe he can learn. :) And I think there is hope for us to grow if we are willing and able to learn. Sometimes I think it's the only hope we have...

Thanks for clarification, but I think hope is not enough.
Thanks for helping me to understand what you are saying too. :) I'm still going to hope my students will be willing and able to learn and think there may be hope for them to grow (physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually) if they are able to. I must find some reason to live and mine is the hope that I can help myself by educating myself and that others can help themselves in this way too. :)
This year all students attending public middle and high schools in the state of California are required to get a whooping cough vaccine: _

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the vaccine might not work: _

As of last year ten infants in California have died from contracting the whooping cough:

That news is old, but apparently another baby just died: _

Millions of teenaged students are being required to pay money to be vaccinated, because about a dozen infants in California have died. However, to the best of my knowledge none of the employees working at these schools are required to get them.

If preventing our students from contracting the whooping cough is so important, then why shouldn't I, as their teacher, also be required to get this vaccine? The only logic I can see is that this vaccine requirement financially supports the pharmaceutical company or companies who sell them and people like me might "stir the water" if they forced the vaccine on us too...

One of my student's parents both work the night shift cleaning a local hospital. The family is not rich and my student does not have health insurance. Last week my student's parents drove to more than five locations attempting to get the best deal, because the vaccine is about $50 if you don't have insurance. My student had to take a day off of school last week and waited for about half a day just to get the vaccine for cheaper. Other students don't even know about this new requirement. I wonder how many students we will turn away if they are not vaccinated according to this new law... :scared:
Scarlet said:
One of my student's parents both work the night shift cleaning a local hospital. The family is not rich and my student does not have health insurance. Last week my student's parents drove to more than five locations attempting to get the best deal, because the vaccine is about $50 if you don't have insurance. My student had to take a day off of school last week and waited for about half a day just to get the vaccine for cheaper. Other students don't even know about this new requirement. I wonder how many students we will turn away if they are not vaccinated according to this new law... :scared:

This is all really disgusting. Especially when you consider that "Nearly two out of three people who got whooping cough in San Diego County were immunized. " (Read the whole article here. Also, "Medical literature shows that there has never been an outbreak of any infectious disease in which vaccinated children did not contract that disease." which can be read about here.
Nienna Eluch said:
Scarlet said:
One of my student's parents both work the night shift cleaning a local hospital. The family is not rich and my student does not have health insurance. Last week my student's parents drove to more than five locations attempting to get the best deal, because the vaccine is about $50 if you don't have insurance. My student had to take a day off of school last week and waited for about half a day just to get the vaccine for cheaper. Other students don't even know about this new requirement. I wonder how many students we will turn away if they are not vaccinated according to this new law... :scared:

This is all really disgusting. Especially when you consider that "Nearly two out of three people who got whooping cough in San Diego County were immunized. " (Read the whole article here. Also, "Medical literature shows that there has never been an outbreak of any infectious disease in which vaccinated children did not contract that disease." which can be read about here.
Thanks for this comment and for the article links, Nienna Eluch! I think this thread is going to help me be able to stay out of the Swamp this school year...I can face this mess, I just know it! I am livid to learn that 2/3 of the people who got the virus in San Diego were actually immunized...WOW...I just don't have the heart to tell my student who went to such great efforts to get the shot last week...She won't get the virus, she'll be okay...

Sure it's sad that a dozen babies have died, but it's really painful to see that some drug company is USING these dead babies as an excuse to make millions of dollars. The idea of exploiting the dead WHILE forcing vaccinations onto my students is too much to think about at this time of night. Time for EE...
sScarlett said:
WOW, so our school's wrestling shirts say "your pain is our pleasure!" I almost can't believe it!
My boyriend's son came home from high school the other day with a water bottle that the Marines were handing out....On the bottle it says, "Pain is weakness leaving your body."

He is always coming home with military themed stuff. I don't like that they solicit at the school!
Scarlet said:
hallowed said:
Scarlett, you seem like a very caring teacher, but, teachers are not really mental health workers and you can only do what you can within the limits.
So true, hallowed, but I think being a teacher is a job that requires me to act as a mental health worker in certain situations regardless of my training or ability to do so. With that being said, I must recognize that according to the standards of education at my school this person deserves, on average, a maximum of two minutes of my time each day.

If he chooses to return to my room I will use it as an opportunity to speak with him briefly outside. I plan to sincerely and delicately question him about why he distrusts authority figures so much. Then I plan to ask him why he thinks jail, a place where he will be required to submit completely to authority figures, would be a place he has decided is the place for him. These are two questions that I would like him to answer for me and then after that it's either work on art time or back to the school psychologist for him...
Well, this student passed my class last semester with a 'D' and placing him in the front of class next to some caring girls seemed to have helped a lot. He did still have numerous dramatic attention-seeking episodes when he would run out of the class for seemingly no reason and some really disrespectful comments (he dislikes gay people very much), but he actually completed enough of the coursework! It's weird though, because he seemed like two people. One minute he would blow up and run away, then the next, he would come back to class and calmly ask me things like if I thought he should join the military, become a nurse, go to college, etc. :huh:

I'm writing because at the end of last semester he threatened to have his brother, who just got out of jail, shoot two other teachers. It was all caught on tape and a judge issued a restraining order, because the boy just turned eighteen and is now apparently an adult. So, instead of expelling this student, he is now being home-schooled until February when he will return to my class?! I don't know why he will be coming back, but maybe the school doesn't want to deal with his mom, who has threatened to sue even though she is on welfare. All I know is nothing had better happen to those two teachers he threatened or else there really will be a lawsuit!

So, in addition to learning the "three Rs," our students get to learn the three Ps: pathology, paramoralisms, and ponerization. Oh sheesh!
This horrible excuse for a teacher is receiving his full retirement pension AND medical benefits for life via the California teacher retirement system that I pay into! I told my dad I think he's a psychopath and my dad said (jokingly) that he makes psychopaths look good! Warning, what this man did is extremely disgusting and this article is not for the faint of heart.

A teacher will receive their pension regardless of the reason for their termination because it is a benefit the teacher earned through their contributions and length of service,” said Michelle Mussuto, a spokeswoman for CalSTRS. “Once earned, that benefit cannot be taken away unless it is determined the teacher obtained that benefit by fraudulent means.”

Berndt has been receiving $3,891.17 per month since last July.

CalSTRS has it all wrong, because labeling this "man" a teacher IS fraudulent!
Yeah, I agree. Calling this "man" a teacher is as fraudulent as any other way I can think of "obtaining the benefits by fraudulent means."

By the way, this story was carried on SOTT -- I read it yesterday.
Thanks for letting me know, SeekinTruth! Here's the link to the SOTT article:

The entire staff at the school has now been replaced which, according to the article below, is costing the district $5.7 million! I have no idea how that is going to help.

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